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为什么我们如此热爱咖啡?好吧,除了它超级好 吃! 一杯热气腾腾的咖啡是数以百万计的人每天早上 的第一件事,这些人每天这样做的原因有很多。 其中的咖啡因在人们喝咖啡的过程中扮演着两个 角色。首先,咖啡中的咖啡因有助于使人的血液 流动,使他们感到精力充沛。早起的工人倾向于 依靠咖啡来帮助他们度过工作日。 咖啡因是人们喝咖啡的另一个原因是它会上瘾。 咖啡中有许多化学物质会使其上瘾,而咖啡因是 主要的化学物质。咖啡因戒断会导致头痛和烦躁, 许多人宁愿不放弃咖啡。 咖啡已成为一种非常受欢迎的社交饮料,与酒精 相似。早上在当地的咖啡店是与朋友闲逛或开会 讨论业务的地方。人们倾向于在这些聚会上喝咖 啡,无论他们是否喜欢,这最终会帮助他们培养 对咖啡的品味,然后上瘾。 喝咖啡的人说他们喝咖啡是为了放松。考虑到咖 啡是一种兴奋剂,这似乎有点矛盾,但一杯热腾 腾的不含咖啡因的咖啡,或者对某些人来说,即 使是普通咖啡也可以放松感官,帮助他们放松身 心,镇定神经。研究人员将镇静效果归因于感官 的刺激,这有助于创造力和精神刺激,这反过来 又有助于让一些人平静下来。
以谷物为主菜的食谱提供了一种新鲜的用餐时间,包括 100 种丰盛的食物和令人满意的谷物食谱,既营养又美味。从藜麦和干小麦到法罗小麦和大麦,这本食谱展示了作为主食的各种谷物,为传统肉类菜肴提供了一种健康美味的替代品。每个食谱都附有一张令人惊叹的全彩照片,展示了用于制作这些营养餐的丰富多彩且有益健康的成分。这本食谱提供了早餐、午餐和晚餐以及小吃和甜点的选择,为在您的日常饮食中加入更多谷物提供了无尽的灵感。无论您是经验丰富的厨师还是刚接触谷物烹饪,这本食谱都提供了易于遵循的说明和有用的提示,以确保您在厨房取得成功。以健康、天然食品为重点的《谷物为主食食谱》非常适合那些希望将营养丰富且令人满意的膳食作为日常生活一部分的人们。
歡迎來到超級食品廚房,在這裡您會發現超級食品不可思議的力量,以及它們如何改變您的健康。這本食譜包含 100 多種美味且易於製作的食譜,是您將營養豐富的食物融入日常烹飪的指南。每個食譜都附有一張全彩照片,因此您可以準確地看到您的菜餚應該是什麼樣子。您還會找到有關如何準備和烹飪每份食譜的詳細說明,以及有關每種超級食品的健康益處的信息。從早餐冰沙和能量豐富的小吃到豐盛的湯和美味的主菜,這本食譜將帶您踏上既美味又營養的烹飪之旅。您將學習如何使用羽衣甘藍、奇亞籽和藜麥等超級食品來提升膳食的風味和營養。無論您是想減肥、增加能量,還是只是想改善整體健康狀況,這本食譜都是您進入超級食品世界的指南。您將了解每種超級食品的健康益處,以及如何將它們融入您的烹飪中以最大限度地發揮其營養價值。
現代生活無疑激發了我們內在的廚師,激發了在家中重新製作餐廳風格菜餚的追求。我們一直在嘗試的最新趨勢是受到餐廳風格的 鐵板燒 的啟發。如果你知道,你就會知道尖叫的熱嘶嘶聲的快感。它既有趣又生動,配樂是醬汁倒在灼熱的盤子上時發出的令人滿意的嘶嘶聲。我會和你說實話,這不是最容易掌握的菜,只要在組裝過程中付出相當大的努力。然而,最終的結果絕對是值得的!這裡有一些方便的食譜,可幫助您開始定制自己的鐵板燒!
