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Bøger om Polen

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  • af Margarete Barainsky
    166,95 kr.

  • af Lukasz Cybulski
    1.639,95 kr.

    This volume is one of scarce studies of religious literature of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth conducted by scholars from both Poland and Lithuania. What makes this endeavour important is mainly the will to overcome the frontiers and strains of the modern world that encourage exploring separateness instead of the realities of deep mutual interdependency. Lukasz Cybulski and Kristina Rutkovska analyse secular and religious writings of secular authors as well as those belonging to the clergy and religious orders. Their main interest lies in exploring the different genres of early modern Polish and Lithuanian sermons and novels, and in tracing this heritage to its social and literary context through the works' material presence in manuscript form and in print. Other papers in this volume give insights into the origins of vernacular translations of the Holy Scriptures and the controversies surrounding them, as well as into the written testimonies of religious devotion and conversions. The aim has been not only to confront different kinds of texts and experiences, but to situate this heritage in its social and confessional context.

  • af Anna Moszynska, Martin Lohnig & Wojciech Morawski
    758,95 kr.

    The study of the Polish tax system and policy which enriches knowledge of developments in one of the largest and most rapidly changing states in Europe. It is the result of cooperation of academics and practitioners from major tax advisory firms as well as in-house tax experts.Political changes in Poland (electoral victory of the right-wing PiS party) coincided with changes on the global tax scene, which were associated with the BEPS project (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting), implemented by the OECD. The struggle to rebuild countries' tax revenues began. The ambitious social policy in Poland, which involved substantial transfers of funds to the less well-off, required an increase in budget revenues. Thus, the Polish government quickly became an ardent supporter of BEPS. The radicalism of the tax policy changes raised many doubts among practitioners, who accused the authorities of excessive fiscalism. On the other hand, the legal rules previously in force did indeed poorly protect the fiscal interests of the state.The study of the Polish tax system and Polish tax policy based on the contributions collected in this volume enriches knowledge of developments in one of the largest and most rapidly changing states in Europe.

  • af Friedrich Cain
    892,95 kr.

    When Poland gained independence in 1918, it became an urgent priority to secure information on just how the state and society ought to be organized. Up until 1939, the journal Nauka Polska and the working group Kolo Naukoznawcze provided sociologists, philosophers, pedagogues, and scientists with a forum to debate the advancement of science and the academic system. Among other things, they asked how scientific creativity could be generated and stabilized (Antoni B. Dobrowolski), what a socio-psychological "science of knowledge" should look like (Florian Znaniecki), and how society could profit from a "science of science" (Maria Ossowska and Stanislaw Ossowski). Unlike similar contemporary contributions, such as Ludwik Fleck's, most of these ideas are unknown today. The volume reconstructs the forgotten history of this Warsaw-based sociology of knowledge and science, presenting for the first time pivotal articles in English translation.

  • af Wladyslaw Reymont
    186,95 kr.

    One of Poland's most engrossing twentieth-century epics, by the 1924 winner of the Nobel Prize for LiteratureIn the village of Lipce, scandal, romance and drama crackle in every hearth. Boryna, a widower and the village's wealthiest farmer, has taken the young and beautiful Jagusia as his bride - but she only has eyes for his impetuous son Antek. Over the course of four seasons - Autumn to Summer - the tangled skein of their story unravels, watched eagerly by the other peasants: the gossip Jagustynka, pious Roch, hot-blooded Mateusz, gentle Witek ... Richly lyrical and thrillingly realist, at turns comic, tragic and reflective, Wladyslaw Reymont's magnum opus is a love song to a lasting dream of rural Poland, and to the eternal, timeless matters of the heart.

  • af Arkadiusz Blaszczyk
    1.288,95 kr.

    Die Überfälle der Tataren des nördlichen Schwarzmeerraums im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert nehmen im historischen Bewusstsein der davon betroffenen Gesellschaften des östlichen Europa einen nicht unerheblichen Raum ein. Mit ihrem Fokus auf die Zerstörung und deren Folgen fand die Forschung lange Zeit aber nur unzureichende und häufig politisch gefärbte Erklärungen für die Raubüberfälle. Kaum gefragt wurde, welche komplexe soziale Funktion die Raubzüge für das Krimkhanat und die tatarischen Gemeinschaften des Osmanischen Reichs hatten. Diese Forschungslücke versucht diese Arbeit zu schließen. Es wird dabei in den Blick genommen, welche diplomatischen, administrativen und ökonomischen Praktiken sich stabilisierend auf das Gewalthandeln ausübten. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die Einbettung der Raubzüge in politische Netzwerke gelenkt, die u.a. von Bagçasaray nach Isfahan und Iäi nach Istanbul reichten. Nicht zuletzt wird die Bedeutung gemeinschaftlicher Ausübung von Gewalt und die Polarisierung der krimtatarischen Eliten durch Angst vor Gewalt als ein die Raubzüge beeinflussender Faktor besprochen. Das Buch leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zu dieser in den letzten Jahren in den Fokus gerückten, aber immer noch relativ schlecht erforschten europäischen Geschichtsregion.

