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  • af Sebastian Junger
    278,95 kr.

    It was the storm of the century, boasting waves over one hundred feet high--a tempest created by so rare a combination of factors that meteorologists deemed it "the perfect storm." In a book that has become a classic, Sebastian Junger explores the history of the fishing industry, the science of storms, and the candid accounts of the people whose lives the storm touched. The Perfect Storm is a real-life thriller that makes us feel like we've been caught, helpless, in the grip of a force of nature beyond our understanding or control.

  • af Jeremy Dauber
    338,95 kr.

    In a major work of scholarship that explores the funny side of some very serious business (and vice versa), Jeremy Dauber examines the origins of Jewish comedy and its development from biblical times to the age of Twitter. Organizing Jewish comedy into "seven strands"―including the satirical, the witty, and the vulgar―he traces the ways Jewish comedy has mirrored, and sometimes even shaped, the course of Jewish history. Dauber also explores the classic works of such masters of Jewish comedy as Sholem Aleichem, Isaac Babel, Franz Kafka, the Marx Brothers, Woody Allen, Joan Rivers, Philip Roth, Mel Brooks, Sarah Silverman, Jon Stewart, and Larry David, among many others.

  • af Nora Ephron
    238,95 kr.

    "With her disarming, intimate, completely accessible voice, and dry sense of humor, Nora Ephron chronicles her life as an obsessed cook, passionate city dweller, and hapless parent. But mostly she speaks frankly and uproariously about life as an older woman."--

  • af Rebecca Donner
    378,95 kr.

  • af Gabriela Garcia
    268,95 kr.

    "Jeanette vive en Miami y lucha contra la adicciâon. Hija de una inmigrante cubana, estâa decidida a aprender mâas sobre su historia familiar; una historia que su madre, Carmen, no le quiere contar. Por eso toma la decisiâon repentina de acoger a la hija de su vecino detenido por el Servicio de Control de Inmigraciâon y Aduanas. Carmen, por su parte, todavâia lucha con el trauma de haber dejado Cuba atrâas, a la vez que procesa la complicada relaciâon con su propia madre y trata de criar a una Jeanette descarriada. Jeanette, desesperada por hallar respuestas, viaja a Cuba para encontrar a su abuela y descubrir los secretos del pasado. Desde las fâabricas de cigarros del siglo XIX hasta los centros de detenciâon actuales, Mujeres de sal es un retrato caleidoscâopico de las traiciones personales y polâiticas, autoinfligidas y cometidas por otros que han dado forma a las vidas de estas mujeres. Una extraordinaria reflexiâon sobre las elecciones de las madres, el legado de los recuerdos y la valentâia por contar esas historias a pesar de que hay quienes quieren silenciarlas." --

  • af El Hematocrítico
    228,95 kr.

    Welcome to El Temido, the pirate ship of the fierce captain Bad Beard. His crew is used to meeting all kinds of creatures on the seven seas. But now they are about to meet the most terrifying of all, and their lives will change forever.

  • af Sergio Alvarez
    248,95 kr.

    Un ída como otro cualquiera en la Colombia contempoárnea nace un nñio con el don de supremo la inmortalidad. En medio de un relato que se lee casi sin respirar, su vida daár mil vueltas: es arrebatado de los brazos de su madre, educado por monjas y curas, viviár en orfanatos, con clanes de pandilleros, matones, narcotraficantes y chamanes, siempre en busca del sentido de la vida y de una explicacóin de su divino regalo. A medio camino entre la fantaísa y la hiperrealidad, entre el realismo ámgico y el relato social, El inmortal es uno de estos extrñaos libros capaces de describir a la sociedad a traévs de la imaginacóin y condensar un mundo fabuloso en unas cuantas ápginas. El resultado es una novela tan tierna como espeluznante y, sin duda, otro salto adelante en la carrera literaria de Sergio Álvarez.

  • af Sara Stridsberg
    258,95 kr.

    She was a neglected child, an unreliable mother, a sex worker, a drug user―and then, like so many, a nameless victim of a violent crime. But first she was a human being, a full, complicated person, and she insists that we know her fully as she tells her story from beyond the grave. We witness her short life, the harrowing murder that ended it, and her grief over the loved ones she has left behind. We see her parents struggle with guilt and loss. We watch her children grow up in adopted families and patch together imperfect lives. We feel her dreams, fears, and passions. And still we will never know her name. A heartrending novel of life after death, Sara Stridsberg's The Antarctica of Love is an unflinching testament of a woman on the margins, a tale of family lost and found, a report of a murder in the voice of the victim, and a story that brims with unexpected tenderness and hope.