使用《2023 年罐頭和罐頭初學者食譜》充滿信心地進入罐頭和罐頭世界。這本重要指南包含了您開始保存時令風味和延長您喜愛的食物保質期所需的一切信息。這本書包含 100 種彩色食譜,展示了各種保存技術和一系列誘人的口味,對於任何想要保存收穫並品嚐自製美食的人來說都是一本必備書籍。 學習基礎知識:通過易於遵循的說明和專家提示,深入了解罐頭和保存的基礎知識。從選擇最新鮮的食材、了解必要的設備到掌握不同的保存方法,這本食譜將指導您的每一步。樹立信心,製作美味的蜜餞、泡菜、果醬等。 保留季節:通過保留水果、蔬菜和香草在巔峰時期的鮮活風味,捕捉每個季節的精髓。探索頌揚大自然饋贈的食譜,從濃郁的夏季番茄醬到芬芳的秋季果醬和豐盛的冬季蔬菜湯。體驗全年享用時令風味的樂趣。 創意多樣的食譜:用 100 種彩色食譜來擴展您的烹飪技巧,展示醃製食品的多功能性。從甜味到鹹味,探索一系列美味佳餚,如濃郁的酸辣醬、濃郁的調味品、濃郁的水果黃油和芳香香草油。探索新的方法來提升您的膳食質量並給您所愛的人留下深刻的印象。《2023 年罐頭和保鮮初學者食譜》是您保鮮之旅中必不可少的伴侶。本書提供 100 個彩色食譜和全面的指導,幫助您解開食物保存的秘密,享受自製美食的味道。告別食物浪費,迎接充滿美味又營養的自製蜜餞的食品儲藏室。開始您在食品保鮮世界的冒險!立即訂購《2023 年罐頭和保鮮初學者食譜》,踏上保鮮收穫的美味之旅。通過 100 種彩色食譜來激發您的創造力,您將能夠全年品嚐自製蜜餞的味道。不要錯過這個掌握罐頭和保存藝術的機會--立即獲取您的副本並開始保存當季的風味!
WHEN I MET DR. SOONTORN on April 19, 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand, we had a lively discussion about Crete and about my novel, The Lost Disk: Historical Fiction of Suspense (Khanser, 2013). He was captivated by the story. He advised me to write a revised edition for the readers of the world to appreciate the novel better. He suggested that the book must be revised with the title of the book to Decoding the Secrets of Crete. When I was in Crete, I learned that Dr. Soontorn was also visiting Egypt, so I invited him to co-write this revised edition because I believed that his experiences could immensely enrich my work. I was glad that he accepted my invitation. Thus, we became co-authors for this book. We believed that it was the right time to decode the secrets of Crete, as well as the historical facts and events mentioned in the novel. We thus decided to include my novel in this book for our readers' enjoyment. When we embarked on writing this book, it was with the intention to provide the readers with sufficient knowledge and understanding on the historical facts and events mentioned in my novel. We wanted to provide explanations, discussions, insights, and research findings that would shed light on the idea of a lost disk, a codex, that would unlock the secrets of the world famous Phaistos Disk, an ancient treasure of Greece. We also linked the Disk to the lost tomb of Pharaoh Akhenaten that might be located in Crete. Likewise, we presented the story of Kiya, the Secondary Wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten, advancing our theory that she was responsible for the Great Escape of the pharaoh during the Aten Revolt. Kiya secretly brought him to Minoan Crete or the Keftiu Empire of which she was the Empress and where they reigned as rulers of the Keftiu civilization, as the Minoan civilization was then called. Why is there the need for a codex? For those following the developments of the attempts at the decipherment of the Phaistos Disk by scholars all over the world, it is well known that the Disk has strange hieroglyphic symbols stamped on both its sides and the message has not yet been deciphered to this day. The latest scholar to claim that he has cracked the secret of Phaistos Disk is Dr. Gareth Owens and he presented his attempt at decipherment last February 7, 2018 in Crete. We are also formally presenting our own decipherment of the Phaistos Disk in this book. We anticipate that our decipherment will cause a lively debate and that many scholars all over the world will challenge our decipherment. We shall prepare for such a global challenge. Our only proof that our decipherment is correct will be ascertained when we find the lost tomb of Pharaoh Akhenaten in Crete. We believe that he is now ready to be found. We surmise that his burial chamber is being protected by an ancient cult we refer to in the novel as the Cult of the Aten in Crete. Through the millennia, the cult has designated a Guardian as the leader who will ensure that the mummy of the Pharaoh will be kept secret forever. This is because the ancients worshipped the Pharaoh as the representative of the sun god, the Aten, and vowed to protect their god-Pharaoh's mummy from desecration and from tomb raiders. Of course, it is expected that the tomb, once found, will have unimaginable treasures. From our twelve long years of research, we have finally come to an understanding on how to decode the secrets of Crete. Our book will bring our readers to the ancient land of the Keftians (i.e. Minoans, as called by Evans), to Amarna in ancient Egypt, and finally to the Phaistos Palace ruins where the disk was found in 1908 by Dr. Luigi Pernier. A creative non-fiction with a novel inside it, Decoding the Secrets of Crete (Khanser and Piromsartkoon, 2018) is being considered as a forthcoming international film.
