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Matematik, fysik og kemi

Her finder du spændende bøger om Matematik, fysik og kemi. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 115.940 bøger om emnet.
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  • - The Elements and the Architecture of Everything
    af Theodore Gray & Nick Mann
    148,95 - 226,95 kr.

    Molecules explores hundreds of the most interesting, unusual and surprising chemical bonds and how they form to make up all of the stuff in the world.

  • - The Special and the General Theory - 100th Anniversary Edition
    af Albert Einstein
    193,95 - 226,95 kr.

  • af Euclid
    323,95 - 345,95 kr.

    The classic Heath translation, in a completely new layout with plenty of space and generous margins. An affordable but sturdy student and teacher sewn softcover edition in one volume, with minimal notes and a new index/glossary.

  • - A Self-Teaching Guide
    af Karl F. Kuhn
    198,95 kr.

    A complicated subject made simple. This resource takes all the basic concepts of an introductory physics course taught in high school or college and-using plain language, hundreds of illustrations, and colorful, interesting examples-brings them vividly to life.

  • af Pia Villadsen
    44,95 kr.

    Indhold:- Forudsætninger for et periodisk system- Grundstofbegrebet- Atomvægt- Begyndende systematisering- Det periodiske system- Hvem var opdageren?- Tiden efter 1870- Problemer- - Fire omvendte par- - Ædelgasserne- - Radioaktivitet- Atomnummerets opdagelse- Bohrs forklaring på det periodiske system- Den moderne atomfysik- Ordforklaringer- Litteraturliste og links- Vejledning: Sådan samles Courtines’ periodiske system- Tabel: Det periodiske system- Udklipsark til Courtines’ periodiske systemBogen er den eneste sammenfatning på dansk af hovedlinierne i udviklingen af teorien om materiens opbygning fra forestillingen om de fire elementer til vore dages idé om godt 100 forskellige grundstoffer. Hovedvægten ligger på etableringen af grundstofbegrebet og ikke mindst forsøgene på at ordne grundstofferne i et system på grundlag af deres kemiske og fysiske egenskaber.

  • - ved erkendelsens grænser?
    af Jan Faye
    99,95 kr.

    Hvad fortæller videnskabelige teorier os om verden ud over, hvad vi kan observere? Dette filosofiske spørgsmål er særdeles påtrængende i lyset af kvantemekanikken. Og dets besvarelse er grundlaget for kvantefilosofien.Kvantemekanikken er fysikernes teori om atomerne og deres mindste dele. Ingen fysisk teori har vist sig mere succesrig i sine forudsigelser end den. Men siden Werner Heisenberg formulerede teorien i 1925, har der blandt fysikere og filosoffer hersket uenighed om, hvordan den nærmere skulle forstås. Især dens måde matematisk at repræsentere atomerne på voldte vanskeligheder, som det blandt andet sås i diskussionerne mellem Bohr og Einstein sidst i 1920'erne og 1930'erne. Og baggrunden for konflikten er fortsat lige til i dag.Det særegne ved atomerne er øjensynligt, at de opfører sig meget anderledes end større ting som kanoer, kanonkugler, katte og kakerlakker. Når man måler på atomare objekter, opdager man, at de kan "føle" hinanden over store afstande, at de kan optræde som en bølge eller som en partikel, og at de vekselvirker med hinanden - uden vi altid bagefter kan skelne deres gøren og laden. Alt sammen på grund af virkningskvantet. Alt til forskel fra den klassiske fysik.Vanskelighederne med at forstå kvantemekanikken har affødt mange, meget forskellige udlægninger: Nogle går ud på, at visse kvantemekaniske beskrivelser er komplementære, og andre handler om, at det er fysikerens bevidsthed, der indvirker på måleprocessen. Andre igen antager, at der findes skjulte variable, som får dem til at "føle" hinanden, mens endnu andre mener, at verden - hver gang vi observerer en bestemt tilstand hos det atomare objekt - opdeles i et utal af verdener. Bogen "Kvantefilosofi" redegør for første gang på dansk for disse mangfoldige fortolkninger, sætter dem ind i deres historiske fremkomst og forholder sig kritisk til dem.

  • af Stephen Pople
    298,95 kr.

