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Bøger udgivet af Josef Eul Verlag Gmbh

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  • af Ludwig Fuchs
    709,95 kr.

  • af Maren S. D. Breuer
    788,95 kr.

  • af Christian Dörner
    599,95 kr.

    Today's non-tayloristic work environments call for flexible work practices supported by dynamic IT systems. Changing and optimising business processes has become an important 'adaptation mechanism' in this context. However, process models cannot capture every conceivable real-life situation, and firms' software infrastructures often do not provide the flexibility required for supporting 'design-in-use' through effective tailoring processes. The involvement of business users in the continuous redesign of business processes is a beneficial solution for these problems, as it enhances decision processes by making specific information available more quickly. However, involving business users in these redesign processes requires specific design tools. This book presents the development of an environment that enables business users to independently model business processes and workflows.The environment reduces the technical skills required for modelling business processes and workflows to enable business users to tailor heterogeneous software infrastructures. It also provides improved documentation facilities. The facilities add usage-related information about Web services to the existing functional metadata, which is already included in current Web service standards and workflow modelling tools. The environment enables business users to create this usage-related information cooperatively, which leads to a domain-specific documentation of Web services. Based on this information, it provides an enhanced search system that identifies related services and service functions.The evaluation of the environment showed that users had a positive perception of modelling business processes and workflows. They considered this to be useful for the visualisation and automation of business processes as well as for the creation of calculations since it could enhance the efficiency and efficacy of their work.

  • af Richard Vahrenkamp
    710,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Bernhardt
    568,95 kr.

    Nord Stream - a gas pipeline project situated in the Baltic Sea - has repeatedly attracted attention in public and political arena in recent years. The pipeline brings Russian gas directly to Germany and avoids transit states. The project was initiated by Chancellor Schröder and President Putin as well as several German and Russian energy companies in 2005. Two tubes have been operational since 2011 (Nord Stream 1). Two further tubes (Nord Stream 2) are now added, for which planning started in 2015 and completion is scheduled for 2019. The economic rationale of the pipeline is to reduce transportation costs, create capacities and avoid dependencies on transit states. This project is under intense debate for economic, political and security matters, whereby European and US stakeholders are participating in the discussion. At a time when the post-World War II order has come to an end and alliances are being reshaped, Nord Stream 2 evokes a fundamental international relations question:Has the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project divided Germany from its traditional partners and allies in its Russia policy in the long term?This dissertation discusses and illustrates the considerable foreign policy impact of the Nord Stream 2 project on Germany's international relations in above context and offers possible policy routes forward.

  • af Marc-Julian Thomas
    1.113,95 kr.

    Durch die Nutzung des Internets erhalten Konsumenten über nahezu alle Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Organisationen Informationen in Form von Online-Rezensionen, die vor dem Kauf eines Produktes oder der Inanspruchnahme einer Dienstleistung rezipiert werden können. Jede Online-Rezension bringt Argumente bzw. Einflussfaktoren hervor, die die Einstellung und das Verhalten der Rezipienten zu einem Produkt oder einer Dienstleistung beeinflussen. In Forschung und Praxis wird insbesondere der Kenntnisstand zu den Einflussfaktoren von Online-Rezensionen und zu der daraus resultierenden Kaufintention der Konsumenten als unzureichend erachtet. Eine Analyse des Schrifttums zeigt, dass vor allem ein Mangel an quantitativ-empirischen Arbeiten existiert. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde auf Grundlage des ,Elaboration Likelihood Models' ein Strukturgleichungsmodell entwickelt, das sich auf die Einflussfaktoren von Online-Rezensionen fokussiert, die von den Konsumenten als nützlich wahrgenommen werden und aus denen die Konsumenten eine Kaufintention ableiten. Das Untersuchungsmodell unterscheidet zwischen Einflussfaktoren bezüglich der Qualität der Argumente sowie der peripheren Signale.Das zentrale Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht in der Konzeptionalisierung und Operationalisierung dieser Einflussfaktoren. Auf Basis der Analyse des aktuellen Schrifttums wird ein theoretischer Bezugsrahmen entwickelt, der als Grundlage für das vorliegende Untersuchungsmodell herangezogen wird. Zudem werden die Erkenntnisse aus dem Schrifttum anhand von Expertengesprächen validiert sowie ergänzt. Anschließend erfolgt die empirische Überprüfung der Einflussfaktoren von Online-Rezensionen anhand der kovarianzbasierten Strukturgleichungsmodellierung. Anhand der Untersuchungsergebnisse wird das theoretische Modell bestätigt. Aus den Ergebnissen der quantitativ-empirischen Untersuchung werden abschließend Implikationen für die Wissenschaft, die unternehmerische Praxis sowie für die öffentliche Verwaltung abgeleitet.

  • af Wolfgang Chr. Fischer
    740,95 kr.

    The traditional positioning of the German Hyperinflation within the history of the so-called Weimar Republic (Deutsches Reich) is to declare this devastating event as one of the stepping stones to establish Hitler¿s Nazi Regime. However, there is little in law and economics literature to explain the colossal acceleration of the creeping inflation in the very short time from July to November 1923 to a massive hyperinflation.This research rejects the standard argument that the sole cause of the German Hyperinflation was neither the lack of sufficient taxation, the high amount of war bonds issued during WWI, the reparation payments which had to be made after the war by the new German Government, nor the social unrest in addition to the political instability at that time. The termination of the German Hyperinflation was accomplished by legal measures through German Supreme Court judgements as well as through the Parliamentarian calculation of the conversion rate Mark to Reichsmark on the basis of valorism and not nominalism, which was not completely fair enough to everyone but an optimal solution under current socio-economic conditions. In addition monetary measures such as those which were instigated by the German Reserve Bank through the implementation of the Rentenmark, a new currency backed by state land properties to re-establish trust, may be an example of how to deal with future hyperinflations in developed and developing countries.Nevertheless the immense acceleration process in hyperinflations still remains unclear and unpredictable. The transformation of an inflationary development into the hyperinflation as a very complex phenomenon, which was undertaken to some extent in this research, could be a further advanced research avenue of the complexity economics in conjunction with research areas like mass hysteria, bandwagon effect, social brain and mirror neurons.

  • af Jan Paul Kolter
    709,95 kr.

  • af Stefan Kemp
    690,95 kr.

  • af Zhanping Cheng
    608,95 kr.

  • af Angela Hund-Göschel
    472,95 kr.

  • af Cornelia Caprano
    634,95 kr.

  • - An Empirical Analysis
    af Niclas Ruffer
    756,95 kr.

  • - Case Studies from China and Europe
    af Georg Baltes
    801,95 kr.

  • af Patrick Siegfried
    579,95 kr.

  • af Katharina Heinrichs
    596,95 kr.

  • af Christian Langkamp
    757,95 kr.

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