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Stephen King

Bøger af Stephen King

Stephen King er er en af verdens bedste sælgende forfattere og med over 400 millioner bøger solgt verden over, så er Stephen King en forfatter, der er nærmest umulig at overse. King har udgivet over 50 romaner såvel som en række samlede fortællinger og ikke-fiktion. Hans bøger er oversat til 43 sprog og mange af dem er blevet til store Hollywood film, som er ligeså elsket som bøgerne! Disse tæller blandt andet filmene En verden udenfor, Ondskabens Hotel, It og Den grønne mil. Alt i alt er Stephen King en forfatter af imponerende format og som ganske få andre kan prale af!

Foto af Shane Leonard
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  • af Stephen King & Richard Bachman
    106,95 kr.

    'Thinner' - the old gypsy man barely whispers the word. Billy feels the touch of a withered hand on his cheek. 'Thinner' - the word, the old man's curse, has lodged in Billy's mind like a fattening worm, eating at his flesh, at his reason. And with his despair, comes violence

  • af Stephen King
    126,95 kr.

    'Turn off the television - in fact, why don't you turn off all the lights except for the one over your favourite chair? - and we'll talk about vampires here in the dim. I think I can make you believe in them.'Stephen King, from the Introduction. 'Salem's Lot is a small New England town with the usual quota of gossips, drinkers, weirdos and respectable folk. Of course there are tales of strange happenings - but not more than in any other town its size.Ben Mears, a moderately successful writer, returns to the Lot to write a novel based on his early years, and to exorcise the terrors that have haunted him since childhood. The event he witnessed in the house now rented by a new resident. A newcomer with a strange allure. A man who causes Ben some unease as things start to happen: a child disappears, a dog is brutally killed - nothing unusual, except the list starts to grow.Soon surprise will turn to bewilderment, bewilderment to confusion and finally to terror . . .

  • af Stephen King
    132,95 kr.

    Every marriage has two hearts, one light and one dark. Lisey knew it when she first fell for Scott. And now he's dead, she knows it for sure. Lisey was the light to Scott Landon's dark for twenty-five years. As his wife, only she saw the truth behind the public face of the famous author - that he was a haunted man whose bestselling novels were based on a terrifying reality. Now Scott has gone, Lisey wants to lock herself away with her memories. But the fans have other ideas. And when the sinister threats begin, Lisey realises that, just as Scott depended on her strength - her light - to live, so she will have to draw on his darkness to survive.

  • af Stephen King
    126,95 kr.

    Everything is familiar. But everything has changed.Coming back to the little community is like walking into a nightmare for Jim Gardener, poet, drunk, potential suicide.It all looks the same, the house, the furniture, Jim's friend Bobbi, her beagle (though ageing), even the woods out at the back.But it was in the woods that Bobbi stumbled over the odd, part-buried object and felt a peculiar tingle as she brushed the soft earth away.Everything is familiar. But everything is about to change.

  • - featuring 1922, now a Netflix film
    af Stephen King
    128,95 kr.

    Is it possible to fully know anyone? Even those we love the most? What tips someone over the edge to commit a crime?For a Nebraska farmer, the turning point comes when his wife threatens to sell off the family homestead.A cozy mystery writer plots a savage revenge after a brutal encounter with a stranger.Dave Streeter gets the chance to cure himself from illness - if he agrees to impose misery on an old rival.And Darcy Anderson discovers a box containing her husband's dark and terrifying secrets - he's not the man who keeps his nails short and collects coins. And now he's heading home . . .Like DIFFERENT SEASONS and FOUR PAST MIDNIGHT, which generated such enduring hit films as The Shawshank Redemption and Stand by Me, FULL DARK, NO STARS proves Stephen King a master of the long story form.

  • - A Novel
    af Stephen King
    98,95 kr.

