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Bøger om Irland

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  • af Sally Rooney
    206,95 kr.

    DANSK UDGAVEUdover at de er brødre, har Peter og Ivan Koubek umiddelbart ikke meget tilfælles. Peter er i trediverne og advokat i Dublin – tilsyneladende succesfuld og kompetent. Men i kølvandet på farens død medicinerer han sig selv i søvn og kæmper med at håndtere sit forhold til to meget forskellige kvinder – hans livs kærlighed, Sylvia, og Naomi, en universitetsstuderende for hvem livet er én lang joke.Ivan er en toogtyveårig skakspiller. Han har altid set sig selv som socialt akavet, en ener, antitesen til den glatte storebror. Midt i sin sorgproces møder Ivan Margaret, en ældre kvinde, der selv har en turbulent fortid, og deres liv bliver hurtigt og intenst flettet sammen.For de to sørgende brødre og menneskene omkring dem opstår et nyt mellemspil – en periode med begær og fortvivlelse, men også en mulighed for at opdage, hvor meget et liv kan rumme uden at gå i stykker.Om forfatteren:Sally Rooney (f. 1991) har skrevet romanerne Samtaler med venner, Normale mennesker og Skønne verden, hvor er du. Alle tre romaner er internationale bestsellere, og hendes bøger er oversat til mere end 40 sprog. Rooney bor og arbejder i County Mayo, hvor hun også er født.

  • - Historier om kvinder og mænd
    af Claire Keegan
    114,95 - 133,95 kr.

    "I sidste øjeblik" er tre noveller om forholdet mellem kvinder og mænd. Hvordan var livet blevet for Cathal i titelnovellen, hvis han havde opført sig anderledes over for sin forlovede? I "En lang og smertefuld død" forstyrres en forfatter på sit skriveophold i Heinrich Bölls hus af en bedrevidende og nedladende tysk akademiker. Det bliver straffet. Og i "Antarctica" tager en gift kvinde udenbys for at dyrke sex med en fremmed."I sidste øjeblik" er noveller om kærlighed, begær, svigt og kvindehad og de evigt fascinerende dynamikker mellem kvinder og mænd og vores forventninger til hinanden. Om forfatteren:Claire Keegan (f. 1968) har udgivet "Den slags små ting" (da. 2021) og "Omsorg" (da. 2022), som danner baggrund for den Oscar-nominerede film The Quiet Girl. Hun har modtaget en række prestigefyldte priser, bl.a. Los Angeles Times Book of the Year og The William Trevor Prize.

  • af Colin Barrett
    100,95 - 166,95 kr.

  • af Naoise Dolan
    108,95 - 173,95 kr.

  • af Sally Rooney
    128,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Frances er 21 år gammel, kølig og observant. Om dagen studerer hun i Dublin, om aftenen optræder hun med spoken word sammen med sin bedste veninde Bobbi, der også er hendes ekskæreste. Da den kendte journalist Melissa skriver en artikel om dem, bliver de venner. Melissa er gift med skuespilleren Nick, og det nye bekendtskab åbner en verden af smukke huse, vilde middage og ferier i Provence. Det bliver samtidig begyndelsen på et firkantsdrama, og da forholdet mellem Frances og Nick udvikler sig i en overraskende retning, bliver den skarpe og følelsessky Frances for første gang konfronteret med sin egen sårbarhed.I 2022 blev ”Samtaler med venner” til en anmelderrost tv-serie. Denne genudgivelse af bogen indeholder også novellen ”Concord 34”, der for første gang er tilgængelig på dansk.Om forfatteren:Sally Rooney (f. 1991) er en af sin generations største forfattere. Hun debuterede i 2017 med ”Samtaler med venner”, som omgående blev en succes både i udlandet og herhjemme.Med sin anden roman, ”Normale mennesker”, slog Rooney sin status som litterær superstjerne fast. Romanen er solgt i over tre millioner eksemplarer og udkommet på 46 sprog. I 2020 blev ”Normale mennesker” omdannet til en tv-serie, som filmmagasinet Ekko udråbte til ”en af de bedste kærlighedsserier i dette årtusinde”. I 2021 udkom Rooneys tredje roman, ”Skønne verden, hvor er du”.

  • af Lemn Sissay
    126,95 kr.

    For the past decade, Lemn Sissay has composed a short poem as dawn breaks each morning. Life-affirming, witty and full of wonder, these poems chronicle his own battle with the darkness and are fuelled with resilience and defiant joy. Let the Light Pour In is a collection of the best of these poems, and a book celebrating his morning practice.

  • af Deirdre Lundy
    156,95 kr.

