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Bøger om Stillehavet

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  • af Hanya Yanagihara
    188,95 - 198,95 kr.

    Folket i træerne er Hanya Yanagiharas første roman, som hun skrev inden sin internationale kæmpesucces Et lille liv. Året er 1950, og en ung læge ved navn Norton Perina er ved at forberede sig til en ekspedition til en fjern ø i Mikronesien, Ivu’iyu, på jagt efter en sagnomspunden, forsvundet stamme. Sammen med antropologen Paul Tallent drager han af sted og lykkes med sin mission; han finder ikke bare stammen, men også en anden gruppe mennesker som bor i skoven og virker til at opnå meget høje levealdre. Perina mistænker at kilden til hvad der næsten ligner evigt liv er kødet fra en bestemt skildpaddeart, og han er ude af stand til at modstå den fristelse det er at slå en ihjel og smugle en smule af kødet med tilbage til USA. Han er i stand til videnskabeligt at bevise sin tese, hvilket gør ham berømt verden over, men han opdager snart at prisen for opdagelsen er høj og frygtelig. Folket i træerne er baseret på den virkelige historie om nobelpristager Dr. Daniel Carleton Gajdusek og er en tindrende mørk, modig fortælling om magt, magtmisbrug og menneskeligt begær i alle dets former.

  • - Atomic
    af Yann
    186,95 kr.

    Angela McCloud er endelig ankommet til Tinian Island i Stillehavet, hvorfra mange hundrede Boeing B-29 Superfortress langdistancebombefly foretager daglige togter over det japanske fastland. Tinian er samtidig base for det tophemmelige projekt med kodenavnet Silverplate – ombyggede versioner af B-29’ere med kapacitet til at nedkaste de første atombomber over Hiroshima og Nagasaki. Slaget om Stillehavet nærmer sig sin chokerende afslutning, men sideløbende fortsætter Angela at lede efter sandheden om sin søsters tragiske død i en tilsyneladende iscenesat ulykke. Ekstra: Ordliste med militære begreber, flytyper og stednavne samt de virkelige personer, der medvirker. Atomic er tredje og sidste bind i den anden trilogi om Angela ”Angel” McCloud. Mens den første trilogi foregik i Burma, udspiller den nye sig i Stillehavet i Anden Verdenskrigs slutfase. Romain Hugault har yderligere to bind under forberedelse, som bliver henlagt til Koreakrigen. Pressen skrev om de tidligere bind: “Lækkert udført album … autentisk med historiske fodnoter og fantastisk detaljerede flytegninger … som en eventyrfilm af Howard Hughes fra Hollywoods guldalder.” **** – Berlingske “Eminent håndværk. Nej, håndværk er et for sølle ord. Kunstværk, snarere … Illustrationerne er vingesus og skyblå himmel.” **** – Serieland “Fly, fly og atter fly, men også flybaser og landingsbaner og landskaber. Der er også de obligatoriske kønne kvindeansigter og uniformer med masser af buler i … Et imponerende visuelt udtryk.” – “Blandingen af død og sensualitet i den burmesiske jungle fungerer fint i Hugault realistiske streg.” – DBC lektør

  • af Mogens Lund
    358,95 kr.