    The Cambridge IGCSE & O Level Complete Physics Student Book is at the heart of delivering the course. It offers a rigorous approach for covering all the content students need to succeed, with a light touch to ensure it is engaging. Exam-style questions improve students' exam performance and enriching content equips learners for further study.

  • - How to Drive Change with Data, Narrative and Visuals
    af Brent Dykes
    315,95 kr.

    Master the art and science of data storytelling--with frameworks and techniques to help you craft compelling stories with data.The ability to effectively communicate with data is no longer a luxury in today's economy; it is a necessity. Transforming data into visual communication is only one part of the picture. It is equally important to engage your audience with a narrative--to tell a story with the numbers. Effective Data Storytelling will teach you the essential skills necessary to communicate your insights through persuasive and memorable data stories.Narratives are more powerful than raw statistics, more enduring than pretty charts. When done correctly, data stories can influence decisions and drive change. Most other books focus only on data visualization while neglecting the powerful narrative and psychological aspects of telling stories with data. Author Brent Dykes shows you how to take the three central elements of data storytelling--data, narrative, and visuals--and combine them for maximum effectiveness. Taking a comprehensive look at all the elements of data storytelling, this unique book will enable you to:* Transform your insights and data visualizations into appealing, impactful data stories* Learn the fundamental elements of a data story and key audience drivers* Understand the differences between how the brain processes facts and narrative* Structure your findings as a data narrative, using a four-step storyboarding process* Incorporate the seven essential principles of better visual storytelling into your work* Avoid common data storytelling mistakes by learning from historical and modern examplesEffective Data Storytelling: How to Drive Change with Data, Narrative and Visuals is a must-have resource for anyone who communicates regularly with data, including business professionals, analysts, marketers, salespeople, financial managers, and educators.

  • af Richard (Senior Tutor in Mathematics at Worcester College Earl
    108,95 kr.

    This book explores the mathematical field of topology, giving a sense of the visual elements of the field, as well as the formal definition of continuity. Considering some of the eye-opening examples that led mathematicians to study topology, it pays homage to the historical people, problems, and surprises that propelled the growth of the field.

  • - A History
    af Vaclav Smil
    176,95 kr.

    A comprehensive account of how energy has shaped society throughout history, from pre-agricultural foraging societies through today's fossil fuel-driven civilization.

  • af Ivan Savov
    298,95 kr.

    Often calculus and mechanics are taught as separate subjects. It shouldn't be like that. Learning calculus without mechanics is incredibly boring. Learning mechanics without calculus is missing the point. This textbook integrates both subjects and highlights the profound connections between them. This is the deal. Give me 350 pages of your attention, and I'll teach you everything you need to know about functions, limits, derivatives, integrals, vectors, forces, and accelerations. This book is the only math book you'll need for the first semester of undergraduate studies in science. With concise, jargon-free lessons on topics in math and physics, each section covers one concept at the level required for a first-year university course. Anyone can pick up this book and become proficient in calculus and mechanics, regardless of their mathematical background.

  • af Joseph Schmuller
    183,95 kr.

    Understanding the world of R programming and analysis has never been easier Most guides to R, whether books or online, focus on R functions and procedures.

  • af Arthur (University of Maryland Winter
    186,95 kr.

    Organic Chemistry I For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781119293378) was previously published as Organic Chemistry I For Dummies, 2nd Edition (9781118828076). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.

  • af John Santiago
    213,95 kr.

    Circuits overloaded from electric circuit analysis? Many universities require that students pursuing a degree in electrical or computer engineering take an Electric Circuit Analysis course to determine who will "make the cut" and continue in the degree program.

  • af Ian Stewart
    116,95 kr.

    Examines seventeen groundbreaking equations that have altered the course of human history. This book explores how Pythagoras' Theorem led to GPS and SatNav; how logarithms are applied in architecture; why imaginary numbers were important in the development of the digital camera, and what is really going on with Schrodinger's cat.

  • - The Invention of Colour
    af Philip Ball
    166,95 kr.

    Colour in art - as in life - is both inspiring and uplifting, but where does it come from?

  • af Mary Jane (Bradley University Sterling
    223,95 kr.