    'The one-woman backbone of menopause care in Ireland' IRISH INDEPENDENTSuddenly feeling hot? Tired? Irritable? Not yourself?Having our bodies and minds change rapidly as we approach mid-life can be bewildering and even upsetting. It may be hard to get a handle on what's happening and what we can do about it.The Menopause is the handbook of everything you need to know from Ireland's leading menopause expert, Dr Deirdre Lundy. Drawing on decades of experience and on the most up-to-date research Dr Lundy . . .-Explains what's going on in your body - the key hormones that run your life, how they are changing and the impact of that-Helps you figure out where you are on the menopause spectrum and empowers you to have informed conversations with your doctor-Sets out approaches to dealing with symptoms - from nutrition, exercise, counselling and medication, to using hormone replacement therapies (HRT)-Explores every aspect of HRT - debunking the myths and explaining why it is helpful for many women-Addresses key areas of concern - from early onset menopause, to preserving vaginal, heart, breast and bone health, to managing your menopause if you have pre-existing health challengesDr Lundy came to public prominence during a remarkable ten-day discussion of the menopause on RTÉ Radio 1's Liveline. Now, as leader of Ireland's first dedicated menopause clinic, she continues her passionate advocacy for Irish women. The Menopause is her essential guide to having the best menopause you can and being as healthy and energized as possible in your middle years and beyond.________'Superb - essential reading for women and doctors alike' DR CIARA KELLY 'Essential, empowering and enjoyable - life-changing and potentially life-saving!' SALLYANNE BRADY, THE IRISH MENOPAUSE

  • af Christopher Marlowe
    156,95 kr.

  • af Donna Ashworth
    96,95 kr.

    *Donna Ashworth's new book Wild Hope is out September 2023*FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF I WISH I KNEWFor those looking for inspiration, peace and acceptance on the bumpy road that is life, Donna Ashworth's poems give insight into the enigmas of ageing, body image, family and the rapidly changing world around us.For every twist, turn and roadblock the journey has to offer, this collection provides relief to busy minds and dares us to live with a reckless abundance of joy.Readers are embracing Life- 'One of today's best poets.' ***** NetGalley- 'Donna's writing conveys so beautifully what it is to be human' ***** Amazon- 'Each time I read a poem and decide that is my favourite I turn the page and find another beautifully written, eloquent piece that resonates, comforts, and that makes you stop and reflect.' ***** Amazon- 'They are wonderful books to dip in and out of when you need inspiration, some advice, a hug, a friendly word.' ***** Amazon

  • af Graham Norton
    96,95 kr.

    Forever Home by Graham Norton is a captivating book that was published by Hodder And Stoughton Ltd. on April 13, 2023. This book belongs to a genre that will keep you hooked from the beginning till the end. The author, Graham Norton, has beautifully woven a story that will touch your heart and make you think. Forever Home is not just a book; it's an experience that you will cherish. The author's unique writing style and the way he has portrayed the characters is truly commendable. The book is available in English. Don't miss out on this amazing book by Graham Norton, published by Hodder And Stoughton Ltd.

  • af Donna Ashworth
    128,95 kr.

    Loss, a gripping novel by Donna Ashworth, plunges readers into an emotional journey that's hard to forget. Published by Bonnier Books UK in 2022, this book stands as a testament to Ashworth's ability to weave a tale that is as compelling as it is heartbreaking. The genre of the book is hard to pin down, as it brilliantly blends elements of drama, suspense, and profound introspection. The narrative is steeped in raw emotion, offering a deep exploration of the human experience of loss. It's a book that stays with you long after you've turned the last page. Bonnier Books UK has a rich history of publishing thought-provoking books, and Loss is no exception. This English language book is a must-read for anyone who appreciates a well-crafted story that speaks to the heart.

  • af Catherine Prasifka
    118,95 - 126,95 kr.

  • af Esterbauer Verlag
    263,95 kr.

  • af DK Eyewitness
    108,95 kr.

  • af Sara Baume
    288,95 kr.

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥Politiken "Ekstraordinær" Politiken "Fascinerende" Guardian Irske Sara Baume tog læserne med storm i sin umådeligt smukke debutroman vælde vokse vakle visne, og i hendes anden roman lever hun op til forventningerne, med en stadig sart og seismografisk, men denne gang også nærmest humoristisk-sarkastisk skrivestil. Linje trådt af trin er en roman om kreativitet og depression; en ganske ung kunsthistoriker opholder sig i sin afdøde mormors hus og prøver at finde ro til at finde ud af, hvad der er op og ned i tilværelsen.Hele tiden tester hun sin hukommelse ved at remse kunstværker af op, ligesom hun holder sig beskæftiget med bl.a. at fotografere døde dyr, alt imens hun undviger fra at se sig selv i spejlet, især i den mentale betydning.

