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  • af Kawsar Fatima
    348,95 kr.

    "Bayesian Analysis of Probability Distributions" by Kawsar Fatima is an essential reference guide for statisticians, data analysts, and researchers. The book provides a comprehensive overview of Bayesian analysis methods for probability distributions, including advanced modeling techniques and the latest developments in computational algorithms. It covers a range of topics, from basic concepts and principles of Bayesian inference to advanced Bayesian hierarchical modeling and model selection.The book provides numerous examples and case studies to illustrate the use of Bayesian analysis in practical applications. It covers a wide range of probability distributions, including univariate, multivariate, continuous, and discrete distributions. The author also discusses the use of Bayesian analysis in fields such as finance, engineering, medicine, and social sciences.Overall, "Bayesian Analysis of Probability Distributions" is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn or expand their knowledge of Bayesian analysis. With its comprehensive coverage of probability distributions and advanced modeling techniques, this book is an indispensable tool for researchers and practitioners in many fields.

  • af Palvi Aggarwal
    348,95 kr.

    "Behavioral Game Theory Analysis of Cybersecurity With Deception and IDS" presents a comprehensive study of cybersecurity in the context of game theory, deception, and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). The book delves into the behavioral aspects of cybersecurity, particularly how human behaviors and decisions can influence the security of computer networks. The author discusses various techniques for detecting and mitigating cyber attacks using deception and IDS, including game-theoretic models and algorithms.The book is aimed at researchers and practitioners in the fields of cybersecurity, game theory, and computer science. It provides a valuable resource for those looking to gain insights into the complex nature of cybersecurity and the role of human behavior in defending against cyber threats.The author, Palvi Aggarwal, is an expert in the field of cybersecurity and has extensive experience in research and development of game-theoretic models for cybersecurity. Her work has been published in various international journals and conferences.Overall, "Behavioral Game Theory Analysis of Cybersecurity With Deception and IDS" is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the interplay between human behavior, game theory, and cybersecurity. The book offers a unique perspective on the subject and provides practical insights into the design and implementation of effective cybersecurity strategies.

  • af Mastooreh Bampoor
    348,95 kr.

    "Impact of Motivational Strategies on Performance Management of HR Employees in Private Hospitals" is a research-based book that explores the relationship between motivational strategies and the performance of HR employees in private hospitals. The book analyzes the different types of motivational strategies that are commonly used in private hospitals, and how they impact the overall performance of HR employees.The book also explores the challenges and barriers that are faced by HR employees in private hospitals, and how motivational strategies can help to overcome these challenges. The author of this book, Mastooreh Bampoor, has extensive experience in the field of HR management, and her research is based on both theoretical and empirical evidence.Overall, this book is an essential resource for HR managers, policymakers, and researchers who are interested in improving the performance management of HR employees in private hospitals. It provides valuable insights into the most effective motivational strategies, and how they can be applied in the context of private hospitals.

  • af Dhawde Rutuja Rajaram Rashmi
    378,95 kr.

    Antibiotic resistance is a major public health concern globally. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria in water sources can be a potential threat to human health as water is a vital resource for drinking, irrigation, and sanitation. The book "Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria in Water Sources: a Study of Horizontal Gene Transfer" by Dhawde Rutuja Rajaram Rashmi provides insights into the prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in water sources and the mechanism of their spread through horizontal gene transfer. The book discusses the challenges in detecting and controlling antibiotic-resistant bacteria in water sources and emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to mitigate this issue.This book provides valuable information for researchers, policymakers, and public health professionals who are concerned about antibiotic resistance and its impact on human health. It highlights the importance of monitoring water sources for antibiotic-resistant bacteria and the need for the development of effective strategies to prevent their spread. The book also sheds light on the role of horizontal gene transfer in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance, which is essential for understanding the evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria.

  • af Patel Anand Jayantibhai
    323,95 kr.