  • af Mala Kacenberg
    128,95 kr.

    'A remarkable tale of survival, in which Jewish life in pre-war Poland and the atrocities of the Holocaust appear through an almost dreamlike lens of childhood memory' Jeremy Dronfield, bestselling author of The Boy Who Followed His Father into Auschwitz'Mala's Cat is fresh, unsentimental and utterly unpredictable... This memoir, rescued from obscurity by the efforts of Mala Kacenberg's five children, should be read and cherished as a new, vital document of a history that must never be allowed to vanish' Julie Orringer for the New York Times__________Alone in a forest with only a cat for company - this is the deeply moving true story of one little girl's remarkable survival in the shadow of the HolocaustGrowing up in the Polish village of Tarnogrod, on the fringes of a deep pine forest, Mala has the happiest childhood anyone could hope for.But, when the Nazis invade, her beloved village becomes a ghetto and family and friends are reduced to starvation. Taking matters into her own hands, she bravely removes her yellow star, and sneaks out to the surrounding villages for food.On her way back she receives a smuggled letter from her sister warning her to stay away: her loved ones have been rounded up for deportation. With only her cat, Malach, and the strength of the stories taught by her family, she must flee into the forest.Malach becomes her family, her only respite from loneliness, a guide and reminder to stay hopeful even in the darkness.With her guardian angel by her side, Mala must find a way to navigate the dangerous forests, outwit German soldiers and hostile villagers, to survive, against all the odds.

  • af Rumena Filipova
    481,95 kr.

    This comparative study harks back to the revolutionary year of 1989 and asks two critical questions about the resulting reconfiguration of Europe in the aftermath of the collapse of communism: Why did Central and East European states display such divergent outcomes of their socio-political transitions? Why did three of those states-Poland, Bulgaria, and Russia-differ so starkly in terms of the pace and extent of their integration into Europe? Rumena Filipova argues that Poland's, Bulgaria's, and Russia's dominating conceptions of national identity have principally shaped these countries' foreign policy behavior after 1989. Such an explanation of these three nations' diverging degrees of Europeanization stands in contrast to institutionalist-rationalist, interest-based accounts of democratic transition and international integration in post-communist Europe.She thereby makes a case for the need to include ideational factors into the study of International Relations and demonstrates that identities are not easily malleable and may not be as fluid as often assumed. She proposes a theoretical "middle-ground" argument that calls for "qualified post-positivism" as an integrated perspective that combines positivist and post-positivist orientations in the study of IR.

  • af Verlag Wilhelm Gottlieb Korn
    295,95 kr.

  • af Anne-Christin Klotz
    1.638,95 kr.

    Polnische Juden stellten nicht nur die größte Gruppe unter den Opfern des Holocaust, in den 1930er Jahren hatte auch kein Land Europas mehr jüdische Einwohner und einen vielfältigeren jüdischen Printmarkt als Polen. Die Studie trägt zu einem Paradigmenwechsel bei, der diese Tatsachen stärker berücksichtigt, indem er den Blick von Ost nach West richtet und die polnischen Juden nicht länger als monolithischen Block passiver Opfer begreift, sondern als handelnde Subjekte, die den Antisemitismus, der sie bedrohte, aktiv bekämpften. Aufbauend auf einer Analyse der Berichterstattung der jiddischen Warschauer Tagespresse über Nationalsozialismus und Judenverfolgung legt sie die Netzwerke der jüdischen Zeitungsmacher frei und zeigt, wie diese sich trotz Zensur und Repression subversives Wissen aneigneten, es ihrem Publikum vermittelten und so die Vorstellungswelten polnischer Juden über Deutschland prägten sowie Protest- und Solidaritätsaktionen zugunsten der Verfolgten initiierten. Anne-Christin Klotz erhielt für dieses Buch den Marko Feingold-Preis in Jüdische Studien 2022 der Universität und des Landes Salzburg sowie den Irma-Rosenberg-Förderpreis für die Erforschung der Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus (Universität Wien). Die Arbeit wurde außerdem im Rahmen des wissenschaftlichen Förderpreises des Botschafters der Republik Polen mit dem 2. Platz ausgezeichnet.