    Med det japanske overraskelsesangreb på Pearl Harbor den 7. december 1941 fik Anden Verdenskrig sin fulde udstrækning: Den amerikanske befolknings modvilje mod at blive inddraget i en ny europaisk krig blev fejet til side af det japanske overfald og den efterfølgende tyske krigserklæring. I de følgende knap fire år udkæmpedes Anden Verdenskrig på to overordnede krigsskuepladser: i Europa og Atlanten og i Stillehavet og Sydøstasien.Forud var gået næsten hundrede års radikale forandringer af det japanske samfund, der fra at have været lukket og tilbagestående var blevet udviklet teknologisk og ikke mindst militært, hvilket manifesterede sig i sejren over Rusland i 1905 og i en stigende intervention på det asiatiske fastland, der i 1937 førte til en krig mod Kina, således som det skildres i det indledende kapitel af af Mogens Lunds omfattende beretning om Stillehavskrigen.Efter angrebet på Pearl Harbor opnåede de japanske tropper, der var krigsvante efter fire års krig i Kina, succes i de samtidige angreb på Malayahalvøen, Singapore og Filippinerne og de efterfølgende angreb på Hollandsk Ostindien og Burma: I løbet af et halvt år beherskede Japan store dele af Sydøstasien og en række øposter i Stillehavet.Men for flere af beslutningstagerne i Tokyo stod det klart, at hvis de indledningsvise sejre ikke udmøntedes i en generel fredsslutning, ville Japan ikke være i stand til at vinde en forlænget krig. Den førende allierede magt, USA, indlod sig ikke på fredsforhandlinger, og krigen gik over i en langtrukken, metodisk tilbagetrængen af japanerne fra de erobrede områder.Mogens Lund skildrer de mangeartede aspekter af denne fireårige krig, der blev udkæmpet over et enormt areal bestående af hav, små øer omgivet af koralrev og nogle af verdens mest utilgængelige bjerg- og jungleområder. Det var en krig, hvori de nyeste landvindinger inden for fly- og radarteknologi fik afgørende betydning, hvor der udvikledes avanceret materiel til amfibieoperationer, men hvori der også kæmpedes langs mudrede junglestier, hvor forsyninger var afhængige af lastdyr.

  • - Sejlerberetninger fra Galapagos, Fransk Polynesien og Hawaii
    af Carsten Breuning & Vinni Breuning
    198,95 - 263,95 kr.

    Vinni og Carsten skipper deres karrierer, sælger deres bolig og ejendele for at gøre en livsdrøm til virkelighed. En drøm om at sejle jorden rundt i deres 40 fods sejlbåd. De stævner ud den 29. maj 2016.Fra Sydkorset til Nordstjernen er efterfølgeren til deres populære første bog Med Kronborg om bagbord, som fortsætter deres hudløse ærlige fortællinger om at være langturssejlere. Bogen beskriver deres eventyr såvel på de store oceaner, som når de ligger for anker i det sydlige Stillehav. Et liv, der står i diametral modsætning til deres tidligere skemalagte professionelle liv. Det har givet dem en ubeskrivelig frihed. De lever et liv i tæt symbiose med naturen og møder mange fremmede kulturer. Undervejs får de nye venskaber med sejlere af forskellige nationaliteter.Bogen henvender sig til såvel sejlere som landkrabber. Forfatterne håber gennem deres fortællinger, at de kan motivere læserne til at leve deres livsdrøm ud. Uddrag af bogenBegge sejl er stadig i tredje reb. Carsten er fortsat immobil, og jeg har overtaget køkkentjansen uden at blive søsyg. Men jeg bliver meget hurtigt irriteret, når jeg arbejder i kabyssen, intet bliver stående, hvor man stiller det, og kokken har stort besvær med at holde balancen. Carsten kan høre helt op i cockpittet, at jeg bander og svovler som en ægte sømand. Han mener endda, at jeg vil gøre en søulk flov over mit sprog. Undskyld.Jeg glæder mig enormt til at nå frem til en ankerplads og håber inderligt, at vi finder en rolig ankerplads. Vi har haft nok ”rock ‘n roll”. (attende døgn på havet) Om forfatterneVinni Breuning (f. 1959), uddannet sygeplejerske, har været hospitalsdirektør gennem 14 år, først på Privathospitalet Hamlet og senere i Region Sjælland.Carsten Breuning er født 1952 i Danmark, men opvokset i USA og senere bosat i Danmark. Uddannet BBA og har været administrerende direktør i såvel danske som amerikanske selskaber.

  • - Rejsen over Stillehavet
    af Jette Varmer
    77,95 - 257,95 kr.