冰淇淋甜点有个性。甜奶油从冰冻的勺子中慢慢 滴落,一接触蛋糕或酱汁就会变质。富含乳脂的 奶油吸收香味和味道并将它们带到您的鼻子。任 何冰淇淋接触到的东西都会变得更丰富、更美味、 更深刻。更重要的是,冰淇淋鼓励你活在当下。 它每秒都在融化和变化--你必须注意它,否则 它就会消失。 在这些页面中,您会发现一些可靠的食谱,您 会一遍又一遍地使用这些食谱,并根据季节、菜 单或您的心血来潮进行调整。每款甜点的味道和 质地都非常出色,每款食谱都是专为家庭厨房设 计的。虽然我不会说这本书中的每一个食谱都是 快速和简单的(尽管很多都是),但我会说它们 是我们所能做的最精简的,而且结果确实值得付 出努力。你可以把它们打扮得漂漂亮亮的,这取 决于你如何装盘或搭配哪种冰淇淋。
玉米粥是一道多功能且美味的菜餚,幾個世紀以來一直在意大利美食中受到人們的喜愛。在這本食譜中,我們為您帶來了 100 個令人垂涎的食譜,展示了玉米粥的多功能性,並將您的烹飪技巧提升到一個新的水平。從鹹味到甜味,這本食譜適合每個人。您會發現經典玉米粥菜餚的創意,例如蘑菇和松露油的奶油玉米粥或玉米粥烤寬麵條,以及令人興奮的新食譜,例如玉米粥脆皮雞柳或楓糖漿玉米粥華夫餅。在每個食譜中,您都會發現色彩繽紛的圖像,這些圖像將激發您在廚房中發揮創意。如果您不熟悉玉米粥烹飪,請不要擔心 - 我們提供了有用的提示和技巧來指導您完成每一步。無論您是經驗豐富的家庭廚師還是剛剛入門,這本食譜都是您收藏的完美補充。準備好用美味獨特的玉米粥給您的家人和朋友留下深刻的印象,他們將無法抗拒。
与睡眠模式一样,一致性也是赛前日常饮食和营养的基础。赛前几天的良好营养会提供一些帮助,但在营养不良数周后并不能纠正这种情况。另一个重要问题是赛前的营养。这是一个具体的问题,还有训练强度的高低和跑法的选择,但一定要有扎实的原则。一些跑步者在饱腹时会感到不适。其他人喜欢在比赛或剧烈运动前吃东西。做最适合你的事。建议至少在比赛前 3-4 小时不吃或几乎不吃东西。到目前为止,有必要吃富含碳水化合物的食物:烘焙食品、米饭、面食。大多数跑步者在比赛当天和比赛前夕都能很好地忍受这种食物。一些跑步者试图通过鸡蛋、烘焙食品、肉类等形式获取更多的蛋白质甚至脂肪,但这种食物应该早点吃,因为它的吸收需要更多时间。遵守节制。而且仍然- 实验。在训练前夕或非最重要的比赛前吃一顿不同的饭,看看它如何影响你的结果。养成在比赛或训练课后 4 小时内饮用和补充碳水化合物的习惯。此时,每 30 分钟少量进食一次,每小时每公斤 w8 可消耗约 2 克碳水化合物。这加速了耗尽的糖原储备的恢复,这非常重要,尤其是在长距离比赛之后。比赛或训练时间越长,之后的营养就越重要。这里有一些适合跑步者的超级食物:
油炸玉米粉饼是一种墨西哥菜,由玉米饼组成,主要填充奶酪,有时 还有肉、香料和其他馅料,然后在烤盘或炉子上烹制。传统上,使用 玉米饼,但也可以用面粉玉米饼制成。 一个完整的油炸玉米饼是由两个玉米饼制成的,两个玉米饼之间夹着 一层奶酪。半是一个单一的玉米饼,里面装满了奶酪并折叠成半月形。 油炸玉米饼起源于殖民地墨西哥。多年来,随着人们尝试不同的变化, 油炸玉米粉饼作为一道菜已经发生了变化和演变。 橄榄球 经常在世界各地的墨西哥餐厅出售。
This book is about Maka Kartheiser (Kverenchkiladze), a Georgian author, who lives the life of an immigrant. Living far away from her beautiful homeland, she has faced challenges and the permanent feelings of nostalgia. She shares her thoughts, comparisons of two cultures, and travel diaries to her readers. The book is written in the Georgian language.
