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  • af A. Sanducci
    598,95 kr.

    Bu kitabdan ¿ld¿ olunan bütün g¿lir xeyriyy¿çiliy¿ veril¿c¿k. Genetik tap¿nt¿lara, arxeoloji, tarixi, linqvistik faktlara v¿ q¿dim aliml¿rin, tarixçil¿rin v¿ co¿rafiyaç¿lar¿n ¿¿had¿tl¿rin¿ ¿saslanan bu ¿s¿r türk xalqlar¿na v¿ onlar¿n keçmi¿in¿ yeni bir bax¿¿ g¿tirir. ¿s¿r iki cildd¿n ibar¿tdir. Birinci cild q¿dim akkadlarla, ¿umerl¿rl¿ qohum olan türk xalqlar¿n¿n Bibliya m¿n¿¿yin¿ dair yeni sübutlar aç¿r. Kitab German xalqlar¿n¿n, midiyal¿lar¿n v¿ skifl¿rin türk ¿slini sübut edir. Farsdak¿ Behistun yaz¿s¿n¿n de¿ifr¿ edilmi¿ mixi yaz¿lar¿ onlar¿n ¿trafl¿ leksiko-qrammatik t¿hlili il¿ yanä¿, midiyal¿lar¿n türk m¿n¿¿li olmas¿ v¿ onlar¿n dili il¿ bäl¿ inqilabi faktlar¿ i¿¿qland¿r¿r. Bu cildin böyük bir hiss¿si skifl¿r¿ v¿ onlar¿n tör¿m¿ tayfalar¿n¿n ¿ks¿riyy¿tin¿, o cüml¿d¿n Skifiyada v¿ ondan k¿narda yerl¿¿¿n As, Turkai, Sakai, Parfiya, Baktriya, Hun, Sarmat, Getai, Kelt, ¿ber, Qall, German v¿ Trakiya kimi tayfalara h¿sr edilmi¿dir. ¿kinci cildd¿ dig¿r skif-trakiya xalqlar¿ - troyal¿lar, ¿n m¿¿hur illiriyal¿lar, spartal¿lar, frigiyal¿lar, etrusklar, pelasqlar d¿ daxil olmaqla, qohum tayfalar¿n ¿trafl¿ t¿snifat¿ il¿ t¿qdim olunur. ¿ki böyük Trakiya xalq¿n¿n - etrusklar¿n v¿ frigiyal¿lar¿n dill¿rinin d¿rin leksiko-qrammatik t¿hlili onlar¿n türk m¿n¿¿yini mü¿yy¿n edir. Kitab h¿mçinin Frigiya koloniyas¿ olan q¿dim erm¿nil¿rin tarixini aç¿qlay¿r, onlar¿ müasir erm¿nil¿rd¿n f¿rql¿ndirir v¿ Hay kimi tan¿nan müasir erm¿ni xalq¿n¿n xronoloji, tarixi m¿lumat¿n¿ onun ilk tarixçisi Movses Xorenatsiya istinad ed¿r¿k verir. 20 q¿dim ¿lifban¿n müqayis¿li t¿hlili onlar¿n ortaq türk kökünü üz¿ ç¿xar¿r. ¿h¿miyy¿tli bir arxeoloji, m¿d¿ni, siyasi, linqvistik v¿ genetik d¿lil bir çox yerli amerikal¿lar¿n türk bälan¿¿c¿na i¿ar¿ edir.

  • af A. Sanducci
    598,95 kr.