    Et gammelt sagn fortæller, at gudekongen Tiki kom sejlende fra Peru til de polynesiske øer - på en tømmerflåde! Det er en tur på 8.000 kilometer tværs over Stillehavet, og den slags romantisk pladder tror videnskaben ikke på. Det gør til gengæld eventyreren, Thor Heyerdahl. Han samler en besætning på fem mand, som har mod nok til at stævne ud på en farefuld sejlads, der skal bevise, at de gamle legender taler sandt. Thor og hans mænd bygger en stor tømmerflåde af balsatræ og gør klar til en fantastisk sørejse i Solgudens kølvand."KON-TIKI – Rejsen over Stillehavet" er en sandfærdig beretning, der driver af saltvand og havstrømme, hajer og flyvefisk. Der kommer dage med vindstille og dage med voldsomme storme, men det værste sker, da en af mændene falder over bord. Havet er fuldt af hajer – og der er ingen nødbremse på en tømmerflåde. Det bliver en kamp for livet!

  • af Børge Mikkelsen
    228,95 kr.

    Edvard bliver født i 1875 på Læsø og vokser op under beskedne kår. Som stor knægt stikker han til søs på skonnerten Gerda, der fører ham hele vejen til Stillehavets fjerneste øer, hvor han finder sin skæbne på Wuvulu.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlBørge Mikkelsen (f. 1909) har skrevet adskillige bøger om søfart og eksotiske eventyr. Disse historier er inspireret af hans mange personlige oplevelser som eventyrer på de syv verdenshave, og hans serie om den unge sømand Jørn Havbo har vækket begejstring blandt ungdommen over hele landet. Ligesom sine romankarakterer har Børge Mikkelsen flere gange selv sat livet på spil, men han er altid sluppet heldigt ud af de prekære situationer. Han er blevet tildelt Redningsmedaljen for de mange gange, han har reddet menneskeliv. Mikkelsen romaner bliver blot endnu mere spændende med tanke på, at mange af de heftige situationer er baseret på hans egne oplevelser som eventyrer.

  • af Brian Lane Herder
    158,95 kr.

    A fascinating exploration of how between February 1 and March 10, 1942, three small US task forces launched several unexpected raids across the Japanese defensive perimeter in the Central and South Pacific. After the devastating Japanese blows of December 1941, the Allies found themselves reeling with defeat everywhere in the Pacific. Although stripped of his battleships and outnumbered 10:3 in carriers, the US Navy commander-in-chief Admiral Ernest J. King decided to hit back at Japan's rapidly expanding Pacific empire immediately, in an effort to keep the Japanese off-balance. On February 1, 1942, Vice Admiral Bill Halsey led the US Pacific Fleet carriers on their first raid, using high-speed hit-and-run tactics to strike at the Japanese, at a time when most of the Japanese carrier fleet was in the Indian Ocean. Halsey's aggressive commitment inspired its American participants to invent the mythical "Haul Ass With Halsey" club. The last of the 1942 US carrier raids in March 1942 would form a defining moment in the Pacific War, prior to a new phase of high-seas battles between the opposing fleets.This superbly illustrated book documents for the first time in a single volume this little-known but important World War II naval campaign. The fabulous illustrations, including maps and colour artworks, bring to life the US air and naval raids on the Japanese bases in the Marshall and Gilbert Islands, Rabaul, Wake Island, Marcus Island, and Lae and Salamaua in northern New Guinea.

  • af Jakob Linaa Jensen
    70,95 - 257,95 kr.

    UDSPRING I EVIGHEDEN er fortællingen om forfatterens første jordomrejse i 1999, der bragte ham og en god ven gennem det uendelige blå Stillehav og dets små øer og til højlandet i Andesbjergene. Det er beretningen om papegøjefisk og penisfutteraler på vilde, mystiske Vanuatu og om voldsomme spring fra 30 meter høje bambustårne med lianer om benene. Vi kommer også til paradisiske øer med hvide strande og giftige søslanger. Vi krydser datolinjen og er til fest med polynesere på Cook Islands. Via Tahiti går det til Sydamerikas kolde højslette og mødet med gamle kulturer og deres imponerende efterladenskaber. Langs Titicacasøen går det med jernbane går det op til mytiske Machu Picchu og inkaernes hovedstad, Cuzco.Det er beretningen om en moderne opdagelsesrejse på tærsklen mellem to årtusinder og om mødet med mennesker, der på tværs af kulturer har så meget til fælles. Og så er det en personlig historie om en rejsende, der finder sin plads i verden.

