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Bøger af Ruby Warrington

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  • - uforstyrret søvn, øget koncentration, stort nærvær, dybe relationer venter os på den anden side af alkohol
    af Ruby Warrington
    177,95 - 205,95 kr.

    SOBER CURIOUS. Bevidst om alkohol.Uforstyrret søvn, øget koncentration, stort nærvær og dybe relationer venter på den anden side af alkohol. Hot at sige not. Er du også ved at være træt af, at alkohol er et must, når vi skal hygge os? SOBER CURIOUS lærer dig at blive bevidst om dine alkoholvaner – og at nyde festen uden. RUBY WARRINGTONS alkoholhistorie er måske den samme som din: weekendalkoholiker med cocktails som selvsikkerhed i flydende from, hvidvin som første skridt mod nye eventyr? Fordomsfrit, sjovt og varmt opmuntrer hun dig til at gennemskue din egen alkoholhistorie og dine vaner og bryde med dem. Gevinsten er bedre søvn, bedre fokus, bedre sundhed, bedre liv. SOBER CURIOUS betyder at være bevidst om hvordan, hvornår og hvorfor du drikker. Det handler ikke om total afholdenhed, men om selv at vælge og nyde alkohol, når det passer dig – fri af andres forventninger. Og bogen er pakket med åbenbaringer og gode takeaways. RUBY WARRINGTON er hovedkvinden bag SOBER CURIOUS- bevægelsen, der er gået globalt.Hun er engelsk journalist, men bor i dag i New York.

  • af Ruby Warrington
    152,95 kr.

    ÉL VIVÍA EN EL CAOS.ELLA BUSCABA EL ORDEN.JUNTOS ERAN PASIÓN Y SORTILEGIO, SUEÑO Y REALIDAD.Ella quería el cuento de hadas, no la locura. Pero ¿y si la locura fuese el verdadero cuento de hadas?Recién llegada a Nueva York para tratar de recomponer la relación con su padre, Selene va a parar a una mansión de sueño con él, su nueva compañera y los hijos de esta. El mayor es Neil, un chico fascinante y enigmático en lucha permanente contra un pasado oscuro que no le da tregua. Como una palomilla atraída por la luz, Selene se siente cautivada por Neil. En un crescendo de eros y pasión, la chica demuestra estar dispuesta a todo con tal de entrar en la prisión de cristal donde él se ha encerrado para protegerse del mundo. Pero Neil no está dispuesto a abrirse a nadie, ni siquiera a Selene. Por más que se sienta atraído por ella, no quiere comprometerse. Sobre todo cuando en su vida irrumpe Player 2511, un desequilibrado en busca de venganza que la tiene tomada con él y su familia. Con sus enigmas, sus amenazas y sus ataques, el despiadado desconocido arrastra a Neil en un juego perverso y peligroso que tratará de ganar a toda costa, desatando una lucha sin cuartel. A merced de Player 2511, ¿logrará Neil no perderlo todo, incluso a Selene?Kira Shell es el seudónimo de una joven autora italiana. Licenciada en Derecho, le gusta escribir y es amante de la lectura. Descubrió su pasión a los diez años y empezó a participar en concursos de poesía. Desde entonces no ha dejado de cultivarla. Tras haber guardado la serie Kiss Me Like You Love Me en un cajón durante un tiempo, decidió publicarla primero en Wattpad, donde alcanzó los 6 millones de visualizaciones, y después en Amazon. Ha conquistado a millones de lectoras de todas las edades.

  • af Ruby Warrington
    127,95 - 237,95 kr.

  • af Ruby Warrington
    292,95 kr.

    Utterly transporting and stylish, Material Girl, Mystical World takes you on an unforgettable journey through modern spirituality—from meditation and tarot to astrology—guided by wise and witty tastemaker Ruby Warrington, founder of The NuminousInspired by the consciousness-shifting traditions that have moved seekers for generations, Material Girl, Mystical World is a fabulous adventure in the “Now Age”—a sophisticated upgrade on cosmic thinking, from healing crystals to doing your dharma, for women who know that a closetful of designer shoes can happily coexist with a deeply meaningful life. Set against the backdrop of author Ruby Warrington’s own transformative path from her dream job as an influential fashion journalist to creating The Numinous, the high-style, high-vibe online magazine about spirituality for modern women, Material Girl, Mystical World invites readers on a colorful journey to discover their own path to personal enlightenment in every area of life, from love, sex, and relationships to fashion, beauty, health, and wellness. Combining the wit and charm of a modern-day Carrie Bradshaw with the stylish soul of Elizabeth Gilbert, Warrington shows us that it is within our power, right now, to create a life that is both intentional and fabulous—while also contributing to a major shift in global consciousness.From how to survive and thrive at Burning Man to creating rituals that celebrate the Divine Feminine to exploring the shaman in you, Material Girl, Mystical World is an inspiring call to arms for women looking to find their authenticity and voice in business, relationships, and spirit, from Brooklyn to London to Venice, CA, and Black Rock City and beyond. A writer to watch, Warrington bestows on readers her wry, winning, and ultimately wise take on modern life.

  • af Ruby Warrington
    165,95 kr.

    Utterly transporting and stylish, Material Girl, Mystical World takes you on an unforgettable journey through modern spirituality?from meditation and tarot to astrology?guided by wise and witty tastemaker Ruby Warrington, founder of The Numinous. Inspired by the consciousness-shifting traditions that have moved seekers for generations, Material Girl, Mystical World is a fabulous adventure in the "Now Age"?a sophisticated upgrade on cosmic thinking, from healing crystals to doing your dharma, for women who know that a closetful of designer shoes can happily coexist with a deeply meaningful life.Set against the backdrop of Ruby Warrington's own transformative path from her dream job as an influential fashion journalist to creating The Numinous, the high-style, high-vibe online magazine about spirituality for modern women, Material Girl, Mystical World invites readers on a colorful journey to discover their own path to personal enlightenment in every area of life, from love, sex, and relationships to fashion, beauty, health, and wellness.Combining the wit and charm of a modern-day Carrie Bradshaw with the stylish soul of Elizabeth Gilbert, Warrington shows us that it is within our power, right now, to create a life that is both intentional and fabulous?while also contributing to a major shift in global consciousness.From how to survive and thrive at Burning Man to creating rituals that celebrate the Divine Feminine to exploring the shaman in you, Material Girl, Mystical World is an inspiring call to arms for women looking to find their authenticity and voice in business, relationships, and spirit, from Brooklyn to London to Venice, C.A., and Black Rock City and beyond. A writer to watch, Warrington bestows on readers her wry, winning, and ultimately wise take on modern life.

  • - The Blissful Sleep, Greater Focus, Limitless Presence, and Deep Connection Awaiting Us All on the Other Side of Alcohol
    af Ruby Warrington
    115,95 kr.

    Inspiring, timely, and blame free, Sober Curious is both conversation starter and handbook-essential reading that empowers readers to transform their relationship with alcohol, so we can lead our most fulfilling lives.

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