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  • af Douglas Vermeeren
    197,95 kr.

  • af Victor Villasenor
    277,95 kr.

    Discover the magic of Victor Villaseñor's storytelling in his latest book, Gathering StarDust, a touching story of his early childhood with his grandmother, featuring 100 vivid watercolor illustrations."Who are You? Who am I? Who are We?" the book begins as Victor invites the reader, "Come and take my hand, and let us be children once again, and this time be raised up together by my Yaqui Native American grandmother."In his book, Rain of Gold, bestselling author Villaseñor wrote about his grandmother, Doña Guadalupe. Now, in his new book, Victor imparts the Native Wisdom he learned from his grandmother as he takes you along on their childhood adventures in the Barrio of Carlsbad, California, where he and his family lived. Through enchanting storytelling and the stunning illustrations of Jack Wiens, Gathering StarDust is a tender true story, destined to become a favorite, inspiring wonder for readers of all ages and timeless imagination for generations to come.

  • - A Guide for Emotional Healing
    173,95 kr.

    "As a life coach, I believe that the client is naturally creative & resourceful. This book is a no-nonsense approach for people who want to release deep emotional blocks that prevent them from an exceptional life." Whatever success looks like for you, by using the process in this book, you will unleash your own NATURAL CREATIVE ABILITY to achieve it. This book will take you on a powerful journey of self-discovery. Through reading it, you'll discover how to take your life from where you are to where YOU WANT TO BE. Throughout the book, you will be challenged to answer great coaching questions to help you remove the obstacles in you mind & keep you focused on your DREAMS. Remember nothing gets transformed in your life until your MIND is transformed. When you practice the exercises at the back of this book, your life changes by design instead of by default. Your life has a default feature that will occur on its own IF your life does not change. The brilliance of SELF-DISCOVERY is that it goes beyond the surface and gives you foolproof tools to break the bonds that are holding you back so you can make the contribution you were born to make in the world. "This book will take your life from good to great to unstoppable."

  • - A Tale of the Persian Wars
    af Dan Lyons
    202,95 kr.

    It is 480 BCE and the mighty Persian Empire, continuing its long march of conquest, strikes westward into the free city-states of Greece. Led by the capricious despot Xerxes the Great, its irresistible army seeks to overcome a different kind of foe that awaits them in the waters off Artemisium in Northern Greece. Onboard a Greek trireme, a young Athenian marine holds fast to his certainties of love and honor and the memory of his father. In the maelstrom that follows, the search for truth and purpose, unfolds mysteries, ensnares a king, and frees a people.

  • - Breaking the Chains of Past Life Influence
    af Carole Serene Borgens
    197,95 kr.

    It is believed likely that we each have experienced physical or emotional wounds (trauma) in past lifetimes, and those unresolved hurts are imprinted on our souls. It is our souls that travel with us through lifetimes, and if we can identify and heal those past hurts, we clear our present life from associated limitations and challenges. There can be no healing of soul pain without understanding the source, the root of the injury and trauma. Present life triggers leading to addictions, dis-ease, anxiety, depression, anger, and unexplained behaviors linked to past lifetimes, can be understood, and released with resulting wellness. Soul Healing: Breaking the Chains of Past Life Influence, is your guide to accessing your past lifetimes where hurt or trauma were experienced. Viewing those episodes as anobserver; understanding, forgiving, and releasing associated emotion, is your transformational path to wellness and reclaiming of personal power to live the life intended for you..

  • - Toward a Panpsychic Noetic Quantum Ontology
    af David Paul Boaz
    217,95 kr.