  • af Saul David
    96,95 - 166,95 kr.

  • af Max Hastings
    186,95 - 373,95 kr.

  • af Zoë Lescaze
    1.808,95 kr.

    Some of Nick Brandt's subjects are humans, some are animals, but they all are creatures of equal and obvious personhood. The overwhelming sense in the photographer's ongoing global series The Day May Break is that they are all figuring out how to live in a new world.  Both extreme droughts and floods have destroyed people's homes and livelihoods. Victims of habitat destruction and wildlife trafficking, the animals are rescues that can never be released to the wild. People and animals were photographed in the same frame and indeed convey a sense of connectedness through a shared fate. Fog is the unifying visual, symbolic of the natural world rapidly fading from view; and an echo of the smoke from wildfires, intensified by climate change, devastating so much of the planet. But in spite of their loss, these people and animals are survivors, pioneers entering the new phase our world has reached. In The Day May Break they share their powerful stories.   This set includes the volumes The Day May Break, The Day May Break - Chapter Two, and SINK / RISE, The Day May Break, Chapter three. NICK BRANDT (*1964, London) studied painting and film at St.Martin's School of Art, London. In 1992 he moved to California,where he still lives today. Since 2001, he has documented thedestructive impact that humankind is having on the naturalworld and, as a result, on humans themselves. Chapter One ofhis seminal series The Day May Break featured photographstaken in Zimbabwe and Kenya in late 2020. Chapter Two wasshot in Bolivia in 2022. In the third chapter Brandt introducescolor to the series, highlighting the all-encompassing impact ofthe water.

  • af Kenneth Attiwill
    198,95 kr.

    Fortress: The Story of the Siege and Fall of Singapore, first published in 1960 (and also known as The Singapore Story), is the sobering account of the failed defense of Singapore in late 1941 and early 1942 against the advancing Japanese Army. Included are 14 pages of maps and photographs. From the dustjacket: Fortress recreates, in vivid detail, the fall of Singapore in World War II - the unforgettable atmosphere of chaos, misunderstanding, panic bombings, evacuation of civilians, ill-trained troops, the invasion of Japanese troops, and the beginnings of tortures as the "Fortress" fell. Here is an engrossing analysis of the Singapore defeat - in strategy caused by the failure of the Chief of Staff in London to activate the British defense in Malaya; in the air due to disorganization at Air Command Headquarters; on the sea, because Japanese efficiency was underestimated; and on land, through misjudgment of the invasion of Malaya."Author Kenneth Attiwill (1906-1992), himself a prisoner of the Japanese for 3-1/2 years, was a writer and actor.

  • - The Cactus Air Force and the Japanese Withdrawal from Guadalcanal
    af Roger Letourneau & Dennis Letourneau
    383,95 kr.