  • af Laird Koenig
    268,95 kr.

    Award-winning and international best-selling novel by Laird Koenig. Thirteen-year-old Rynn is a gifted prodigy who lives in a big old house with her reclusive father...all alone. Or does she? When Rynn's nosy landlady and a lecherous neighbor begin to suspect that this little girl is hiding a dark and dangerous secret, Rynn is determined to preserve her isolated existence at any cost - and stop those vicious rumors dead in their tracks! The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane was made into a major motion picture of the same name starring Jodie Foster and Martin Sheen. Includes a new Foreword by the author.

  • af Tom Perrotta
    258,95 kr.

    Tracy Flick es la esforzada subdirectora de un instituto pâublico en una tranquila y pequeäna ciudad de Nueva Jersey. A sus cuarenta aänos, lleva una vida apacible y, aunque su ambiciâon es menor que en su juventud, cuando surge la oportunidad de convertirse en la prâoxima directora del centro.

  • af Vasili Grossman
    338,95 kr.

  • af Jean Claude Mourlevat
    238,95 kr.

    Four years after the events of the first installment, the trip to the country of humans to prove Jefferson's innocence, life goes by peacefully for the little hedgehog and his friend, Gilbert the pig. One day, an old companion from that trip, the bunny Simone, disappears. Jefferson and Gilbert will set off to find Simone. The surprises have only just begun.

  • af Laurie Colwin
    238,95 kr.

    At night, some count sheep and others read mystery novels. I lie on the bed and start thinking about food.» Weaving reflections and memories of several decades between stoves and books along with her most infallible recipes, the novelist Laurie Colwin invites us to rediscover the pleasure of cooking with joy and without complexes. In chapters like Alone with an eggplant", "Vomiting dinners. My testimony" and "Stuffed veal fin. A Bad Idea," the author shares hilarious anecdotes--making pasta in a tiny apartment in late-1960s New York, feeding a crowd of striking students, hosting a dinner party, and dealing with fussy guests--and offers useful advice for both neophytes and connoisseurs. Published in 1988, this famous book, halfway between memories and recipes, is a tribute to the small pleasures of cooking and the joy of sharing a table, a true literary feast that has conquered several generations of readers. Close and honest, Colwin speaks to us as she would a good friend and invites us to live our relationship with the kitchen with curiosity, generosity and optimism.

  • af Franck Manguin
    278,95 kr.

  • af Marie Vingtras
    238,95 kr.

    The blizzard is wreaking havoc in Alaska. In the heart of the storm, a child disappears. It only took seconds, the time to retie her shoelaces, for Bess to let go of the boy's hand and he's out of sight. She goes out looking for him, closely followed by the few inhabitants of this end of the world. Then begins a frantic race against death, where the fate of each one is revealed in the face of the elements. With this look into the heart of nature, Marie Vingtras focuses on the intimacy of her characters and delicately reveals the torments of their souls.

  • af Jaime Bayly
    248,95 kr.

    "Garcâia Mâarquez y Vargas Llosa se conocieron en el aeropuerto de Caracas, en agosto de 1967. Con apenas treinta y un aänos, Vargas Llosa era ya un escritor aclamado por la crâitica. Garcâia Mâarquez, cuarenta aänos cumplidos, encontraba por fin el âexito editorial con Cien aänos de soledad, publicada ese aäno en Buenos Aires. Antes de confundirse en un abrazo en el aeropuerto de Caracas que dio inicio formal a la amistad, los dos genios de la literatura se habâian escrito cartas y leâido mutuamente con admiraciâon. Se hicieron amigos entraänables, vecinos en el barrio de Sarriáa en Barcelona y hasta compadres. Vargas Llosa publicâo en 1971 un libro en homenaje a Garcâia Mâarquez, titulado Historia de un deicidio. Contra todo pronâostico, la amistad se envenenâo y estropeâo para siempre. En febrero de 1976, Vargas Llosa le dio una trompada a Garcâia Mâarquez en un teatro en Ciudad de Mâexico, derribâandolo y dejâandolo aturdido, con un ojo morado y la nariz rota, al tiempo que le decâia: 'Esto es por lo que le hiciste a Patricia'. ÅQuâe le hizo Garcâia Mâarquez a Patricia Llosa, la esposa de Mario? ÅPor quâe Vargas Llosa le asestâo un puänetazo a Garcâia Mâarquez? ÅQuâe circunstancias âintimas corrompieron aquella amistad que parecâia inquebrantable? ÅPor quâe no volvieron a reunirse ni hablarse durante dâecadas? ÅPor quâe se volvieron enemigos irreconciliables, incapaces de perdonarse, a pesar de los esfuerzos de su agente literaria Carmen Balcells? Los genios, la novela mâas ambiciosa y fascinante de Jaime Bayly, recrea con formidables brâios narrativos los aänos gloriosos en que Garcâia Mâarquez y Vargas Llosa fueron grandes amigos y explora, desde las licencias de la ficciâon, los secretos, las felonâias, las delaciones y las iras volcâanicas que dinamitaron estruendosamente esa amistad que parecâia irrompible."--Back cover.

