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Bøger udgivet af Bridge-Logos Publishers

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  • af Ray Comfort
    423,95 kr.

    The 'Evidence Bible-NKJV' is a thought-provoking work by acclaimed author Ray Comfort. Published in 2011 by Bridge Logos Publ, this book is a testament to Comfort's ability to delve deep into the complexities of faith and spirituality. The genre of this book is largely religious and spiritual, reflecting Comfort's profound understanding of these subjects. The 'Evidence Bible-NKJV' is not just a book; it's a journey that Comfort invites you on, a journey that promises to challenge and inspire you. The New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible is used in this book, making it accessible and easy to understand for a wide range of readers. Published by Bridge Logos Publ, a publisher known for its commitment to producing quality religious and spiritual literature, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of faith and spirituality. Immerse yourself in the wisdom of the 'Evidence Bible-NKJV' and let it guide you on your spiritual journey.

  • af Ray Comfort
    98,95 kr.

    Volatile!: The Nations the Bible Says Will Attack Israel in the Latter Days by Ray Comfort is a thought-provoking book that explores the remarkable accuracy of ancient biblical prophecies. In a world grappling with ongoing conflicts and failed peace negotiations in the Middle East, this book offers a unique perspective by delving into prophecies made over 2,500 years ago. With careful analysis, Ray Comfort reveals the Bible's prediction of the specific nations that would rise against Israel in the last days. Seamlessly weaving together historical context and contemporary events, Comfort sheds light on the astonishing accuracy of these prophecies, providing compelling evidence for those seeking a deeper understanding of the Middle East conflict. Volatile! challenges readers to reevaluate their preconceptions and take a closer look at biblical prophecies unfolding before their very eyes. In an era of uncertainty and geopolitical tensions, this book encourages a second look at the Bible's insights into world events, raising important questions about the role of faith and prophecy in shaping our understanding of the present and the future. Whether you are a believer seeking to strengthen your faith, or a curious skeptic in search of historical and spiritual truths, Volatile! offers a captivating journey that will leave you with a fresh perspective on the Middle East and the enduring relevance of ancient biblical prophecies.

  • af Donna Sparks
    173,95 kr.

    Delve into the captivating and transformative journey of Beauty from Ashes by Donna Sparks, a memoir that unveils the depths of brokenness and the power of redemption. Through raw honesty, Sparks fearlessly shares her experiences of failed relationships and self-destructive behavior, gradually discovering the unwavering love and transformative power of God.This inspiring testimony paints an intimate portrait of Sparks' path to healing and the profound relationship she develops with the Lord. With compelling new chapters in this revised edition, readers witness Sparks' continued spiritual growth and find inspiration in the boundless possibilities of a life surrendered to God's purpose. Let Beauty from Ashes captivate and uplift you as it reminds us that redemption and embracing our worth is within reach for all.

  • af Charles H Spurgeon
    268,95 kr.

  • - Valuable Lessons from the Life of Joseph
    168,95 kr.

    Diamonds, gold, and precious pearls don't lie on the earth's surface. We have to search for them. And so it is with the precious gems of the Bible. We have to dig for them. They have been hidden from the eyes those who fail to "search the Scriptures." The life of Joseph in particular is filled with enigmatic meaning and biblical types that are easily missed by a superficial reading of the wonderful story. From his initial strange dreams, to the continual attempts to seduce him by Potiphar's unfaithful wife, to being thrown in jail as an accused sexual predator, to his divinely assisted interpretations of the bizarre dreams of the butler, the baker, and Pharaoh-all carry amazing truths that will comfort, encourage, and thrill the godly soul. And how we need comfort, because almost every day has a fresh curveball-the unexpected job loss, bills that come from nowhere, sickness, the neighbor's barking dog, and the car that breaks down. It seems that the whole world has conspired to make our short life miserable. And it certainly would be, if we missed the great lessons from a young man whose life was as colorful as his famous coat.

  • af Don Wilkerson
    148,95 kr.

    A Revival of Joy!Using the language and stories of former alcoholics transformed by Jesus Christ, Don Wilkerson makes a contrast between drinking "high" of drugs and the experience with the Most High God. Using Apostle Paul's admonition to "not be drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit" (Ephesians 5:18), Don makes a similar contrast between joy in the Lord and the false euphoria of the addict and alcoholic. There is also possible scientific evidence that if the brain waves of someone on cocaine were compared with someone joyful in the Lord, the latter would show a "peace that passes all understanding."Don Wilkerson shares twelve chapters based on the real-life experiences of addicts finding supernatural answers to their addiction. These stories are sometimes humourous, but nevertheless real. It is hoped you will find the reading of this book a joyful experience. There is an important message here for those needing freedom from addiction, as well as encouragement for those in recovery. Read this and then share with someone else and spread joy where needed.

  • af Martin Luther
    238,95 kr.

