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Proposes regenerative principles with potential to transform how we design, make and manage our buildings, infrastructure and communities
'Engaging and inspiring, Sharon Blackie's beautiful book will empower people to find wonder in everyday life.' Clover Stroud
An internationally famous climate scientist with a strong media presence, Mann has been on the front lines of the climate debate for decades, and readers will want to hear from him on the solutions for the worsening crisis.For readers of The Uninhabitable Earth, The Future We Choose, and This Changes Everything, this is a book of solutions, not scaremongering, that will be indispensable for anybody who wants to save our planet.
Floriography, a captivating book penned by Jessica Roux, is a must-read for everyone. This enchanting piece of literature was published in the year 2020, on the 15th of October, by none other than Andrews McMeel Publishing. The genre of the book is hard to pinpoint due to its unique content, but it surely leaves a lasting impression on its readers. Jessica Roux has beautifully woven words together to create a mesmerizing tale that takes you on a journey of emotions. The book, Floriography, is a testament to Jessica's literary prowess and is a gem in the world of literature. Published by Andrews McMeel Publishing, this book holds a special place in the hearts of its readers. So, get your copy today and immerse yourself in the world of Floriography.
Discover wild sauerkrauts, kimchis, fermented forest brews, seawater brines, plant-based cheeses, and more. Pascal Baudar invites you on an extraordinary culinary journey into the vegan-friendly world of lacto-fermented wild foods
Features 1000 dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures, with 2000 specially commissioned artworks, maps and photographs. Each entry has detailed information on topics including appearance, life cycle, muscle and bone structure.
Theorizes the political agency of things and natural phenomena-such as trash, food, weather, and electricity-to examine how non-human elements exert force on human politics and social relations.
Healthy soil is teeming with life not just earthworms and insects, but a staggering multitude of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. This title lists the benefits of cultivating the soil food web. It explains the activities and organisms that make up the web, and shows to cultivate the life of the soil through usage of mulches and compost.
In this urgent, authoritative book, Bill Gates sets out a wide-ranging, practical - and accessible - plan for how the world can get to zero greenhouse gas emissions in time to avoid a climate catastrophe. Bill Gates has spent a decade investigating the causes and effects of climate change. With the help of experts in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, political science, and finance, he has focused on what must be done in order to stop the planet's slide toward certain environmental disaster.In this book, he not only explains why we need to work toward net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases, but also details what we need to do to achieve this profoundly important goal. He gives us a clear-eyed description of the challenges we face. Drawing on his understanding of innovation and what it takes to get new ideas into the market, he describes the areas in which technology is already helping to reduce emissions, where and how the current technology can be made to function more effectively, where breakthrough technologies are needed, and who is working on these essential innovations.Finally, he lays out a concrete, practical plan for achieving the goal of zero emissions-suggesting not only policies that governments should adopt, but what we as individuals can do to keep our government, our employers, and ourselves accountable in this crucial enterprise. As Bill Gates makes clear, achieving zero emissions will not be simple or easy to do, but if we follow the plan he sets out here, it is a goal firmly within our reach.
An environmental expert unleashes a scientific, fact-based broadside against eco-alarmism and the excesses of the left, arguing that climate change and other environmental problems are real but not apocalyptic and require practical, not radical, solutions.Many environmentalists claim the world as we know it will soon come to an end unless we radically change how we live our lives. They demand we stop eating meat, ban plastics, and significantly reduce how much we drive and fly. Climate change is real, says Michael Shellenberger in Apocalypse Never, but itΓÇÖs not the end of the world. It is not even our most serious environmental problem. Most environmental trends, including population, pollution, and resource use, are all going in the right direction.The left profits from hyping climate change as apocalypse while opposing obvious solutions. Schemes like ΓÇ£The Green New DealΓÇ¥ would transfer wealth to well-connected elites, raise energy costs, and hurt wildlife.Poverty, not prosperity, is the real enemy of the environment. We use can produce more food using less land and water, move from wood to coal to natural gas to nuclear, and safely capture and contain plastic waste. But all of that will require standing up to the eco-alarmism in the way of environmental protection.
Passionate cloud spotter and bestselling author Gavin Pretor-Pinney gives you 365 clouds, one for each day, in his stunning illustrated book.