    A brilliant contribution to the advance of both Science and Philosophy-and a more profound spirituality. [Dr. Ervin Laszlo] We are given a creative, bedazzling contemplation...May all who come be enriched by this festive offering. [Lama Harvey Aronson; Lama Anne C. Klein] This book is a remarkable ecumenical accomplishment that documents the unity of Science and Spirit. "Such a rapprochement of the first principles of objective Science as it naturally arises in its perfectly subjective all-subsuming Spirit ground is required if we are to understand the arising new noetic knowledge paradigm in matter, mind, and spirit that is now abroad in our 21st century human cognosphere." Author of six books and over one hundred articles and essays ( religious studies scholar and Buddhist practitioner Dr. David Paul Boaz has once again contributed substantially to the emerging discipline of Science and Spirit. Continuing the dialogue of his prodigious The Noetic Revolution, engage the 'primordial love-wisdom mind' of the wisdom traditions of humankind in a penetrating synthesis of Eastern wisdom and Western physics. East meets West as ancient highest Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen teaching engages modern quantum physics. The quality of the author's non-mathematical presentation of quantum physics is very high and complete, yet readily understandable. His penetrating insight into Buddhist philosophy and practice is exemplary. With skillful precision and refreshing humor he offers a unique exploration of "our human consciousness as it naturally arises in its all embracing formless, timeless, selfless primordial Spirit ground-bright indwelling Presence of That." Dr. Boaz here completes his breakthrough integral Noetic Quantum Ontology that unifies Buddhist boundless emptiness and 'nonlocal entangled' quantum emptiness. At last, a viable foundational interpretation of quantum mechanics! We have here a radically new "post-empirical" ontology that facilitates the unification of Einstein's gravity equations with quantum field theory-physic's much desired Quantum Gravity Theory. Engage in this exceptional book such diverse themes as "The Quantum in Spirit"; "Primordial Consciousness: Dzogchen Panpsychism"; "Your Primordial Wisdom Mind"; "Consciousness: Relative Human and Nondual Ultimate"; "Gödel and Paraconsistent Logical Systems"; "Happiness Arises From Your Present Mind state";"Mindfulness Meditation"; "The Secret of Human Happiness"; "The Unified Quantum Vacuum"; and so much more.

  • af Kent Walker
    197,95 kr.

    Days before Carl, a likable kid looking forward to his summer vacation, turns fourteen, his parents are killed in a car accident leaving him thinking he is completely alone in the world. He has no way to know that two very different lives would soon merge in the wake of the tragedy. Aunt Sally is a victim of her painful past and choices that leave behind a bitter, self-centered and selfish socialite who hates children. She is Carl's only living relative, and their lives are thrown into turmoil as she is forced to let him live with her in her mansion for all the wrong reasons. Twenty-seven years later, Carl and his family are happily living the American dream when he is confronted with having to fulfill Sally's final and painful request. While he works, he looks back on how their relationship evolved from hateful and combative to one of loving understanding. As he reflects on the conflicts and events that lead up to an unlikely result, he understands that by unwillingly confronting and conquering her demons, Sally inadvertently saved him, and he unintentionally taught her how to live again. Written in a style similar to The Notebook and with a story reminiscent of Manchester by the Sea and Heidi, The Request will appeal to a very wide audience, including Christian readers, with characters not unlike those in The Devil Wears Prada and Danielle Steele novels. The Request will bring the reader smiles, tears and a new appreciation for the human spirit. About the Author Kent Walker is a national bestselling author who has been published by HarperCollins and Nelson and is a recipient of the Edgar Allen Poe Award. He has appeared on many television and radio talk shows, including Larry King Live, The View, Fresh Air, Dateline, The Today Show, Good Morning America, To the Best of Our Knowledge and many others. He lives with his wife in southern California.

  • - Short and Long Term Guidance from the Source
    af Carole Serene
    107,95 kr.