    Martin Luther's Table Talk is a compendium of excerpts taken from conversations with his students and colleagues, who furiously scribbled notes as he spoke. Reading them, it's easy to imagine all of them sitting around the table, eating and drinking and discussing issues of great concern to reformists. These excerpts are frequently anecdotal, highly opinionated, sometimes sublime, sometimes unsophisticated, occasionally brutal... and always unequivocal. Right or wrong, Luther has his say.

  • af Don Wilkerson
    128,95 kr.

    Moses, David, Joseph, Peter, Paul...these are just some of the well-known names of the Bible. They are the subject of countless sermons and stories that have inspired Bible lessons from childhood to adulthood. But Scripture also contains a supporting cast of ordinary men and women often overlooked in Bible study. These lesser-known characters deserve accolades for their contribution to God's redemptive story. In a three-part series, Don Wilkerson shares the impact of those less known in the Bible, both named and unnamed. These not-so-familiar characters are brought to life in short but thought-provoking chapters with lessons that remind us that God often uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways to build His kingdom. For those seeking discipleship material for personal growth, The Impact of Ordinary People will aid individual and small group Bible study. This three-part series is also a helpful resource for pastors and Christian leaders to develop unique and one-of-a-kind sermons.

  • af Ray Comfort
    98,95 kr.

    Many have surmised about the foods Jesus of Nazareth may have eaten. But this book is specific. It points to nine foods in Scripture that Jesus either consumed Himself, recommended as being good food, or approved of by strong inference.But what are the credentials of a lowly carpenter who lived 2,000 years ago? In speaking of Jesus, the Scriptures say, "All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made" (John 1:3). His credentials pass the test. Therefore, we will take note of each of these nine foods if we know what's good for us.

  • af Roberts Liardon
    123,95 kr.

    Newly released and enhanced Volume Four, Maria Woodworth-Etter now includes an updated study section with cross curricular themes, suitable for home schooling groups This very popular book takes a look at the story of Maria Woodworth Etter. She had a very tough childhood and, as she grew older, life wasn't always easy. It was only when she turned to God that she found a peace that would not go away. As she obeyed God, many people were saved and healed. She also experienced strange trances and heard God speaking to her, but the world could not understand her. Newspapers accused her of making people go crazy, and she was often threatened by hooligans. Through all of this, she kept on following God, even though she never knew that growing older, life wasn't always easy. It was only though, that God would always be with her. As you read about Maria, you will see how God can use you, too, as you learn to obey Him. If she were here today, she would say to you, "Learn about God and salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray and ask the Lord to lead your life, and then listen carefully, for you, too, may be called to be a trailblazer for God.

  • af Anton McBurnie
    229,95 kr.

    Capitalizing on their combined years of experience in general management and consulting, authors Max Isaac and Anton McBurnie have defined a framework that helps organizations understand the importance of leadership and group dynamics. The Third Circle explores the balance between sound strategy, superior execution and effective interaction, with a focus on the need to enhance leadership and teamwork.This book will take you through the development of individual mastery and leadership, by understanding and building on your personal strengths and by managing and/or compensating for your blind spots. It will also help you discover how group dynamics influence behavior and overall organizational success. The ultimate goal is to create an environment that promotes continuous personal and professional growth.

  • af Anton McBurnie
    229,95 kr.

    Capitalizing on their combined years of experience in general management and consulting, authors Max Isaac and Anton McBurnie have defined a framework that helps organizations understand the importance of leadership and group dynamics. The Third Circle explores the balance between sound strategy, superior execution and effective interaction, with a focus on the need to enhance leadership and teamwork.This book will take you through the development of individual mastery and leadership, by understanding and building on your personal strengths and by managing and/or compensating for your blind spots. It will also help you discover how group dynamics influence behavior and overall organizational success. The ultimate goal is to create an environment that promotes continuous personal and professional growth.

  • af Don Wilkerson
    118,95 kr.

    "For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11This is one of the most well-known promises of God. A promise given to the Prophet directly from the Lord.This promise is for everyone, it gives believers encouragement and non-believers a reason to come to know the Lord. Pastor Don Wilkerson endeavors to unwrap the meaning of 29:11 in greater depth, not just for those who may have relapsed, but for all who know the verse, and for those hearing it for the first time.This book will bring to life the passage and will give those who have relapsed back into alcoholism and drug addiction, after a period of recover, a new hope. 29:11 is one of the most powerful promises that restoration is possible for everyone. God said it is so!

  • af Roberts Liardon
    123,95 kr.

    This newly released and enhanced sixth volume in the very popular God's Generals for Kids series now includes an updated study section with cross curricular themes, suitable for home schooling groups. These books are written for children in the eight - to - twelve age group. This book is about Charles Fox Parham who has been called ''the father of Pentecost.'' Parham was an American preacher and evangelist who worked with William J. Seymour in the spread of Pentecostalism after the Azusa Street Revival. Parham associated speaking in tongues with the baptism in the Holy Spirit. He invited both African - Americans and Mexican - Americans to join his new movement.

