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  • af Pauline Walley-Daniels
    165,95 kr.

    This book, Intercessory Evangelism: Divine Arrest, equips and empowers you with strategies on how to pray until souls are rescued from perishing and saved. - How to draw souls into the kingdom of righteousness. - How to pray and what to pray for souls to be saved. - It enables you to understand why some souls are not yielding to the gospel message as expected. - It encourages you to become dynamic in the field of evangelism. Finally, it gives you wisdom on strategies for divine arrest and salvation of souls that are under satanic incarceration. Be blessed and enjoy intercessory evangelism. Pauline Walley-Daniels, Ph.D., is an ordained prophetic deliverance apostle who teaches the Word of God with dramatic demonstrations. She is the president of Pauline Walley Evangelistic Ministries and Christian Communications and the CEO of the Overcomers House Vocational Training Institute; the Pauline Walley Deliverance Bible Institute as well as the Prophetic Deliverance Theological Training Institute, which includes the School of Intensive Training for Leadership and the School of Deliverance in New York. Dr. Pauline is affiliated with the Christian International Ministries Network; Academic Council for Educational Accountability; International Coalition of Apostles; and is the Secretary-General of Faithful Ministers Fellowship of New York. Dr. Pauline serves on the Christian Life Educators Network board of regents. She is a member of Morris Cerullo World Evangelism's Global Prayer Strike Force team. In addition, she is the International Intercessory Prayer Coordinator for Joyfest Caribbean Conferences; and also for the Caribbean and African Faith-Based Leadership Conferences. Dr. Pauline holds a master's degree in journalism and a Ph.D. in pulpit communications and expository preaching. She is the author of several books and is married to Rev. Frederick Daniels of Overcomers' House Prophetic Deliverance Church in the Bronx of New York.

  • af Francis Ndegwa Maingi
    165,95 kr.

    God's plan for man from before creation is that man may soar above the natural according to Genesis 1:26-31. Our God being immutable has not changed in this plan and the offer is still open and valid. The book is not an authority in this matter but has been derived from The Holy Scriptures with much of the work being scriptural references and few inspirational and sound quotes from Christian writers with strong biblical backing. It starts with the scene at the garden of Eden and the power and authority given to man, the loss of this power through sin and restoration of the same through our Lord Jesus Christ. It attempts to highlight on what it is to soar above the natural, the requirements for achieving and maintaining this state and the forces that work against this. It is therefore the writer's prayer and beseeching that this book will be read prayerfully and under the guidance of The Holy Spirit so that he/she will be guided into his/her fulfilment of God's initial plan, 'To multiply, fill the earth and subdue it' all for THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER THROUGH THE SON BY THE HOLY SPIRIT! AMEN! Born in Central Mountainous Region of Kenya to his late parents Maingi Thuita and Rahab Wambui Maingi, Francis Ndegwa Maingi grew up in a Christian environment but lacking the knowledge of true Christian concept. Attending Church service was at convenience until at the age of 27years when he gave his life to Christ to be Lord and Savior. Life became a commitment and determination to fulfill God's purpose for his life along which line he has served in various non-pastoral roles including serving as a Youth Leader, Bible Study Coordinator, Christian Union Patron and Elder in Presbyterian Church of East Africa in Kenya. He currently resides in Lancaster city in Pennsylvania, USA with his dear wife, Eunice Wambui and their 2 sons Kevin Gaceru and Samuel Ndegwa. He fellowships with Lancaster Imani Presbyterian Church under the umbrella of Highlands Presbyterian Church, Lancaster PA and Kenya Christian Fellowship in America (KCFA), Lancaster Chapter.

  • af Leona Hayward
    137,95 kr.

    My story is designed to heal uplift and inspire and restore from a broken heart divorce. In guilt shame disappointment but God was there all the time so when I had to face struggles in my identity it was detrimental with verbal abuse was totally my worse nightmare with all that brokenness left me bleeding on the inside I had to believe who God created me to be. With conflicts that was trying to take over one after another so painful and hurtful on the inside low self-esteem kicked in on a day to day basis. It was such a terrible moment for me I learned that being broken-hearted it was not easy to go through. Now that with God's help I was able to move on and find happiness in me and to love me again it made me a better me a loving me to become restored. So I want others with a broken heart divorce to come out healed and restored. Leona Hayward is a wife to Kenneth and a mother of four boys three grandchildren five siblings whom I love dearly. I was born in Mullins, South Carolina to loving parents. My passion is caring for the children goes beyond family children's that I can imagine as I am the Director of the children's Ministry at my church were I love teaching the kids I nurse at the hospital we're I enjoy giving the patients love and compassion. I also enjoy vacationing with my family and friends I was inspired to write my book because I wanted women and men to be encouraged and healed after they have went to a broken heart divorce and knowing that they can be Restored.