    THE LIKELY FUTURE is an urgent message from the "Source." You might call this Spirit presence "The Almighty," "God," "Yahweh," or another name for the Divine. In the writings of author Penelope Jean Hayes and channeler Carole Serene, they say "Pax."This dialogue provides a clear pathway for humanity during a historical and crucial time. It's the truth we've been asking for, the clear warning we need, and a celestial love letter that speaks to each of us and the future of humanity.Pax imparts wisdom as to the origin of the greatest plague of our time, points our science in directions currently unknown, and gives thoughtful instruction for our future way of life. More than any other time in human history, people today are desperate for answers to our shared crisis.In this book, Pax answers direct questions and provides "insider information," such as the COVID-19 origin (yes, it was designed to be a biological weapon!), plus the fact that a successful vaccine will be a long time coming and what scientists should consider in order to fully eradicate the virus.THE LIKELY FUTURE gives answers that cannot be found anywhere else. Provocative, awe-inspiring, and deeply informative, this information is what people and scientists around the world need to know about COVID-19 and beyond.

  • - Ein Informationssystem Mit Sechs Heiligen Tao-Techniken Für Ihre Selbstheilung Und Lebenstransformation
    af Zhi Gang Sha
    227,95 kr.

    Jeder hat Probleme. Sie können physischer Natur sein wie Schmerzen, Beschwerden und Erkrankungen. Sie können emotionaler Natur sein wie Sorgen, Depression, Furcht und Wut. Sie können mentaler Natur sein wie Konzentrationsschwäche, Gedächtnisprobleme, und ernsthafte Störungen. Sie können im Bereich der Beziehungen liegen wie Herausforderungen in der Partnerschaft, in der Familie oder mit Kolleg(inn)en am Arbeitsplatz. Es können finanzielle Probleme, geschäftliche Herausforderungen, Arbeitslosigkeit und mehr sein. Gibt es eine umfassende Lösung für all diese Herausforderungen im Leben? Ja, es gibt sie. Es ist eine Lösung, die aus unserer vereinten Kraft von Seele, Herz und Geist entsteht, die wir als Quelle anwenden können. Dr. und Master Zhi Gang Sha, ein elffacher New York Times-Bestsellerautor fasst in seinem 26. Buch Das Heilungsfeld der Tao-Kalligrafie all die altehrwürdigen Weisheiten und Erkenntnisse zusammen, die er sich im Laufe seines Lebens angeeignet hat. Er erhält die Inspiration von neuen Erkenntnissen von der Quelle. Er bietet Ihnen, inspiriert durch neue Weisheiten aus der Quelle Instrumente und Techniken an, die ein hohes Maß an Positivität bewirken, um jegliche Negativität in Ihrem Leben zu transformieren. Master Sha stellt sechs heilige Krafttechniken vor, eine kombinierte Methode altbewährter Krafttechniken und moderner Inspiration. Sie entstand die "Schrift des Einsseins", dem Nachzeichnen und Schreiben von positiven Botschaften, um negative Botschaften in Seele, Herz, Geist und Körper, sowie auch in Beziehungen und Finanzen zu transformieren. Als Leser(in) dieses Buches werden Sie Zugang über 50 Animationen erhalten, die Ihnen zeigen, wie die von Master Sha vorgestellten Meditationsübungen Energie verleihen, Freude spenden, heilsam und transformierend wirken können. In diesen Videos werden Sie Master Sha auch die heilsam-schwingenden Töne bzw. Mantren singen hören, die er in diesem Buch lehrt. Und da er so ein kraftvoller Heiler und Vorreiter bei Transformationen, mit seiner eigenen großartigen positiven Frequenz und Schwingung ist, kann sich der Nutzen, den Sie aus diesen Videos ziehen können um ein Vielfaches verstärken... Master Shas Aufruf der Selbstheilung lautet: Ich habe die Kraft, mich selbst zu heilen und zu transformieren.Du hast die Kraft, Dich selbst zu heilen und zu transformieren.Gemeinsam haben wir die Kraft, die Welt zu heilen und zu transformieren. Wie können Sie das erreichen? Wenden Sie die Techniken an! Wenden Sie die Lehren an! Nutzen Sie die heilsamen Befähigungen in diesem Buch!