  • af Robert Crumb
    268,95 kr.

  • af Maggie O'Farrell
    288,95 kr.

    Florence, mid-16th century. Lucrezia, third daughter of the Grand Duke Cosimo de' Medici, is a quiet and perceptive girl, with a singular talent for drawing, which she enjoys in her discreet and quiet place in the palazzo. But when her sister Maria dies, just before marrying Alfonso d'Este, eldest son of the Duke of Ferrara, Lucrezia unexpectedly becomes the center of attention: the duke rushes to ask for her hand, and her father to accept. Shortly after, at only fifteen years old, she moves to the court of Ferrara, where she is received with suspicion. Her husband, twelve years her senior, is an enigma: is he really the sensitive and understanding man he first seemed to her, or a ruthless despot everyone fears? The only thing that is clear is what is expected of her: that she provide an heir as soon as possible to ensure the continuity of his title.

  • af Maria Jose Ferrada
    268,95 kr.

    "Los autores de este libro nos llevan a un viaje por las distintas formas de habitar una casa. Partiendo de ilustraciones de Pep Carriâo realizadas con marcadores acrâilicos, la escritora Marâia Josâe Ferrada recurre al lenguaje poâetico y al humor para proponer un conjunto de microrrelatos que invitan a los lectores a observar sus propias formas de habitar el mundo. (S0 (BLa casa tiene que ver con el espacio fâisico, pero tambiâen con el espacio interior que uno habita. Puedes estar muy tranquilo en una vivienda muy pequeäna y muy agobiado en otra enorme en mitad del campo. Una misma casa de treinta metros cuadrados puede ser un hogar plâacido para un individuo y una celda asfixiante para otro (S1 (B, dice Marâia Josâe Ferrada."--

  • af Arthur Schopenhauer
    158,95 kr.

    Controversial Dialectic is the art of disputing, as to hold one's own, whether one is in the right or the wrong. A man may be objectively in the right, and nevertheless in the eyes of bystanders, and sometimes in his own, he may come off worst. For example, I may advance a proof of some assertion, and my adversary may refute the proof, and thus appear to have refuted the assertion, for which there may, nevertheless, be other proofs. In this case, of course, my adversary and I change places: he comes off best, although, as a matter of fact, he is in the wrong.

  • af Claire Fuller
    298,95 kr.

    "Jeanie and Julius are 51 years old and live with their mother in the middle of the English countryside. They do not have internet, television or bank accounts. They don't have a partner. They also have no father: he died when they were children. They grow vegetables in their garden and play music together at night. But when Dot dies suddenly, all the things they've always been without become more essential every day. The twins face an unknown and vast world, and when their mother's secrets begin to come to light, everything they thought they knew about their lives falls apart."--

  • af Voltaire
    198,95 kr.

    "Candide tells the misadventures of an optimistic traveler who desperately clings to the Leibnizian belief that he lives in "the best of all possible worlds." Cruel, funny and at times outrageous, the immortal tale of the French philosopher takes Candidte on a journey around the world to discover that ...contrary to the teachings of his distinguished tutor, Dr. Pangloss...Not everything always happens for the best. A work that, in the form of satire, proposes a deep reflection on the lessons learned from the human experience whose message is still fully valid for the 21st century reader."--Publisher description.

  • af James Joyce
    348,95 kr.