  • af Dorsey Burk
    165,95 kr.

    Paul Tanner, a stressed senior pastor who threw away his life. Sara Petersen, a pastor's daughter who was gang raped. Zach Petersen, a young, traumatized husband who thought the worst. What do they have in common besides sharing some DNA? Peer into the lives of people who squander their spiritual heritage and see how their lives affect those around about them. Not everyone ends up in the pigsty, but everyone needs forgiveness, reconciliation, and redemption. See what blessings can come from broken, shattered, and scarred lives. Yes, all things can work for good for those who love the Lord. Dorsey Burk has served in Christian ministry for over fifty years. His passion for missions has taken him to twenty-five nations in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and the Caribbean. He has edited and designed books for the Oversea Ministries Training Course, the Alpha Bible Course, and the Global Association of Theological Studies. Many of these books bear his name as author. Forgiven! Reconciled! Redeemed! is his venture in Christian fiction.

  • af Ruth Ann Farmer
    132,95 kr.

    The Voices in the Silence represents the internal thoughts, feelings, perspectives, and viewpoint from the experiences of a little girl as she entered the world and could only keep in the silence of her heart the internal conversations that she so earnestly desired to vocalize, but could not. The Voices in the Silence is he story of how pain was turned into discovering purpose and God's promises fulfilled in bringing a healing touch to her life and in the realization of dreams coming true. It's truly my prayer and hope that you will not only get a glimpse of His fingerprints and His handiwork in threading the details of her life for His glory, but to open your eyes to see His plan and purpose for yours....... let the voices speak!!! Ruth Ann delights in calling the Midwest home. She is grateful for the Lord's blessing to be raised in a Christian environment where she accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior as a child and committed her life to follow His will and plan. She has spent over 30 years serving children and families as an educational training coach. Her passion embraces the investment of her life, time and energies to encourage each student to achieve their potential as they grow and build their own confidence and competence in becoming an independent learner and a thriving individual who pursues and achieves their dreams and goals. She loves serving at her church and encouraging children to discover God's purpose for their lives and in becoming a leader that impacts their world for Christ. She enjoys reading inspirational books, writing, listening to worship music, and nature walks.

  • af Theresa Laryea
    192,95 kr.

    "Destiny Road: 50 Shades of Grace" is a treasure trough of timely, resourceful and inspirational lessons for one of the most needful things - to make 6 critical stops in your life to assess the precious lessons of Purpose, Presence, Process, Promise, Positioning, and Power that would help you to optimize fruitfulness and maximize potential in the pursuits of your earthly life, work, Christian living, ministry and personal growth. As you pause in your tracks of pursuit, to give prayer and meditation on these critical lessons, I trust the following nugget will inform your heart and will in making advancements in your Christian life: "God's idea of greatness is totally different from the world's idea of greatness. A time comes in every believer's life when he has to decide which idea he is going to buy into and live by." (Theresa Laryea). Theresa Laryea is the president and founder of Theresa Laryea Ministries International. She is also the founder of an international fellowship called God's Women in Waiting. She is a revivalist who is passionate about fulfilling her mandate as a revivalist to the Body of Christ. She is also deeply committed to mentoring and helping people to go deeper in their commitment and relationship with the LORD through her mentoring school, The Theresa Laryea Mentoring School. Theresa is a sought-after conference speaker and has a vibrant itinerant ministry to local churches. She carries an anointing in the administration of God's grace to His people nationally and internationally. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Design, a Post Graduate Diploma in Architecture, and a Master's degree in Business Administration. She is a published author with several books to her credit. Theresa makes her home in the state of Arkansas, USA with her beloved husband Prof. Jonathan Laryea and their two beautiful daughters, Amerley and Amorkor.

  • af Larry Pitts
    165,95 kr.

    For The Sake Of Many contains spiritual, self help, and common sense poetic insights. The book's intent is to express and share words and insights that are prayerfully, beneficial to many. Words and insights that are logical, inspiring, motivating, uplifting, thought provoking, whimsical, and heartfelt. Expressing emotions of love, joy, heartache, pain, and loss of love. Larry Pitts - Clearwater FL, born in Donalsonville GA. A man created in the image and likeness of his Creator. What is man that You are mindful of him?

  • af Jacqueline Potter-Wilson
    121,95 kr.