    Operation KE explores the air combat that attended the Japanese evacuation of Guadalcanal in early 1943a topic which has hitherto received very little attention. Operation KE was successful largely because Japanese strategic planning and tactical execution was basically sound. The traditional view holds that the Japanese got away with the initiative largely because the Americans let them; the U.S. Pacific high command felt it was not worth the effort to try and stop them. The authors contend that this was not entirely the case. They argue that the Cactus Air Force and Guadalcanal-based naval units did their best to disrupt the evacuation, still believing that the Tokyo Express was bringing reinforcements and supplies to the 17th Army. Other US forces in the South Pacific did make a half-hearted and questionably-executed attempt to stop the Japanese, but were bluffed into adopting a "e;wait-and-see"e; posture.Operation KE focuses on the air war fought between the Cactus and US 13th Air Forces on the one hand and the Japanese Navy and Army Air Forces on the other, from mid-December, 1942 to mid-February, 1943. The book scrutinizes the US air strikes against the six KE-related Tokyo Express destroyer runs, plus related air strikes against the Japanese merchant marine, as well as air and naval base-suppression missions undertaken by both sides, to determine what actually happened in order to analyze why the Japanese evacuation succeeded and why Cactus failed to stop it. Background chapters attempt to assess the respective states of readiness of the Japanese and US air arms in the South Pacific to support on the one hand and counter on the other the execution of Operation KE.The central portion of the book narrates in some detail what actually occurred in the air and at sea -- including air strikes, fighter sweeps, base suppression missions, and naval sorties -- during the crucial prelude to and the actual playing out of the interrelated events that comprised the evacuation operation. Concluding chapters analyze, on both strategic and tactical levels, the Japanese planning and execution of Operation KE, and Cactus' initiatives to interdict KE's successful prosecution. The authors conclude that both the Japanese and the American states of readiness on the eve of Operation KE suffered in such matters as optimizing both resources and operating procedures, and combating a hostile environment. Consequently, both combatants were somewhat handicapped in their abilities respectively to carry out and contest Operation KE.The author contends that the Japanese developed a reasonably sound strategy that exploited those methods and tools of war then in use in the South Pacific; to achieve success, they maximized their own strengths while taking advantage of their adversary's limitations. Contrary to the traditional view, the authors are of the opinion that Japanese utilization of their newly-built airstrip at Munda in the Central Solomons played an important role in the success of Operation KE, which was in keeping with the long-range intention of developing Munda and Vila airstrips as major forward airbases to defend against any Allied push toward Rabaul through the Solomons.The U.S., on the other hand, by consistently misreading Japanese intent regarding Operation KE and pursuing a cautious offensive strategy, blunted the tactical impact of their initiatives to counter the evacuation. Several imprudent tactical decisions and a misallocation of resources further diluted the strength of US efforts.

  • af E. K. Wicher
    113,95 kr.

    Poisonous snails: murder by mollusc solved by a cozy alien octopod. A Devilly Peen murder mystery.When writer's block finally ties Devilly in knots, our eight-tentacled author and amateur sleuth decides her muse needs feeding and is persuaded to holiday at an all-inclusive resort. Murder, however, is on the menu at Ripples and Devilly is soon drawn into solving a gruesome death. This time, she will need all the contents of her poison sack to defeat a psychopathic octopod.The village of Nether Vortex nestles in the outer spiral of the Great Pacific Gyre, where colonizing octopods have built a civilization out of a giant swirl of plastic waste. With its nosy neighbours and dark secrets, Nether Vortex-like small villages on any substrate-provides Devilly Peen with much material for her cozy crime novellas. These, she turns out at great speed, typing with multiple tentacles. When writer's block finally ties Devilly in knots, our eight-tentacled amateur sleuth decides her muse needs feeding and is persuaded to holiday at Ripples. This all-inclusive resort lies in a lagoon far from the Gyre, requiring Devilly to take an unaccustomed flight above water to a remote atoll. With some trepidation, Devilly leaves her charming home of discarded Perrier bottles and her garden of sea anemones to the tender care of her secretary-cum-butler, Lawrence. However, murder is on the menu at Ripples and Devilly is soon drawn into solving a gruesome death. This time, she will need all the contents of her poison sack to defeat a psychopathic octopod.

  • af John Berger
    333,95 kr.