    Bu kitabdan ¿ld¿ olunan bütün g¿lir xeyriyy¿çiliy¿ veril¿c¿k. Genetik tap¿nt¿lara, arxeoloji, tarixi, linqvistik faktlara v¿ q¿dim aliml¿rin, tarixçil¿rin v¿ co¿rafiyaç¿lar¿n ¿¿had¿tl¿rin¿ ¿saslanan bu ¿s¿r türk xalqlar¿na v¿ onlar¿n keçmi¿in¿ yeni bir bax¿¿ g¿tirir. ¿s¿r iki cildd¿n ibar¿tdir. Birinci cild q¿dim akkadlarla, ¿umerl¿rl¿ qohum olan türk xalqlar¿n¿n Bibliya m¿n¿¿yin¿ dair yeni sübutlar aç¿r. Kitab German xalqlar¿n¿n, midiyal¿lar¿n v¿ skifl¿rin türk ¿slini sübut edir. Farsdak¿ Behistun yaz¿s¿n¿n de¿ifr¿ edilmi¿ mixi yaz¿lar¿ onlar¿n ¿trafl¿ leksiko-qrammatik t¿hlili il¿ yanä¿, midiyal¿lar¿n türk m¿n¿¿li olmas¿ v¿ onlar¿n dili il¿ bäl¿ inqilabi faktlar¿ i¿¿qland¿r¿r. Bu cildin böyük bir hiss¿si skifl¿r¿ v¿ onlar¿n tör¿m¿ tayfalar¿n¿n ¿ks¿riyy¿tin¿, o cüml¿d¿n Skifiyada v¿ ondan k¿narda yerl¿¿¿n As, Turkai, Sakai, Parfiya, Baktriya, Hun, Sarmat, Getai, Kelt, ¿ber, Qall, German v¿ Trakiya kimi tayfalara h¿sr edilmi¿dir. ¿kinci cildd¿ dig¿r skif-trakiya xalqlar¿ - troyal¿lar, ¿n m¿¿hur illiriyal¿lar, spartal¿lar, frigiyal¿lar, etrusklar, pelasqlar d¿ daxil olmaqla, qohum tayfalar¿n ¿trafl¿ t¿snifat¿ il¿ t¿qdim olunur. ¿ki böyük Trakiya xalq¿n¿n - etrusklar¿n v¿ frigiyal¿lar¿n dill¿rinin d¿rin leksiko-qrammatik t¿hlili onlar¿n türk m¿n¿¿yini mü¿yy¿n edir. Kitab h¿mçinin Frigiya koloniyas¿ olan q¿dim erm¿nil¿rin tarixini aç¿qlay¿r, onlar¿ müasir erm¿nil¿rd¿n f¿rql¿ndirir v¿ Hay kimi tan¿nan müasir erm¿ni xalq¿n¿n xronoloji, tarixi m¿lumat¿n¿ onun ilk tarixçisi Movses Xorenatsiya istinad ed¿r¿k verir. 20 q¿dim ¿lifban¿n müqayis¿li t¿hlili onlar¿n ortaq türk kökünü üz¿ ç¿xar¿r. ¿h¿miyy¿tli bir arxeoloji, m¿d¿ni, siyasi, linqvistik v¿ genetik d¿lil bir çox yerli amerikal¿lar¿n türk bälan¿¿c¿na i¿ar¿ edir.

  • af Sebeos
    378,95 kr.

    The book is presented in English and Russian. The full name is THE ARMENIAN HISTORY,NARRATED BY THE ARMENIAN HISTORIAN OF THE 7TH CENTURY. = ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 7 ¿¿¿¿.When publishing the English-Russian translation of the manuscript by Sebeos, we adhered to the same principles that guided us in translating "History of Armenia" by Movses Khorenatsi. We considered it our duty to convey the most accurate meaning of the original, retain its expressions, and present our readers with a translation that, if possible, would replace the original for them.About Sebeos himself, we have the most insufficient information. Chamchyan (II. 345) and O. Shakhatuni (Description. I.285) called him "a bishop in the domain of Bagratuni", and they claimed that Sebeos was present at the Dvin Council, convened by Nerses III in 645. O. Sallantian, in his chronological table, called him a writer of the 7th century. This fact is confirmed by the very work of Sebeos, describing the events that took place in the 7th century, where the author notes: "We heard this all from the men captured by the Tajiks. They, as eyewitnesses, themselves told us about this all." (part III, ch. 30)His entire work is divided into three parts. The first part speaks of the Babylonian origin of the Armenians and their founder Haik, the firstborn in Babylon. The second part provides a synchronistic table of the Armenian, Persian, and Greek kings until the annihilation of the Persian kingdom. The third part consists of 38 chapters. Along with a brief description of the deeds of the Persian kings and the destruction of the Persian kingdom, it reports the constant power struggles among the Armenians that split them into two main sections: one serving the Greeks (Byzantines), and another - the Persians. There were also the Armenians who left both to serve the Turkic Khagan, and later - the Arab invaders.Like Movses Khorenatsi, Sebeos was very honest in relaying the historical matters and did not sugar-coat the facts pertaining to the Armenian people. He noted that, due to their short-lived allegiances and love-hate relationships with the Greek, Persian, and Turkic powers, the Armenians were deemed to be troublemakers. In his letter to the Persian king, the Greek king suggested getting rid of the Armenians by sending them away from their lands: "This is a stubborn and rebellious people. (They) live among us and stir up trouble. Let us (do this -) I shall assemble mine and send them to Thrace; you, too, gather yours and order them to be taken to the east. For if they die, then the enemies will die, and if they kill anyone, they will kill the enemies; and we will live in peace. As long as they remain in their own country, we cannot rest until then." (part III, ch.6)Sebeos did not mince the words about the Armenians who escaped "the Ismailite slavery" in lieu of "their slavish obedience to the Greeks". According to Sebeos, the Armenians were known as the Haiots both to the Persian and Greco-Byzantian kings. (part III, ch.2)The creation of Sebeos was considered completely lost for a long time. The Armenian Archbishop Shakhatuni was the first to find it in the dusty cellars of the Echmiadzin library. Since 1851 when the book by Sebeos was published as "History" in Constantinople, it has become available to all Armenists, some of whom had already used it in their writings. Other scholars also employed it, citing quotations from it, so that the work by Sebeos in a short time became indispensable for students of the history of the East of the 6th - 7th centuries.

