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Bøger udgivet af Vigmostad & Bjørke AS (VB Import)

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  • af Douglas Coupland
    187,95 kr.

    Boken handler om begynnelsen av 1990-årene, og forfatteren prøver å finne spesielle karakteristika ved samfunnet og "ting i tiden" i denne perioden. Boken er en analyse av samfunnet med hovedvekt på det amerikanske.

  • af Steve Martini
    107,95 kr.

    Den pensjonerte yrkessoldaten Emiliano Ruiz er anklaget for mordet på Madelyn Chapman. Chapman er imidlertid involvert i et spion-dataprogram, og mordet er meir enn et sjalusidrap.

  • af Linda Howard
    87,95 kr.

    Loyal. Beautiful. Professional. Impeccably organized. Potentially lethal. Sarah Stevens is a woman with many distinct qualities. First and foremost a butler par excellence, skilled at running large households smoothly and efficiently, she is also a trained bodyguard and expert marksman-indispensable to her elderly employer, a courtly gentleman whom Sarah has come to respect and love as a father. Then one night she thwarts a burglary in progress, a courageous act that rewards Sarah her requisite "fifteen minutes of fame" with the local press. But the exposure is enough to catch the attention of a tortured soul who, unbeknownst to Sarah, will stop at nothing to have her for himself.

  • af Richard North Patterson
    107,95 kr.

    Five months into his term, President Kilcannon and his fiancée, television journalist Lara Costello, have decided to marry. But the occasion is followed by a terrible tragedy: a massacre of innocents in a lethal burst of gunfire. It is a shattering event that consumes Kilcannon and his wife, challenging both their marriage, and his Presidency in such a personal way that Kilcannon vows to eradicate gun violence throughout the US. In a high-stakes game of politics and legal manoeuvring where ideals collide in the Senate, the courtroom and across the country, President Kilcannon is determined to win at any cost. But in the clash over gun rights and violence, the cost to both Kilcannons may be even higher than the President imagined.

  • af Phillip C. McGraw
    185,95 kr.

    Dr. Phil ber deg finne ti avgjørende øyeblikk i livet ditt, identifisere sju livsviktige valg du har tatt som har formet resten av livet ditt og å plukke ut fem sentrale personer som har formet deg både positivt og negativt. Han ber deg også om å sette fokus på hva du sier og tenker om deg selv. Først da kan du identifisere de sanne og usanne mytene om deg selv.

  • af Dan Simmons
    107,95 kr.

    Taking the events and characters of the "Iliad" as his jumping off point, Simmons creates an epic of time travel and savage warfare. Travellers from 40,000 years in the future return to Homer's Greece and rewrite history forever, their technology impacting on the population in a godlike fashion.

  • af Anne McCaffrey & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
    87,95 kr.

    Acorna's people, the Linyaari, have started to reclaim their homeworld from the ravages of the brutal alien Khleevi. But the expedition has unlocked a larger mystery about the origins of the Linyaari people,one that has led Aari, Acorna's lifemate, into a dangerous journey through time and space.

  • af Al Franken
    208,95 kr.

    Forfatteren foretar en grundig gjennomgang av uttalelser fra en amerikansk høyreside som i følge forfatteren leverer villedende informasjon til det amerikanske publikum med hjelp fra media. Han retter et kritisk blikk mot den amerikanske høyresidens retorikk, og tar et kraftig oppgjør med påstanden om at media generelt har en liberal vridning. Har kilderegister.

  • af Brian Jacques
    97,95 kr.

    This is the story of Triss, a young squirrelmaid who escapes a life of misery, determined to find her way to the Abbey of Redwall. Will she reach her destination and are the inhabitants of the Abbey safe from outside forces?

  • af Janny Wurts
    152,95 kr.

    On the eve of the wedding that will keep her country at peace by placating enemies and cementing trade alliances, a beloved princess vanishes. Has she run away to escape the marriage or has she been kidnapped for nefarious purposes?

  • af Jack Higgins
    106,95 kr.

    In the waning days of World War II, Hitler gave his diary to a young aide for safekeeping. Over the years, von Berger has used his inheritance to become one of the richest and most powerful men in the world, developing a secret alliance with the Rashid family - longtime foes of Major Ferguson of British Intelligence, his former-IRA enforcer Sean Dillon and their American colleague Blake Johnson. Now the time for the ultimate confrontation is drawing near. The diary and its explosive revelations of a secret wartime meeting between emissaries of Hitler and Roosevelt will destroy the US President Jake Cazalet, unless Dillon can find it first.

  • af Richard Preston
    107,95 kr.

