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  • af Søs Wollesen & Carl Bjarne Mikkelsen
    97,95 kr.

    Vi har skrevet ’Mad & Diabetes’, fordi vi i EASIS arbejder for, at det skal være nemt at vælge et alternativ, når du vil undgå eller formindske forbruget af sukker og fedt i dine fødevarer og måltider. Alle EASIS produkter bygger – ligesom opskrifterne i bogen - på principperne om at være kalorielette, fedtfattige og uden tilsat sukker.Så når du vælger at tilberede din mad efter opskrifterne i denne bog, vælger du samtidig en ny og slankere livsstil og drager automatisk omsorg for dig selv.Diabetes type 2 udløses i mange tilfælde af overvægt og fysisk inaktivitet i forbindelse med usunde kostvaner. Derfor kan sygdommen til en vis grad forebygges. Det er bl.a. denne bogs formål at bidrage til denne forebyggelse.

  • - Ny livsstil med Fit-all
    af Lene Hansson
    127,95 kr.

    Mæt & Let fra Fit-all giver dig inspiration til en sundere og slankere livsstil. Glæd dig til at gå ombord i mere end 80 opskrifter på spændende, sunde og slankende måltider, som samtidig kan give dig et synligt ugentligt vægttab.Fit-all er et slankekoncept, der anviser flere veje til vægttab. I Mæt & Let er det Fit-alls eget lægegodkendte Livsstilsprogram, der ligger til grund for opskrifterne. Senere kommer flere udgivelser, baseret på andre programmer.Advarsel. opskrifterne i denne bog riskerer at blive dine livretter - og i værste fald at blive vanedannende.

  • - Vitaminernes optimale forekomst i naturlige fødevarer
    af Tonny Lang
    123,95 kr.

    Bind 1 af naturlige næringsstoffer til et sundere liv,sætter fokus på vitaminerne og deres optimaleforekomst i naturlige fødevarer. Under de enkeltevitaminer er der omfattende levnedsmiddel tabeller,der viser næringsindholdet i forskellige naturligefødevarer. Der skitseres forskellige forslag til dagligforebyggelse af velfærdssygdomme, gennem optimaleindtag af næringsstofferne og forskellige udrensningskure.Bogen indeholder også nogle råd til advarselssignalerfor om man er ved at udvikle sygdomme og forslag tilhvordan man kan bruge mad som medicin.

  • - forøg dit velvære med gode råd om mad og sundhed
    af Nicolay Marcus Zederlinn
    85,95 kr.

    Enkle retningslinjer for kosten byggende på det indiske sundhedssystem ayurveda.Denne bog viser dig nøglen til sundhed. Alt hvad der er værd at vide om kost og spisevaner, kan du finde ved at lytte til kroppens intelligens. Jo mere du følger signaler som ”jeg er sulten, mæt, tørstig eller træt”, jo sundere vil du blive. Lytter du omhyggeligt til kroppens signaler, vil du kunne nikke genkendende til bogens gode råd.Disse råd har været kendt gennem tusinder af år og er bl.a. beskrevet i det gamle sundhedssystem ayurveda. Udover de mange gode råd giver bogen dig et praktisk redskab til markant at forøge din velvære og sundhedstilstand på kort tid. Opmærksomhed på kroppen er nøglen til sundhed. Hvad enten du vil tabe vægt, have mere energi eller velvære, er svaret ”lyt til kroppens indre intelligens”. Jo bedre du er til at lytte, jo sundere mad vil du spontant spise. Det bliver ikke længere et spørgsmål om at huske at spise sund mad - du vil spise sundt, fordi du ikke kan lade være.Om forfatteren: Nicolay Marcus Zederlinn har skrevet bogen Spis dig lykkelig og var igangsætter og indehaver af Restaurant Flow i København.

  • af Frede Bräuner
    247,95 kr.

