Udvidet returret til d. 31. januar 2025

Bøger om Uralske sprog

Her finder du spændende bøger om Uralske sprog. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 395 bøger om emnet.
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  • af Max Seeck
    114,95 - 138,95 kr.

    "Den trofaste læser" er første bind i en storserie fra Nordens nye krimikonge.Den unge efterforsker fra Helsinkis politi, Jessica Niemi bliver sat på opklaringen af en meget usædvanlig drabssag: Krimiforfatteren Roger Koponens kone findes myrdet siddende alene ved spisebordet derhjemme, klædt i en sort aftenkjole og med ansigtet stivnet i et bizart smil. Hvad der ved første øjekast ligner en forstyrret persons absurde værk, viser sig at være det første i en række rituelle mord – som alle følger et mønster hentet fra Koponens berømte trilogi. Jessica Niemi og hendes team arbejder på højtryk for at forhindre flere døde, men gerningsmanden er altid et provokerende skridt foran. Hvad angår motivation for disse grusomheder, famler politiet helt i blinde. Indtil det går op for dem, at ofrene alle sammen ligner Jessica Niemi skræmmende meget ... Er det her personligt? Om forfatteren:Max Seeck er trods sit tyske navn pære finsk og bor i Helsinki. Oprindeligt har han arbejdet med marketing, men skriver nu på fuldtid og regnes som en de mest succesrige finske thrillerforfattere. "Den trofaste læser" er hans internationale gennembrud.

  • - Mini
    af Tom Fagerland
    108,95 kr.

    Et handy hjælpemiddel på rejsen og på aftenskolen. Opslagsordene er udvalgt med henblik på aktualitet og anvendelighed, og hovedvægten ligger på dagligsproget. Derudover vil man finde det ordforråd man har brug for på rejser, på apoteket, på posthuset, i lufthavnen, på hotellet m.m.Ordbogen indeholder også en parlør, hvor man kan finde god hjælp til rejsen, samt en kortfattet udtaleguide og et afsnit om det tyrkiske sprog. Ordbogsopslagene har en enkel og klar udformning, så det er nemt at finde den betydning, oversættelse eller vending man søger. Typografien er let læselig, og alle opslagsord står til venstre i spalten – det gør ordbogen let at orientere sig i.Med det lille format og en vægt på 193 g kan miniordbogen være i enhver taske. Ordbogen indeholder over 30.000 opslagsord og 15.000 udtryk og vendinger.

  • - Strik dig gennem Mumidalen
    af Jaana Etula
    298,95 kr.

    Mumisokker tager dig med på en alfabetisk rejse gennem Mumidalen, hvor hvert bogstav leger med kendte og kære karakterer og steder fra det fantastiske Mumiunivers. Bogen indeholder 29 sokkeopskrifter fra forskellige finske strikdesignere.Sokkerne er primært designet i voksenstørrelser, men med lidt tips kan sokkerne også strikkes til mindre fødder, og størrelsesskalaen går fra str. 22 til 46. Derudover findes der i bogen en oversigt over alternative garnkvaliteter.

  • - Håndlangerne Undertitel
    af Einar Már Gudmundsson
    118,95 kr.

    Islændingene har aldrig haft deres egen konge - Island har været en republik siden løsrivelsen fra Danmark under Anden Verdenskrig. Men selvom man ikke har blåt blod i årerne, kan man jo godt te sig som en konge. ISLANDSKE KONGER er fortællingen om den vidtforgrenede Knudsen-slægt fra det lille fiskerleje Tangavik, hvor legendariske fyldebøtter og slagsbrødre, mesterfiskere og skibsredere, skønhedsdronninger og troldkvinder, distanceblændere og matematikgenier lever side om side.

  • af Yukismart
    143,95 kr.

    100 first words in turkishBilingual picture book for kids: english / turkish with pronunciations

  • af Nafrodamus Al Almani
    173,95 kr.

    Es ist ein Gedichtband, der auf Türkisch geschrieben ist, obwohl es nicht meine Muttersprache ist. Es geht um Leidenschaft, Liebe, Sehnsucht, gebrochene Herzen, bittere Schicksale, Gott, Einsamkeit, Zweisamkeit und um den Tod. Ich glaube nicht, dass die meisten Menschen wissen, welche Ebenen der Liebe ein Mensch zu erreichen fähig ist. Deshalb ist es gut, dass es Poesie gibt. Genießen Sie die Tiefen der unendlichen Liebe, die nicht von dieser Welt ist!

  • af Heikki Uimonen
    245,95 - 706,95 kr.

  • af Idries Shah
    133,95 kr.

    Believing that he loves his beautiful pet bird too much to set it free, a wealthy merchant discovers that animals are sometimes better at learning by example than humans are.

  • af Idries Shah
    133,95 kr.

    In this humorous tale, a man greedily and impatiently hopes to acquire the skills and senses of an animal but ends up limiting his abilities rather than enhancing them.

  • af Idries Shah
    133,95 kr.

    When a little boy wakes up with a dry throat, the adults around him try remedies that only complicate matters and make the condition worse, ignoring what young readers will see as the obvious solution.