  • af Stephen Begley & Zygmunt Noskowski
    261,95 kr.

    "Fleurs du Printemps", 4 Pièces caracteristiques pour Piano composées par Sigismond Noskowski were published in 1897 as a thematic setting of four pieces evoking the Primrose, the Forget Me Not, the Rose and the Daisy. Flowers that all typically come into bloom with the arrival of Spring. Just one of several sets of characteristic pieces Noskowski wrote for the piano, this is a set that will appeal to novices and experts alike.---Die 4 Stücke "Fleurs du Printemps", 4 Pièces caracteristiques pour Piano composées par Sigismond Noskowski wurden 1897 publiziert und versinnbildlichen thematisch die Primel, das Vergissmeinnicht, die Rose und das Gänseblümchen, Blumen die typischerweise mit dem Frühlingsbeginn in Verbindung gebracht werden. charakteristischen Stücke, die Noskowski für Klavier Als eines der schrieb, ist diese Sammlung sicherlich für Anfängerund Experten zugleich ansprechend.

  • af Witold Gombrowicz
    193,95 kr.

  • af Isaac Bashevis Singer
    178,95 kr.

    The Penitent tells the story of Jospeh Shapiro, his rapid climb to prosperity, his quick plunge into promiscuity, and his subsequent flight to Israel in order to find salvation.

  • af Isaac Bashevis Singer
    233,95 kr.

  • af Isaac Bashevis Singer
    288,95 kr.

    The vanished way of life of Eastern European Jews in the early part of the twentieth century is the subject of this extraordinary novel. All the strata of this complex society were populated by powerfully individual personalities, and the whole community pulsated with life and vitality. The affairs of the patriarchal Meshulam Moskat and the unworldly Asa Heshel Bannet provide the center of the book, but its real focus is the civilization that was destroyed forever in the gas chambers of the Second World War.

  • af Marianna Olszewska Heberle
    258,95 kr.

    For more than 20 years, Polish Cooking has given readers a taste of genuine Polish cuisine. Now, updated and revised with new information and twenty new recipes, including such favorites as Apple Pancakes, Mushroom Croquettes, and Lazy Noodles, it continues to provide a sampling of Polish dishes that have survived over the last ten centuries.Polish-born Marianna Olszewska Heberle reveals a rich variety of over 200 authentic recipes in this outstanding cookbook rivaling the best European cuisines. Easy-to-follow instructions make it simple to prepare such traditional Polish favorites as Poppy Seed Pierogies, Stuffed Cabbage, Hunter's Stew, Warsaw Herring, and many more.Plus readers will learn about holiday traditions and the proud culinary heritage of this fascinating country with Polish Cooking.

  • af Witold Gombrowicz
    173,95 kr.

  • af Agnieszka Matusiak
    443,95 kr.

  • af Laura Jockusch
    1.933,95 kr.

  • af Kai Loges
    231,95 kr.

    ((Please scroll down for English version)) Auschwitz ist ein vielfach ausgeleuchteter Ort, seit Jahrzehnten erforscht, von Millionen Besuchern jedes Jahr besichtigt. Trotzdem existiert direkt neben den Lagern eine fast unbekannte Sphäre: Die alltägliche Heimat von Menschen, die aus historischer und biografischer Fügung zu Nachbarn der Schreckensorte geworden sind. Andreas Langen und Kai Loges haben diese Zonen über Jahre hinweg bereist, fotografiert und beschrieben.Dabei ist ein großer Fundus aus Bildern und Texten entstanden - dokumentarische Aufnahmen von Schauplätzen und Personen, ergänzt durch präzise, den Kontext erläuternde Texte. Dieses Buch ist eine Reflexion über den historischen Ort Auschwitz und die weiter reichenden Fragen, die er aufwirft: Wie lebt ein Gemeinwesen im Schatten historischer Traumata? Wie verhalten sich individuelles und kollektives Gedächtnis zueinander? Welche konkreten Biografien erwachsen aus dem Zufall, in eine extreme Gewaltgeschichte verwickelt zu sein? Was ist das, der Geist des Ortes, Und: Was hat Auschwitz heute mit uns zu tun? Kai Loges und Andreas Langen arbeiten seit 1994 unter dem Namen »die arge lola« zusammen und untersuchen in freien Projekten Themen wie Demokratie, Architektur, Kulturgeschichte. Ausstellungsbeteiligung u.a. Deutscher Pavillon Architektur-Biennale Venedig 2016; Lehraufträge an diversen Hochschulen; Journalistische Arbeit u.a. für SWR2, Photonews; langjährige Mitarbeit im Präsidium der Deutschen Fotografischen Akademie DFA.Auschwitz is a location that has been scrutinized from every angle countless times, that has been researched for decades, and that is being visited each year by millions of people. Nevertheless, directly next to the camps there is an almost unknown area, consisting of the everyday homes of people who by historical and biographical chance became neighbours of the locations of terror. Over the course of a number of years, Andreas Langen and Kai Loges went to these areas to document visually and with words.From this a large repository of images and texts arose a documentary record of locations and people, with precise texts added that explain the context. This book is a reflection on Auschwitz as a historical location and the resulting questions it poses. How can a community exist in the shadows of historical trauma? What is the relationship between individual and collective memory? What types of biography arise from the chance fact of being enveloped in an extreme history of violence? What is the spirit of a place? Lastly, how do we relate to Auschwitz today?Since 1994, Kai Loges and Andreas Langen have been cooperating under the name "die arge lola". They investigate topics as diverse as democracy, architecture, or cultural history. Exhibitions include, for example, the German pavilion at the 2016 Venice Architectural Biennale; they have taught at a number of universities and worked as journalists for SWR2, Photonews, and others; they have been board members of Deutsche Fotografische Akademie DFA for many years.

