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Bøger af L. Ron Hubbard

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  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    51,95 kr.

    Vi lever i en turbulent verden, i farlige omgivelser. Hvis du ser tv-nyhederne eller læser avisen, er du gjort til genstand for en daglig diæt med røverier, voldtægter, optøjer, mord, ildebrande, jordskælv, oversvømmelser og hungerkatastrofer. Føler du dig foruroliget over, hvad der sker omkring dig? Føler du dig hjælpeløs, ude af stand til at kontrollere disse hændelser? Er du endog nogen gange bange? På dette kursus og det tilhørende hæfte forklarer L. Ron Hubbard fænomenet med de farlige omgivelser ved at stille metoder til rådighed, som ikke alene hjælper dig med at overvinde din frygt, men giver dig mulighed for at hjælpe andre. Anvendt i stor målestok fremkalder denne information en utrolig beroligende påvirkning og giver mennesker mulighed for at leve et lykkeligere liv. Anvendt individuelt – af dig – vil den forbedre livet for din familie, dine venner og dine bekendte.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    71,95 kr.

    De piner og plager livet udsætter et ægteskab for, kan være en prøvelse for selv de mest kærlige forhold. Men det er muligt at lappe et ægteskab sammen igen, selv når det ser virkelig sort ud. Og hvor et ægteskab bare lige har mistet noget af sin glans, kan brugen af oplysningerne og metoderne i dette hæfte genskabe den kærlighed, som det hele begyndte med. Her er værktøjerne, du kan bruge til at begynde eller forbedre dit ægteskab med, så det opfylder de håb og drømme, du håbede på, at I sammen kunne bygge jeres liv op omkring.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    71,95 kr.

    Hvis du nogensinde pludseligt er blevet svigtet af en, du havde tillid til, hvis du har følt smerten fra utroskab begået af en person, du elskede, hvis du har oplevet at blive flået af en lumsk sælger, så kender du til smerten og omkostningerne, ved at have med uærlighed at gøre. Og hvis du nogensinde har spekuleret på, hvad der fik dig til at trække dig tilbage fra at deltage i aktiviteter, du engang nød, vil du finde svaret her. Med den viden der er i dette hæfte, kan du tage et afgørende skridt i retning af den munterhed og lykke, der gør livet værd at leve.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    71,95 kr.

    Konflikter er så almindelige nu til dags, at de fleste mennesker tager det for givet, at det skal være på den måde. Men det er ikke naturligt, at to naboer altid skændes, eller at mand og kone hele tiden farer i totterne på hinanden. Og det er ikke naturligt, at langvarige konflikter skal simre mellem nationer for derefter at eksplodere i åben krig. Der er en grundlæggende naturlov med hensyn til menneskelige relationer, som forklarer, hvorfor konflikter mellem mennesker så ofte er svære at afhjælpe. Indeholdt i dette hæfte er de værktøjer, du kan bruge til at opdage den sande kilde til konflikter og løse dem.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    51,95 kr.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    71,95 kr.

    ommunikationsevner er essentielle for alt, hvad vi gør i livet. I virkeligheden, når alt er sagt og skrevet på et hvilket som helst niveau, er kommunikation den eneste aktivitet alle mennesker har til fælles. Indeholdt i dette hæfte er den præcise formel for kommunikation, som, når den forstås og anvendes, resulterer i en forøget evne til at kommunikere. Her er øvelser, alle kan lave for at forbedre personlige kommunikationsevner og dermed få større succes i livet.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    71,95 kr.

    Når man står overfor sygdom eller tilskadekomst blandt venner eller familiemedlemmer, vil man gerne hjælpe med at give dem lindring. Indeholdt i dette hæfte er teknikker til dig, så du netop kan gøre det. De kaldes "assister", og de er nemme at lære og enkle at udføre, og de giver gode resultater. Læs dette hæfte og find præcis ud af, hvad du skal gøre næste gang en ven eller et familiemedlem er blevet syg, eller kommet til skade. Indeholdt i dette hæfte er teknikker til dig, så du netop kan gøre det. De kaldes "assister", og de er nemme at lære og enkle at udføre, og de giver gode resultater. Læs dette hæfte og find præcis ud af, hvad du skal gøre næste gang en ven eller et familiemedlem er blevet syg, eller kommet til skade.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    71,95 kr.

    Mangel på forståelse er en fællesnævner for alle ophidselser og skænderier. I dette hæfte er de tre elementer, der tilsammen udgør forståelse lagt fast: principper, der gælder i alle dele af livet – fra at rette op på anstrengte forhold og genforene splittede familier til at øge produktiviteten på arbejdspladsen og opnåelse af organisatoriske mål.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    71,95 kr.