    "2d Multiresolution Wavelet-based Bone Fracture Detection" by Patel Anand Jayantibhai is a comprehensive guide on the use of wavelet-based techniques for the detection of bone fractures. The book provides a detailed analysis of the 2D multiresolution wavelet transform, and its application to medical image processing for the accurate detection of bone fractures.This book covers various aspects of wavelet-based techniques, including the basics of wavelet transform, the different types of wavelet families, the concept of multiresolution analysis, and the use of wavelet-based techniques for medical image processing. The author also discusses the challenges and limitations associated with the detection of bone fractures using wavelet-based techniques.The book is an excellent resource for researchers, students, and medical professionals interested in the field of medical image processing and the detection of bone fractures. It provides valuable insights into the latest techniques and advancements in the field, and the use of wavelet-based techniques for medical image analysis.

  • af Selvi C.
    348,95 kr.

    "A Study on Generalized Topological Simple Groups and Related Concepts" is a comprehensive book written by Selvi C, an expert in the field of mathematics. This scholarly work is an exploration of the study of generalized topological simple groups and related concepts, and is an essential resource for researchers and scholars in the fields of algebra, topology, and group theory.The book covers a wide range of topics, including the classification of generalized topological simple groups, the relationship between topological groups and algebraic groups, and the theory of locally compact groups. It also includes in-depth discussions of related concepts such as abstract algebra and functional analysis, making it a valuable resource for students and researchers alike.The author's clear and concise writing style makes the material accessible to readers with a range of mathematical backgrounds, and the book includes numerous examples and exercises to help readers reinforce their understanding of the concepts covered. Whether you are a researcher in the field of mathematics or a student looking to expand your knowledge, "A Study on Generalized Topological Simple Groups and Related Concepts" is an indispensable resource that should not be missed.

  • af K. Muthumanickam
    348,95 kr.

    Behavior-based authentication is a relatively new approach that has gained traction in recent years for protecting system services from malicious attacks. This book, authored by K. Muthumanickam, is a comprehensive guide to this technique, detailing its applications, benefits, and limitations. The book covers various aspects of behavior-based authentication, including the concept of user behavior analysis, machine learning algorithms for detecting anomalous behavior, and the design and implementation of behavior-based authentication systems.The book provides a deep understanding of how behavior-based authentication works and how it can be effectively used to secure system services against attacks. It also includes case studies and examples that demonstrate the practical application of behavior-based authentication in real-world scenarios. This book is a valuable resource for cybersecurity professionals, system administrators, and anyone interested in understanding the latest techniques for protecting system services from malicious attacks.If you are looking to improve the security of your system services, this book is an excellent starting point. With its clear and concise explanations of behavior-based authentication, it is an essential guide for anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving field of cybersecurity.

  • af Shubham Saxena
    388,95 kr.

    "A Study on the Social Media Marketing Strategies of Political Parties" by Shubham Saxena is a comprehensive guide that delves into the impact of social media marketing on the political landscape. The book explores how political parties leverage social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote their campaigns and engage with their followers. It discusses the various strategies that political parties employ to craft their social media campaigns, including targeting specific demographics, using hashtags and memes, and creating shareable content.The book also examines the ethical considerations of social media marketing in politics, such as the spread of fake news and misinformation. It highlights the challenges that political parties face in managing their online reputation, and provides insights into how they can leverage social media to build trust and credibility with their audiences.This book is a valuable resource for politicians, campaign managers, social media marketers, and anyone interested in understanding the intersection of politics and social media. It offers practical advice and best practices for developing effective social media campaigns, and provides a nuanced understanding of the role that social media plays in shaping political discourse.

  • af Negi Kokila
    373,95 kr.