  • af Sara Baume
    258,95 kr.

    Irsk debutroman ”Imponerende” Times Literary Supplement ”En talentfuld og begavet debut” Guardian ”Baumes forundringsevne forvandler dette portræt af et usædvanligt venskab til en kraftfuld fortælling om selve det menneskelige” New Statesman En roman om randeksistens, om at leve under radaren, om medmenneskelighed og det stik modsatte.

  • - digte og grafik fra Irland
    af Ib Spang Olsen & Halfdan Rasmussen
    157,95 kr.

    En samling digte med motiver fra en Irlandsrejse, akkompagneret af Ib Spang Olsens kongeniale tegninger

  • af Claire Keegan
    114,95 - 131,95 kr.

    En funklende samling af noveller om et Irland, der kæmper med sin fortid, og om mennesker, der søger en ny fremtid. En kvinde flytter ind hos en præst og sætter ild til hans møbler. En landmand vågner halvnøgen og indser, at pengene er væk. En kvinde rejser ud for at skrive, men bliver konfronteret af en ubuden gæst. En præst kæmper med mindet om en kærlighedsaffære, og en skovridder rejser til en kystby for at finde sig en kone. "Over de blå marker består" af otte uforglemmelige noveller om tidløs fortvivlelse og længsel af anmelderroste Claire Keegan.Om forfatteren:Claire Keegan (f. 1968) har tidligere udgivet "Den slags små ting" (da. 2021) og "Omsorg" (da. 2022), som danner baggrund for den Oscar-nominerede film "The Quiet Girl". Hun har modtaget en række prestigefyldte priser, bl.a. Los Angeles Times Book of the Year og The William Trevor Prize.

  • af Amanda Geard
    116,95 - 228,95 kr.

    Kæreste T, uanset hvad du hører, så tro ikke et øjeblik på det ...1940: I det sydvestlige Irland bliver den unge og smukke lady Charlotte Rathmore erklæret død, efter at hun på mystisk vis forsvinder ved søen omkring Blackwater Hall. I London sørger Nancy Rathmore over sin svigerindes død, da hun modtager et brev med en hemmelighed, der vil ændre hendes liv for altid.2019: Årtier senere bliver journalist Ellie Fitzgerald tvunget til at forlade Dublin efter en skandale, og hun vender tilbage til sit barndomshjem i landlige Kerry for at ride stormen af. Men da hun opdager et falmet brev, gemt inde i en bog, bliver hun draget af et gammelt mysterium om Blackwater Hall. Efterhånden som Ellie kommer på sporet af den gamle sag, står det klart, at brevet måske rummer nøglen til mere end bare Charlottes forsvinden. Pressen skriver: ”Et spændende mysterium i flere lag, der spænder over generationer. Stemningsfuldt og smukt skrevet.”   – Tracy Rees”Overbevisende, spændende og fyldt med frodige historiske detaljer. . . Amanda Geard er en spændende ny stemme, og jeg kan ikke vente med at læse mere fra hende!”– Hazel Gaynor”Jeg elskede denne bog! Den er så smukt skrevet og fuldstændig fængslende. Jeg elskede de forskellige tidslinjer, personerne og de omgivelser, handlingen foregår i. Den indeholder alt og mere til, hvad man kan ønske sig af en bog.”– Goodreads”Midnatshuset er en fængslende fortælling om tre kvinder og deres liv, der flettes sammen. Den er fuld af vidunderlige karakterer, og det er vanedannende læsning. Alt flyder perfekt, og det hele samler sig på det helt rigtige tidspunkt.”– Goodreads”Min fantasi blev straks fanget af billedet af en sø og et hus på forsiden af Midnatshuset. Jeg begyndte at spekulere på, hvilke hemmeligheder det kunne rumme. En spændende fortælling om familiehemmeligheder.”– Goodreads

  • af Colm Tóibín
    152,95 - 228,95 kr.

    Det er 1976, og irskfødte Eilis Lacey har boet i USA i tyve år sammen med sin mand Tony og deres to teenagebørn. De bor på Long Island, tæt på Tonys store italienske familie. Da Tony bringer et uægte barn ind i familien, beslutter Eilis sig for at tage hjem til Irland for første gang, siden hun rejste. I Dublin møder hun sin ungdoms store kærlighed Jim, et møde, som tvinger Eilis til at tage stilling til sit liv. "Long Island" er et portræt af en kvinde, kærlighed og svære livsvalg, skrevet med intensitet og stor psykologisk indsigt. "Long Island" er en selvstændig opfølgning til Brooklyn. Om forfatteren: Colm Tóibín (f. 1955) er en af vor tids vigtigste irske forfattere. Han bor i Dublin og New York, hvor han underviser på Columbia University. Han har modtaget adskillige litterære priser, bl.a. IMPAC Award og været shortlistet til Booker Prize tre gange.

