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  • af Beatrice Ebikela Ezonnaebi
    177,95 kr.

    The very Biblical doctrine that revealed the redemption of humankind through Christ cannot be used to justify oppression of the women. The husband being the head of the home must model the headship of Christ who is the head of the Church. Christ headship exemplifies selfless sacrifice to bring redemption to all humankind. Christ leadership does not coerce or dominate people but appeal to the willing mind to come and be filled with the water of life. The unequal treatment of women transcends geographical location and economic status. Right from the ancient age, female have experienced unequal treatment compared to their male counterpart. God created humankind to dominate, subdue the earth, to be fruitful and multiply but not to control and oppress another human being. Any treatment that violates, dehumanizes, oppresses, intimates, controls, subjugates another human being whether in relationship or society in any form or shape should be challenged. Women are to be empowered to speak out because speaking out has significantly reduced the abuse and subjugation of women. The purpose of this book is to redefine the Christian doctrine of the husband headship based on the example of Christ headship. Christ's headship models love, care and sacrifice. The Biblical doctrine of husband headship cannot be arbitrarily interpreted outside of Christ headship of the Church, which is the foundation of all Christian belief. This book offers wealth of wisdom to the understanding of the truth of the husband headship in the home. The pastoral care giver needs a clear understanding of husband headship to dispense the right counsel. The Church is the bride of Jesus as the wife is to her husband and Christ should be the example of all Christian conduct. Beatrice Ebikela Ezonnaebi, DMin, Pastoral Care and Counseling degree at Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Ordained minister, pastor of Victory Covenant Ministries International in Georgia. Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) as a Resident Chaplain at Emory University Hospital, Midtown, Atlanta, 2007-2008; served as financial secretary in the Women's Fellowship in Church of God Mission in Lagos, Nigeria; served as a cell group leader in Praise International Church in Georgia; treasurer with Praise International Church. Fellow in Black Women in leadership/ministry program in International Theological Center, Atlanta, 2009-2010; She is a member of Nigeria Ministers Fellowship with outstanding Service Award, 2008. Beatrice and her husband Dennis have been married for 42 years and have 5 biological children and 14 grandchildren. She and her husband also adopted 2 children from Nigeria. She believes that the grace of God is sufficient for us in all situation.

  • af Our Daily Bread
    183,95 kr.

    One step closer to your spouse every day Whether you said "I do" four months or forty years ago, it's time to reframe the day-to-day disappointments and offenses of two broken people doing life together and replace them with the love and grace that can only come from God. In 100 daily devotions, reclaim the joy in your marriage that sometimes gets lost amid personality differences, moments of pride, and life circumstances, even when you're trying to grow together and give each other your best. Through relatable stories, relevant Bible verses, and practical applications, you'll make space to reflect Christ in your marriage every day. Trade in selfishness for serving each other, arguments for vulnerability, misunderstandings for grace, and gossip for gratitude! Since 1938, Our Daily Bread Ministries has shared the message of God's love all over the world. Now reaching people in over 150 countries, Our Daily Bread continues to encourage followers of Christ in their walk with Him. Visit odb.org to learn more.

  • af Dannah Gresh
    193,95 kr.

    Is happily-ever-after a myth--or can you experience something even better? Couples don't ride off into the sunset after their honeymoon. The truth is marriage is hard.Bob and Dannah Gresh have been there. But they decided to participate in God's redemption story. Together they discovered something better than romance: a love that endures.Whether your relationship is suffering from pornography, addiction, an affair, or just years of unhappiness, Jesus Christ can help you redeem the broken places of your marriage. In Happily Even After, Dannah is a friend who walks beside you and helps you: stop pretending everything is okaystrengthen yourself in the Lordfight for your husband instead of with himdiscover 7 essential beliefs every marriage needs to survive broken placesparticipate in your husband's redemption story You may feel like your story is over, but no one writes better--or happier--endings than Jesus.

  • af Lisa Hauk & Schnubulino
    153,95 kr.

  • af Keller
    146,95 kr.

    Embrace a new beginning with faith, hope, and confidence. When God brings a new relationship into our lives after divorce, we feel hopeful. It's easy to assume that this second chance at happiness is a gift we can simply accept with gratitude, but not so fast! Having been married does not mean that we know how to be remarried, and having been a parent does not mean that we know how to stepparent. In Marrying Again, Ron and Nancy Keller share knowledge, wisdom, and skills learned from decades of professional and personal experience with remarriage and blended families. Learn how to develop realistic expectations, overcome common feelings and challenges, promote unity and healthy communication, navigate tricky subjects, such as financial and legal matters, andnurture your relationship with the Lord.Whether you're newly divorced, dating, or already remarried, this book will encourage you on your journey, reminding you that God walks alongside you every step of the way.