    Danske børn og unge er blandt de mest usunde i Europa, og et stigende antal får brug for psykologhjælp og specialtilbud. Stadig flere børn med adfærdsmæssige og indlæringsmæssige problemer får diagnoser som ADHD og autisme, og alarmerende mange unge bliver tabere i uddannelsessystemet og på arbejdsmarkedet.årsagerne er mange, men en væsentlig og overset grund handler om børn og unges livsstil, hvor forbruget af sukker, sodavand, junkfood, alkohol og rusmidler er stort.Via cases og konkrete eksempler fra hverdagen gennemgår Frede Bräuner symptomer på forkert kost, herunder vitamin- og mineralmangel, ustabilt blodsukker og overfølsomhed.

  • af Gyldendal
    67,95 kr.

    Handy lille lommeguide med emneinddelte tabeller over en lang række madvarers indhold af energi, fedt og sukker. Tabellerne er gjort ekstra overskuelige, ved både at have angivelser for 100 g af en madvare, men også en angivelse i forhold til den mængde, man normalt anvender, fx 1 tsk. syltetøj, ½ l sodavand etc. Bogen indledes med en kort introduktion med angivelse af de anbefalede mængder af energi, fedt og sukker i dagligdagen. Derudover er der en 'sportstabel' med oversigt over, hvor meget man forbrænder ved de enkelte sportsgrene. En god lille hjælper til dem, der vil have overblik over energiindtaget i den daglige kost. Illustreret.

  • - Til sportsfolk og deres familier
    af Per Thøstesen
    257,95 kr.

    Mesterkokken Per Thøstesen udgiver kogebogen ”Glad Mad - til sportsfolk og deres familier”Ejeren af Bistro Boheme, tidligere kok for det danske herrelandshold i fodbold og vinder af prisen ”Kokkenes Kok”, udgiver nu en anderledes kogebog baseret på sine erfaringer som kok i over 30 år.

  • af Hannah Grant
    166,95 kr.

    The new edition of the ultimate Tour de France performance cookbook, a modern classic, a must-have for all cycling aficionados serious about nutritional intake.

  • - 100 plantebaserede sæsonopskrifter med danske råvarer
    af Anette Hoeg Nielsen
    277,95 kr.

    DET GRØNNE ÅRSTIDSKØKKEN er plantebaserede opskrifter på velsmagende retter med årstidens grøntsager. Bogen giver inspiration til en meningsfuld, bæredygtig og klimavenlig livsstil, hvor man både gør noget godt og sundt for egen krop og samtidig er med til at passe på den jord, vi lever på.Det, vi spiser, påvirker CO2-udledningen, biodiversiteten, drikkevandet og havenes tilstand. Derfor er der stigende fokus på, at vi skal spise mere plantebaseret og meget gerne årstidens lokale afgrøder, og dette er lige præcis grundtanken bag denne smukke kogebog.Bogen er en årstidskogebog, og efter kapitlerne om forår, sommer, efterår og vinter følger opskrifter på bagværk, fermenterede lækkerier, syltede sager og til sidst et afsnit om, hvordan man kan bruge krydderurter i madlavningen. Bogen slår også et slag for alle de forskellige danskdyrkede bælgfrugter, korn og frø og danskproducerede økologiske produkter lavet af bælgfrugter, som man kan købe i dag. I alt indeholder bogen 100 opskrifter. Anette Hoeg Nielsen er uddannet kostvejleder og har beskæftiget sig med mad og økologi i mere end 25 år. I egen have dyrker Anette selv et væld af grøntsager, bær og frugter, og hun er fast storkunde i det lokale økologiske jordbrug Peters Gartneri tæt ved sit hjem syd for Aarhus. På sin blog ’Mad med glød’ deler hun flittigt ud af sine tips, tricks og erfaringer fra sit plantebaserede køkken og store viden om vitale, farverige og velsmagende plantebaserede fødevarer. Anette er også forfatter til bogen Plantebaserede fristelser.

  • af Monique Volz
    286,95 kr.