    When the Japanese Empire went to war with the Allies in December 1941, it had already been fighting in China for 10 years. During that time it had conquered huge areas of China, and subjugated millions of people. The Japanese needed to control the Chinese population in these occupied territories, and for this reason they set up governments from amongst the leaders of the Chinese who were willing to co-operate with them. These so-called 'puppet' governments were designed to rule on behalf of the Japanese while firmly under their overall control. In turn, the 'puppet' governments needed their own 'independent' armed forces. These 'puppet' armies were large in number, reaching a total of well over 1 million before 1945. Although poorly-armed and equipped, these forces had an influence on the Japanese war effort through sheer numbers.The Chinese 'puppet' soldiers ranged from the well-drilled and trained regular Army of the Last Emperor of China, Pu Yi, who ruled the newly-formed state of Manchukuo, 1932-45, to the irregular Mongol cavalry who served alongside Japanese troops in the 'secret war' waged in the Mongolian hinterlands.The troops were dismissed as traitors by the Chinese fighting the Japanese, and they were equally despised by the Japanese themselves. The troops were motivated by a range of reasons, from simple survival to a loyalty to their commander. The fact that so many Chinese were willing to fight for the Japanese was embarrassing to all sides, and for this reason has been largely ignored in previous histories of the war in the East. In the first of a three volume series, Philip Jowett tells the story of the Chinese who fought for the Japanese over a 14 year period.

  • af Michal Piegzik
    323,95 kr.

    Finally, the Americans, using their industrial capacity and taking advantage of the obvious Japanese mistakes, moved on to Kiska by landing on Adak and Amchitka. The Japanese plan to provide reinforcements and supplies to both garrisons in the Aleutians led to the naval battle of the Komandorski Islands (アッツ沖海戦, Attsu oki kaisen) in March 1943, which also marked the end of the era of the classic artillery clashes between warships without air support. The commander of the Fifth Fleet, Vice Admiral Hosogaya, failed to destroy Rear Admiral McMorris' task force and lost the unique chance to play for time in the North Pacific. After March 1943, Nippon Kaigun never risked a major naval battle with the US Navy to defend the Aleutians.Although the campaign was far from being over and Americans just began preparations to reconquer Attu, the period of balance between the US Navy and the Japanese Navy in the North Pacific had ended. The Japanese lost and the bloody toll of this defeat was the first 'honorable defeat' (玉砕, gyokusai) on Attu. However, the painful lesson was learned and soon after, despite all pessimistic predictions, the Kiska garrison of more than 5,000 men was evacuated without a single soul lost. The withdrawal operation deservedly got the name 'miracle at Kiska' (キスカの軌跡, Kisuka no kiseki) in Japanese historiography.Into the Endless Mist is an account of the forgotten struggle in the Aleutians, based on meticulous research of American and Japanese primary sources, testimonies, monographs, and papers. The book's goal is to present the most objective image of a campaign in which the weather decided victory and defeat or life and death.

  • af Reginald Bollich
    218,95 - 373,95 kr.

  • af Randall Sullivan
    198,95 - 216,95 kr.

    A vivid portrait of the Columbia River Bar that combines maritime history, adventure journalism, and memoir, bringing alive the history—and present—of one of the most notorious stretches of water in the worldOff the coast of Oregon, the Columbia River flows into the Pacific Ocean and forms the Columbia River Bar: a watery collision so turbulent and deadly that it’s nicknamed the Graveyard of the Pacific.Two thousand ships have been wrecked on the bar since the first European ship dared to try to cross it in the late 18thcentury. For decades ships continued to make the bar crossing with great peril, first with native guides and later with opportunistic newcomers, as Europeans settled in Washington and Oregon, displacing the natives and transforming the river into the hub of a booming region. Since then, the commercial importance of the Columbia River has only grown, and despite the construction of jetties on either side, the bar remains treacherous, even today a site of shipwrecks and dramatic rescues as well as power struggles between small fishermen, powerful shipowners, local communities in Washington and Oregon, the Coast Guard, and the Columbia River Bar Pilots – a small group of highly skilled navigators who help guide ships through the mouth of the Columbia.When Randall Sullivan and a friend set out to cross the bar in a two-man kayak, they’re met with skepticism and concern. But on a clear day in July 2021, when the tides and weather seem right, they embark. As they plunge through the currents that have taken so many lives, Randall commemorates the brave sailors that made the crossing before him – including his own abusive father, a sailor himself who also once dared to cross the bar – and reflects on toxic masculinity, fatherhood, and what drives men to extremes.Rich with exhaustive research and propulsive narrative, Graveyard of the Pacific follows historical shipwrecks through the moment-by-moment details that often determined whether sailors would live or die, exposing the ways in which boats, sailors, and navigation have changed over the decades. As he makes his way across the bar, floating above the wrecks and across the same currents that have taken so many lives, Randall Sullivan faces the past, both in his own life and on the Columbia River Bar.