  • af Julie Soto
    98,95 kr.

  • af Helle Marianne Dyrholm
    148,95 - 189,95 kr.

    En, som bare er der er min livshistorie, og som titlen påpeger, er det sådan, jeg altid har følt mig. Vi var ni søskende, voksede op med en fordrukken og voldelig far, vores mor forsøgte altid at skåne os.Som seksårig blev jeg seksuelt misbrugt af en af min fars drukvenner, som havde fået lov til at tage mig med hjem.Min seksuelle karriere begyndte allerede, da jeg var 13 år, og som 15-årig blev jeg gravid med en albaner, måtte opgive skolen og valgte at være enlig mor.Jeg føder en søn med medfødt hjertefejl, som lægerne kæmpede for at holde i live. Min søn, Jimmy, blev døbt kort efter fødslen, og fire hjerteoperationer måtte han igennem.Selv udviklede jeg også et alkoholmisbrug, og alle mine forhold og mit ægteskab var druk, hash og vold.Det forhindrede mig ikke i, at jeg 13 år senere fødte to døtre.Fra 1993 blev jeg alenemor, min søn var 14 år og syg, mine piger var meget små, min ældste datter var et år, og min yngste lå stadig i maven.

  • - Historien om en (pap)far
    af Birgit Chemnitz Kristiansen
    148,95 - 248,95 kr.

    Claus er omkring de 40 år. Han bor i den lille by i Nordjylland, hvor han er født, og hvor alle på godt og ondt kender hinanden. Claus har et udmærket arbejde på en af de lokale virksomheder. Han er gift med Linda, som har medbragt datteren Beatrix (Bea) fra et tidligere ægteskab. Familien bor i et nyere parcelhuskvarter i byens udkant. I sin fritid spiller Claus lidt oldboysfodbold med gamle venner, og han bruger også noget tid på at istandsætte sin mors sommerhus ude ved havet, sådan at det kan udlejes til turister.Alt i alt en rar og fredelig tilværelse, hvis ikke det var for Bea, som nu er 13 år og efterhånden meget dyr i drift. Beas veninder, som er ”bedre folks” børn, dyrker ridesport på højt plan og har egne heste. Bea vil også have en hest. Det er simpelthen nødvendigt.Claus forstår nok ikke helt, hvor meget der står på spil, så han nægter at købe en hest til Bea. Sådan en koster 100.000 kr. Det har familien slet ikke råd til.Dog Bea må og skal have sin hest. Linda støtter datteren, og inden Claus opfatter, hvad der sker, bliver han arresteret og sigtet for incest og forsøg på mordbrand. At han undgår at blive dømt, skyldes primært en tilfældighed. Dog, så billigt slipper Claus heller ikke. Ægteskabet med Linda går i stykker, han mister sit arbejde, hans mor dør, og han får byens fordømmelse at føle. Den gode, trygge tilværelse forvandles til en ond drøm, som driver ham ud i et mislykket selvmordsforsøg. Jeg, Claus er en slags ”omvendt” krimi, hvor offer og gerningsmand bytter roller. En meget anderledes bog, der ligesom Birgit Chemnitz Kristiansens forrige roman, Kold januar, giver bidrag til nogle af tidens samfundsdebatter. Det skal i øvrigt nævnes, at romanen er inspireret af en episode fra det virkelige liv.

  • af Janet Lash
    243,95 kr.

  • - Stand By Your Man
    af Debi Pearl & Denny Kenaston
    143,95 kr.

    There is a battle raging. Our families are being fought over by the enemy. A godly woman's effect on the outcome of the war against the family is staggering. In order to fight the good fight, it is clearly important to know how Satan will come at you. In a brilliantly touching way, The Hidden Help Meet recounts the experiences of women who changed the course of history by supporting their men.

  • af Tessa Dunlop
    148,95 - 196,95 kr.

  • af Luca Schmitt
    363,95 kr.

  • af David Ayers
    58,95 kr.

