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  • af Alioune Ndiaye
    912,95 kr.

    No panorama educativo em constante mudança, a integração das tecnologias digitais abriu caminho a uma nova era de aprendizagem. O papel do inspetor pedagógico tornou-se cada vez mais central, evoluindo de um supervisor tradicional para o de um facilitador e guia dinâmico no domínio digital. Ao navegarmos pelas complexidades da educação moderna, torna-se evidente a necessidade de uma abordagem holística da pedagogia. O Inspetor Pedagogo, outrora centrado sobretudo nos aspectos regulamentares, está agora na vanguarda da promoção de metodologias de ensino inovadoras e do aproveitamento de ferramentas digitais para melhorar a experiência de aprendizagem. Este manual foi concebido como um recurso para os Inspectores Pedagogos que procuram adaptar-se, prosperar e liderar na era digital. Explora os principais desafios e oportunidades apresentados pela integração da tecnologia na educação, oferecendo conselhos práticos sobre como navegar com sucesso nesta transformação.

  • af Alioune Ndiaye
    912,95 kr.

    Nel panorama educativo in continua evoluzione, l'integrazione delle tecnologie digitali ha aperto la strada a una nuova era dell'apprendimento. Il ruolo dell'ispettore didattico è diventato sempre più centrale, evolvendo da quello di un supervisore tradizionale a quello di un facilitatore dinamico e di una guida nel dominio digitale. Mentre navighiamo attraverso le complessità dell'istruzione moderna, diventa evidente la necessità di un approccio olistico alla pedagogia. L'ispettore didattico, un tempo concentrato principalmente sugli aspetti normativi, è ora in prima linea nel promuovere metodologie didattiche innovative e nello sfruttare gli strumenti digitali per migliorare l'esperienza di apprendimento.Questo manuale è stato concepito come una risorsa per gli ispettori didattici che desiderano adattarsi, prosperare e guidare nell'era digitale. Esplora le principali sfide e opportunità presentate dall'integrazione della tecnologia nell'istruzione, offrendo consigli pratici su come affrontare con successo questa trasformazione.

  • af Alioune Ndiaye
    911,95 kr.

    In the ever-changing educational landscape, the integration of digital technologies has paved the way for a new era of learning. The role of the Inspecteur Pédagogue has become increasingly central, evolving from a traditional supervisor to a dynamic facilitator and guide in the digital domain. This guide aims to provide practical ideas and strategies for effective management in the digital age.As we navigate through the complexities of modern education, the need for a holistic approach to pedagogy becomes apparent. The Pedagogical Inspector, once focused primarily on regulatory aspects, is now at the forefront of fostering innovative teaching methodologies and harnessing digital tools to enhance the learning experience.This handbook is designed as a resource for Pedagogical Inspectors looking to adapt, thrive and lead in the digital age. It explores the key challenges and opportunities presented by the integration of technology into education, offering practical advice on how to successfully navigate this transformation.

  • af Alioune Ndiaye
    914,95 kr.

    In der sich ständig verändernden Bildungslandschaft hat die Integration digitaler Technologien den Weg in eine neue Ära des Lernens geebnet. Die Rolle des Pädagogischen Inspektors ist zunehmend zentral geworden und hat sich von einem traditionellen Aufseher zu einem dynamischen Vermittler und Führer im digitalen Bereich entwickelt. Dieser Leitfaden soll praktische Ideen und Strategien für eine effektive Verwaltung im digitalen Zeitalter liefern.Während wir uns durch die Komplexität der modernen Bildung navigieren, wird die Notwendigkeit eines umfassenden pädagogischen Ansatzes deutlich. Der Inspektor für Pädagogik, der sich früher hauptsächlich auf regulatorische Aspekte konzentrierte, steht nun an vorderster Front, um innovative Unterrichtsmethoden zu fördern und digitale Werkzeuge zu nutzen, um die Lernerfahrung zu verbessern.Dieses Handbuch ist als Ressource für Inspektoren für Pädagogik gedacht, die versuchen, sich im digitalen Zeitalter anzupassen, zu gedeihen und zu führen. Es untersucht die wichtigsten Herausforderungen und Chancen, die sich aus der Integration von Technologie in die Bildung ergeben, und bietet praktische Ratschläge, wie man sich erfolgreich durch diesen Wandel bewegen kann.