    Now an AT&T Audience Original Series WINNER OF THE EDGAR AWARD FOR BEST NOVEL #1 New York Times bestseller! In a high-suspense race against time, three of the most unlikely heroes Stephen King has ever created try to stop a lone killer from blowing up thousands. ';Mr. Mercedes is a rich, resonant, exceptionally readable accomplishment by a man who can write in whatever genre he chooses' (The Washington Post).The stolen Mercedes emerges from the pre-dawn fog and plows through a crowd of men and women on line for a job fair in a distressed American city. Then the lone driver backs up, charges again, and speeds off, leaving eight dead and more wounded. The case goes unsolved and ex-cop Bill Hodges is out of hope when he gets a letter from a man who loved the feel of death under the Mercedes’s wheels… Brady Hartsfield wants that rush again, but this time he’s going big, with an attack that would take down thousands—unless Hodges and two new unusual allies he picks up along the way can throw a wrench in Hartsfield’s diabolical plans. Stephen King takes off on a “nerve-shredding, pulse-pounding race against time” (Fort Worth Star-Telegram) with this acclaimed #1 bestselling thriller.

  • af Stephen King
    188,95 - 198,95 kr.

    En sen nattetime i en stille forstad til Minneapolis bryder ukendte gerningsmænd ind i Luke Ellis’ families hus, slår hans forældre ihjel og laster drengen ind i en sort varevogn. Hele operationen tager mindre end to minutter. Luke vågner på Anstalten, i et værelse som ligner hans eget, blot er rummet uden vinduer. Og når han åbner sin dør, er der andre døre; døre til værelser med andre børn som ham, børn med særlige evner inden for telekinese og telepati, som også er endt på Anstalten på samme måde som Luke. Kalisha, Nick, George, Iris, den tiårige Avery Dixon og Luke, alle befinder de sig i Forhuset.Andre er flyttet til Baghuset, der ifølge Kalisha er som en stor insektfælde: ”Børnene tjekker ind, men de tjekker aldrig ud.” Anstaltens tilsynsførende, Mrs. Sigsby, og resten af personalet har kun ét for øje, nemlig skruppelløst at udvinde børnenes særlige evner. Hvis børnene samarbejder, giver personalet dem mønter til Anstaltens salgsautomater, og hvis de modsætter sig, er straffen brutal.Flere og flere børn forsvinder til Baghuset, og imens bliver Luke mere og mere desperat for at slippe ud og hente hjælp. Men ingen er nogensinde undsluppet Anstalten.Kom med til Anstalten, et sted hvor det gode ikke nødvendigvis besejrer ondskaben.

  • af Stephen King
    103,95 kr.

    Huset føles som det perfekte sted for dr. Louis Creed. Vidtstrakt, gammelt og hyggeligt. Et sted, hvor familien kan falde til ro, hvor børnene kan lege og gå på opdagelse. Maines bakker og marker er flere verdner væk fra Chicagos smogfyldte, farlige gader. Bag huset løber en sirligt holdt sti, som generation efter generation af lokale børn har betrådt på vej ind i skoven for at begrave døde kæledyr. Alvorsfulde børneansigter, højtelskede husdyr. Et trist sted, ja, men det kan umuligt være farligt, være noget, der trænger ind i drømmene og tvinger dig vågen, badet i angstens sved – kan det?

  • af Stephen King
    138,95 kr.

    ”Rædslen, der ikke ville få ende før om otteogtyve år – hvis den nogensinde fik ende – begyndte så vidt jeg ved med en båd af avispapir, som sejlede i en rendesten, der svulmede af regn.” Sovebyen Derry i Maine, USA, ligner med sine parcelhuskvarterer, fastfoodrestauranter og butikker alle andre byer i provinsen. Men det er kun på overfladen. I byens kloaker ligger noget på lur og venter. Det onde.I halvtredserne besejrer en gruppe børn ondskaben. De føler sig alle udstødt og mislykkede, og den nye følelse af at høre til giver dem styrken til at drive det skrækkelige tilbage, hvor det kom fra. Siden lover de hinanden igen at samles, hvis byen nogensinde igen hjemsøges af ondskab. Mange år senere ryster en række gådefulde forsvindinger på ny Derry, og så griber Mike Hanlon telefonen og ringer til sine gamle venner. Alle forlader de hjem og familier, hverdagsliv og karrierer, for endnu en gang at trodse skrækken og møde Det onde.