    "Business Math" is a catch-all title for a collection of topics that are anything but calculus. Business Math For Dummies takes complex mathematical theories and formulas and applies them to practical business situations. It also includes practical practice problems to help readers hone their skills.

  • - The Mathematical Breakthroughs That Changed History
    af Stephen Hawking
    186,95 kr.

    Helps the reader understand the progression of mathematical thought, and the very foundations of technologies. This book includes landmark discoveries spanning 2500 years and representing the work of mathematicians such as Euclid, Georg Cantor, Kurt Godel, Augustin Cauchy, Bernard Riemann and Alan Turing.

  • - The Introductory Coaching System for Maths Success
    af David Joseph Sharp
    223,95 kr.

  • af Michael Spivak
    548,95 kr.

    Spivak's celebrated Calculus combines leisurely explanations, a profusion of examples, a wide range of exercises and plenty of illustrations in an easy-going approach that enlightens difficult concepts and rewards effort. Ideal for honours students and mathematics majors seeking an alternative to doorstop textbooks and more formidable introductions to real analysis.

  • af Carlos I. (Senior Research Scientist Calle
    226,95 kr.

    Genius demystified, the Dummies way! In 1905, Albert Einstein revolutionized modern physics with his theory of relativity. He went on to become a twentieth--century icon--a man whose name and face are synonymous with "genius. " Now, at last, ordinary readers can explore Einstein's life and work in this new For Dummies guide.

  • af Leonard Smith
    103,95 kr.

    Chaos exists in systems all around us. This introduction draws in philosophy, literature, and maths to explain Chaos Theory, showing the variety of its applications in the real world, from technology to global warming, politics, and even gambling on the stock market.

  • - How Consciousness Creates the Material Universe
    af Amit Goswami
    158,95 kr.

    In this stimulating and timely book, Amit Goswami, PhD, shatters the widely popular belief held by Western science that matter is the primary "stuff" of creation and proposes instead that consciousness is the true foundation of all we know and perceive. His explanation of quantum physics for lay readers, called "a model of clarity" by Kirkus Reviews, sets the stage for a voyage of discovery through the common ground of science and religion, the entwined nature of mind and body, and our interconnectedness with all of creation.

    168,95 kr.

    This large blank hardback book is designed for use as a magic journal. Handsomely designed with an embossed silver pentacle on a black imitation leather background. The pages are unlined and the paper is chosen for use with most types of ink, pencil, gouache etc..

  • af Chandler Burr
    128,95 kr.

    In the tradition of Susan Orlean's The Orchid Thief and James Gleick's Genius, The Emperor of Scent tells the story of Luca Turin, an utterly unusual, stubborn scientist, his otherworldly gift for perfume, his brilliant, quixotic theory of how we smell, and his struggle to set before the world the secret of the most enigmatic of our senses.

  • - Bag om Hawkings univers
    af Leonard Mlodinow & Stephen Hawking
    238,95 kr.

    Hvornår og hvordan opstod universet? Hvorfor er vi her? Hvorfor er der noget frem for ingenting? Hvad udgøres virkeligheden af? Hvordan tillader naturlovene væsener som os at eksistere? Og ikke mindst: Findes der bag universets mesterværk en styrende hånd – eller tilbyder videnskaben en helt anden forklaring?Dette er nogle af de spørgsmål, som Stephen Hawking og Leonard Mlodinow stiller og besvarer i denne storslåede og betagende bog. De fortæller om den nyeste videnskabelige tænkning og universets mysterier i et letforståeligt sprog med en ganske særlig blanding af jordnær humor og svimlende overblik.‘Mesterværket – bag om Hawkings univers’ er en kortfattet, overraskende og rigt illustreret guide til store opdagelser, som ændrer vores mest fasttømrede opfattelser og trossystemer – en bog som både oplyser og provokerer i sjælden grad.

  • af Anker Tiedemann
    304,95 kr.

  • af Helge Mygind
    158,95 kr.

    Kemi 2000 findes i en ny udgave som med serietitlen Basiskemi.

  • af Pernille Pind & Erik Bjerre
    23,95 kr.

    Jorden er rund og landkort er flade. Det betyder, at man ikke kan lave et korrekt billede af jorden på landkort. Landkort findes jo, og i bogen fortælles lidt om den matematik der gør det muligt.Fra 12 år

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