  • af Alioune Ndiaye
    912,95 kr.

    Dans le paysage éducatif en perpétuelle évolution, l'intégration des technologies numériques a ouvert la voie à une nouvelle ère d'apprentissage. Le rôle de l'Inspecteur Pédagogue est devenu de plus en plus central, passant d'un simple superviseur traditionnel à un facilitateur dynamique et un guide dans le domaine numérique. Ce guide vise à fournir des idées pratiques et des stratégies pour une gestion efficace à l'ère du digital.Alors que nous naviguons à travers les complexités de l'éducation moderne, la nécessité d'une approche globale de la pédagogie devient évidente. L'Inspecteur Pédagogue, autrefois axé principalement sur les aspects réglementaires, est désormais en première ligne pour favoriser des méthodologies d'enseignement innovantes et exploiter les outils numériques afin d'améliorer l'expérience d'apprentissage.Ce manuel est conçu comme une ressource pour les Inspecteurs Pédagogues cherchant à s'adapter, prospérer et diriger à l'ère du numérique. Il explore les défis clés et les opportunités présentées par l'intégration de la technologie dans l'éducation, offrant des conseils pratiques sur la manière de naviguer avec succès dans cette transformation.

  • af Alioune Ndiaye
    695,95 kr.

    Neste livro, o Sr. Ndiaye não só descreve o impacto espiritual de Serigne Mountakha Mbacké, como também explora as dimensões social, económica e ambiental da sua liderança. Como perito em desenvolvimento internacional, destaca a forma como os ensinamentos de Serigne Mountakha Mbacké influenciaram positivamente comunidades inteiras, sublinhando a importância crucial da harmonia entre a espiritualidade e o progresso socioeconómico.Longe de ser uma simples biografia, este livro é uma reflexão esclarecida sobre as profundas ligações entre fé e desenvolvimento, dando um valioso contributo para a compreensão do papel dos líderes religiosos na promoção do bem-estar das comunidades.Em suma, o trabalho de Alioune Ndiaye oferece um olhar especializado sobre a vida de um líder religioso excecional e as suas implicações para o desenvolvimento, tornando este livro uma leitura essencial para aqueles que aspiram a uma compreensão mais profunda da intersecção entre espiritualidade e progresso humano.

  • af Alioune Ndiaye
    695,95 kr.

    In questo libro, Ndiaye non solo descrive l'impatto spirituale di Serigne Mountakha Mbacké, ma esplora anche le dimensioni sociali, economiche e ambientali della sua leadership. In qualità di esperto di sviluppo internazionale, sottolinea come gli insegnamenti di Serigne Mountakha Mbacké abbiano influenzato positivamente intere comunità, sottolineando l'importanza cruciale dell'armonia tra spiritualità e progresso socio-economico.Lungi dall'essere una semplice biografia, questo libro è una riflessione illuminata sulle profonde connessioni tra fede e sviluppo, che offre un prezioso contributo alla comprensione del ruolo dei leader religiosi nella promozione del benessere delle comunità.In sintesi, il lavoro di Alioune Ndiaye offre uno sguardo esperto sulla vita di un leader religioso eccezionale e sulle sue implicazioni per lo sviluppo, rendendo questo libro una lettura essenziale per coloro che aspirano a una comprensione più profonda dell'intersezione tra spiritualità e progresso umano.

  • af Alioune Ndiaye
    695,95 kr.