  • af Stephen King
    139,95 kr.

    Velkommen til Cold Mountain-fængslet, der er hjem for E-blokkens depressive mænd. De er alle dødsdømte mordere. Hver af dem afventer sin tur ad Den grønne mil til et stævnemøde med dødsgangens elektriske stol. Fængselsbetjent Paul Edgecombe har oplevet mange mærkværdige mennesker i de år, han har arbejdet på Den grønne mil. Men han har aldrig før mødt en mand som John Coffey, der har en krop som en kæmpe og en hjerne som et barn. Han er dømt til døden for en forfærdelig, rå forbrydelse. Men på dette sted, hvor alt håb lades ude, er Edgecombe ved at opdage den uhyggelige og vidunderlige sandhed om Coffey. En sandhed, der er en udfordring for hans hidtil faste tro på, hvad der er muligt og umuligt. Indlæst af Fjord Trier Hansen.

  • af Stephen King
    146,95 kr.

  • af Stephen King
    123,95 kr.

    Twelve-year-old Jack Sawyer embarks on an epic quest--a walk from the seacoast of New Hampshire to the California coast--to find the talisman that will save his dying mother's life. Jack's journey takes him into the Territories, a parallel medieval universe, where most people from his own universe have analogs called "twinners." The queen of the Territories, Jack's mother's twinner, is also dying.

  • af Stephen King
    186,95 kr.

    The next call you take could be your last in this terrifying #1 New York Times bestseller by master storyteller Stephen King!On October 1, God is in His heaven, the stock market stands at 10,140, most of the planes are on time, and graphic artist Clayton Riddell is visiting Boston, having just landed a deal that might finally enable him to make art instead of teaching it. But all those good feelings about the future change in a hurry thanks to a devastating phenomenon that will come to be known as The Pulse. The delivery method is a cell phone—everyone’s cell phone. Now Clay and the few desperate survivors who join him suddenly find themselves in the pitch-black night of civilization’s darkest age, surrounded by chaos, carnage, and a relentless human horde that has been reduced to its basest nature...and then begins to evolve. There’s really no escaping this nightmare. But for Clay, an arrow points the way home to his family in Maine, and as he and his fellow refugees make their harrowing journey north, they begin to see the crude signs confirming their direction. A promise of a safe haven, perhaps, or quite possibly the deadliest trap of all…

  • af Stephen King
    196,95 - 263,95 kr.

    A New York Times Bestseller and Goodreads Choice Awards Finalist! Legendary storyteller Stephen King goes into the deepest well of his imagination in this spellbinding novel about a seventeen-year-old boy who inherits the keys to a parallel world where good and evil are at war, and the stakes could not be higherfor that world or ours.Charlie Reade looks like a regular high school kid, great at baseball and football, a decent student. But he carries a heavy load. His mom was killed in a hit-and-run accident when he was seven, and grief drove his dad to drink. Charlie learned how to take care of himselfand his dad. When Charlie is seventeen, he meets a dog named Radar and her aging master, Howard Bowditch, a recluse in a big house at the top of a big hill, with a locked shed in the backyard. Sometimes strange sounds emerge from it. Charlie starts doing jobs for Mr. Bowditch and loses his heart to Radar. Then, when Bowditch dies, he leaves Charlie a cassette tape telling a story no one would believe. What Bowditch knows, and has kept secret all his long life, is that inside the shed is a portal to another world. King's storytelling in Fairy Tale soars. This is a magnificent and terrifying tale in which good is pitted against overwhelming evil, and a heroic boyand his dogmust lead the battle. Early in the Pandemic, King asked himself: ';What could you write that would make you happy?' ';As if my imagination had been waiting for the question to be asked, I saw a vast deserted citydeserted but alive. I saw the empty streets, the haunted buildings, a gargoyle head lying overturned in the street. I saw smashed statues (of what I didn't know, but I eventually found out). I saw a huge, sprawling palace with glass towers so high their tips pierced the clouds. Those images released the story I wanted to tell.'