    The devastating smallpox virus was purged from the planet in 1979. In the interest of research, two stores were kept: one at the Centers for disease control in Atlanta and one at a Russian virology institute. But the demon in the freezer has been set loose. Iraq and North Korea are almost certainly hiding illegal stocks of the deadly virus. Richard Preston relates in detail the story of the eradiction of smallpox, and introduces us to some of the most sophisticated minds in America, past and present.

  • af Dennis McNally
    272,95 kr.

    The Grateful Dead were one of the most fascinating rock bands and cultural phenomena of the 20th century. Despite having few mainstream or Top 40 hits, over the 30 years of their history they acquired a dedicated following of fans, known as "Deadheads", mostly through their live performances. Known for their creative use of narcotics, and of course for their inspired musical experiments with its long improvisations, fusing blues, folk, and country, the Grateful Dead were more than just a fun-loving rock band; they were more like a religion or a cult.Although they formally disbanded in 1995 after lead singer Jerry Garcia's untimely death, "The Dead"'s legacy and its fans live on through a host of writings, tributes, biographies, fan magazines, online discussion groups and web sites. This is the band's official story. Not just a rock biography, it amounts to a wider portrait of America's West Coast in the days of Acid Tests, Magic Buses and Merry Pranksters: a psychedelic, high-octane close encounter of the long-haired kind.

  • af Jimmy McDonough
    257,95 kr.

    This is the story of Neil Young's life and career, from his childhood in Canada to the founding of folk-rock pioneers Buffalo Springfield, the bleary conglomeration of Crazy Horse and the monstrous success of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, to the depths of the Tonight's the night depravity and the Geffen years, and Young's nineties comeback. With index.

  • af R.A. Salvatore
    112,95 kr.

    Misnøyen brer seg i galaksen og Republikken er i oppløsning til tross for at den blir ledet av overkansler Palpatine som ble valgt ti år tidligere for å redde den svake regjeringen. Separatister hisser til krig. Senatet er splittet, det kan ikke bestemme seg for om det skal stable en krigshær på beina, eller om det skal prøve å bevare den skjøre freden. Hvis maktbalansen blir brutt, kan det føre galaksen ut i kaos.

  • af John Katzenbach
    107,95 kr.

    Psykoanalytikeren Frederick Starks mottar et truende brev og befinner seg plutselig midt i et grusomt spill som er designet av en mann som kaller seg Rumplestiltskin. Innen to uker må Starks gjette hvem Rumplestiltskin er, hvis ikke vil Rumplestiltskin begynne å ødelegge de menneskene Starks elsker.

  • af Ian Christe
    187,95 kr.

    This book gives you the history of heavy metal, with over 100 interviews with members of Black Sabbath, Metallica, Judas Priest, Twisted Sister, Slipknot, Kiss, Megadeth, Public Enemy, Napalm Death, and more. A timeline of the most exposive happenings in metal from 1970 to 2002. An a list of twenty-five heavy metal masterpieces that changed music history, and more. With index.

  • af Carol Goodman
    177,95 kr.

    For tjue år siden flyktet Jane Hudson fra Heart Lake jenteskole etter en forferdelig tragedie. Tre liv gikk tapt, alle som følge av selvmord. Bare Jane var tilbake, og hun måtte bære byrden av de mørke hemmelighetene som har ligget gjemt i dypet av Heart Lake i mer enn to menneskealdre. Nå vender Jane tilbake til skolen for å undervise. Hun er nyseparert og vil starte et nytt liv med sin lille datter. Men illevarslende budskap fra fortiden bringer glemte minner til overflaten. Og på nytt begynner fortvilte unge jenter å dø.

  • af Michael Moore
    157,95 kr.

    I denne boken angriper forfatteren alt som er galt i det amerikanske samfunnet - korrupte politikere, økonomisk kriminalitet, krigshissing, miljøforurensning, rasisme, dødsstraff og mye mer. Forfatterens våpen er humor, ironi og en innstendig oppfordring til direkte handling.

  • af Dave Eggers
    187,95 kr.

    Valentino Achak Deng flykter fra landsbyen sin i det krigsherjede Sør-Sudan midt på 1980-tallet. Han kommer i kontakt med fiendens soldater, opprørere, hyener og løver, sjukdom og sult. Til slutt starter han et nytt liv i USA sammen med nesten 4000 andre, unge sudanesiske menn. En helt annen kamp begynner.

  • af Thomas Harris
    107,95 kr.

    Lille Hannibal blir funnet på østfrontens slagmarker under andre verdenskrig, stum og med en lenke rundt halsen. Resten av familien hans har omkommet etter brutale overfall på flukt fra hjemlandet Litauen. Som ung medisinstudent hjemsøkes Hannibal av indre demoner, og gjenopplever barndommens forferdelige hendelser. Når han får vite at mennene som drepte søsteren hans fortsatt lever, fylles han med hat. I den fjerde boka om Hannibal Lecter avsløres roten til hans ondskap, og hvordan han utvikler seg til å bli en grotesk mordmaskin. Boka er filmatisert.