  • af Christian Mørk
    138,95 - 348,95 kr.

    Stillehavet, position ukendt. En vandflyver, der ikke længere kan lette. Ingen redning i sigte, bare en tom horisontlinje og lyden af bølgerne, der slår ind mod skroget.I 1943 udkæmper Amerika og Japan 2. Verdenskrig på havet, og en amerikansk besætning er nødlandet uden radio. Japanske piloter styrter også ned lige i nærheden. Nu sidder dødsfjenderne tæt sammen med to kvindelige blinde passagerer på det alt for lille fartøj, der driver for vind og vejr. Her begynder den store krig at blive udkæmpet i det små. Had og mistillid koger i enhver, men den fælles nød kræver, at de slutter fred og forsøger at komme levende i land. Alliancer indgås og brydes igen. Imens skræller isolationen alles facader af og blotlægger hemmeligheder, forbudt kærlighed og en fælles menneskelighed. Til sidst føler ingen sig længere sikre på, hvem de egentlig var, før de blev skibbrudne.Tilståelser er et psykologisk drama om, hvad der gemmer sig under overfladen, når alt tages fra os.

  • af Nathan N. Prefer
    363,95 kr.

    The first full history of the longest island campaign of the Pacific War.

  • af Brian Bruce
    373,95 kr.

    An intimate account of the Pacific War, through the experiences of one infantry company.

  • af Brett Mason
    273,95 kr.

    On a moonless night in August 1943, a US torpedo boat commanded by Lt John F Kennedy, on patrol in Solomon Islands, was rammed by a Japanese destroyer. Left clinging to wreckage within sight of Japanese encampments, the eleven surviving members of Kennedy's crew eventually struggled ashore on a small uninhabited island. Missing, presumed dead, behind enemy lines, with no food or water, and with several injured, the future looked bleak for the shipwrecked Americans. Fortunately, Australian ' coast watcher' Lt Reg Evans witnessed the immediate aftermath of the collision from his nearby jungle hideaway. Working under the searching eye of the Japanese military, over the next five days Evans and two Solomon Islander scouts - Eroni Kumana and Biuku Gasa - located Kennedy and his crew and ensured their rescue. This story of wartime bravery and survival helped create JFK's legend and paved his way to the White House. It also shone a spotlight on Australia and America's shared wartime experience.

  • - Sømanden Ebbe Thomsens fantastiske liv i Polynesien
    af Jørgen Henrik Jensen
    148,95 - 201,95 kr.

    Da Ebbe Thomsen i 1913 fik hyre på et skib i indenrigsfart, havde han ingen anelse om, at det blev starten på et langt liv med en udenlandsk maritim karriere. Hans oplevelser ude i Stillehavet er beretningen om dæksdrengen fra Kolding, der som ung blev drevet af eventyrlyst, videbegær og ikke mindst af den kærlighed, han mødte på Samoa midt i Polynesien.Da han for første gang ankom til hovedstaden Apia, vidste han, at hans skæbne var beseglet. Det var her, han ville leve resten af sine dage.Ved første øjekast lignede det hele en naturperle i skønhed helt uden sidestykke. Det skulle dog snart vise sig, at der under overfladen lå stærke altødelæggende naturkræfter og lurede. Til søs uddannede Ebbe sig til matros, styrmand, telegrafist og navigatør. Hans ansættelse på amerikanske handelsskibe og flair for tal og handel berigede ham også med en maritim handelsuddannelse. 2. verdenskrig satte en brat stopper for en ellers lovende karriere i Polynesien. Skæbnen ville, at Ebbe ufrivilligt måtte foretage et stort karriereskift. Skiftet resulterede i, at han endte som politidirektør. Kærligheden til Polynesien og hans nye familie fjernede aldrig længslen hjem til Danmark. Savnet af hans danske familie fremgår af de mange års brevudveksling. De fleste af brevene hjem til familien blev af sikkerhedshensyn under 2. Verdenskrig gemt i et chartek. De blev først fundet i 1998 og er baggrunden for, at Ebbe Thomsens historie nu kan fortælles. Ebbe Thomsen er forfatterens grandonkel, og det var i et arvet møbel, at brevene dukkede op.