    Today in this global world the success stories of entrepreneurs are inspiring our youth newlinevisionaries. Entrepreneurs are the key elements in developing economy like India, newlinethey are the individuals having ability of risk-taking, passion and high innovativeness. newlineTheir skills and initiative help in coordinating means of production and are bringing new products and services in the society. newlineIn entrepreneurship there are number of factors which decide one to be an newlineentrepreneur. These factors are economic, political, managerial, psychological and newlinesociological. The present study Impact of Psychological and Sociological Factors newlineon Small Scale Entrepreneurs is an attempt to find out how these factors inspires, newlinemotivates and encourage one to start business venture and is there any impact of newlinepsychological factor in running business successfully and do sociological factors newlineencourage/discourage entrepreneurs to run their business successfully. The study will newlinealso focus on the challenges and issues faced by small entrepreneurs in their newlineentrepreneurial journey. newlineThe statement of the problem is:- newlineWhile studying psychological and sociological factors the important questions arise, newlineAre these factors fulfilling the objectives of small entrepreneurs and contributing newlinetowards their success? We will get the answers of these questions by analysing the newlineanswers given by respondents in the structured questionnaire. The analysis of data collected from respondents and testing of hypothesis will help in fulfilling the newlineobjectives laid down in the present study. The study will help in finding out major newlinepsychological and sociological factors responsible for encouraging and running newlinebusiness successfully. The present study will also contribute in finding out the newlineimportant role and contribution of government, financial institutions and nongovernment agencies in development and upliftment of small scale entrepreneurs in newlinethe two districts (Kinnaur and Solan) of Himachal Pradesh.

  • af Jayapriya K
    383,95 kr.

    Entrepreneurial activities and Entrepreneurs play a significant role ineconomic growth of a nation and also improve the living standards of thepeople at a larger context. Individuals with self-confidence work hard to builda strong economy for their improvement and generate employment for otherstoo. By establishing a small business firm, entrepreneurs spend monetaryresources on their own, through others and take support from banks and do agreat contribution to the society. They also become independent by doingentrepreneurial work in various forms and levels. Indian government hastaken many initiatives such as make in India, Start-up India, etc. to enhancefactions to entrepreneurs to promote their business activities. As a result theseinitiatives will generate lot of employment and improve the businessstandards to make the country proud in a global context. Better economy ofthe nation, employment generation, balanced economic growth throughout thenation, per capita income of the individuals, societal development, standard ofliving are the benefits of entrepreneurship.

  • af Nair Anu G
    368,95 kr.

    The ability to sense and react-to external environment is a crucial element of life. Transformationof environmental stimuli to organismal response involves complex computationswhich become increasingly sophisticated as an organism is higher up the tree of life. Inthe animal kingdom, starting from lower level phyla except for Porifera, the elements involvedin these computations show a functional organization to form the nervous systemwith varying degree of complexity, possibly, to increase the repertoire and efficiency of thestimulus-response transformation. Given the dynamic nature of the external environment,it is crucial that animals should be able to associate novel environmental stimuli to appropriateresponses, and also reconfigure the existing stimuli-response transformations in thelight of newer environmental realities. "Learning" encapsulates these abilities of an organismto create novel association or update existing associations. One of the various formsof learning is reward learning and it is fundamental to several animal behaviors. In rewardlearning, if a stimulus or a stimulus-response pair is followed by a rewarding experiencethen its perceived salience increases and this results in an association between the stimulus,response and the reward. Using such associations built upon past experiences, an organismcould predict a possible reward if a specific stimulus is present in a given environmentalcontext and how it should respond to achieve this reward. In other words, reward learning isa process of creating or updating stimuli-response transformations that is guided by rewardas a teaching signal.

  • af Sree Mahalakshmi V
    378,95 kr.

    Women entrepreneurs are working hard to raise funds for their better standard of living and making things at home, without regular hours, job descriptions, and employee benefits. Instead, they put in long hours of work in shifting clusters of tasks in a schedule set by the needs of the day. It was the industrial revolution and the creation of large manufacturing organizations that created conditions for the emergence of 'work'. In a fast moving economy, work is rigid solutions to the elastic concept of change. Surprisingly, these conditions are slowly vanishing. Customized productions are demanding rapid response to changing markets, newly emerging organizational structures, constant need for a work force that could be temporary, part-time, and dynamic with competence to complete specific tasks ill one or more teams. In another decade, it is possible that jobs will be to a recognizable extent replaced by part time, temporary, work solutions. Organizations may not be able to afford inflexibility of traditional work, guaranteeing security and satisfaction at work.