  • af Stephen King
    108,95 kr.

  • af Stephen King
    188,95 kr.

    Charlie Reader ligner en helt almindelig high-school-dreng, han er fremragende til baseball og klarer sig glimrende bogligt. Men han bærer rundt på en tung bagage. Hans mor blev dræbt i en trafikulykke, da han var ti, og sorgen drev hans far til at drikke. Charlie har tidligt lært at passe på sig selv – og på sin far. Da han er sytten, møder han en hund ved navn Radar og dens aldrende herre, eneboeren Howard Bowditch, der bor i et stort hus på toppen af en høj bakke. I baghaven står der et aflåst skur, og nogle gange kommer der mærkelige lyde derindefra. Charlie begynder at hjælpe mr. Bowditch med gøremål, og han taber sit hjerte til Radar. Da Bowditch dør, efterlader han Charlie et kassettebånd med en utrolig historie til gengæld: Hele sit liv har Bowditch vidst, at skuret gemmer på en portal til en anden verden.I Et eventyr når Kings fortællekunst nye højder. Det er en storslået og rædselsvækkende historie om det godes kamp mod en overvældende ondskab, hvor en heltemodig dreng og hans hund skal stå i spidsen for striden.

  • af Stephen King
    183,95 kr.

  • af Stephen King
    133,95 kr.

  • af Stephen King
    188,95 kr.

    Suverænt underholdende, intelligent plot og stærke karakterer: Med sin seneste spændingsroman om en modvillig lejemorder med forkærlighed for litteratur demonstrerer Stephen King til fulde, at han er langt mere end blot gysets mester.Billy Summers er lejemorder med hjertet på rette sted. Han likviderer kun onde mennesker, ellers kan han ikke sove om natten. Grundlæggende opfatter han sig selv som en skraldemand med et skydevåben, og han er den bedste i branchen. Nu planlægger han at lægge sit tidligere liv bag sig, når han har fuldført sin sidste mission.Med en dækhistorie som forfatter installerer Billy sig i en lille flække mens han venter på, at det sidste bytte indfinder sig. Billy er en af verdens bedste snigskytter, han er dekoreret krigsveteran fra Irak og en ren Houdini, som forsvinder sporløst, når jobbet er eksekveret. Så hvad kan gå galt?Billy Summers er en roman om kærlighed, hævn og skæbne, og en tvivlsom helts sidste forsøg på at frelse sin sjæl – og så rummer bogen én af de mest uimodståelige og overraskende makkerpar i Kings oeuvre, der drager ud for at hævne en ualmindelig gemen mands forbrydelser.

  • af Stephen King
    176,95 kr.

    The official graphic novel adaptation of the horror novel by Stephen King and Owen King concludes in this haunting interpretation of the chilling, timely bestseller.The mysterious plague known as Aurora has blanketed the world, and, to the men, all but a handful of sleep-deprived women seem trapped--cocooned--in seemingly endless slumber. In reality, their minds have been transported to a strange, utopic dream world. It's a world where small-town sheriff Lila Norcross and the other women can build their own society. And from which they might not want to wake.In the real world of Dooling, West Virginia, Lila's husband, beleaguered prison psychiatrist Clint Norcross, is struggling. He's trying to protect the woman called Eve Black from the ill-thought-out actions of increasingly desperate men. But Eve, as the only woman capable of waking up, has her own plans: a test with global consequences. A test Clint will have to pass if he ever hopes to see his wife again.Collects Sleeping Beauties issues #6-10, by writer Rio Youers (The Forgotten Girl) and artist Alison Sampson (Winnebago Graveyard), from the novel by Stephen King (The Institute, The Stand) and Owen King (Intro to Alien Invasion).

  • af Stephen King
    373,95 kr.

    Det er mange grusomme drapsmenn i Cold Mountain-fengselet, men når den nye fangen ankommer, er det ingen som har sett maken. Han har fått dødsstraff for voldtekt og drap av to unge jenter, og alle lurer på om John Coffey er djevelen selv eller noe enda verre.