  • af Audrey Magee
    269,95 kr.

    "Kolonien består den måske eneste vigtige test for en roman; man bliver ved med at tænke på den, når den er slut" Guardian”Præcis og barsk … en historie om sprog og identitet, om kunst, undertrykkelse, frihed og kolonialisme. Kolonien er en roman om store, vigtige emner” Financial Times Englænderen Hr. Lloyd har besluttet at lade sig sejle til sin sommerdestination, en lille irsk ø, i en traditionel båd uden motor. Snart efter ankommer øens anden sommergæst, den franske lingvist Masson. Begge søger de det autentiske, men med aldeles forskellige metoder og motiver. Øens sparsomme befolkning tænker deres, mens blide sommerdage glider over i hinanden og menneskelige balancer umærkeligt forskubbes.Booker-longlistede og Orwell-shortlistede Kolonien er et humoristisk, urovækkende, naturskønt og -barskt kammerspil om kvinder og mænd, individuel frihed og ansvar, sprog og identitet, kunst og kultur – og ikke mindst kolonialisme.

  • af Marjorie Garber
    209,95 - 246,95 kr.

  • af Paul Malgrati
    245,95 - 1.127,95 kr.

  • af Mint Editions
    108,95 - 208,95 kr.

  • af Toru Dutt
    94,95 - 113,95 kr.

  • af William Butler Yeats
    74,94 - 138,95 kr.

    The Celtic Twilight (1893) is a collection of stories written and edited by W.B. Yeats. Compiled at the height of the Celtic Twilight, a movement to revive the myths and traditions of Ancient Ireland, The Celtic Twilight captures a wide range of stories, songs, poems, and firsthand accounts from artists and storytellers dedicated to the preservation of Irish culture. In "Belief and Unbelief," a story is shared about a village at the foot of Ben Bulben. One day, a young girl disappears while walking through a local field. Fearful that the faeries have gotten her, the townspeople conduct a search of the village, checking every home while burning ragweed and reciting spells to ward off the mischievous spirits. "Mortal Help" discusses the interdependence of humans and faeries, who require the presence of the living in order to play games in the physical world. As evidence, an old ditch digger tells a story from his youth, when he witnessed a group of faeries playing the game of hurling not far from the field where he was working. In "A Knight of the Sheep," an old farmer faces off with the local tax collector, and both struggle to maintain respect for one another while trading shrewdly concealed insults. "The Devil" discusses several demonic sightings among Irish peasants, who claim to have met Lucifer by the side of the road by day and under the bed at night. The Celtic Twilight captures the collision of ancient and modern Ireland, preserving its legends while ensuring their mystery remains. With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of W.B. Yeats's The Celtic Twilight is a classic of Irish literature reimagined for modern readers.

  • af William Butler Yeats
    98,95 - 168,95 kr.

    Poems (1920) is a collection of poems and plays by W.B. Yeats. Containing many of the poet¿s early important works, Poems illuminates Yeats¿ influence on the Celtic Twilight, a late-nineteenth century movement to revive the myths and traditions of Ancient Ireland.The collection opens with Yeats¿ verse drama The Countess Cathleen, which he dedicated to the actress and revolutionary Maud Gonne. Set during a period of famine in Ireland, The Countess Cathleen tells the story of a wealthy landowning Countess who sells her soul to the devil in order to save her starving tenants. The Land of Heart¿s Desire, Yeats¿ first professionally performed play, follows a young fairy child who disrupts the lives of two newlyweds and shakes a simple village to its core. The Rose contains some of the writer¿s most beloved early poems, including ¿To the Rose Upon the Rood of Time¿¿a symbolist lyric alluding to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn¿and ¿Fergus and the Druid,¿ a dialogue in verse. In ¿Who Goes With Fergus,¿ a poem blending ancient legend with modern Irish nationalism, Yeats asks the youth of his country to ¿brood on hopes and fears no more,¿ to follow Fergus who ¿rules the shadows of the wood, / And the white breast of the dim sea / And all disheveled wandering stars.¿ Yeats¿ writing, mysterious and rich with symbolism, demonstrates not just a mastery of the English language, but an abiding faith in the cause and principles of Irish independence.With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of W.B. Yeats¿s Poems is a classic of Irish literature reimagined for modern readers.