  • af Molla Mengesha Nigus
    368,95 kr.

    This thesis titled "Impact of anisotropy on dark energy cosmologicalmodels in theories of gravitation" consists of nine chapters and dealswith the investigation of some spatially homogeneous and anisotropicdark energy cosmological models in the framework of Einstein's generaltheory of gravitation, and also in some other theories of gravitation likeBrans-Dicke (1961) and Saez-Ballester (1986) scalar-tensor theories ofgravitation, which are viable alternatives to Einstein theory of gravitation.Cosmology is the study of the universe as a whole. It mainly deals withthe mechanism of the evolution of the universe and its components. Itseeks to answer the oldest questions of mankind: How did the universecome into existence? What is the universe made of? What will happen tous in the future? There are still many unanswered questions which remainsubject to further scientific investigation and philosophical debate.According to the modern cosmology, the universe begins with a BigBang, and through the evolution of the universe, different fields split fromeach other and the components (fluids) of the universe evolve. While theuniverse expands, different structures (such as galaxies, black holes, starsand planets) emerge. In order to study the universe we need to knowits space-time geometry, and the fluids as its components and how theyinteract with each other and with space-time. This has been done usingEinstein's theory of gravitation by constructing cosmological models.

  • af Angamuthu Kandasamy Gounder
    368,95 kr.

    Fitness has been recognized as the greatest wealth of mankind since time immemorial. Fitness is a term which is often used as synonymous to health in an emphatic manner. Fitness denotes different facts of health. The term fitness may be defined as the capacity of the individual to live and function effectively, purposefully and restfully. This also helps to lead a comfortable and peaceful life, and strengthen the physical and moral activities of life. Fitness adds beauty to human being. Every human being has to keep his or her body fit in order to adapt to the changing atmosphere. Fitness acts as a span to good health and sets as a string example for the young to follow. The body is the temple of the soul and to reach harmonious body of mind and spirit, the body must be kept physically fit. Fitness is the ability to perform a dynamic or specific task and to recover quickly from the task.

  • af Surmila S
    383,95 kr.

    In India the policy of exclusion revolves around the social institutions, whichis based on their identities for instance caste, religion, gender, which isolate, separateand exclude them (Thorat & Kumar, 2010). The social-economic structure of thesociety maintains this tradition of discrimination and exclusion. Therefore, thus,education can also not be seen at vacuum (Barten, 1999).Education is alsomanifestation of great Indian values of equity and cohesion. Education has thepotential to play a key role in combating inequalities, exclusion and to lay thegroundwork for a more equitable and inclusive society. The challenges are to ensurethat educational systems are not only efficient but also inclusive. Inclusive means interms of equal opportunities to access quality education and individual identity withtheir diverse backgrounds. Education system without appropriate measures to dealwith this challenge can reinforce social exclusion. The question arises in front of us,that what kind of educational measures process ofexclusion ? Due to the various steps taken at the policy level, today education isaccessible to all, but can we say that they are accepted with their variegated identities,to which they belong? Are they socially included in education system? Are there anyefforts made to accept their groups with their identities? In the proposed research,Education Policies would be studied in this content.

  • af Karthikeyan K. K.
    338,95 kr.

    The growth of any economy depends upon a well-organized financialSystem. The system is highly sensitive and volatile to the requirement of economicgoal achievement. Growth materializes when savings are channeled into productiveinvestment s, which in turn enhance the ability of the economy to produce goods andservices. The economic development of a country is influenced by its financialmarket and financial services. The contribution of the financial system towardsnational growth is high and an inseparable one. The financial system promotesinvestment and savings for the faster economic development of any economy. Thefinancial market plays a central role in the economic development of a country. Itfacilitates the allocation of resources by transferring them from savers to borrowers,thereby accelerating the investment activities. The financial market plays a vital rolein the industrial growth and economic growth and development. The worldwidedevelopment of economic markets has appreciated the number of participants withinthe retail investment throughout recent years by affording a heterogeneous financialmarket and investment chance. The Indian stock market has witnessed majortransformation and structural changes during the past three decades correspondinglyenduring economic reforms initiated by the Government.