  • af Idries Shah
    133,95 kr.

    Believing that he loves his beautiful pet bird too much to set it free, a wealthy merchant discovers that animals are sometimes better at learning by example than humans are.

  • af Idries Shah
    133,95 kr.

    Believing that he loves his beautiful pet bird too much to set it free, a wealthy merchant discovers that animals are sometimes better at learning by example than humans are.

  • af Idries Shah
    133,95 kr.

    When a little boy wakes up with a dry throat, the adults around him try remedies that only complicate matters and make the condition worse, ignoring what young readers will see as the obvious solution.

  • af Idries Shah
    133,95 kr.

    When a little boy wakes up with a dry throat, the adults around him try remedies that only complicate matters and make the condition worse, ignoring what young readers will see as the obvious solution.

  • af Idries Shah
    133,95 kr.

    In this humorous tale, a man greedily and impatiently hopes to acquire the skills and senses of an animal but ends up limiting his abilities rather than enhancing them.

  • af Idries Shah
    133,95 kr.

    In this humorous tale, a man greedily and impatiently hopes to acquire the skills and senses of an animal but ends up limiting his abilities rather than enhancing them.

  • af Idries Shah
    133,95 kr.

    A king learns that a life of plenty doesn't make up for a lack of skills or common sense. Rather than the usual happily-ever-after story, this tale shows that taking the time to learn is better than being handed everything on a platter.

  • af Idries Shah
    127,95 kr.

    (Türkçe-Arapça iki dilli baskı) İhtiyacı olan her şeye sahip olan bir kral, bolluk içinde geçen bir hayatın beceri ya da sağduyu eksikliğini telafi edemeyeceğini öğrenir. Kral, dersini aldıktan sonra, kızının kendi hayatını kazanabilecek bir adamla evlenmesine özen gösterir. Bu masal çocuklara, alışılagelmiş mutlu prens ve prenses hikâyesinden ziyade, bir şeyler öğrenmek için zaman harcamanın uzun vadede her şeyin insanın önüne bir tabakta sunulmasından çok daha yararlı olduğunu gösteriyor.

  • af Idries Shah
    153,95 kr.

    Families compete so intently for the best way to prepare peaches that they fail to benefit from the actual fruit. Even young children will see the foolishness of overcomplication and competition illustrated in this delightful tale.

  • af Idries Shah
    127,95 kr.

    (Türkçe-Arapça iki dilli baskı) Aileler için en büyük övünç kaynağının şeftaliyi en iyi şekilde hazırlamak olduğu bir diyarda, komşular meyvenin gerçek özünü bulabilmek için birbirleriyle kıyasıya rekabet etmektedir. Rakiplerin aşırı hırsı nedeniyle her geçen gün daha da içinden çıkılmaz hale gelen has şeftaliye ulaşma yöntemleri o kadar karmaşıktır ki, şeftalinin asıl kendisinden faydalanma konusunda tamamen başarısız olurlar. Küçük çocuklar bile bu keyifli masal sayesinde aşırı karmaşıklığın ve rekabetin ne kadar ahmakça olduğunu anlayacaklar. Bu hikâye, Afgan filozof İdris Şah'ın düşünme becerilerini geliştirmek ve bilgelik aşılamak için kendi çocuklarına anlattığı, derlediği ve uyarladığı pek çok öğretici hikâyeden biri. Bu eşsiz masalların kökleri Orta Asya ve Orta Doğu'ya dayanıyor. Artık, hem ortaya çıktıkları topraklardaki çocuklara hem de Batı'daki çocuklara hitap edecek şekilde, mizah ve örnek verme yoluyla öğretmeyi ve ortak noktalarımıza dikkat çekmeyi amaçlayarak, özenle resimlendirilmiş olarak yayınlanıyorlar.

  • af Elina Taras-Vaulasvirta
    301,95 kr.

    Kinkke Laade on harjoituskirja luetunymmärtämisen alkuharjoitteluun.Motivoivaa harjoitusmateriaalia koko luokalle, mutta myös opetuksen eriyttämiseen niin, että kaikki saavat osaamiseensa sopivaa luettavaa.Lasten rakastamat eläinhahmot herättävät uteliaisuuden.Kinkke Laade auttaa innostumaan lukemisesta ja harjoittaa kuvanlukemista ja piirtämistä ohjeiden mukaan.Sanatehtävät: yhdistä kuva ja sana -tehtävät, kirjoita sanat -tehtävä.Väittämätehtävät: yhdistä numerolla kuva ja väittämä, piirrä ohjeen mukaan.Sarjakuvatehtävät: lue ja numeroi kuvat tapahtumajärjestykseen.Tehtävät sisältävät kuvasanastot sekä piirrostehtävät.

  • af Idries Shah
    133,95 kr.

    Four merchants stumble upon a magnificent palace, where events make them question their past experiences and assumptions. This tale shows that looks can be deceptive, and that there are deeper reasons to help others than we might assume.

  • af Anne Visa
    223,95 kr.