  • af A. Sanducci
    433,95 kr.

    All the proceeds from this book will be given to charity.Primarily based on the genetic findings, backed by the archeological, historical, linguistic facts and testimonies of the ancient scholars, historians, and geographers, this work brings a fresh perspective into a stagnated view of the Turkic nations and their past. This book has 2 volumes.The first volume reveals breaking new evidence about the biblical origins of the Turkic nations who were related to the ancient Akkadians, Sumerians. The book unshrouds the Turkic pedigree of the Germanic nations, the natives of Media, and the Scythians. The deciphered cuneiforms of the Behistun inscription in Persia, along with their detailed lexico-grammatical analysis shed light on the revolutionary facts about the Turkic origin of the Medes and their language.A large portion of this volume is devoted to the Scythians and most of their derivative tribes, including those located in Scythia and beyond, such as the As, Turkai, Sacai, Parthians, Bactrians, Huns, Sarmats, Getai, Celtic, Iberian, Gallic, Germanic, and Thracian tribes.The second volume casts light on the remaining Scytho-Thracian nations - the Trojans with a detailed classification of the related tribes, including the most renowned Illyrians, Spartans, Phrygians, Etruscans, Pelasgi. The in-depth lexico-grammatical analyses of the languages of two major Thracian nations - Etruscans and Phrygians ascertain their Turkic origin. The book also demystifies the history of the ancient Armenians who were a Phrygian colony, sets them apart from the modern Armenians, and gives a chronological, historical account of the modern Armenian people, also known as the Hai, under the authority of their first historian Movses Khorenatsi.The comparative analysis of 20 ancient alphabets reveals their common Turkic root. A crucial archeological, cultural, political, linguistic, and genetic evidence points to the Turkic beginning of many Native Americans.

  • af A. Sanducci
    538,95 kr.

    All the proceeds from this book will be given to charity.Primarily based on the genetic findings, backed by the archeological, historical, linguistic facts and testimonies of the ancient scholars, historians, and geographers, this work brings a fresh perspective into a stagnated view of the Turkic nations and their past. This book has 2 volumes.The first volume reveals breaking new evidence about the biblical origins of the Turkic nations who were related to the ancient Akkadians, Sumerians. The book unshrouds the Turkic pedigree of the Germanic nations, the natives of Media, and the Scythians. The deciphered cuneiforms of the Behistun inscription in Persia, along with their detailed lexico-grammatical analysis shed light on the revolutionary facts about the Turkic origin of the Medes and their language.A large portion of this volume is devoted to the Scythians and most of their derivative tribes, including those located in Scythia and beyond, such as the As, Turkai, Sacai, Parthians, Bactrians, Huns, Sarmats, Getai, Celtic, Iberian, Gallic, Germanic, and Thracian tribes.The second volume casts light on the remaining Scytho-Thracian nations - the Trojans with a detailed classification of the related tribes, including the most renowned Illyrians, Spartans, Phrygians, Etruscans, Pelasgi. The in-depth lexico-grammatical analyses of the languages of two major Thracian nations - Etruscans and Phrygians ascertain their Turkic origin. The book also demystifies the history of the ancient Armenians who were a Phrygian colony, sets them apart from the modern Armenians, and gives a chronological, historical account of the modern Armenian people, also known as the Hai, under the authority of their first historian Movses Khorenatsi.The comparative analysis of 20 ancient alphabets reveals their common Turkic root. A crucial archeological, cultural, political, linguistic, and genetic evidence points to the Turkic beginning of many Native Americans.