    The social media star and beloved blogger behind The Ambitious Kitchen presents 125 nutrient-dense, flavor-packed recipes for every meal of the day. Monique Volz's blog, The Ambitious Kitchen, is a go-to online resource for inventive, flavorful recipes that are packed with nutrition and personality. Now in her debut book, Monique wants others to find their own Ambitious Kitchen and discover boldness, unique flavors, health, and above all, the unique happiness that food can bring to your life. Whether you're looking for a show-stopping dish to bring to a gathering, a new homecooked tradition, or a nutrient-packed meal everyone will love, The Ambitious Kitchen Cookbook has the answers.

  • af Benjamin Bikman
    227,95 kr.

    "In this companion guide to Why We Get Sick and featuring 70 low-carb and keto-friendly recipes, Bikman has teamed up with the fitness expert and recipe developer Diana Keuilian to help the nearly 9 in 10 American adults affected with insulin resistance. Together, they translate the latest research into actionable, easy-to-follow steps"--

  • af Louisa Lorang
    166,95 - 277,95 kr.

    Vi ved godt, at det er både sundt for os og godt for kloden, hvis vi spisere flere grønne proteiner og mindre kød. Men selvom vi godt ved det, er det for mange nok mere en pligt end velbehag at spise bønner, linser og kikærter, og det synes Louisa Lorang er en skam. For det skal ikke være en straf at spise bælgfrugter, for du kan lave nogle lækre hverdagsretter med bælgfrugter, de skal bare tilberedes med masser af smag. Og denne bog en en håndsrækning til alle dem, der gerne vil spise mere bælg. Her er både forslag til, hvordan du laver de mest simple og klassiske retter som en rigtig god minestrone og hummus, og opskrifter der er alternativer til kødretter som kikærte-burger, black bean-burritoes, linse-bolo, kødboller, postejer. Og så lærer du, hvordan du bruger bælgfrugter til fx at bage med. Bælgfrugter kan nemlig give noget rigtig saftigt, blødt og let bagværk.

  • af Dan Churchill
    274,95 kr.

    "We are not all super athletes, but we all perform in one way or another, every single day. Whether we're training for a marathon, smashing that big presentation, or chasing after kids, we need energy and focus for a healthy mind and body. To be our best, we need to feel our best, and what we eat makes the difference. Dan Churchill, The Healthy Chef, has spent more than a decade coaching high performers--everyone from professional hockey greats to famously fit celebrities like Chris Hemsworth or Lindsay Vonn to 100-mile runners-to be "legendary eaters." Churchill's philosophy and methods are simple--ditch the complicated science of performance nutrition and focus on five fundamental values: Eat good. Eat easy. Eat more. Eat deliberately. Eat special. Written in his fun and friendly voice, Eat Like a Legend provides recipes for food you can actually cook--food that's packed with fiber, nutrients, and other good stuff calibrated to enhance focus, determination, gut health, muscle mass, and endurance, no matter what you do. In this lifestyle cookbook, Churchill gathers the best of the best food with simple, step-by-step instructions--the tastiest dishes in his repertoire that will provide the energy you need to perform in your daily life, including: acai bowls (that are actually good for you), chicken alfredo you can eat every day, crispy sticky salmon on sesame greens, one-skillet apple pie, sexy tofu scramble with avo-dill salsa, legendary baked ziti with a kale pesto, game-day (and work-day) shrimp tikka masala, pad thai in a flash with sunny-side up eggs, gooiest brownies ever (you'll never guess how). All of these recipes go from pantry and fridge to plate quickly and Churchill includes tips for when to eat them relative to exercise for optimum health. Many of the recipes are interactive, featuring a QR code which can be scanned to instantly drop you into his studio kitchen, where he prepares the meal at hand and answers common questions about the ingredients and cooking method. Featuring dozens of full color photographs, Eat Like a Legend is balanced, delicious, accessible nutrition for everyone"--

  • af Kay Allinson
    215,95 kr.

    A gorgeous fully photographed hardback cookbook from the record-breaking Pinch of Nom authors, packed with one hundred super-fast, delicious and slimming-friendly recipes.