    Written almost a decade before the publication of his magnum opus Ulysses, the fifteen stories that make up Dubliners form James Joyce's first great narrative piece, a tribute to his hometown that already denotes the author's great capacity for observation and mockery, as well as the sensitivity and minimalism typical of his literature. In this collection of stories appear corrupt politicians, failed priests, melancholic adolescents, seducers, gossips, prostitutes, musicians, poets, patriots and homeless people who will serve as inspiration for the later works of the writer and who perfectly describe the complex social reality of early of the 20th century in the Dublin that Joyce made a legend.

  • af Johanna Spyri
    358,95 kr.

    Heidi is the story of a five-year-old orphan girl who has to go live with her grandfather, a lonely and somewhat rude man, in the Swiss Alps. Little by little, Heidi will win the affection of her grandfather and all the inhabitants of the valley. Her life will become complicated when she has to return to the city with her aunt Dete. A book full of innocence, where human values and love for nature are highlighted.

  • af Zulfu Livaneli
    268,95 kr.

    Istanbul, 2001. Maya Duran is a single mother struggling to balance a demanding job at Istanbul University with the challenges of raising a teenage son. Her worries increase when she is tasked with looking after the enigmatic Maximilian Wagner, an elderly German-born Harvard professor visiting the city at the university's invitation. Although he is distant at first, Maya gradually learns of the tragic circumstances that brought him to Istanbul sixty years before, and the dark realities that continue to haunt him.

  • af Lev Tolstoi
    188,95 kr.

    In 1879 Tolstoy came to believe that his achievements and existence were meaningless, plunging him into a state of extreme pain and restlessness that seemed to lead him fatally towards suicide. Written in a vital period that marks a change in his aesthetic trajectory and leads him to the religious field, My Confession recounts this spiritual crisis in an intense and brief chronicle about a search for the truth that will transform his life and his thoughts. A text that, at the gates of death, reflects the depth of the reflections of one of the great authors of all time.

  • af Isaac Asimov
    228,95 kr.

    "Adiâos a la Tierra es la âultima antologâia inâedita de la ciencia-ficciâon de Isaac Asimov, una obra que aglutina todos aquellos relatos originales que nunca antes se habâian publicado en forma de libro. Adiâos a la Tierra representa el âultimo y mayor logro de los cincuenta aänos de carrera de este genio que trasciende las barreras del gâenero, un autor de fama internacional que sentâo las bases del campo de la literatura de ciencia-ficciâon no sâolo para quienes la practican sino tambiâen para sus millones de lectores y el mundo en general. El carâacter de los cuentos contenidos aquâi abarca desde lo câomico a lo filosâofico, pues Asimov estuvo enfrascado hasta el fin de sus dâias en la tarea de redefinir y expandir los lâimites de la literatura que amaba y, mâas aâun, que contribuyâo a crear." -- Back cover.

  • af Alex Halberstadt
    288,95 kr.

    Alex Halberstadt's quest takes him across the troubled, enigmatic land of his birth, where decades of Soviet totalitarianism shaped and fractured three generations of his family. In Ukraine, he tracks down his paternal grandfather, most likely the last living bodyguard of Joseph Stalin. He revisits Lithuania, his Jewish mother's home, to examine the legacy of the Holocaust and the pernicious anti-Semitism that remains largely unaccounted for. He returns to his birthplace, Moscow, where his grandmother designed homespun couture for Soviet ministers' wives, his mother consoled dissidents at a psychiatric hospital, and his father made a dangerous living by selling black-market American records. Halberstadt also explores his own story: that of an immigrant growing up in New York, another in a line of sons separated from their fathers by the tides of politics and history.

  • af Maryse Conde
    288,95 kr.

    One Easter Sunday, Madame Ballandra puts her hands together and exclaims: "A miracle!" Baby Pascal is strikingly beautiful, brown in complexion, with gray-green eyes like the sea. But where does he come from? Is he really the child of God? So goes the rumor, and many signs throughout his life will cause this theory to gain ground. From journey to journey and from one community to another, Pascal sets off in search of his origins, trying to understand the meaning of his mission. Will he be able to change the fate of humanity? And what will the New World Gospel reveal? For all its beauty, vivacity, humor, and power, Maryse Condé's latest novel is above all a work of combat. Lucid and full of conviction, Condé attests that solidarity and love remain our most extraordinary and lifesaving forces.

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