  • af Priyadarshini Pallavi S
    368,95 kr.

    This research work is divided into five chapters. The first chapterintroduces the topic of research. Discussing various cases of violence onwoman in and around the world, the chapter tries to build up the concept ofeducation, woman and violence. It also explains the relationship among allthree.The second chapter is the review related to the present topic ofresearch. It consists of the previous work done on the related topic bydifferent researchers.The third chapter discusses the method and methodology used toaccomplish the research work. It gives an introduction about the samplingmethod, sample area and research design. The objective behind the researchand operational definition of the related terms are also included in thischapter.Chapter four is the analysis and interpretation of the data collectedthrough various sources during the entire research.The analysis of the data led the researcher to conclude her research onthe basis of the objectives; this part is discussed in the fifth chapter. Alongwith conclusion of the research work and suggestions are also given for thefurther research, which is based on the experience of the entire researchwork.At the end of the thesis, a detailed bibliography is made, of all thestudy materials used during the entire tenure of the research. Apart from itannexure is given which consists of the questionnaire, interview scheduleand case studies done by the researcher.

  • af Khatri Neena
    393,95 kr.

    Time is being converted into money and personal priorities take back seats ascorporate interests and personal ambitions take center stage, only when ourbody starts showing signs of fatigue and inability, we look at our daily routineand think how the same impacts our daily lives. In a country like India, a largepopulation suffers from under nutrition and is forced into long hours of backbreaking physical lab our and the situation is quite alarming. The diseaseprofile is changing rapidly. According to World Health Organization (WHO)report, "India as one of the nations that is going to have most of the lifestyledisorders in the near future. Recent world health organization (WHO)documents states that 388 million people globally, will die from nonecommunicable diseases (NCDs) like diabetes, blood pressure and heart diseasesin the next decade. It also estimated that approximately 246 million people inthe age group of 30 to 80 have diabetes and blood pressure worldwide in 2008of which 70% would be living in developing countries. Today's, India isalready home to over 40 million people with diabetes, blood pressure and thisnumber is expected to increase 70 million by 2025. This report further statedthat elevated blood pressure alone would contribute to 50 % of cardiovasculardiseases (CVD) worldwide. In the management of NCDs like diabetes orhypertension, life style measures are of paramount importance for therapy to besuccessful. These non drugs measurer includes regular physical activity,healthy diet, stress management, avoidance of tobacco products, moderation inalcohol intake and most importantly increased awareness about the condition.

  • af Amrish Dhawan
    353,95 kr.

    "A Study on Customer Relationship Management in Insurance Sector" by Amrish Dhawan is an insightful book that provides a comprehensive analysis of customer relationship management (CRM) practices in the insurance sector.In this book, readers will gain a detailed understanding of the challenges faced by the insurance industry in managing customer relationships and strategies for overcoming them. The author highlights the importance of building long-term relationships with customers and offers practical tips on how to improve customer engagement and retention.Moreover, the book also delves into the role of customer analytics and big data in CRM, and how they can be leveraged to personalize offerings and improve customer experiences. With the help of real-world case studies and examples, the author provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the impact of technology on CRM in the insurance sector.Whether you are an insurance professional or a student of customer relationship management, "A Study on Customer Relationship Management in Insurance Sector" is an essential read. The book offers practical insights into the challenges and opportunities of CRM in the insurance sector, and how to stay ahead of the competition by providing an exceptional customer experience.Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn from the author's extensive experience in the field. Purchase "A Study on Customer Relationship Management in Insurance Sector" by Amrish Dhawan today and gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of CRM in the insurance industry.