  • af Sat Bains
    229,95 kr.

    Sat's obsession for more than three decades of being a chef has been big, bold flavor, and that's not something he's prepared to sacrifice to ensure his food is also heart healthy. He still enjoys the odd steak and glass of red wine - since we all, occasionally, need to treat ourselves - but it's always in moderation. His diet focuses on lean protein and a mix of legumes, good fats - such as avocado, nuts and olive oil - vegetables and fruits, as well as seasonings that will help elevate any dish. The recipes are designed for every day, use ingredients that can be bought from any supermarket and are accompanied by advice written by nutritionist Dr Neil Williams highlighting the ingredients that are rich in the vitamins and minerals that aid heart health.

  • af Dr Gemma Newman
    195,95 kr.

    Open your mind, look after your body'A few years ago, I was driving home from a busy day in clinic when I realised something: most of my patients were not getting better. I was tinkering with their medications to ease symptoms ... but had I actually helped anyone that day? I'd never felt so powerless.Since then, I have studied nutrition, psychotherapy and a wide range of holistic healing approaches. I have studied research papers from all over the world, tested ideas on myself, asked my patients to try additional treatments, and I've seen wonderful results.I believe in a 'whole-body' approach - treating my patient's physical , mental and emotional health - mind, body and spirit. Headaches, back pain, IBS, anxiety ... the long list of chronic illness is on the rise. I've never seen so many younger patients struggling. But I've also seen what makes people well:Six health habits. Simple daily actions. An open-minded approach, grounded in evidence.Everything in this book is free. This is truly accessible healthcare for everyone.

  • af Sophie Perry
    125,95 kr.

    From the comfort of your own home, you have the power to give yourself an all-natural facelift ¿ without the price tag or surgery!

  • af Jordan Rubin
    392,95 kr.

    Effective, Natural Ways to Revolutionize Your Gut HealthAre you tired of suffering from stomach discomfort and digestive issues? Do you want to be free from pain, pills, and prescriptions?From ulcers and constipation to IBS and GERD, these common issues can have uncommonly debilitating effects on your life. But don't despair-there is hope and healing for even the most stubborn gut ailments by experiencing the true power of probiotics.In The Probiotic Diet, leading natural health experts and bestselling authors Jordan Rubin, Dr. Josh Axe, and Dr. Joseph Brasco give you practical, natural and effective strategies on how to overcome any gut issue and experience a vibrant, healthy life.In these pages you'll discover how to:Prepare easy, delicious "gut friendly" probiotic meals.Reduce common digestive symptoms such as gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, constipation and diarrhea.Fight serious gut issues such as Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, IBS and Celiac Disease.Don't be one of the millions who suffer in silence. Become more-than-a conqueror and experience true healing by following this revolutionary diet! It's time to take control of your gut and unlock your health potential.

  • af Chris van Tulleken
    105,95 - 215,95 kr.

  • af Dr Will Cole
    197,95 kr.

    "Working with Will Cole has changed my health and my life. Gut Feelings offers a highly effective, intuitive, and softer way to reset and reconnect your body and emotions."-GWYNETH PALTROWThe definitive guide to understanding the connection between what you eat and how you feel, offering a 21-day plan to reset your relationship with your body and heal the gut inflammation caused by stress, shame, and trauma-from the New York Times bestselling author of Intuitive Fasting and Ketotarian.It's easy to suffer from frustration and confusion when it comes to nutrition and health. With so much focus on what, when, and how to eat, the emotional component of eating tends to get left behind. Dr. Will Cole sheds light on the relationship between your physical and emotional health, providing a framework for you to better understand the gut-brain connection and influence that connection for the better. He illustrates how stress and shame can cause gut inflammation and sabotage your health in a process called Shameflammation. On the other end, problems with the gut can often present themselves in the form of mood swings, anxiety, and food cravings. True health isn't just about what you eat, but how you feel.Shameflammation can be the reason for chronic health conditions such as autoimmune disorders, leaky gut, IBS, and other GI disorders. Thankfully, it's possible to heal the connection between the physical and mental with good food and somatic practices that support a healthy gut and brain. Dr. Cole offers holistic tools to help you reevaluate your relationship with food and your body, getting you back in touch with your gut feelings. His 21-Day Gut Feeling plan helps you bridge the gap between your emotions and your health, including: More than fifty healing recipes, such as Breakfast Fried Rice, Scallop Noodle Bowls, and Honey Grapefruit Sorbet Dietary prescriptions founded upon flexibility and awareness Mindfulness techniques to strengthen your intuition and discover your prioritiesGut Feelings approaches nutrition and wellness from a place of self-love and will help you eliminate stubborn health conditions, on your own terms.