  • af Terry Brooks
    106,95 kr.

    Fifty years from now, our world is unrecognisable. Pollution and warfare have poisoned the skies, the water and the soil. Pockets of society still exist, living in highly fortified strongholds, while those outside the walls roam the landscape - either predator or prey. But even these isolated compounds are not safe; armies of demons and once-men assault their defences, and inevitably, one by one, they succumb. Civilisation has fallen and anarchy is the only law. Logan Tom and Angel Perez are the last two Knights to stand against the forces of chaos. These two extraordinary people have the ability to resist the dark tide, and to them will fall twin tasks: to find and protect a very old and a very new magic. The are humanity's last hope. Although the odds are stacked against them, Logan and Angel have the power to halt the destruction of the Old World.

  • af Stephen Donaldson
    106,95 kr.

    Thomas Covenant og Linden Avery flykter fra landet og starter en desperat jakt etter One Tree med de livgivende grenene. De kommer til en ny verden hvor merkelige skapninger er både gjestfrie og truende.

  • af Jed Rubenfeld
    277,95 kr.

    En ung kvinne blir funnet lemlestet i en leilighet på Broadway. Dagen etter holder vakre Nora Acton på å lide samme skjebne, men kommer seg unna morderen. Hun blir riktignok så sterkt preget av ugjerningen at hun får hukommelsestap. Disse hendelsene skjer på samme tid som Sigmund Freud befinner seg i byen, og sammen med en kollega vil han hjelpe Acton med å få hukommelsen tilbake. Romanen kombinerer fiksjon, fakta og psykologi.

  • af Dexter Filkins
    212,95 kr.

  • af Miranda July
    192,95 kr.

    Boka inneholder de seksten novellene Fellesterassen, Svømmelaget, Majestet, Mannen i trappen, Søsteren, Denne personen, Det var romantikk, Noe som ikke trenger noe, Jeg kysser en dør, Gutten fra Lam Kien, Elskov i 2003, Ti sannheter, Bevegelsene, Mon Plaisir, Fødselsmerke og Hvordan man skal fortelle historier for barn.

  • af Melissa Anelli
    165,95 kr.

    Forfatteren tar leseren med på ei reise gjennom deler av Harry Potter-fenomenet, godt hjulpet av redaktører, agenter, forleggere, fans og ikke minst J.K. Rowling selv. Med litteraturliste.

  • af Alan Greenspan
    237,95 kr.

    In the immediate aftermath of September 11, 2001, in his fourteenth year as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Alan Greenspan took part in a very quiet collective effort to ensure that America didn't experience an economic meltdown, taking the rest of the world with it. There was good reason to fear the worst: the stock market crash of October 1987, his first major crisis as Federal Reserve Chairman, coming just weeks after he assumed control, had come much closer than is even today generally known to freezing the financial system and triggering a genuine financial panic. But the most remarkable thing that happened to the economy after 9/11 was...nothing. What in an earlier day would have meant a crippling shock to the system was absorbed astonishingly quickly. After 9/11 Alan Greenspan knew, if he needed any further reinforcement, that we're living in a new world - the world of a global capitalist economy that is vastly more flexible, resilient, open, self-directing, and fast-changing than it was even 20 years ago. It's a world that presents us with enormous new possibilities but also enormous new challenges. "The Age of Turbulence" is Alan Greenspan's incomparable reckoning with the nature of this new world - how we got here, what we're living through, and what lies over the horizon, for good and for ill-channeled through his own experiences working in the command room of the global economy for longer and with greater effect than any other single living figure. He begins his account on that September 11th morning, but then leaps back to his childhood, and follows the arc of his remarkable life's journey through to his more than 18-year tenure as Chairman of the Federal ReserveBoard, from 1987 to 2006, during a time of transforming change. Alan Greenspan shares the story of his life first simply with an eye toward doing justice to the extraordinary amount of history he has experienced and shaped. But his other goal is to draw readers along the same learning curve he followed, so they accrue a grasp of his own understanding of the underlying dynamics that drive world events. In the second half of the book, having brought us to the present and armed us with the conceptual tools to follow him forward, Dr. Greenspan embarks on a magnificent tour de horizon of the global economy. He reveals the universals of economic growth, delves into the specific facts on the ground in each of the major countries and regions of the world, and explains what the trend-lines of globalization are from here. The distillation of a life's worth of wisdom and insight into an elegant expression of a coherent worldview, "The Age of Turbulence" will stand as Alan Greenspan's personal and intellectual legacy.

  • af John Updike
    177,95 kr.

  • af Tom Robbins
    187,95 kr.

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