    Alt for mange studerende tager eksamen fra skoler og højere læreanstalter uden at være i stand til at bruge, hvad de har lært i skolen. Det er ikke, fordi de er dumme, eller at deres lærere ikke vidste, hvordan man underviser. Det er mere sandsynligt, at det kan spores tilbage til den ene ting, der mangler i de fleste uddannelser – at lære hvordan man i første omgang lærer. Vi gik alle i skole, men er det ikke underligt, at ingen lærte os at studere? Denne information kan hjælpe enhver med at forbedre hans eller hendes evne til at lære. Du vil lære de barrierer, der ligger mellem dig og din uddannelse. Og du vil lære at overvinde dem. Denne teknologi vil gøre dig i stand til at gå i gang med ethvert emne med dygtighed og sikkerhed.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    71,95 kr.

    Her er de otte tilskyndelser hen imod overlevelse eller "dynamikker", som udgør selve livet. Ved at forstå disse kan livets forkludringer udredes, og du kan igen få kontrol. Med oplysningerne indeholdt i dette hæfte vil du lære, hvordan du bringer balance i dine personlige mål med din familie, dit arbejde og alle andre dele af livet.

  • - a common sense guide to better living
    af L. Ron Hubbard
    215,95 kr.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    374,95 kr.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    275,95 kr.

    Built around the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation, Science of Survival provides the first accurate prediction of human behavior.

  • - Theory & Practice of Scientology for Beginners
    af L. Ron Hubbard
    195,95 kr.

    Provides answers and solutions to key problems common to most peoples lives, allowing the individual to overcome those problems and gain a better understanding of life.

  • - A Common Sense Guide to Better Living
    af L. Ron Hubbard
    205,95 kr.

    The choice of actions and decisions requires skill and wisdom, not just self-interest or just group interest. Containing 21 precepts, The Way to Happiness helps guide one in those choices encountered in life. This might be the first nonreligious moral code based wholly on common sense.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    245,95 kr.

    Using this audio book, through a series of light yet powerful processes applied for as little as half an hour a day for two weeks, an individual on his own can markedly raise himself on the Tone Scale and can pull himself out of almost anything.

  • - Scientology Applied to the Workaday World
    af L. Ron Hubbard
    143,95 - 250,95 kr.

    Based on the book The Problems of Work, this film contains the senior principles and laws which apply to every endeavor, every problem of work. For they are the discoveries which lay bare the core of these problems and explain the very fabric of life itself.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    134,95 kr.

    Tells the author's own story of his developmental trail and his journey to the discovery of the Reactive Mind.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    105,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    111,95 - 192,95 kr.

    Lance Gordon killed his father's murderer in a fair fight, but now he's got a price on his head and has been running from the law ever since.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    111,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Who is Wind-Gone-Mad? He is an ace pilot, a fearless fighter, and the ultimate defender of a war-torn China. But like the storied hero Batman, he is also an enigma, a man in disguise, his true identity shrouded in mystery. And, as with the Caped Crusader and the Joker, he faces one ruthless nemesis above all . . . a man known simply as ';The Butcher.' The epic battle has been set into motion by Jim Dahlgrenan American executive with the Amalgamated Aeronautical Company. He is determined to give China a fighting chance against The Butcher . . . and against the Western diplomats whose sole interest in the country is to profit from its internal strife. China's only chance, Dahlgren realizes, is the legendary Wind-Gone-Mad. . . . To The Butcher, China is a side of beef to carve up and serve at his pleasure. But when Wind-Gone-Mad flies into the action, it may well be The Butcher who ends up being dead meat. Ultimately, the only thing more thrilling than the mystery man's fighting spirit is the true nature of his identity. . . .As a young man, Hubbard visited pre-Communist China three times, where his closest friend headed up British intelligence. In a land where communists, nationalists, warlords and foreign adventurers schemed for control, Hubbard gained a unique insight into the treacherous and bloody battles for domination in the region. In addition, his personal experiences as a pilot gave his air stories a vivid sense of reality that no other writer could match. Combining this with his first-hand knowledge of China gave him the opportunity to create stories such as Wind-Gone-Mad, which left readers feeling like they had lived the adventures themselves. Also includes the Asian adventures, Tah, the tragic story of a twelve-year-old boy betrayed by his father . . . and by his life; and Yellow Loot, in which the pursuit of a priceless stash of ancient amber leads to a heart-stopping chase on the Great Wall of China.';Excellent.' Midwest Book Review

  • - A Murder Mystery of Wealth, Power, and the Living Dead
    af L. Ron Hubbard
    197,95 - 237,95 kr.