    Keisarinmänty on Hämeenlinnasta lähtöisin olevan runoilija Anne Visan toinen runokokoelma.Tekstit käsittelevät luontoa, luopumista ja uusia alkuja. Runoista löytää sekä rinnallakulkijuutta ja lohtua surussa että iloa ja huimapäistä riemua.

  • af Michael Knüppel
    278,95 kr.

    The book deals with the problem of the origins of the terminus shaman, discussed since the word has find its way into the "western" language in the 17th / 18th centuries.

  • af George Orwell
    208,95 kr.

    "I do not know when that Rebellion will come""Bu isyanın ne zaman geleceğini bilmiyorum""nothing says it can't be in a week from now""Hiçbir şey bundan bir hafta sonra olamayacağını söylemiyor""or it could come in a hundred years""Ya da yüz yıl sonra gelebilir""I can see it as clearly as I see the straw beneath my feet""Ayaklarımın altındaki samanı gördüğüm kadar net görebiliyorum""sooner or later justice will be done""Er ya da geç adalet yerini bulacak""Fix your eyes on that goal, comrades""Gözlerinizi bu hedefe dikin yoldaşlar""remember it for all of the short remainder of your lives!""Hayatınızın geri kalan kısa süresi boyunca bunu hatırlayın!""And above all, do not let this message of mine die out here""Ve hepsinden önemlisi, bu mesajımın burada ölmesine izin vermeyin""pass this message on to those who come after you""Bu mesajı sizden sonra gelenlere iletin""then future generations shall carry on the struggle""O zaman gelecek nesiller mücadeleye devam edecek""they will fight on until our kind is victorious""Bizim türümüz galip gelene kadar savaşacaklar"

  • af Coledown Bilingual Books
    128,95 kr.

    Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to improve your Hungarian language skills while immersing yourself in captivating stories? Look no further! The Heartbeat of Budapest and Other Stories is a unique collection that offers an exciting journey through the worlds of both Hungarian and English literature. In this collection, you'll discover a diverse range of eleven short stories that cater to different tastes and language proficiency levels. Each story is presented in both Hungarian and English, making it an ideal choice for language learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced speakers.Enhance your language comprehensionReading stories in both languages allows learners to grasp the context and meaning effortlessly. You'll naturally expand your vocabulary and improve your language skills.Immerse yourself in rich narrativesFrom heartwarming tales of friendship to thrilling mysteries, these stories cover a wide spectrum of genres, ensuring that you'll find something to captivate your interest.Boost your cultural understandingThese stories provide insights into Hungarian culture, traditions, and ways of life, offering a deeper connection to the language you're learning.Maintain motivation and engagementLanguage learning can be a challenging journey, but with these bilingual stories, you'll stay motivated and excited about your progress.So, whether you're a language learner seeking to hone your skills or a reader looking for compelling short stories in two languages, The Heartbeat of Budapest and Other Stories is your perfect companion. Dive into these captivating narratives, explore new cultures, and embark on an enriching language-learning adventure. Let the power of storytelling take your language proficiency to new heights!

  • af Eduardo D. Faingold
    1.202,95 kr.

    This book examines the language policies in the constitutions, legal statutes, and regulations of Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and Greenland. In these countries and territories, modern descendants of Old Norse (North Germanic) are spoken today: Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, and Faroese. In addition, there are regions of Scandinavia where speakers of minority languages were conquered or incorporated, with their languages suppressed or neglected, as well as recent developments in the status and use of English, and immigrant populations who do not speak a Scandinavian language as their native language. This book adopts a comparative approach to trace the development of language policies and rights in Scandinavia, and it will be of interest to students as well as scholars of European and Scandinavian studies, applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, education, political science, and law.

  • af Minna Jaakola
    508,95 kr.

    The Finnish language is perhaps best known for its rich case system. Depending on the definition of a case, Finnish has at least fourteen, possibly fifteen or even more cases. This volume is the first comprehensive English-language account of the Finnish case system, focusing primarily on its semantic functions. This collection of articles presents an up-to-date overview of the Finnish case system, analyses central subsystems within it, and offers data-based analyses of the functions of individual cases. The authors approach Finnish cases from different perspectives within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics. The volume also addresses more general topics, such as the notion of case, questions of polysemy, the traditional division of cases into grammatical and semantic, the relationship between inflection and derivation as well as the role of inflection in the structuring of the categories of adpositions and adverbs. The book will be of interest to linguists and students as well as to those readers who are not familiar with cognitive linguistics. The analyses presented here will be relevant to anyone investigating the essence of case and the emergence of linguistic meaning.

  • af Murat Ülker
    1.140,95 kr.

    In this book, the prominent businessman Murat Ülker, who has transformed Yildiz Holding into a global company with more than 70,000 employees operating in an area where more than a four billion consumer population lives across four continents, covers everything from management and leadership to corporate communication and marketing, from science and technology to nutrition and health.Murat Ülker not only gives clues to the principles that have enabled him to be successful but also makes many predictions about the future. In these texts written during the pandemic, he also imagines how the future will be shaped while discussing how the pandemic will affect our daily and working lives.

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