  • - A Guide for Truth to Power Champions
    af Azim Khamisa
    217,95 kr.

    In 1995, Azim Khamisa suffered an irreplaceable loss when his son, Tariq, was the innocent victim of a gang shooting. But instead of seeking revenge, Khamisa sought peace. He reached out to his son's killer to offer him forgive­ness and a chance at parole. He has counseled countless students through the Tariq Khamisa Foundation, a nonprofit organization he founded to become nonviolent leaders committed to peacemaking. His twenty-five years of extensive global speaking, books, and media coverage spawned a forgiveness movement that has reached millions. He has received over 80 local, national and international awards amongst which are: the California Peace Prize, the National Crime Victims Special Community Service Award presented by President Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno, Search for Common Ground's award alongside Desmond Tutu, he participated in the Synthesis Dialogues with His Holiness the Dalai Lama hosted by Pope John Paul. He is an emissary of peace and an international inspirational speaker with over 600 keynotes, including one to 300,000 people at the Lincoln Memorial at the Stand For Children Rally as well as a speech to the United Nations General Assembly at the high-level forum on the culture of peace. Azim, in addition, has given over 1,000 presentations to over a million students worldwide. He is a published author of five books: Award-winning Murder to Forgiveness (being made into a feature film); From Forgiveness to Fulfillment, From Fulfillment to Peace and The Secrets of the Bulletproof Spirit: How to bounce back from life's hardest hits co-authored with Jillian Quinn and published by Random House. His 5th book "Leadership for the Greater Good: A guide for Truth to Power Champions" has recently been released. He has been featured countless times in local, national and international media. Azim's TED talk viewed by over 1 million people.Azim was born in Kenya and educated in England in mathematics and finance and has over 45 plus experience in international finance. Azim lives in La Jolla, California and is the proud father of daughter Tasreen and grandfather of Shahin, Khalil and Miya. About the Book Now Khamisa calls for a new kind of leader--a satyagrahi leader--to fol­low in the footsteps of some of the world's most inspiring role models. Building on Mahatma Gandhi's practice of satyagraha, a method of using passive resistance to spark political and social change, satyagrahi leaders balance their ambition with their spirit and use their skills to benefit the larger community with a strong adherence to truth. To address society's most daunting challenges, today's leaders need three things: (1) to be brilliant in their professions, (2) to work to create effective, viable, and affordable solutions to societal ills, and (3) have strong moral, ethical, and spiritual values. This triad of competencies is critical to tackling the current degradation of society. As you ponder these attributes, how many leaders come to your mind? The leaders in this book are of different races, genders, faiths, and nationalities, thus introducing the idea that these distinctions are not important in the development of satyagrahi leaders. You will be sur­prised that the chosen leaders are not the famous people that may come into your mind. Rather they are rare and relatively unknown heroes who are indeed exemplary of the above competencies and are chang­ing the world. It is Khamisa's hope that the emerging and existing leaders who read their stories will be inspired to emulate these competencies and help move us to a world that is inclusive, in service of others, compassionate, and one that works for everyone.

  • af Ginsberg Robert Ginsberg
    182,95 kr.

  • af Diane Peterson
    224,95 kr.

    Take an exciting journey with professional stuntwoman, Diane Peterson, into the amazing world of action stunts, adventure, joy, heartbreak, injury, death, and her uncanny desire to overcome her fears and follow her dreams.Diane has been a professional stuntwoman for over forty years. She has worked on over two hundred movies and television shows including Titanic, Laundromat, Green Hornet, Batman Forever, Marked for Death, Out for Justice, Robocop II, Airplane, and many, many others. Television shows she has worked on include Walker, Texas Ranger, Fall Guy, Mac- Gyver, Magnum P.I., and many others.Diane has film credits as double for: Sharon Stone, Jessica Lange, Faye Dunaway, Diane Keaton, Heather Locklear, Heather Thomas, Farrah Fawcett, Michele Pfeiffer, Kate Capshaw, and hundreds of other actresses.Diane encourages all to overcome your fears and follow your dreams!Sit back and enjoy the ride!