    Have you ever wondered why you were not able to get past certain behaviors or situations in your life? Every time you take three steps forward you take 10 steps back. Could it be that you are under spiritual oppression? The enemy is cunning and as long as he is not caught keeping you from your God given destiny you will never live in the victory that Christ paid for on the cross. God wants his children to prosper and to live in health as your soul prospers. It's time to learn the strategies to stop the enemy in his tracks. Check Mate Game Over - Standing Your Ground In Spiritual Warfare - Deliverance Movement...It's time to tear the enemy's kingdom down. In Jesus Name!

  • af Moletha Fowler-Thompson
    193,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af Chris Pohlod
    259,95 kr.

    It's something no parent or child wants to go through: divorce. However, author Dr. Christopher Pohlod is not only a child of divorce but almost experienced his own divorce with his wife Angela. Though he and his wife were able to save their marriage, Dr. Pohlod knew personally, and professionally as a pediatrician, the effects of divorce have on children. His new book, Welcome to the Little Pieces Club: Discover God's Love and Wisdom Before and After Divorce & Separation, focuses on life after divorce and how to make it best between former spouses in coparenting their children. However, Dr. Pohlod encourages readers most to look at God's blueprint in marriage and work on loving and forgiving your spouse to save your marriage instead of looking toward divorce and separation. It's about growing in Christ and knowing God is there in trials, saving your marriage and children in the process.

  • af Dianna L. Jackson
    243,95 kr.

    This book is for all of the children whose families who partnered with Miss Dianna aiding in the area of helping to prepare meals for the babies and or children. Whether it was breakfast, lunch or dinner it was always a pleasure because everyone knew or soon found out that Miss Dianna loved to eat and cook making soups was Miss Dianna's favorite. This book is also dedicated to all the Fathers who are raising their children alone.

  • af Jean Blair
    165,95 kr.

    We Almost Turned to Dust in the Duffel is a collection of short stories, some written decades ago, that were stashed in a duffel bag under a bed. One day, the bag was pulled out from the darkness, and the characters seemed to crawl out, sighing, "We almost turned to dust in the duffel." Each character has a story to tell about how their struggles taught them important life lessons: Do I really want what I wish for? Whom should I trust when the going gets tough? Who am I? Am I important? What is more important-the mess in life or life itself? Do I think I'm happily headed in the right direction while, really, I'm lost? Each story can be read in one sitting, and from each, many morals can be drawn. We Almost Turned to Dust in the Duffel can be enjoyed by people of all ages, from all around the world, and from all walks of life. God knew Jean Blair long before she was born, just like He knew you. She was designed in His imagination, created in secret, and when His work was ready, He carried her into the world. Jean was born into a huge and diverse family, which, over time, became more enormous and even more diverse. Sitting at the family table was like sitting in the United Nations. Jean and her four siblings grew up in Queens, New York, which gave Jean a taste of every single part of the world. Jean Blair is your neighbor. She is the author and illustrator of the new book We Almost Turned to Dust in the Duffel.

  • af Mary J. McGee
    210,95 kr.

    God Always Keeps His Promises! I think encouragement and inspiration is the goal and message of this book. Be inspired to take one more step, hold on one more day. God is going to show up. He your help and strength and although we get tired and even mess up, we are here for a reason. No matter how old or young or what you have been through, there is hope! "For nothing is impossible with God." Luke 1:37b

  • af Ed Dedieu
    165,95 kr.

    Science simply means, knowledge. Science is the human activity consisting in using a method to study the universe that has been created before mankind. And that activity is limited to the materialistic realm, using human senses. The spiritual realm is outside the purview of science. Mankind does not have a logical explanation of the origin of the whole universe except the one that the Creator provided. A creature can only exist if its creator is outside of it. The Creator of mankind cannot come from within and must not be part of humanity. Mankind can only use pre-existing materials to invent another thing. The Creator of the universe created ab initio meaning from nothing. He created mankind (not races) out of nothing. 26 Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." 27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. 28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground." (Genesis 1:26 - 28, NIV). Mr. Saré's upbringing from a missionary household, his own faith in Jesus-Christ, along with his life experience within the boundaries of his tri-continent world, put him in a unique position regarding humanity and racism. The Holy Scriptures and the US Constitution form the foundations of this author's beliefs and moral values. From that unique perspective, Mr. Saré offers to the readers his thoughts on a notion which eludes the secular realm, even as the divine realm does not recognize it: Race or the inexistence thereof. "Humanity - No Races" is Ed Saré's first book.

  • af C. Murdock
    137,95 - 325,95 kr.

  • af Melanie Hale & Roy Hale
    132,95 - 236,95 kr.

  • af Karen Walner Metsker
    248,95 kr.

