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  • af Moshtari Hilal
    168,95 kr.

    Wie entsteht Solidarität? Wann werden politische Allianzen über Differenzen hinweg gebildet und warum erfahren bestimmte politische Bewegungen mehr Solidarität als andere? Worin besteht die Arbeit, solidarisch zu sein, und welche Konfliktlinien, Interessen und Strategien bedingen sie? In ihrem neuen Gesprächsband Hierarchien der Solidarität denken ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ (Sinthujan Varatharajah), Essayist*in und politische Geograph*in, und ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ (Moshtari Hilal), Künstlerin und Autorin, gemeinsam über eine Praxis nach, die sich als Akt gegen Unterdrückung in vermeintlich kleinen Alltagsgesten ebenso wie in globalpolitischen Zusammenhängen äußert. Dabei entsteht ein entlarvender Dialog, der getragen von gelebter Erfahrung die rassistischen Strukturen der deutschen Diskurslandschaft nachzeichnet und ein neues Vokabular für solidarisches Handeln schafft.

  • af Marion von Osten
    132,95 kr.

  • af Yasmine d'O. & Afif Saâdane
    102,95 kr.

    Side Magazine accompanies the fourth Bergen Assembly, a contemporary art triennial in Bergen, Norway, which opens in 2022. Under the editorship of curator Yasmine d'O. (b. 2020, Berlin, Germany), Side Magazine combines artistic, literary and scientific writing, with seven issues being released prior to the exhibition. The publication serves as a discursive space for the triennial, which is conceived by artist Saâdane Afif (b. 1970, Vendôme, France). Invited by Afif to curate the triennial, Yasmine d'O. sets out to search for a mysterious seven-sided geometric shape, the heptahedron, and in the process encounters seven characters: the professor, the bonimenteur, the moped rider, the fortune teller, the acrobat, the coalman and the tourist. Each respective issue of Side Magazine is dedicated to one character, with a special eighth issue published after the triennial's opening, including installation photography. The first issue, The Professor, features seven articles exploring of the identity, role and position of The Professor. Contributors include Uli Aigner, Lili Reynaud Dewar, Jörg Heiser, Christian Nyampeta, Vivian Slee and Marjorie Senechal.

  • af Moshtari Hilal
    182,95 kr.

    Im Cafe in Kreuzberg oder im Vintage-Laden in Neukölln: Das kosmopolitische Berlin spricht selbstverständlich Englisch. Doch wie konnte sich die englische Sprache an diesen Orten durchsetzen? Wer spricht Englisch in Berlin und wer ist davon ausgeschlossen? Und wurden nicht noch eben Gruppen als Parallelgesellschaften stigmatisiert, die sich auf einer anderen als der deutschen Sprache unterhalten? In einem Instagram Live-Gespräch, das in diesem Band in erweiterter Fassung auf Deutsch und in englischer Übersetzung vorliegt, gehen Sinthujan Varatharajah, politische*r Geograph*in, und Moshtari Hilal, Künstlerin, diesen Fragen nach. Sie decken dahinter liegende Doppelstandards und Kapitalinteressen der deutschen Mehrheitsgesellschaft auf, schaffen Bezüge zu Gentrifizierung und Asylpolitik und suchen nach Formen einer gerechten Kulturarbeit. Moshtari Hilal ist Künstlerin und lebt in Hamburg. Sinthujan Varatharajah lebt als freie*r Wissenschaftler*in und Essayist*in in Berlin. Mit einem Instagram-Live-Gespräch über Nazierbe lösten sie 2021 eine intensiv geführte Debatte über Kontinuitäten nach 1945 aus. --In Kreuzberg cafés or Neukölln vintage shops, cosmopolitan Berlin speaks English as a matter of course. But who speaks English in Berlin and who is excluded from it? And weren't groups stigmatized by the German media as parallel societies just a short while ago who converse in a language other than German? Political geographer Sinthujan Varatharajah and artist Moshtari Hilal explore these questions in an Instagram live conversation, available in this volume in extended form in German and English translation. They uncover the underlying double standards and capital interests of the German majority society, create references to gentrification and asylum policy, and search for forms of just cultural work. Moshtari Hilal is an artist living in Hamburg. Sinthujan Varatharajah is a freelance researcher and essayist living in Berlin. In a live Instagram conversation in 2021, they triggered an intense debate about Nazi traditions after 1945.

  • af Yasmine d'O. & Afif Saâdane
    102,95 kr.

  • af Yasmine d'O. & Afif Saâdane
    102,95 kr.

    The sixth edition of Side Magazine gives honour to the Coalman and bids farewell to his master, King Coal. Like a magnificent funeral, this issue celebrates the treasures this dark material brought forth in the name of progress, gives thanks for the comfort it provided and remembers the sufferings endured for its sake. Charles-François Mathis discusses the two historical bodies of King Coal - its physical form and symbolic capital -, while Jean-Luc Nivaggioni situates the experience of the miners in 1984, as they were striking for their right to exist, alongside the LGBT groups who came to support them. Continuing our series of individual painting analyses, Isolde Pludermacher digs into Gustave Courbet's A Burial at Ornans (1849). In the spirit of honouring the Victorian era, Richard H. Horne's series The True Story of A Coal Fire is reprinted in its original form, which was edited by Charles Dickens. Denis Herlin sings to the sweet tunes of Claude Debussy's last composition, Les soirs illuminés par l'ardeur du charbon ("Evenings Lit by the Burning Coals," 1917) and Professor Irena Bukowska-Florenska explores the tradition of coal being used by Polish miners as a material for sculpture. Finally, Gabbi Cattani writes an elegy to all of the dead organisms that gave rise to coal.Side Magazine is conceived of as a site of research, each issue giving shape to one of the seven characters that will be staged at Bergen Assembly in 2022, convened by artist Saâdane Afif.

  • af Steffen Zillig
    117,95 kr.

    In the not too distant future, having completed the genetic decoding of its population, the government of the United States of America decides to send those from elsewhere back out into the world. This is a remarkable attempt to re-establish society as it was before the devastating conquest of the American continent by European immigrants. Soon, convoys of "Euro-Americans" are migrating back to Europe, even though it has been decades since they had any contact with the cranky landmass beyond the Atlantic. Because Europe has long since cut itself off, wanting nothing more to do with the rest of the world. And then, all of a sudden, American refugee boats appear off the French coast...In The Decolonization of America, Steffen Zillig creates a fictional future by collaging fragments of popular culture, combining excerpts from old and new adventure comics with washed-out photographs from the Internet. The result is a social fantasy whose bizarre fault lines and conflicts bear an uncanny resemblance to those of the present day.Steffen Zillig makes art. He is part of Briefing Room, an artist-run space in Brussels, and he edits the underground magazine Intercity. He works in Hamburg and is a member of a union.

  • af Stephanie Oursler
    212,95 kr.

    Stephanie Oursler's 5 Cuts, an artist book originally self-published in 1975 in Rome, comprises a series of black and white images accompanied by a handwritten text. The artist had found the displayed images - stills from unidentified silent films - and combined them with her autobiographical writing, creating both an intimate recollection and a literary construction of her own life. Stephanie Oursler's artistic vocabulary tells of her active participation in women's groups and networks in Rome, in which political issues were addressed via a distinctive articulation between memory, history and fiction. 5 Cuts weaves together the personal and the political to speak about something that lays beyond language and image.

  • af Jonas Lenthe
    192,95 kr.

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