  • af Deborah Rozman
    192,95 kr.

    It’s easy to feel powerless in the current state of the world – but it doesn’t have to be this way. You can unlock the natural intelligence of your heart to reconnect with hope, wellbeing, and empowerment. This new edition of Heart Intelligence shows you how. It has been updated to help you navigate more effectively through today’s challenging times.You’ll learn easy, effective techniques and exercises and see benefits right away. These tools will empower you to rise above the stress and overwhelm of today’s changing times and learn to feel good (again). You can reclaim balance and self-security in managing your energy and life’s direction.Heart intelligence increases your heart-brain connection, providing access to your heart’s intuitive guidance and practical intuition needed at important choice points, allowing you to choose your responses rather than mechanically react in the same old stress-producing behaviors.Humanity is realizing that the heart contains a higher intelligence for providing the intuitive guidance needed for navigating life effectively. People instinctively know there’s something seriously intelligent about the heart. This may be why we say, “When there’s nowhere else to go for an answer, go to your heart.” The fun question is, why not go there to start with, rather than everywhere else first?Most of us sense that profound societal changes will continue to take place, as our world becomes increasingly interconnected. An important step for humanity to achieve its potential, is that we learn to get along with each other. People kind of know this is a missing piece, yet the mind without the heart hasn’t been able to pull this off.The heart’s intuitive intelligence can offer us, personally and collectively, a chance to create (not wait for) our fulfillment. Building trust in our heart’s intuitive guidance leads to uplifting possibilities and the increased capacity to manifest them. This enables us to become our true self—with the heart power and effectiveness of our love and care to help change the world.

  • af Deepak Ohri
    194,95 kr.

    “Ohri is a visionary in every sense of the word” —ForbesA Bridge Not Too Far: Where Creativity Meets Innovation by Deepak Ohri is a must-read and inspirational book for anyone seeking to harness the power of innovation and creativity to succeed in the business world. Ohri, founder and CEO of lebua Hotels and Resorts, shares his inspiring journey from humble beginnings to becoming a renowned award-winning entrepreneur in the luxury hospitality industry with a focus on management and leadership.Ohri provides a deeply human-centered approach to managing business and life, sharing his insights and expertise on how to succeed in the competitive world of entrepreneurship and the hospitality industry. Ohri's innovative entrepreneurial spirit and unique perspective on experiential luxury have transformed the hospitality landscape. In this motivational book and remarkable guide, Ohri provides invaluable lessons and practical tips for anyone seeking to achieve similar success.With a focus on the importance of creativity and innovation, A Bridge Not Too Far is a powerful tool for entrepreneurs, offering actionable strategies for achieving goals, overcoming obstacles, and climbing to the top. Whether you are just starting or looking to take your business to the next level, this book is an essential read for anyone looking to succeed in the competitive world of entrepreneurship.Named one of the Global Top Most Inspirational Executives in Travel and Hospitality by the International Hospitality Institute, Ohri is a visionary leader who has earned a reputation as one of the most innovative and successful entrepreneurs in the industry that values customers satisfaction and ethical leadership. A Bridge Not Too Far is a testament to his remarkable accomplishment and his dedication to helping others in their goal achievement for their success.So, if you are ready to grow your business or career to the next level, this self help book is the perfect guide to get you there.

  • af Neil Senturia
    214,95 kr.