    Influenced by a treasured bell collection, author, Karen Walner Metsker, ventures out to find what makes the sound of every bell so special. She uncovers the unique ways in which each one of us is like a bell. Together adults and children will discover unique individuality, divine purpose and great value given by their creator.Power of the Bells includes, inspirational poem, illustrated glossary, interactive discussion guide and short stories to deepen understanding.

  • af Beverly Boren & B. C. Boren
    277,95 kr.

    Caution! Reading this book to children may cause a temporary condition known as the "Giggles." Parents, Grandparents, Teachers and Babysitters will delight in introducing children to such characters as the Barnyard Rooster, The Lazy Cat, The Big Proud Turkey and many more delightful farm animals. Find out why Turkeys were almost our national bird. And, what's so special about Buford the Mule? It's all in this book to be enjoyed by children and adults alike. As one commentator stated, "Amazing artwork, and the poems will brighten any child's day." B.C.'s participation in backpacking, skiing and canoeing led to many adventures outdoors and an appreciation of nature's wildlife. Recently retired from property management, he now enjoys being a grandfather and, as has been said, "Fixing coffee and putting seed in the bird feeders." Partnering with his wife Beverly on this book has been great fun for both. Beverly paints in several different mediums and teaches workshops throughout Texas. Her credits include Signature Membership in the Outdoor Painters Society, and the Southwestern Watercolor Society. She is also a member of Oil Painters of America, American Impressionist Society, American Watercolor Society and DFW Urban Sketchers. She may be reached at her website, B.C. continues to write to entertain children. He is working on his next book titled, "Flossie's Story." Flossie is a little sparrow that lived with B.C.'s family during her many adventures. Stay tuned!

  • af Toni Lynn
    243,95 kr.

    Matthew Rushing, an exceptional professional dancer that has taken the dance world by storm. Matthew began his professional career at age 17, and has continued to perform for 30 years with The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. Through much hard work, and dedication Matthew also transitioned into leadership positions; first as Rehearsal Director/Guest Artist, and is presently the Associate Artistic Director. This amazing versatile dancer is a perfect fit for the high caliber repertoire company of The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. Matthew is not only an amazing dancer, but also an outstanding humanitarian. Enjoy Matthew's journey as you turn the pages of his biographical story. The author Toni Lynn is a native of Pittsburgh, PA. She is a graduate of the University of California, Irvine, with a Masters of Fine Arts degree in Dance, and a Bachelor of Arts in dance from Point Park University, Pittsburgh, PA. Toni started dancing at the age of 11, and at 12 was awarded a summer scholarship to study dance at the University Of Pittsburgh. She danced with The Pittsburgh Black Theater Dance Ensemble, Barbara Sullivan's Atlanta Dance Theater, and Chester Whitmore's Central Avenue Dance Ensemble, Los Angeles. Toni was the featured dancer for actress Della Reese's 70th birthday party. She is also proud to be an original member of the WNBA Los Angeles Sparks 'Ole Skool' Dance Crew. She is presently a itinerant dance teacher for Los Angeles Unified School District. Toni is the proud mother of two adult sons, DeMarius and Scott

  • af Gayle Bolton
    251,95 kr.

    Safari is a Swahili word that means a journey that changes you. Only when Gayle totally surrendered to God the re-scheduling of her Covid interrupted African safari trip, did God respond by weaving a tapestry of people, places, animals and experiences that revealed His creation as He had planned it and the genuine people He has entrusted it to. From South Africa to Namibia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Kenya, this true month long story re-affirms God's active interaction with us if we will initiate a "Godversation". He loves to have a chat with us. With God in your Jeep, He will challenge you with assignments that make you eager to do more. He instructed Gayle to share this inspirational story. He wants His children to remember Him and to come back to Him! As God is my witness, this is all true! Gayle Bolton from Savannah, Georgia is a mother of 3 daughters and 5 grandchildren. For her 69 th birthday she took off solo for a month-long safari in Africa with God as her only companion. Safari is a Swahili word meaning journey. God taught her to embrace her safari that He had uniquely planned for her. She learned to listen to Him and to follow His direction. The joy she experienced being on God's assignment reinforced her conviction to be a child of God. God has a uniquely designed safari for everyone. Embrace your safari!

  • af Bob McLaughlin
    192,95 - 324,95 kr.

  • af Celestin Ben Joseph
    192,95 kr.