  • af A. Sanducci
    943,95 kr.

    Bu kitabdan ¿ld¿ olunan bütün g¿lir xeyriyy¿çiliy¿ veril¿c¿k. Genetik tap¿nt¿lara, arxeoloji, tarixi, linqvistik faktlara v¿ q¿dim aliml¿rin, tarixçil¿rin v¿ co¿rafiyaç¿lar¿n ¿¿had¿tl¿rin¿ ¿saslanan bu ¿s¿r türk xalqlar¿na v¿ onlar¿n keçmi¿in¿ yeni bir bax¿¿ g¿tirir. ¿s¿r iki cildd¿n ibar¿tdir. Birinci cild q¿dim akkadlarla, ¿umerl¿rl¿ qohum olan türk xalqlar¿n¿n Bibliya m¿n¿¿yin¿ dair yeni sübutlar aç¿r. Kitab German xalqlar¿n¿n, midiyal¿lar¿n v¿ skifl¿rin türk ¿slini sübut edir. Farsdak¿ Behistun yaz¿s¿n¿n de¿ifr¿ edilmi¿ mixi yaz¿lar¿ onlar¿n ¿trafl¿ leksiko-qrammatik t¿hlili il¿ yanä¿, midiyal¿lar¿n türk m¿n¿¿li olmas¿ v¿ onlar¿n dili il¿ bäl¿ inqilabi faktlar¿ i¿¿qland¿r¿r. Bu cildin böyük bir hiss¿si skifl¿r¿ v¿ onlar¿n tör¿m¿ tayfalar¿n¿n ¿ks¿riyy¿tin¿, o cüml¿d¿n Skifiyada v¿ ondan k¿narda yerl¿¿¿n As, Turkai, Sakai, Parfiya, Baktriya, Hun, Sarmat, Getai, Kelt, ¿ber, Qall, German v¿ Trakiya kimi tayfalara h¿sr edilmi¿dir. ¿kinci cildd¿ dig¿r skif-trakiya xalqlar¿ - troyal¿lar, ¿n m¿¿hur illiriyal¿lar, spartal¿lar, frigiyal¿lar, etrusklar, pelasqlar d¿ daxil olmaqla, qohum tayfalar¿n ¿trafl¿ t¿snifat¿ il¿ t¿qdim olunur. ¿ki böyük Trakiya xalq¿n¿n - etrusklar¿n v¿ frigiyal¿lar¿n dill¿rinin d¿rin leksiko-qrammatik t¿hlili onlar¿n türk m¿n¿¿yini mü¿yy¿n edir. Kitab h¿mçinin Frigiya koloniyas¿ olan q¿dim erm¿nil¿rin tarixini aç¿qlay¿r, onlar¿ müasir erm¿nil¿rd¿n f¿rql¿ndirir v¿ Hay kimi tan¿nan müasir erm¿ni xalq¿n¿n xronoloji, tarixi m¿lumat¿n¿ onun ilk tarixçisi Movses Xorenatsiya istinad ed¿r¿k verir. 20 q¿dim ¿lifban¿n müqayis¿li t¿hlili onlar¿n ortaq türk kökünü üz¿ ç¿xar¿r. ¿h¿miyy¿tli bir arxeoloji, m¿d¿ni, siyasi, linqvistik v¿ genetik d¿lil bir çox yerli amerikal¿lar¿n türk bälan¿¿c¿na i¿ar¿ edir.

  • af Movses Khorenatsi
    363,95 kr.

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