  • af Ashish Parnani
    378,95 kr.

    Assessing the Effectiveness of Training Programs in the Business Process Outsourcing Industry by Ashish Parnani is a comprehensive study that explores the effectiveness of training programs in the outsourcing industry. The book aims to help organizations improve their training programs by identifying areas that need improvement and providing strategies to enhance training effectiveness. The author also examines the impact of training on employee performance and job satisfaction.This book provides valuable insights for managers, human resources professionals, and trainers in the outsourcing industry who are interested in improving their training programs. It covers various topics such as training design, delivery, evaluation, and feedback mechanisms. The author uses case studies and empirical data to support his findings, making this book a practical resource for industry professionals.With the increasing demand for outsourcing services, effective training programs have become crucial for organizations to remain competitive in the market. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the challenges of training in the outsourcing industry and the strategies that can be used to overcome them.

  • af J. Jesintha
    353,95 kr.

    "A Study of Feminism Ecology Language and Time in the Select Novels of Amitav Ghosh" by J. Jesintha explores the intersection of feminism, ecology, language, and time in the select novels of Amitav Ghosh. The book delves into the themes of gender, environment, language, and history as they are portrayed in Ghosh's literary works, including "The Hungry Tide," "Sea of Poppies," "River of Smoke," and "Flood of Fire."The author examines the representation of female characters in Ghosh's novels, analyzing their struggles for self-empowerment in a male-dominated society. She also examines the impact of environmental degradation on the lives of these characters and the communities they live in. Additionally, the book explores the use of language and narrative structure in Ghosh's works, highlighting the unique ways in which he weaves together diverse linguistic and cultural elements to create a rich and complex narrative.Through a detailed analysis of Ghosh's literary works, "A Study of Feminism Ecology Language and Time" offers a deep understanding of the complex issues that Ghosh addresses in his novels. It is a valuable resource for scholars and students of literature, gender studies, environmental studies, and cultural studies who are interested in exploring the intersection of feminism, ecology, language, and time in contemporary literature.

  • af Priyamvada Tiwari
    378,95 kr.

    The general interrogative feeling was and still is that "Why awoman is beaten up and why she is regarded as inferior to men". In India,woman is always told by her family members that her husband is just likeGod. She should always be ready to serve him. Women are alwaysadvised to tolerate violence at the hands of their husband and in-laws.Women are always said to take care of their family repute and prestige.Domestic violence is a big social problem not only in India butacross the world. Women are educated and working on good positions butstill they have to tolerate violence at the hands of their husbands andother members of society. Violence against women and domesticviolence continue to be one of the most pervasive human rightsviolations. Despite significant progress in legislation and policies, manygaps remain when it comes to effectively protecting its victims andbringing perpetrators to justice. Domestic violence is one of the crimesagainst women which are linked to their disadvantageous position in thesociety.Domestic violence refers to violence against women especially inpatriarchal societies. Domestic violence is also recognized as thesignificant barrier of the empowerment of women, with consequences ofwomen health and health-seeking behavior and their adoption of smallfamily norm. In view of prevalence as well as the pervasiveness ofdomestic violence very few attempts have been done in the past to checkthis form of violence.

  • af Sudipta Mondal
    378,95 kr.

    Sudipta Mondal's book "A Survey of Corporate Social Responsibility in Selected Businesses" provides a thorough and current examination of the changing corporate social responsibility landscape. Anybody interested in the junction of business and social impact will find useful advice and stimulating analysis in this book. Mondal illustrates the significance of corporate social responsibility in fostering good change in society and the environment through compelling case studies and in-depth research.This book is an invaluable tool for professionals and academics alike who want to comprehend the crucial role of business in building a sustainable and fair future. It offers clear-eyed analyses and useful insights. A Survey of Corporate Social Responsibility in Selected Businesses is a must-read whether you're a business executive looking to make a positive social effect, a student of business ethics and social responsibility, or a concerned citizen looking to understand the consequences of corporate behaviour.Anybody interested in the convergence of business and social impact will find this book to be a useful resource thanks to Mondal's skilled insight and thorough research. This book's findings have the potential to alter the way we perceive how business affects society and the environment.