    Jésus n'est pas seulement venu chercher et sauver ceux qui étaient perdus, mais Il est aussi venu pour illustrer le sacrificateur, le prophète et le roi idéal sur terre. Ce livre présente l'administration de Jésus dans ses trois offices: l'office du sacrificateur, l'office du prophète et l'office du roi. Le livre affiche également clairement le chemin à suivre si un disciple de Christ désire réussir dans ces trois fonctions. Ignorer leur sainteté et leur importance produit des conséquences indésirables dans tous les aspects de la vie. L'effet du Saint-Esprit dans la vie des croyants est également un autre sujet abordé dans le livre, qui amènerait chaque lecteur au sommet de son potentiel théologique. De plus, les enseignements de ce livre abordent les problèmes des faux prophètes dans les églises modernes et dévoilent à partir de la Bible tous les outils que Dieu donne aux croyants non seulement pour s'empêcher d'être de faux prophètes, mais aussi pour identifier tout faux prophète, et le moyen d'échapper à leurs pièges. Je vous souhaite la bienvenue dans ce nouveau voyage béni et agréable. Puisse-t-il être le chemin qui vous aidera à atteindre votre destinée divine sur la terre et au ciel! Le Révérend, Docteur Célestin Ben Joseph sous l'inspiration du Saint-Esprit, vient de faire la publication de son deuxième ouvrage titre Le Mystère et la Puissance des Trois Offices de Jésus-Christ: L'Office du Sacrificateur, L'Office du Prophète et L'Office du Roi. De ce titre en découle les quatre parties de l'ouvrage et les seize chapitres à l'intérieur desquels des paragraphes qui tissent la démarche qui allait initier le mystère et la puissance des trois offices de Jésus-Christ. Pasteur Célestin, au travers de ses lignes, mettait en lumière le mystère et la puissance des trois offices de Jésus-Christ et ce dans un contexte très particulier.

  • af Regina Murray
    132,95 - 210,95 kr.

  • af Archbishop Sean M. Walsh
    243,95 kr.

    Darwin's thinking, along with that of Marx, Freud and Nietzsche, are the four pillars underpinning the secular humanist worldview that gave rise to the horrors of the 20th century. Fortunately, the other three schools of thought have now been largely abandoned. But Applied Darwinism still exists, although Mussolini, Hitler, Apartheid's Verwoerd, Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Mao and their minions everywhere, by their own admissions, were practitioners of applied Darwinism. Modern science has done so much to disprove this 19th century hypothesis still futilely in search of evidence. Furthermore, the most advanced philosophy of science proved that macroevolution is not possible, even in principle. The Science of Intelligent Design has proven more convincing to even some celebrated authors of evolutionary science textbooks, the "high priests of evolution." Sean M. Walsh served in Washington, D.C. as a Health Systems Research Analyst (NACHC), and as a college teacher and administrator in Goddard College. For 22 years, he served with the U.N. World Food Programme in Africa, Italy and Latin America. With his wife, Emma, he returned to full-time ministry in 2005, and he served as Bishop in Peru and then Archbishop of South America of the Catholic Church of the East-Aramaic Rite. He is a graduate of Villanova U. (B.A., M.A.), Augustinian College (M.A.); did post-grad studies in U. of Central Michigan and in l'Université de Montpellier, France

  • af Keishana A. Crenshaw
    132,95 kr.

    While waiting in a very long checkout line after gathering groceries for my family; a prophet of God approached me and said, Daughter, why do you worry? He looked at me with very strong wise eyes. It was as if they were the eyes of God the Father looking into the depths of my soul. I immediately began to weep. He continued, it's time to walk in your purpose...write! One of the major hindrances most people struggle with are emotional strongholds, some of which include worry, doubt, fear, and anxiety. In this book, we will walk together through the process of understanding how God sees us and our identity in Him, understand seasons and purpose, and lastly, identifying your why. The Holy Spirit used this very same process to liberate me from the emotional strongholds that once had me bound. It's time to start living your Best Blessed Life! Keishana serves in the Governmental Office of Prophetess at Worldwide Deliverance Ministries, Inc. in Plano Illinois under the leadership of Apostles Michael and Lynette King. Prophetess Keishana is also a Board-certified Life coach since 2011 and utilizes these tools to help individuals identify and obtain achievable goals that will steer them towards living their very best blessed lives! As a coach and minister, Keishana is passionate for people. She often ministers by her powerful testimonies of victoriously overcoming depression, anxiety, self-mutilation, physical and sexual abuse, rejection, and low self-esteem. Serving in a deliverance ministry; Keishana is unwavering in her conviction that God is well able to liberate anyone from the strongholds of satan; should they desire to be free. Prophetess Keishana strongly believes in the free gift of salvation, the Power of the Holy Spirit, the Power of prayer and the Powerful Word of God!

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