Trap Danmark 6. udgave, bind 8 giver en omfattende og rigt illustreret, stedsspecik viden om Viborg og Ikast-Brande Kommuner. I alt har 195 forskere og eksperter bidraget med viden til denne bog om det væsentligste fra Vridsted til Hammershøj og fra Gammel Hvam til Blåhøj Kirkeby.Få viden om Viborg som historisk magtcentrum, gavlmalerierne i Brande og hosekræmmerne på Ikastegnen. Bliv klogere på opdyrkningen og tilplantningen af heden, begrebet kartoffeltyskere og nutidens skovproduktion. Tag med til Viborg Domkirke med udsmykning af Joakim Skovgaard, og besøg den moderne Fonnesbæk Kirke, hvor en stige rækker mod himlen. Få indblik i den omfattende modeindustri og produktion af alt fra cirkulationspumper og vindmøller til æg og småkager. Hans Tausen og Flyvestation Karup er med, ligesom både den uanseelige sneloppe og den ikoniske urfugl har fået plads.Trap Danmark har det væsentligste med.Fra det mest almindelige til det mest specielle.Opdag Danmark – med Trap.Trap Danmarks indbundne bøger udgør samlet et bogværk på i alt 34 bind, der beskriver alle 98 kommuner og afsluttes med to bind (bind 1 og 2) om hele Danmark. Bøgerne udkommer frem til slutningen af 2021 og indeholder den væsentligste viden om geologi, geografi, biologi, arkæologi, historie, kultur, kunst, arkitektur, etnologi samt samfunds- og erhvervsliv. Bøgerne sælges også enkeltvist.
Depression er den mest udbredte psykiske lidelse på verdensplan. I En fremtid uden fremtid argumenterer Mikkel Krause Frantzen for, at man kan kende et samfund på dets sygdomme, og viser, hvordan depressionen peger på en række kriser i tiden: gældskrise, det konkurrencestyrede arbejdsmarked, krav om individuel lykke og selvoptimering. Med konstateringen af, at den psykiske lidelse ikke er den enkeltes problem, men vores fælles problem, udfolder Frantzen en kulturkritisk samtidsdiagnose og inddrager en række bøger, film og kunstværker som alternativ forestillingshorisont. Mikkel Krause Frantzen (f.1983) Ph.d. i Litteraturvidenskab fra Københavns Universitet, boganmelder på Dagbladet Politiken og ansat som postdoc ved Aalborg Universitet. Han har tidligere udgivet Lars Skinnebach – en monografi (Arena, 2013). Anmeldelser ”Relevant og stimulerende læsning for enhver, der er interesseret i sit samfund” – Weekendavisen "Mikkel Frantzens analyse af depressionen i bogen ’En fremtid uden fremtid’ er en af de mest vellykkede, vi har set. " – Information "Glimrende… Bogen bør læses af alle ansatte i psykiatrien i Danmark og være pensum for uddannelsen af alle psykiatere og psykologer, der fortsat hårdnakket tror på, at depression skyldes kemiske ubalancer i hjernen." ♥♥♥♥ – Politiken
The latest in the series that launched with the bestselling RHS Latin for Gardeners, this offers a unique guide to the fascinating genealogical relationships between plant families.
Can humans and other species continue to inhabit the earth together?
Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea meets Born to Run and the cutting edge of popular science.
Foreword by Kai Curry-Lindahl. The first book in English to describe Viktor Schauberger's prophetic work.
World-renowned anthropologist and ethnopharmacologist Christian Ratsch provides the latest scientific updates to this classic work on psychoactive flora by two eminent researchers.