     A young person‿s entry into biblical views of relationships. Chastity is a word that isn‿t used much these days, but it means exercising sexual self‿control in line with the moral teachings of the Bible. It means honoring God, respecting others, and embracing the liberating beauty of God‿s order. But how do we do that in today‿s recreational dating culture? And how do we think about dating and, ultimately, marriage? David Ayers has written this helpful little book to help you think through these questions, and understand why this is such an important part of the Christian life.

  • af Lisa See
    348,95 kr.

    Dette er historien om to kinesiske søstres skæbne og drømmen om Amerika.Den 21-årige Pearl og hendes yngre søster May lever et ubekymret liv i 1930’ernes Shanghai – Asiens Paris. De har tilegnet sig en vestlig moderne livsstil, hvor det er slut med indsnørede fødder. Men selv om pigerne lever et frit liv, er Kina stadig et patriarkalsk samfund. tDa faren mister sin rickshaw forretning pga. spillegæld, er det slut med det sorgløse liv. For at kunne indfri spillegælden "sælges" pigerne til ægteskab med tilsyneladende velstående kinesiske udvandrere i Los Angeles, men snart falder de japanske bomber over Shanghai, og alt er kaos. Søstrene og deres mor begiver sig ud på de støvede landeveje på flugt fra ægteskab og undertrykkelse, men kun for at møde en værre skæbne. Søstrene beslutter sig til sidst for at rejse til Amerika over til ægtemændene. Men vel ankommet til Angel Island – San Franciscos modtagelsessted for immigranter – venter nye prøvelser. Da søstrene endelig genforenes med deres mænd og svigerfamilie i filmbyen, er skuffelsen stor. Pigerne må kæmpe for deres plads i familien, arbejde hårdt i byens Chinatown og samtidig stå imod diskriminationen, der hersker uden for hjemmets fire vægge. Anden Verdenskrig, angrebet mod Pearl Harbor og den amerikanske modstand mod det kommunistiske styre i Kina gør ikke livet nemmere for de kinesiske immigranter i USA. Lisa See har skrevet en velresearchet historisk roman, hvor hun endnu en gang formår at omskrive fakta til en interessant fortælling om søskendekærlighed og familieskæbner."Historiske fakta og en gribende historie går op i en højere enhed i denne roman om to kinesiske søstres flugt fra Shanghai og deres møde med USA." - Litteratursiden idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlLisa See er opvokset i Chinatown i Los Angeles sammen med sin store kinesiske indvandrerfamilie, og det kinesiske tema går igen i alle hendes bøger. På dansk er tidligere udkommet "Sneblomst og den hemmelige vifte" (2006) og "Pæonpavillonen" (2009).

  • af Robert George
    378,95 kr.

    God created us to be loved and to love. He couldn't have done any differently because that's His nature: "God is love" (1 John 4:8, 16). But in this fallen world, our tendency is to drift away from Him and His nature. While God's love for us is steadfast, we often resist receiving and giving love the way that God intended. Sadly, many of us have forgotten what true love is and what it feels like. True love - often referred to as unconditional love - blossoms when the giver recognizes the inherent value of the recipient of their love. Thus, it should come as no surprise that God lavishes each of us with unparalleled unconditional love. It's no surprise because who knows our inherent value better than God Himself? After all, He created us! God does not withhold His love, waiting for us to believe in Him or otherwise "get our act together." God loves us throughout our journey. Being loved despite our flaws is the very essence of what it means to be loved unconditionally. What does this feel like? ... There are infinite manifestations, but all are synonyms of unadulterated joy. And how do we respond? Do we accept God's love for ourselves, and then conveniently disregard the inherent value of everyone else? I sincerely hope not, as Jesus teaches, "Love one another as I have loved you" (John 15:12). The focus of From Love Zero to Love 360 is to survey the breathtaking topography of God's nature to love each of us, and to encourage us likewise to recognize the inherent value of every person, not the least of whom is ourselves. (All net proceeds from the sale of this book are given to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, the National Domestic Violence Hotline, and potentially additional nonprofit organizations having similar goals.)

  • af Frank R. Shivers
    283,95 kr.

    'Marriage and Parenting Boosters' sets forth biblical, concise and straightforward principles that bolster marital relationships and parenting skills. The 'old' and 'new' in marriage will find its 185 short chapters most beneficial.

  • af Frederick Heddinger
    183,95 kr.