  • af Robert Browning
    113,95 - 208,95 kr.

    Selected Poems (1923) is a collection of poems by American poet Robert Frost. Dedicated to Edward Thomas, a friend of Frost¿s and an important English poet who died toward the end of the First World War, Selected Poems is a wonderful sampling of poems from Frost¿s early collections, including A Boy¿s Will and North of Boston. Known for his plainspoken language and dedication to the images and rhythms of rural New England, Robert Frost is one of Americäs most iconic poets, a voice to whom generations of readers have turned in search of beauty, music, and life.¿Mowing¿ envisions the poet¿s work through the prism of rural labor. ¿There was never a sound beside the wood but one / And that was my long scythe whispering to the ground. / What was it it whispered?¿ The speaker does not know, but continues his task, hypnotized by its rhythm and simple music. In ¿After Apple-Picking,¿ as fall gives over to winter, the poet remembers in dreams how the ¿Magnified apples appear and disappear, / Stem end and blossom end¿ as he climbs the ladder into the heart of the tree. Both a symbol for life and a metaphor for the poetic act, apple picking leaves the poet ¿overtired / Of the great harvest [he himself] desired¿, awaiting sleep as he describes ¿its coming on,¿ wondering what, if anything, it will bring. ¿The Road Not Taken,¿ perhaps Frost¿s most famous poem, is a meditation on fate and free will that follows a traveler in an autumn landscape, unsure of which path to take, but certain he cannot stand still.With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Robert Frost¿s Selected Poems is a classic of American literature reimagined for modern readers.

  • af Jonathan Swift
    345,95 - 368,95 kr.

    This collection of Jonathan Swift¿s poetry is separated in three parts, according to their subject matter. The first section are poems addressed to a woman named Stella. Based off a real-life close friend of Swift¿s, Esther Johnson, the portion of poetry addressed to Stella contain beautiful tributes to this woman, with simple titles such as Stelläs Birthday March 13, 1727. Though these poems display a tender amount of intimacy shared between the two, Esther Johnson and Jonathan¿s relationship is shrouded in mystery, leaving readers and historians to debate if they were just friends or something more romantic. The next section of The Poems of Jonathan Swift are dedicated to a woman called Vanessa, who was based off of one of Swift¿s lovers, Esther Vanhomrigh. Their correspondence and his poems about her suggested a more romantic relationship than the one he shared with Stella. With elegant word choice and masterful form, both women and their relationships with Swift are well documented in this book of poems. The final part of The Poems of Jonathan Swift is dedicated to the love of Swift¿s career¿the satirization of politics. All of Swift¿s poems are written in iambic tetrameter and end rhyme, creating a fun and quick reading experience. This is a large collection of poetry covers a wide variety of topics with the humor and satire that Jonathan Swift was famous for. With these attributes, readers are welcome to enjoy Jonathan Swift¿s mysterious and passionate relationships as well as his humorous and intelligent criticism of politics. Now presented in an easy-to-read font and with an eye-catching cover design, this edition of The Poems of Jonathan Swift is perfect for a contemporary audience. With the decadent style of classic poetry combined with topics that are both entertaining and relatable, along with this edition¿s new features, this classic collection is restored for modern readers.

  • af Lewis Carroll
    58,95 - 158,95 kr.

    The Hunting of the Snark (1876) is a poem by Lewis Carroll. Filled with many of the portmanteau words developed for his poem ¿Jabberwocky,¿ The Hunting of the Snark is a delightfully strange tale of mystery and adventure. Often read as an allegory for everything from tuberculosis to the endless quest for happiness itself, The Hunting of the Snark, much like the Snark itself, refuses all description. ¿¿Just the place for a Snark!¿ the Bellman cried, / As he landed his crew with care; / Supporting each man on the top of the tide / By a finger entwined in his hair.¿ Driven more by rhyme than reason, the adventure opens in medias res, introducing its varied crew of men and beasts of questionable use: a Boots, a Barrister, a Broker, a maker of Bonnets and Hoods, a Billiard-maker, a Banker, and, of course, a Beaver. Sailors all, they sail into the unknown. The Snark they search for may not be a Snark, could be a Boojum, and may very well be deadly. Intrepid and wisely foolish, they set out to comb the island for the Snark, armed with tricks and bribes, ¿smiles and soap,¿ and all the other instruments of hope. Playful and strange, the Snark eludes us all. With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Lewis Carroll¿s The Hunting of the Snark is a classic work of English literature reimagined for modern readers.

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