  • af Kumar Rahul
    388,95 kr.

    dual model corresponding to given primal problems and some duality results werepiled up in Section 1.4. In Section 1.5, we recall standard minimax programmingproblem and present a small overview on the same. In Section 1.6, we introduce ashort note on saddle point optimality problems. In Section 1.7, we present basic conceptof multiobjective optimization problems and its solutions. Section 1.8 recallsconstraint qualification in multiobjective optimization problems. In Section 1.9,scalar and multiobjective semi-infinite optimization problems is introduced. In Section1.10, we remind definitions of Lipschitz and locally Lipschitz continuity. Section1.11 presents definition, basic properties of convexificators and recalls generalizedconvexity in terms of convexificators. Sections 1.12 is all about brief literature onsemidefinite programming problem and related concepts for further use. Section1.13 presents short introduction on vector variational inequality. Finally, Section1.14 includes basic details of mathematical programming with vanishing constraintsand its literature.

  • af Ajay Kumar S
    388,95 kr.

    The constitution of WHO (1946) mentions "the highest attainable standard of healthas a fundamental right of every human being." Moreover, taking health as individualrights or basic fundamental right makes it mandatory for a state to provide for thisfundamental necessity of having a decent and dignified life. One of the determinantsof health are ensuring access to timely, quality and affordable medical facilities. Italso includes access to safe drinking water, nutritious food, affordable housing,sanitation, equal treatment of citizens regardless of their gender, caste, religion, race,place of birth at cetera. Health is considered one of the most basic inessentialrequirements of a happy life. If we are not healthy we will not be able to attend ourschool, go to work, complete our family responsibilities or participate in any activityrelated to community. People make sacrifices to guarantee healthy life to them andtheir families. In fact health is one of the three key parameters of human developmentindex.

  • af Yogesh Mohan
    388,95 kr.

    Can computers be intelligent? If yes! Then how to represent intelligence? Thedevelopment of digital computers made possible the invention of human engineeredsystems that show intelligent behaviour. Now a days, the researchers are active with thestudies applying computational intelligence (i.e. numerical methods for implementing anintelligent behaviour) to understand the complex and uncertain behaviour of real-worldprocesses. Despite advancement in neuro/fuzzy modeling techniques, the field still lacksa mathematical framework for the design and analysis of intelligent systems to deal withthe real-world problems considering the underlying uncertainties in a sensible way. Thisthesis presents a fuzzy rules based system for modeling the relationships between inputsand output data in the presence of uncertainties. The fuzzy system is designed byseparating the uncertainties from the data using fuzzy filtering algorithms. A stochasticmodeling of the uncertainties helps in designing the fuzzy system to approximate theuncertain relationships. The proposed fuzzy model offers the followings.

  • af Mukherjee Bijit
    383,95 kr.

    Born-Oppenheimer (BO) theory and its treatment for solving molecular Schr¿odinger Equation(SE), as proposed1 in 1927 and later on with Huang2 in 1954, has been the cornerstoneof our understanding of chemical processes employing quantum chemistry. The triumphof BO treatment lies on the huge mass difference of electrons and nuclei allowing us toseparate their motions while studying molecular quantum mechanics. The approximationallows us to study the electron dynamics which parametrically depends on the nuclearpositions. In the limiting situation of such mass differences (me MN), the BOapproximation could able to describe some of the chemical processes satisfactorily thatmainly occur at lower energy regimes of ground electronic state. However, nature exhibitsa whole range of molecular phenomena where we observe a violation of such a'celebrated' approximation. These situations arise whenever electronic and nuclear motiongets coupled owing to different reasons that leads to what is known as nonadiabaticevents. Simplest instances are photosynthesis, vision, charge transfer chemical reactions,solar energy conversion and photochemical reactions, all of which involve electronicallyexcited states and thus, cannot be fully accounted for if considered solely from a BO per-spective. Owing to such range of nonadiabatic phenomena, failure of BO approximationis encountered quite often in nature rather than rarely.