  • af Roberts Liardon
    123,95 kr.

    The extremely popular children's book series God's Generals for Kids by Roberts Liardon and Olly Goldenberg bring you volume 7 of their collection; which focuses on the life and teaching of William J. Seymour who was a son of slaves. He was hated by so many as he was growing up and he was blind in one eye, but he became one of the greatest leaders in church history, a pioneer in the amazing Asusa Street Revival. During this revival many supernatural events took place. Blind people saw, deaf people heard, and lame people walked. These miracles and many others drew the attention of the world, but what really drew crowds to the little building on Azusa Street was the love that flowed from God's presence. God came in a cloud of glory and with fire. Thousands of people from all over the world went there to meet God, and many of them left to serve Him in their home places. Each one became a missionary for the Lord. God is still flowing mightily around the world, as the effects of this revival are felt in every country today.

  • af Roberts Liardon
    123,95 kr.

    This is the eighth book in the popular series for children on the lives of the great generals of the faith. John G. Lake was an extraordinary man who was once a wealthy businessman who gave everything up to follow God.

  • af Roberts Liardon
    123,95 kr.

    The extremely popular children's book series God's Generals for Kids by Roberts Liardon and Olly Goldenberg bring you volume 9 of their collection; which focuses on the shockingly eventful life of Aimee Semple McPherson. From Kidnappings, to Romance to Family problems, Aimee's story shows how the power of God can change lives. Thousands of people discovered Jesus through her sermons. This book will show you how to use the talents that God has given you to help build His kingdom. These books are aimed at children aged between eight to twelve; and now feature an updated study section with cross curricular themes, ideal for home schooling environments.

  • af Roberts Liardon
    123,95 kr.

    The subject of the book, William Branham, was one of the key leaders in the healing revival movement. The young reader will be thrilled to discover the supernatural signs that God gave to him to let him know how to help other people. Learning about some of the incredible, miraculous things that happened around William Branham will build the reader's faith. This book reveals Branham's hunger for God, his heart for people, and the mistakes he made. The reader will learn to know when God is speaking to him and in the process, be inspired, challenged, and encouraged. His story will help young people everywhere to live their lives for God and to obey Him no matter what the cost may be. These books are aimed at children aged between eight to twelve; and now feature an updated study section with cross curricular themes, ideal for home schooling environments.

  • af A Living Waters Film
    368,95 kr.

    In this School of Biblical Evangelism study course, you will learn how to share your faith simply, effectively, and biblically--the way Jesus did. Discover the God-given evangelistic tools that will enable you to confidently talk about your Lord and Savior. With 101 lessons, this course will help you to prove the authenticity of the bible, provide ample evidence for creation, understand the beliefs of cults and other religions, and learn how to reach both friends and strangers with the Gospel. Tremendous witnessing tool for individuals and for church evangelism classes.

  • af Ray Comfort
    163,95 kr.

  • af Ray Comfort
    103,95 kr.

    "I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people" (Luke 2:10). The word "gospel" means "good news"--and who couldn't use some good news these days? The first four books of the New Testament, called the Gospels, contain the very best news ever heard: the message of how you can have eternal life. Features: 1. Introduction by Ray Comfort 2. Why Christianity? 3. Common Questions About the Christian Faith 4. Principles for Growth 5. Understanding the Biblical Gospel With commentary adapted from The Evidence Study Bible (a finalist for the Gold Medallion Book Award), this pocket-sized edition is designed to carry in your pocket or purse to give to an unsaved person. In addition to the eyewitness accounts of the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth--the greatest Person who ever lived--skeptics can find answers to commonly asked questions such as: * How do you know God exists? * Who made God? * Why do bad things happen? * How do you know the Bible is true? * How could a loving God create Hell, and more. With a thorough gospel presentation and suggestions for Christian growth, this publication will help readers to understand why the gospel is indeed the very best news ever and how to grow in their new faith.

  • af Charles H. Spurgeon
    213,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Murray
    183,95 kr.

    "I desire by God's grace to give you this messagethat your God in heaven answers the prayers which you have offered for blessing on yourselves and for blessing on those around you by this one demand: Are you willing to surrender yourselves absolutely into His hands?" Like all of Andrew Murray's books, this one will speak simply, directly, and powerfully to your heart and spirit until the lessons in it literally become a part of your spiritual nature. You'll change in your relationship to God, and you'll know it, and God will know it and will bless you for it.

  • af Charles Haddon Spurgeon
    198,95 kr.

    More than a devotional, Evening by Evening offers 365 opportunities to study and pray with one of the greatest preachers of all time. Meticulously, lovingly crafted by Spurgeon to end each day with you in gratitude, repentance, reverence, and hope.

  • af John Foxe
    198,95 kr.

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