    Detective Terry Lane is a standout homicide cop who thought he'd seen it all . . . until now. As tough as Kevin Costner as Eliot Ness of The Untouchablesand just as incorruptibleLane has seen the darkest side of human behavior. But he's never seen a murder spree like this, targeting the wealthy, the powerful and the privileged. For the evidence is clear: the killers have not emerged from the seamy underside of the city . . . but from six feet under it. They are the walking dead, spreading terror and showing no mercy.Following a trail of drugs, blackmail, and the twisted clues of a seductive nightclub singer, Detective Lane will have to think outside the boxor he could end up inside one, buried alive.In 1934, while living in New York, the heart of the publishing industry, Hubbard struck up a friendship with the city's medical examinera relationship that started his education in undetectable crime and provided him with authoritative clinical background for his detective stories.';A rollicking horror yarn [that] taps into the current craze for zombies. . . . heart-pounding.' Publishers Weekly*An International Book Awards Winner

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    111,95 - 157,95 kr.

    In the classic western movie The Searchers Jeffrey Hunter plays a young man with a mission in his heart and a chip on his shoulder. The character might well have been modeled on eighteen-year-old Lee Thompson, a trail-hand on a mission of his ownto save his dad, Diehard Thompson, the aging sheriff of Wolf River, Montana.Old Diehard's lost control of his town, and it seems every outcast and outlaw west of the Mississippi is on the prowl in Wolf River. Now Lee's come all the way from Texas to stand up for his father, a man who hasn't seen him since he was a boy and who doesn't know him from Adam. Lee's plan is a dangerous onemix in with the desperadoes and risk death at their hand Under the Diehard Brand. But sometimes, the only way to restore the rule of law is to break it.Most of the Westerns published in the all-fiction magazines of the first half of the twentieth century were written by authors more familiar with the streets of New York than the cattle trails of Texas. Hubbard bucked the trend, and in the process changed the face of the Western adventure. He grew up in a time and a place where the Old West, though fading, still lived. His unique knowledge of the frontier, of its ways and its people, made him an authentic voice of this unique American experience.Also includes the Western adventures, Hoss Tamer, in which a circus horse trainer turned bronco buster has to figure a way to tame a gang of outlaws, and The Ghost Town Gun Ghost, the story of an old prospector who seems to have lost his wits; but is he crazy . . . or crazy like a fox?';Rife with action and adventure and laced with melodramatic undertones.' Library Journal

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    111,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Itauk the Madman has spread death to the Yukon, throwing the bodies of his victims to his sled team of twelve wolves. Tracking him down are Canadian Mountie Tommy McKenna and his partner Simmons. But when the pair separate to hunt for food, Itauk attacks Simmons and lets his wolves make an unmentionable feast that Tommy later discovers on his return to camp. Enraged, Tommy follows the maniac's trail to a village and en route he meets an enchanting Eskimo woman named Kaja. Of course, the route's a trap set by Itauk, and the only one who can save Tommy is Kaja- engaged to be wed to the ruthless killer, who plans to serve the Mountie as the next meal for his personal wolf pack.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    111,95 - 157,95 kr.

    An American mining engineer, Captain Humbert Reynolds, has gold fever-an elusive ailment that cloaks rational thought and drives men across endless plains and daunting mountain peaks to seek their quarry. Ignoring all warnings and signs of treachery, Reynolds travels to the barren expanses of the Gobi Desert in search of the glittery gold. Captured by bandits and thrown to an enclave of Machiavellian monks nestled deep inside a cavernous mountain, Reynolds finds a scene that resembles the horrors of Dante's hell. And though he does find his much-desired gold, Reynolds also discovers that the price he has to pay for it just may lead to his doom.

  • - An Authentic Adventure of Native American Blood and Passion
    af L. Ron Hubbard
    75,95 kr.

    It's 1806 and the United States is pushing westward. One white man raised by IndiansYellow Hairundertakes a treacherous adventure across the uncharted wilderness. Experience a panoramic journey across the pages of American history in this thrilling story of a proud, courageous man pushed to the limits of endurance...and of a country on the threshold of a bloody conflict that will change it forever.';Mr. Hubbard has reversed a time-honored formula and has given a thriller to which, at the end of every chapter or so, another paleface bites the dust.... [has] an enthusiasm, even a freshness and sparkle, decidedly rare in this type of romance.' New York Times

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    148,95 kr.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    148,95 kr.

  • af L. Ron Hubbard
    148,95 kr.

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