  • af Shawn Stevenson
    342,95 kr.

    "... featuring 100 family-friendly recipes to help you boost your metabolism, up-level your energy, and start living a happier life."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Dr Izabella Wentz
    165,95 kr.

    Overcome fatigue, brain fog and anxiety, and gain energy, clarity and peace of mind with Dr Izabella Wentz, internationally acclaimed thyroid specialist and author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, Hashimoto's Protocol.What were you doing in your life before you got sick? This is a common question Dr Izabella Wentz asks her clients when trying to get to the root cause of symptoms such as low energy, sleeplessness, caffeine dependency and poor memory. More often than not, she found they developed their symptoms after a period of acute or chronic stress: starting a new business, having a baby or living through a global pandemic - these can all destroy our once-resilient stress response.Since Dr Wentz was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis at the age of twenty-seven, she has sought to help her clients eliminate symptoms of stress, fatigue and burnout, and manage problems that conventional medicine has failed to address. In Adrenal Transformation Protocol, Dr Wentz tackles adrenal dysfunction, the body's inability to produce essential hormones when it mismanages stress, and shows that by making a few small dietary and lifestyle changes, you can see profound improvement within weeks.In this simple four-week programme, Dr Wentz will help you identify your adrenal triggers, balance your stress response and build up resilience to prevent stress from overwhelming your adrenals in future.

  • af Christina Kynigos
    189,95 kr.

    Christina Kynigos, aka the Very Hungry Greek, has found the tastiest flavours from around the world and worked her low-calorie magic to inspire you to cook every day.

  • af Erin Stern
    217,95 kr.

    "With 64 delicious recipes and 8 weekly meal prep plans, this is the cookbook every bodybuilder needs! Every bodybuilder knows it can be difficult to plan weekly meals, cook every night, and also stick to your macros. Meal prep can make the task a whole lot easier, but it can also seem overwhelming if you don't know where to start. Now, two-time Ms. Figure Olympia and fitness trainer and coach Erin Stern makes it's simple, with 64 absolutely delicious recipe and 8 weekly prep plans, you'll never get bored with eating the same meals every week, and you'll also get to enjoy amazing recipes that actually taste good and help you reach your training goals. Each weekly prep plan includes eight recipes along with detailed prep plans that help you prepare meals for the upcoming week that will keep you satisfied and on track. Here's what's inside: 8 weekly step-by-step prep plans with detailed shopping lists. Each plan targets a unique training goal, whether you're looking to build muscle, lean down, or just maintain. 64 delicious recipes for breakfasts, sides, salads, entrees, snacks, and even desserts. Helpful tips for sticking to your plans, shopping smart, and modifying the plans to meet your personal goals."--

  • af Joanna Farrow
    165,95 kr.

    "Cook your way through Hogwarts and the rest of the Wizarding World in this official cookbook inspired by the Harry Potter films! This gorgeous book is packed with full-color photography and over 40 recipes -- both savory and sweet -- including snacks, desserts, drinks, and meals fit for a Hogwarts feast!"--

  • af Richard Makin
    245,95 kr.