    I Did It is the story of Gina Champion-Cain, the mastermindbehind the largest woman-led Ponzi scheme in US history?$400 million. Thisreal-life story includes a multitude of participants, banks, hedge funds,egomaniacs, and small-time crooks, all fueled by greed, stupidity, and a keendesire to look the other way. And even when they were looking in the rightdirection, all of these people and entities saw nothing. Gina was the Penn andTeller of misdirection, acting with caring behavior to other people (whilebilking her investors), creating philanthropic endeavors and single-mindedlypursuing her dream of building an empire, taking it public, and cashing out allthe investors. In August 2019, Gina's seven-year program of selling phony liquor licenseloans came to an end when the SEC, the US Attorney's Office, and the FBI filedsuit and shut it down. In San Diego, Gina, then fifty-four, was an icon. To theoutside world, this beautiful, charismatic woman looked as if she had succeededin a male-dominated good old boys club?building an empire that included realestate, restaurants, and retail; she was a guest economics commentator for theSan Diego Union-Tribune; she served on prestigious corporate and nonprofitboards. The City of San Diego even honored her with her own Gina Champion-CainDay. She cooked dinner for her husband Steve, walked the dogs on the beach, andwas a role model for young women. But in reality, her empire was a house ofcards funded with money from a financial fraud.

  • af Kiri Westby
    277,95 kr.

  • af Randall Fitzgerald
    212,95 kr.

  • af David Parker
    182,95 kr.

  • af Longo Philip Longo & Somerfeld Erika Somerfeld
    182,95 kr.

    Imagine being sentenced to ten years in jail. How would you survive? Confessions of a Prison Cook: A Fusion of Food & Crime is based on the true story of a New York banker's incarceration and redemption after becoming the inmates' chef.Phil Longo is sent to Otisville federal prison in upstate New York for a decade. With just a strong Italian sense of food learned through family, he cons his way into what becomes a redemptive role as Kitchen Cook; drugging twin felons with nutmeg; stuffing stolen veggies down empty prosthetic legs. Drunks. Monks. Chinese gangsters and one-legged cooks. Food wasn't even the spiciest part of his experience. But it does act as an olive branch to "OtisVillains" like Joey, a handsome Mafia mademan who grooms his black hair with mayonnaise from the commissary; Jesus, chocolate-obsessed teen cousin to the Mexican cartel, or The Greek Brothers, obnoxious twins that live to stir the pot. Phil learns life is truly stranger than fiction. He gains rich insight into his fellow man and realizes: no one is rotten to the core. The guards may have been the wildest diners, bar none: Greta, a bitter blowhard who longs to hose down the inmates; tiny French cook Louie, whose greasy food is a foil for his sleazy behavior; Teresa, a Muslim patrol guard whose raunchy split personality flavors the narrative; and Kitchen Cop, Noreen, or "Sip," whose sobriety is measured by the state of her beehive hairdo. Top it off with a pinch of insatiable and inept Nurse Blackie. Short chapters center on coop calamities: SLING BLADE, where tuna can tops become cut-throat; RIN TIN TIN FOILED, where Phil's elderly mother smuggles homemade lasagna in- inside her girdle. Or MEAT AND GREET, where Phil fetches outside foods for famous Italian gangsters under the nose of Fury, the penitentiary's canine cop. Original tongue-in-cheek recipes top off chapter's jarring insanity. Cook up Killing Two Birds with One Scone, Blackened Soul, Beat Bread, or Deep Throatisserie. Famous food & crime quotes, from The Sopranos to Shakespeare, flavor the narrative. Add a dash of historical culinary crimes, and wet your appetite for this piping hot, dark and saucy dramedy.

  • af C Von Hassett
    142,95 kr.

  • af Delaina Layne
    157,95 kr.

  • af C Von Hassett
    167,95 kr.

  • af Lou Shrinkle
    117,95 kr.

  • af John Lockton
    197,95 kr.

  • af Richard Lederer
    137,95 kr.

  • af Jacob Cooper
    182,95 kr.

  • af Morrison Roy Morrison
    177,95 kr.

  • - De wetenschap, wijsheid, en beoefening van Creatie en Grote Eenwording
    af Rulin Xiu
    197,95 kr.

  • af Carol Aloia
    137,95 kr.

  • af Jane Owen
    167,95 kr.

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