    Through this book, Mr. Ndiaye not only describes the spiritual impact of Serigne Mountakha Mbacké, but also explores the social, economic and environmental dimensions of his leadership. As an expert in international development, he highlights how the teachings of Serigne Mountakha Mbacké have positively influenced entire communities, underlining the crucial importance of harmony between spirituality and socio-economic progress.Far from being a simple biography, this book is an enlightened reflection on the profound connections between faith and development, offering a valuable contribution to understanding the role of religious leaders in promoting community well-being.In sum, Alioune Ndiaye's work offers an expert look at the life of an exceptional religious leader and its implications for development, making this book essential reading for those who aspire to a deeper understanding of the intersection between spirituality and human progress.

  • af Alioune Ndiaye
    706,95 kr.

    Mit diesem Buch beschreibt Herr Ndiaye nicht nur die spirituelle Wirkung von Serigne Mountakha Mbacké, sondern erforscht auch die sozialen, wirtschaftlichen und ökologischen Dimensionen seiner Führungsqualitäten. Als Experte für internationale Entwicklung beleuchtet er, wie die Lehren von Serigne Mountakha Mbacké ganze Gemeinschaften positiv beeinflusst haben, und unterstreicht die entscheidende Bedeutung der Harmonie zwischen Spiritualität und sozioökonomischem Fortschritt.Weit davon entfernt, eine einfache Biografie zu sein, präsentiert sich dieses Buch als eine fundierte Reflexion über die tiefen Verbindungen zwischen Glauben und Entwicklung und bietet somit einen wertvollen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Rolle religiöser Führer bei der Förderung des Wohlergehens der Gemeinschaft.Alles in allem bietet Alioune Ndiayes Werk einen fachkundigen Einblick in das Leben eines außergewöhnlichen religiösen Führers und seine Auswirkungen auf die Entwicklung, was das Buch zu einer unverzichtbaren Lektüre für alle macht, die sich nach einem tieferen Verständnis der Überschneidung von Spiritualität und menschlichem Fortschritt sehnen.

  • af Alioune Ndiaye
    695,95 kr.

    The issue of gender in vocational training in Senegal is of crucial importance and deserves special attention. This issue raises key concerns with regard to gender equality, equitable access to education and training, and the empowerment of women in the vocational field.First of all, it is essential to recognize that gender disparities persist in Senegal's vocational training sector. Women often face barriers that limit their access to such training, including restrictive cultural and social norms, family expectations and financial constraints. This situation leads to an inequitable imbalance in women's participation in vocational training, limiting their employment opportunities and economic independence.What's more, even when women do manage to access vocational training, they often face additional challenges. Gender stereotypes persist, which can lead to discrimination and harassment at the training site.

  • af Alioune Ndiaye
    458,95 kr.

    Learning is one of the most fundamental aspects of our existence as human beings. We are constantly acquiring new knowledge and skills, whether at school, in our professional lives or in our everyday lives. However, learning is not just about acquiring academic knowledge or practical skills. It is also an ongoing process of personal development that enables us to grow, adapt and succeed in life. In this book, we'll explore the different aspects of learning, from the different theories that underpin the learning process, to the different types of learning and the factors that influence learning. We'll also look at the challenges and issues associated with learning in today's society, such as inequalities in access to education and the challenges faced by people seeking lifelong learning. As you work your way through the pages of this book, you'll discover practical techniques and strategies for improving your own learning process.

  • af Alioune Ndiaye
    790,95 kr.

    Uchenichestwo i professional'naq integraciq molodezhi - wazhnye woprosy wo mnogih stranah, w tom chisle i w Senegale. Uspeh w ätih oblastqh neobhodim dlq obespecheniq äkonomicheskogo i social'nogo razwitiq strany, a takzhe dlq predostawleniq wozmozhnostej trudoustrojstwa molodomu pokoleniü. Stolknuwshis' s ätoj real'nost'ü, Senegal perehodit k nowomu naprawleniü w swoej politike w oblasti podgotowki uchenikow i integracii molodezhi, chtoby luchshe sootwetstwowat' potrebnostqm postoqnno razwiwaüschegosq rynka truda.V poslednie gody Senegal osoznal wazhnost' pereosmysleniq swoih obrazowatel'nyh podhodow, chtoby predlozhit' molodym lüdqm nawyki, adaptirowannye k trebowaniqm professional'nogo mira. Tradicionnye modeli formal'nogo obrazowaniq prodemonstrirowali swoü ogranichennost', w rezul'tate chego molodye wypuskniki chasto stalkiwaütsq s wysokim urownem bezraboticy i nesootwetstwiem realiqm rynka truda. Poätomu neobhodimo nowoe naprawlenie, sposobstwuüschee luchshemu sochetaniü nawykow molodyh lüdej i potrebnostej rabotodatelej.