  • af Srivastava Ratnesh Kumar
    378,95 kr.

    Artificial intelligence is the most revolutionary and disruptive technology of the midtwenty-first century, not only because of its capabilities to learn from experience andperform autonomously from humans. This is due to its capabilities to learn as a matterof fact and perform independently from living person. Although the notion of ArtificialIntelligence (hereinafter referred as AI) is not new and has been present for over sixtyyears but its pervasive effect is a relatively recent occurrence.From game-playing cars to self-driving cars, right from automated suggestions oninternet platforms to computer-aided diagnostics and from human face recognition toartificial face generation, everywhere we see the revolutionary potential of AI in ourdaily lives. It is already being used in various fields including the Intellectual Property(hereinafter referred as IP), legal sector; air traffic control systems, healthcare andInternet of Things (hereinafter referred as IoT) including all aspects of other intelligentsystems, these are just a few examples. In fact, for the maintenance and operation ofour physical and digital infrastructure including the area of IP, we are becoming moreand more reliant on AI-based technologies. Owing to autonomous features and abilityto learn without assistance of human, the existing sectors of IP are facing a range ofdifficulties, particularly in the realm of copyright.The AI and IP has become most of the burning issues of 21st century in context ofabove aspects. This is a debatable issue because of its breadth and usefulness in varietyof fields is being introduced technically in various fields aiming to perform any work ina better way by replacing human being or reducing human effort.

  • af Desai V
    368,95 kr.

    Today e-learning system plays an essential role in the education system. Technologyintegration in teaching helps to teach content-based curriculum effectively andefficiently to build confidence among students. Personalized learning systems focus onlearning behavior, interest, and design curriculum according to learners' ability andbasic knowledge. It is a flexible teaching methodology to meet the individual needs ofstudents. The personalized learning approach optimizes the needs of each learner. Foran effective education system, it is necessary to understand learners and develop a planthat copes up with the individual learning needs and the interest of students'. Anintelligent Tutor system is an expert system to monitor the learners' performance toprovide personalized coaching. E-learning applications include computer-basedlearning, web-based learning, digital collaboration and virtual classrooms. ArtificialIntelligence can be used for automating learning activities like designing teaching tools,curriculum, training, evaluating students' performance, and using modern teachingmethodology. Artificial intelligence is the most modern e-learning trend in highereducation and the corporate world. AI helps to provide individual decisions using dataanalytics that leads to better education for personalized instruction to streamline theeducation process.

  • af Rathore Aparna
    313,95 kr.

    Greenhouse EffectThe Earth's temperature is maintained at a level where it can sustain life by a balancebetween heat from the sun, and cooling from reflecting some of the heat by theEarth's warm surface and atmosphere back to space (Agarwal, 2001). Greenhousegases effectively absorb thermal infrared radiation, emitted by the Earth's surface, bythe atmosphere itself due to the same gases, and by clouds. Atmospheric radiation isemitted to all sides, including downward to the Earth's surface. Thus, greenhousegases trap heat within the surface-troposphere system. This is called the greenhouseeffect. Thermal infrared radiation in the troposphere is strongly coupled to thetemperature of the atmosphere at the altitude at which it is emitted. In thetroposphere, the temperature generally decreases with height. Effectively, infraredradiation emitted to space originates from an altitude with a temperature of, onaverage, -19°C, in balance with the net incoming solar radiation, whereas the Earth'ssurface is kept at a much higher temperature of, on average, +14°C. An increase inthe concentration of greenhouse gases leads to an increased infrared opacity of theatmosphere, and therefore to an effective radiation into space from a higher altitudeat a lower temperature. This causes a radiative forcing that leads to an enhancementof the greenhouse effect, the so-called enhanced greenhouse effect (Solomon et al.,2007).

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