  • af Kazimiera Jaworska
    1.098,95 kr.

    Post-war Lower Silesia was intended by the communists to be a "laboratory of socialism". Hence, they developed and pursued a special policy towards the Catholic Church. The book highlights the specificity of the pastoral ministry provided by the successive rulers of the Church in Wroclaw (Karol Milik, Kazimierz Lagosz, Cardinal Boleslaw Kominek) in the realities of the communist state. It shows the role of Cardinal Kominek who was persecuted for his attitude towards communists, his activity in the Polish Episcopate and in the forum of the universal Church. Moreover, it presents the system of repression aimed at diocesan clergy and religious orders and limiting theological education. With the objective of secularising the Lower Silesian society, the communists put emphasis on promoting their ideology, especially among the young generation. The Church responded with speeches by hierarchs condemning these activities and with pastoral initiatives to slow down the process.

  • af Ingo Loose
    723,95 kr.

    Der Band dokumentiert die Verfolgung der Juden in den vom Deutschen Reich eingegliederten polnischen Gebieten zwischen Sommer 1941 und 1945 - in den Reichsgauen Danzig-Westpreußen und Wartheland, im Bezirk Bialystok, dem Regierungsbezirk Zichenau und in Oberschlesien. Das Gros der hier lebenden Juden war längst in Gettos eingesperrt worden, von denen die in Litzmannstadt und Bialystok die größten waren. 1942 begannen die Räumung der Gettos und ersten Deportationen in die Vernichtungslager: aus Oberschlesien nach Auschwitz-Birkenau, aus dem Bezirk Bialystok nach Treblinka, im Warthegau in das bereits im Dezember 1941 von einem SS-Sonderkommando in Kulmhof eingerichtete erste stationäre Vernichtungslager. Die wenigsten der zuvor hier lebenden mehr als eine halbe Million Juden entkamen dem Massenmord. Im Reichsgau Danzig-Westpreußen schließlich befanden sich im Sommer 1944 im KZ Stutthof und zahlreichen Außenlagern einige Zehntausend Juden aus Auschwitz und den baltischen Lagern, von denen die meisten im Lager oder auf den Todesmärschen im Frühjahr 1945 starben.

  • af Kamila Baraniecka-Olszewska
    1.543,95 kr.

    The book is an anthropological study of a phenomenon observed within the range of contemporary Polish Catholic religiosity. The Crucified focuses on two fundamental issues: passion plays and performance theory. It presents an analysis of material collected during five years of field research, which sheds light on the varied world of religious performances. The phenomenon of passion plays is extremely complex and to some extent heterogeneous, hence its in-depth analysis reveals much not only about its own nature, but also about the entire modern religiosity. As a result, the book is constructed in such a way as to focus on a single phenomenon, but with conclusions extending to a much wider range of contemporary religious practices. The book reveals the need for self-expression of one¿s own attitudes observable in contemporary spirituality, as well as the increasing participation of believers in the development of their religious life and thus in the formation of their own religious identity. All these processes are interpreted in terms of performance theory. Applying this approach makes it possible to capture the believers¿ need for activity and creativity in the field of practices alternative to the liturgy.

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