  • af Alioune Ndiaye
    843,95 kr.

    Apprenticeship training and the integration of young people into the workforce are major issues in many countries, including Senegal. Indeed, success in these areas is essential to ensure the country's economic and social development, as well as to offer employment opportunities to the younger generation. Faced with this reality, Senegal is turning to a new direction in its apprenticeship training and youth integration policy, to better meet the needs of the ever-changing job market.In recent years, Senegal has become aware of the importance of rethinking its educational approaches to offer young people skills adapted to the demands of the professional world. Traditional models of formal education have shown their limits, often leaving young graduates facing high unemployment and a disconnect with the realities of the job market. A new direction is therefore needed to ensure a better match between young people's skills and employers' needs.

  • af Alioune Ndiaye
    993,95 kr.

    At a time when the digital revolution and societal changes are redefining the way we live, work and learn, the role of the trainer is becoming an essential pillar of society. In this book, we take a deeper dive into the complex world of the trainer, the essential player who guides learners through the twists and turns of knowledge and competence. The trainer, once associated mainly with formal education, now evolves in a variety of environments, from e-learning to corporate training workshops. They have to juggle a diversity of teaching methodologies, technological tools and learner audiences with varying needs. Over the course of the chapters in this book, we delve into the multiple dimensions of this evolution. We explore how digital technology has become an essential ally for the trainer, enabling him or her to create richer, more tailored learning experiences. We also analyze how the trainer must adapt to rapid technological change to remain relevant and effective.

  • af Alioune Ndiaye
    993,95 kr.

    Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience (VAE) is a system designed to recognize and enhance the skills acquired by individuals throughout their career. In Senegal, the introduction of VAE reflects the desire to give pride of place to workers' experience in the certification process, and to promote their integration into the workforce. VAE offers a unique opportunity for Senegalese workers to have the skills they have acquired on the job recognized, whether or not they have followed a formal training course. In an ever-changing economic context, VAE is an essential lever for individual employability and adaptability. In an ever-changing economic environment, VAE is an essential tool for enhancing the employability and adaptability of individuals, helping to ensure a better match between workers' skills and the needs of the job market, and thus boosting the country's competitiveness.

  • - Le Nigeria Sous Buhari: Entre Diversification Économique Et Fédéralisme Social
    af Alioune Ndiaye
    273,95 kr.

    Dans ce livre, Alioune Ndiaye revient d'abord sur la première présidence de Muhammadu Buhari de 1983 à 1985 pour expliquer comment celle-ci a structuré son retour au pouvoir, trois décennies plus tard, non sans nous livrer les éléments d'une stratégie qui aura produit la première alternance démocratique au Nigeria.Le coeur de l'ouvrage porte cependant sur ce qu'il appelle la gouvernance du balai, pour reprendre le symbole utilisé par Buhari dans sa campagne électorale victorieuse. La diversification économique pour sortir de la dépendance pétrolière, ainsi que le fédéralisme social, pour reconstruire le lien entre la fédération et les citoyens, sont les axes autour desquels tourne cette gouvernance du balai qui se veut un projet d'assainir politiquement et économiquement le Nigeria.Le défi est à la hauteur de l'immensité du pays et de son potentiel, mais le leadership de Buhari semble bien adapté aux difficultés du géant nigérian, malgré une santé fragile et un système politique qui peut se révéler hostile.

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