  • af Stephen King
    118,95 kr.

    Stephen King's international bestseller, THE MIST is brought to life in this incredible new 3-D audio recording.

  • af Stephen King
    118,95 kr.

    King's unforgettable novella about a terrifying plane ride, now available for the first time from Hodder in standalone form, as part of their exciting Stephen King reissue programme for 2021.

  • - A Novel
    af Stephen King
    216,95 kr.

  • af Stephen King, Joe Hill, Jason Ciaramella & mfl.
    265,95 kr.

    Features a collection of comic one-shots, short stories, and graphic novels that showcase the world-building and bone-chilling talents of the famed Locke & Key creator. This deluxe hard cover includes: Kodiak (2010), The Cape (2010) and The Cape 1969 (2011), Thumbprint (2013), Wraith (2014), and the short story "Throttle" (2009).

  • af Stephen King & Richard Bachman
    118,95 kr.

    At 6 7 and built like a bear, Clay Blaisdell is one big mother, but his capers are strictly small-time until he meets George Rackley. George introduces him to a hundred cons and the one big score that every small timer dreams of: kidnap.The Gerards are filthy rich, and their child, the last twig on the family tree, could be worth millions. And after all a baby can t ID you, so you can return it alive.There s only one problem: when the time comes for the deal to go down, George, the brains of the partnership, has died.Or has he?Now Blaze is running into the teeth of a howling storm and the cops are closing in. He s got a baby as a hostage, and the Crime of the Century just turned into a race against time in the white hell of the Maine woods.Lost for years amongst Stephen King s papers, and published for the first time ever in 2007, Blaze is a heartstopping thriller reminiscent of Steinbeck s Of Mice and Men with the power of a noir fable.

  • af Stephen King & Richard Bachman
    126,95 kr.

    The name on the covers was Bachman. But the imagination could only belong to one man. This is a compelling collection of three spellbinding stories of future shock and suspense. It includes: "e;The Long Walk"e;, "e;Roadwork"e;, and "e;The Running Man"e; - in which Stephen King also explains 'Why I was Richard Bachman'.

  • af Stephen King
    108,95 kr.

    Come close, children, and see the living crocodile. A vintage '54 Buick Roadmaster. At least, that's what it looks like . . .There is a secret hidden in Shed B in the state police barracks in Statler, Pennsylvania. A secret that has drawn troopers for twenty years - terrified yet irresistibly tempted to look at its chrome fenders, silver grille and exotic exhaust system.Young Ned Wilcox has started coming by the barracks: mowing the lawn, washing the windows, shovelling snow; it's a boy's way of holding on to his father - recently killed in a strange road accident by another Buick.And one day Ned peers through the windows of Shed B and discovers the family secret. Like his father, Ned wants answers. He deserves answers. And the secret begins to stir . . .

  • af Stephen King
    128,95 kr.

    When Mike Noonan s wife dies unexpectedly, the bestselling author suffers from writer s block. Until he is drawn to their summer home, the beautiful lakeside retreat called Sara Laughs.Here, Mike finds the once familiar town in the tyrannical grip of millionaire Max Devore. Devore is hellbent on getting custody of his deceased son s daughter and is twisting the fabric of the community to this purpose.Three-year-old Kyra and her young mother turn to Mike for help. And Mike finds them increasingly irresistible.But there are other more sinister forces at Sara Laughs. Kyra can feel them too (P)1998 Simon & Schuster Inc.

  • af Stephen King
    128,95 kr.

    A collection of tales to invade and paralyse the mind as the safe light of day is infiltrated by the shadows of the night.As you read, the clutching fingers of terror brush lightly across the nape of the neck, reach round from behind to clutch and lock themselves, white-knuckled, around the throat.This is the horror of ordinary people and everyday objects that become strangely altered; a world where nothing is ever quite what it seems, where the familiar and the friendly lure and deceive. A world where madness and blind panic become the only reality.

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