Adventure, shipwreck, storms and survival on the high seas. 'Superb ... the greatest survival story of all time' Sir Chris Bonington
Hvordan kunne vikingerne sejle helt til Amerika? Hvorfor var det lige i 1400-1500-tallet, at vi europæere for alvor opdagede resten af verden? Bogen fortæller om sejlads på verdenshavene fra vikingetiden til i dag. Og den viser, hvordan klimaet har spillet en væsentlig rolle for de store opdagelser.Kom med ind i en verden af fantastiske opdagelser og søeventyr og mød de sejlivede matroser og kaptajner, der sejlede på de syv verdenshave. I en kronologisk gennemgang fortæller forfatteren om opdagelsesrejserne, og han sammenfatter vejr, skibe og resultater over en periode på 1.000 år: fra vikingernes togter til Grønland og Vinland over de store opdagelsesrejser fra 1400-tallet og frem til 1900-tallet. Herunder beskrives trekantshandelen i 1700-tallet samt de fuldriggede klipperes kapsejlads på tværs af oceanerne i 1800-tallet.Bogens udgangspunkt er de klimamæssige udfordringer og muligheder, der gennem tiden har øget eller vanskeliggjort sejladsen. Bl.a. skyldes de store opdagelsesrejser i 14-1500-tallet, at der netop i denne periode var særligt gunstige vilkår for sejladsen – vejrforhold, som afveg ganske væsentligt fra dem, vi kender i dag.Fokus er på de sørejser og rejsende, der har skabt et gennembrud i udforskningen af havene: vikingerne, Vasco da Gama, Christoffer Columbus, Fernando de Magellan, James Cook, Vitus Bering og mange flere. Det er spændende læsning for alle historie- og sejlinteresserede – samt for alle, der interesserer sig for vejr og vind og for, hvordan klimaet påvirker vores daglige liv.Svend Albrechtsen er sejlsportsmand og pensioneret søofficer. Efter afslutningen på sin militære karriere har han brugt sin viden og erfaring – som både pilot, skibsfører og sejlsportsmand – på at udbrede kendskabet til forholdene på havet gennem sit forfatterskab og en omfattende foredragsvirksomhed
Følg med Kristian på sporet af de opdagelsesrejsende, der fandt Amerika, først nåede Sydpolen, besteg verdens højeste bjerg – og ned på bunden af havet!I flere hundrede år er opdagelsesrejsende draget mod verdens fjerneste afkroge uden at vide, hvad der ventede dem. Med mod og nysgerrighed kortlagde de den verden, vi kender i dag, og sikrede sig dermed en plads i historiebøgerne. Men hvem var de egentlig – de eventyrlystne opdagelsesrejsende, der satte sig for at finde ud af, om Jorden var rund, sejlede højt mod nord for at undersøge de isfyldte riger, drog ned på havets bund for at undersøge livet på mange kilometers dybde, løb om kap mod Sydpolen og satte liv og lemmer på spil i kampen om at blive de første på toppen af verdens højeste bjerg?I Kristian på sporet af opdagelsesrejsende skal vi høre om alt fra de vikinger, der drog af sted på togt og ved et tilfælde fandt Grønland, om de mange kapløb der har været om at nå verdens sydligste og nordligste punkter, verdens top og havets bund – og helt frem til i dag, hvor de opdagelsesrejsende med lige så stort mod sætter kursen ud i galaksen for at besøge andre planeter.Kristian på sporet af opdagelsesrejsende er femte bind i Kristian Gintbergs faktaserie for børn, hvori Kristian tager ud for at undersøge stort og småt sammen med læserne. Det skal være sjovt at lære, det skal være spændende at suge ny viden til sig. Derfor tager Kristian ud i verden med sit kamera om halsen, sin rygsæk på ryggen og sin nysgerrighed som rejseledsager og opdager alverdens fænomener, steder og mennesker. Hvert opslag dækker et emne, formidlet i et lettilgængeligt sprog og illustreret både faktuelt og utrolig sjovt af Franck Wagnersens humoristiske streg.
'Tony Riddle's mission is to present ways of living that are more in sync with our human biology, to help us thrive in this modern world' Dr Rangan Chatterjee'This book is brilliant with such an important message' The Happy Pear ___________________________The ultimate guide to boosting your mental and physical health by reconnecting with the way we, as humans, were supposed to live, eat, sleep, breathe and move.The bright lights, late nights and constant hustle of our modern world have detached us from the way we, as humans, were supposed to live, connect and thrive. Be More Human explores the importance of reconnecting with our natural state and help us learn how to meet our true needs and live more naturally. Tony Riddle (@thenaturallifestylist) will explore how the majority of us do not sit, breathe, eat, sleep or move as nature intended and so we're actively going against our biology. This book will help us all to reassess our habits and tap back into our natural rhythms and ways of being to optimise our mental and physical wellbeing, reduce stress, sit correctly, breathe better and improve our quality of sleep.Tony is committed to helping us reconnect with how we were built to live in a way that can be incorporated into our hectic, modern lifestyles. His expertise will make this a transformative, empowering and practical guide to getting back in tune with a happier, healthier self to discover physical, emotional, mental and spiritual strength and wellbeing.We can't all live in nature, but we can all live more naturally and learn how to thrive instead of just survive.___________________________'Inspiring read' Rich Roll, author of Finding Ultra'Vital stuff' Bruce Parry
It is the story of how we came to make this, our greatest mistake - and how, if we act now, we can yet put it right. We have one final chance to create the perfect home for ourselves and restore the wonderful world we inherited.'All we need is the will to do so.'
I hope it is widely read and acted on' Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and UN Messenger of PeaceThe Future We Choose is a passionate call to arms, written by former UN Secretary for Climate Christiana Figures and Tom Rivett-Carnac, her UN political strategist.
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