    We do not have a divorce problem in our society; we have a problem of people marrying for the wrong reasons and not understanding the meaning of love. This book shares what the author has learned from the Bible about love and marriage. It is the story of turning marriage failure into marital joy by doing marriage God's way. Frederick was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he was raised as an only child in a culturally Christian extended family. He currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia with his wife, Janet Love. At the age of fifty-one, Jesus of Nazareth came into his life, freeing him from the chains of sin and the fear of death. Having failed twice at marriage, he turned to the Bible to learn how to succeed. So far it seems to have worked for twenty-seven years. Frederick has led a weekly men's Bible study for more than fifteen years and has written this book to share what he has learned along the narrow path from Jesus.

  • af Andrea Oliva Florendo
    185,95 - 326,95 kr.

  • af Sid Karger
    108,95 kr.

  • af Jenna Greer
    163,95 kr.

    Connect as a couple through Christ and conversation All relationships need to be nurtured, and this Christian journal is designed to help you and your partner deepen your connection with God and with each other. Over the course of a year, you'll explore your love and your faith through Scripture-based prompts, prayers, and advice. Carve out quality time—Use this weekly journal to inspire meaningful discussions about all facets of your relationship, from the importance of forgiveness to how you see God in each other. Grow your faith—Bolster your beliefs and your love in equal measure with thought-provoking writing prompts and activities rooted in the Lord's Word. Made for all Christian couples—Written for a diverse audience, this journal can be enjoyed by couples of any age, relationship stage, or denomination. Strengthen your relationship as you foster your faith with the 52-Week Christian Couple's Journal.

  • af Kari Trent Stageberg
    178,95 kr.

    "Can't we ever get on the same page?"If you back up most broken marriages to the place they first began to come apart, you'll find that the cracks in the commitment started when little differences began leading to big clashes--a process that author Kari Trent Stageberg calls the Merge. Like rivers coming together, two individuals with different histories and experiences are colliding, and the resulting turbulence is often difficult to navigate. A couple's response to these challenges can break or strengthen their marriage.In The Merge for Marriage, Stageberg teaches couples how to move from unavoidable conflict to a stronger relationship. Filled with practical stories, current research on connection and attachment, and enduring biblical principles, this book will be of huge help to any couple dealing with the kinds of differences that can build up--or break down--a marriage.

  • af Chad Robichaux
    233,95 kr.

    Fight for Us takes couples on an inspiring journey into the challenges of battling for their marriage, through gut-wrenching times of despair, and then finally to the victory of a renewed relationship grounded in Jesus.

  • af Philip Barton Payne
    163,95 kr.

    The Bible vs. Biblical Womanhood by New Testament scholar, Philip B. Payne, presents clear and understandable interpretations of the most important passages in the Bible on gender differences that show how Scripture affirms gender equality.

  • af Ryan And Jenny Brown
    193,95 kr.

  • af Bob Lepine
    153,95 kr.

    All marriages face challenges - seasons of distress and frustration, when thanks to any number of circumstances, you don't feel as close as you once were. Bob Lepine helps you work through the trials that emerge in every marriage, helping you make the adjustments necessary to build a marriage God intends for you to have.

  • af Freddy Deanda
    163,95 kr.

    De manos del autor bestseller Freddy DeAnda llega la forma perfecta de decir "Te amo".Este libro de regalo, exquisitamente diseñado, es el obsequio perfecto para cualquier pareja, joven o no tan joven. Cubierto de cuero, cada una de sus páginas ofrece una razón práctica para vivir el amor por y en el matrimonio. Desde consejos creativos para citas, hasta promesas para escuchar de cerca, cada página es un acto de amor y compromiso que se puede poner en práctica.Este es el regalo perfecto para parejas comprometidas, recién casadas, para las que celebran un aniversario o el Día del Amor, pero también es un pretexto ideal para decir "te amo" en la página de dedicatoria. Tiene un marcador de tela y espacio para crear los votos propios. ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONFrom bestselling author Freddy DeAnda comes the perfect way to say I love you.   This exquisitely designed gift book is the perfect gift for any couple young or old. Wrapped in embossed leather, each page carries a practical reason to live out your love for your marriage. From creative tips for dating, to promises to listen closer, each page is a standalone thought the reader can put into practice that very day.   A perfect gift for engaged couples, newlyweds, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or just to say “I love you” on its dedication page. With a ribbon marker and space to make your own vows.

  • af Fr Robert J Altier
    193,95 kr.

    In this thought-provoking and uplifting book, Fr. Robert Altier unpacks the theological significance of the Sacrament of Marriage and brilliantly explains how it has been a part of God's plan from the beginning - and will eventually be fulfilled at the Marriage Banquet of the Lamb in Heaven.

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