    474,95 kr.

    This book examines the security dynamics of the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific, concentrating upon an analysis and evaluation of the air power capabilities of the various powers active in the two regions.

  • af David F. Winkler
    373,95 kr.

    Rare first-hand account of USS Atlanta's war--including the battles of Midway, Eastern Solomons, Santa Cruz and Guadalcanal, where the ship was sunk.

  • af Peter Harmsen
    278,95 kr.

    The story of how Bernhard Sindberg single-handedly saved thousands of civilians during the Japanese orgy of violence in the Chinese capital in late 1937 and early 1938.

  • af Andrea Fritz
    238,95 kr.

    In this picture book featuring Coast Salish art and Traditional Storytelling techniques, a wood duck and a crow turn a mistake into an opportunity for friendship and growth.

  • af Dan Hampton
    323,95 kr.

    From New York Times bestselling author Dan Hampton comes the gripping, untold story of a secret mission set during the darkest days of the Second World War.After the devastating Pearl Harbor attacks in the spring of 1942, the United States was determined to show the world that the Axis was not invincible. Their bold plan? Bomb Tokyo. On April 18, 1942, sixteen B-25s, known as the Doolittle Raiders, hit targets across Japan before escaping to China.The eighth plane, however, did not return with the rest of the raiders.Instead, Plane 8's pilots, Captain Edward "Ski" York and Lieutenant Bob Emmens, did not attack Tokyo, but headed across Japan to the Soviet Union, supposedly due to low fuel. Yet, this bomber was the only plane on the mission with maps of the Soviet Union aboard. And why did Plane 8's flight plans, recently discovered in the Japanese Imperial Archives, show them nowhere near their target? The facts have long indicated that bombing Tokyo was merely a cover for Plane 8's real mission, but what was their secret objective? No one, aside from the two pilots and whomever sent them on this mission, truly knew why they were there, nor has the reason ever been revealed.Until now.In Vanishing Act, for the first time, retired fighter pilot Dan Hampton definitively solves the final mystery of the Doolittle Raid, including never-before-published documents and photographs in exclusive collaboration with Japanese researchers and the Raiders' descendants.

  • af Gregg Adams
    248,95 kr.

    Fully illustrated, this book assesses the US Marines and Japanese troops fighting in three bloody battles of World War II in the Pacific. In June 1944, the United States military launched an offensive against the Japanese forces holding the Mariana Islands and Palau. The US Marine Corps played a vital role in this campaign alongside Army and Navy forces, while their Japanese opponents mounted a desperate defense of their conquests amid the harsh island terrain. This book assesses both sides' doctrine, tactics, weapons, and battlefield effectiveness in three battles of this stage of the Pacific War. Landing on Saipan on June 15, the Marines established a beachhead as the Japanese defenders strove to fight to the last man. On July 21, US Marine Corps and Army forces landed on Guam. Only on August 10 was Guam declared secure by the Americans, and even then resistance continued. US forces landed on Tinian on July 24 and wrested the island from its conquerors. Alongside Army troops, the US Marine Corps also targeted the island of Peleliu. Predicted to last four days, the US assault on Peleliu lasted more than two months as the defenders inflicted appalling US casualties. Featuring all-new artwork and mapping alongside archive photographs, this study assesses the tactics and technology employed by the Marines and their Japanese opponents in these bloody battles, as the Pacific War moved toward its grim climax.

  • af Edward M Young
    268,95 kr.

    An illustrated account of the little-known operations of the Imperial Japanese Naval Air Force's flying boat units during World War 2.

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