    Anything You Can Cook, I Can Cook Vegan, is a groundbreaking book by Richard Makin. Published in 2023 by Bloomsbury UK, this book has quickly become a must-read in its genre. It's a compelling dive into the world of vegan cooking, challenging the notion that certain dishes can't be made vegan. Richard Makin, with his innovative approach and creative recipes, proves that anything you can cook, can indeed be cooked vegan. This book is not just for vegans or vegetarians, but for anyone who is interested in expanding their culinary horizons and exploring new ways of cooking. If you're a food enthusiast looking for a fresh perspective, this book is definitely for you.

  • af Anisa Karolia
    215,95 kr.

    Title: The Ramadan Cookbook, Author: Anisa Karolia, Publication Year: 2023-03-09, Publisher: Random House UK Ltd, Language: eng

  • af Jeanine Donofrio
    334,95 kr.

    "Third Love and Lemons cookbook featuring easy vegetarian recipes"--

  • af Pascal Baudar
    245,95 kr.

    *2022 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award Silver Winner for Cooking Award-winning author and forager Pascal Baudar uncovers incredible flavors and inspiring recipes to create unique, place-based vinegars using any landscape. Includes more than 100 delicious, easy recipes for quick pickles, soups, sauces, salad dressings, beverages, desserts, jams, and more! "[Wildcrafted Vinegars] celebrates the versatility of this all-important--but often overlooked--acid in the kitchen."--Plate Magazine After covering yeast fermentation (The Wildcrafting Brewer) and lactic acid fermentation (Wildcrafted Fermentation), pioneering food expert Pascal Baudar completes his wild fermentation trilogy by tackling acetic acid ferments and the wide array of dishes you can create with them. Baudar delves deeply into the natural world for wild-gathered flavors: herbs, fruits, berries, roots, mushrooms--even wood, bark, and leaves--that play a vital part in infusing distinctive gourmet-quality vinegars. More than 100 recipes show how to use homemade vinegars to make a wide range of delicious foods: quick pickles, soups, sauces, salad dressings, beverages, desserts, jams, and other preserves. Recipes include: Pine, fir, and spruce-infused vinegar Smoked mushroom and seaweed vinegar Blueberry-mugwort vinegar Wilder curry vinaigrette Wasabi ginger vinegar sauce Pickled walnuts Mountain oxymel And many more! Once you've mastered the basic methods for making and aging vinegars at home, you might be inspired to experiment on your own and find local plants that express the unique landscape and terroir wherever you happen to live. Or you might decide to forage for ingredients in your own garden or at a local farmers market instead. Either way, Pascal Baudar is an experienced and encouraging guide to safe and responsible wild-gathering and food preservation. "Pascal Baudar is a culinary visionary."--Sandor Ellix Katz, author of The Art of Fermentation

  • af Kim Campbell
    254,95 kr.

    Discover new whole food recipes and plant-based recreations of traditional family dishes—with no oil, often no gluten, and lots of rich, satisfying flavorGood health begins in the kitchen, and great recipes make switching to—or maintaining—a plant-based diet easy. In PlantPure Comfort Food, Kim Campbell—Director of Culinary Education and Development at PlantPure and daughter-in-law of Dr. T. Colin Campbell, the “science father” of the modern plant-based nutrition movement—offers comfort food recipes to satisfy a wide range of palates, making a healthy, plant-based lifestyle more accessible than ever. From enchiladas to pho bowls to buffalo pot pie, the possibilities for plant-based eating are endless—and delicious! This third PlantPure cookbook offers over 100 reinventions of comforting culinary classics, including: Southern Style Polenta and GreensLasagna StewSpinach QuesadillasChickpea Tikka MasalaSamosa BurritosPad Thai ZoodlesSweet Potato Spice MuffinsApple Cranberry Crisp Plus, Campbell offers helpful suggestions on how to swap out flavors and ingredients to truly make these recipes your own, as well as detailed guidelines for swapping meat, dairy, and egg for whole plant substitutes in your own family’s favorite dishes. Food is a vital part of who we are. It’s what brings us together, connects us to tradition, and feeds us, physically and spiritually. Create for your family a new tradition of delicious, sustaining, health-promoting whole plant foods. Give them the gift of a plant-pure table.

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