用"任何夜晚的塔可之夜"让每晚都成为炸玉米饼之夜。 炸玉米饼是最舒适的食物,通过"日常炸玉米饼",您会发现如何在一周中的每个晚上快速轻松地制作炸玉米饼餐。 有 100 种炸玉米饼、墨西哥卷饼和其他墨西哥风味菜肴的食谱,您会发现各种既美味又易于制作的选择。 无论您是为自己还是为家人做饭,这本食谱都非常适合忙碌的工作日夜晚或慵懒的周末。借助制作完美炸玉米饼的分步说明和有用提示,您将能够制作出令人满意、美味且适合任何场合的餐点。无论您是炸玉米饼爱好者还是只是想寻找快捷方便的餐点,《日常炸玉米饼》都是适合墨西哥风味爱好者的完美食谱。因此,让我们开始做饭,开始享受炸玉米饼可以带来的美味和令人满意的饭菜吧!
火鍋食譜是火鍋世界的綜合指南,包含 100 種美味的奶酪、肉類、海鮮和甜點火鍋食譜。每個食譜都附有一張漂亮的全彩照片,展示了您可以通過這種有趣且互動的烹飪方式獲得的令人垂涎的結果。這本食譜不僅提供了各種各樣的食譜,還包括有關如何正確準備和維護火鍋鍋的有用提示,以及給客人留下深刻印象的創意演示想法。從經典的奶酪火鍋到大膽的鹹味和甜味組合,這本食譜可滿足各種口味。憑藉其易於遵循的說明和令人驚嘆的照片,火鍋食譜是初學者和經驗豐富的火鍋愛好者的終極指南。因此,無論您是在尋找浪漫的兩人晚餐,還是計劃與朋友和家人舉辦有趣的互動派對,這本食譜都能滿足您的需求。
紅薯是一種用途廣泛且營養豐富的塊根蔬菜,可用於從甜味到鹹味的各種菜餚。這本食譜以 100 種美味食譜來頌揚紅薯,它們將愉悅您的味蕾並滋養您的身體。無論您喜歡甜味還是鹹味菜餚,這本食譜都能滿足每個人的需求。從紅薯煎餅和鬆餅到湯、燉菜和咖哩,這本食譜將激發您探索將紅薯融入膳食的多種方式。每個食譜都附有一張彩色圖片,會讓您流口水並激發您嘗試新菜餚的靈感。食譜易於遵循,並附有分步說明,可指導您完成整個烹飪過程。紅薯除了美味之外,還富含營養。它們是纖維、維生素和礦物質(包括維生素 A、維生素 C 和鉀)的極佳來源。有了這本食譜,您可以在享用美味佳餚的同時享受紅薯的健康益處。
欢迎来到一口大小的美食:100 种创意和美味的手指食物食谱!无论您是举办派对、聚餐,还是只是想寻找一种有趣而简单的方式来享受您最喜爱的食物,手指食物都是完美的解决方案。这些开胃菜和小吃体积小,口味重,一定会让您的味蕾愉悦并给您的客人留下深刻印象。我们收集的 100 种食谱包括各种各样的手指食物,从鸡翅和马苏里拉奶酪条等经典美食到更独特和更美味的食物创意菜肴会让您流连忘返。使用这些食谱,您可以轻松制作出适合任何场合的美味且令人难以抗拒的手抓食品。除了提供美味食谱外,这本食谱还包括一些有用的提示和技巧,可轻松娱乐。您将学习如何制作精美诱人的展示品、如何提前做好准备,以及如何充分利用您的空间和资源。我们相信娱乐应该是有趣、轻松和无压力的。通过这本食谱,您会发现令人兴奋的新方法来享受您最喜爱的食物并给您的客人留下深刻印象。让我们开始吧!
如今,人们对烧烤的兴趣空前高涨,当地比赛如雨后春笋般涌现,慢 火熏制的肉类从难以找到的偏远树林棚屋进入修剪整齐的郊区社区。 人们喜欢烧烤,并通过学习如何做来表达这种爱。如果您决定学习这 门手艺,或者即使您一天煮过几次屁股,您可能已经浏览过数以百万 计的博客、论坛、书籍和杂志,这些可供那些想要进行食肉炼金术的 人使用,你可能已经被这一切淹没了。我知道我也是。 如今,烧烤这个词是户外烧烤的同义词,但长期以来,它们被认为是 截然不同的。烧烤和烤肉的历史以及它们之间的联系有时令人困惑, 但历史学家一致同意的一件事是,烤肉源自美洲原住民词 ,这个词指的是一个凸起的木架,用于,除其他外,用 小火长时间烹饪肉类和其他食物。如今,越来越多的人使用燃气或电 烤架来调节火候以进行快速烧烤或慢速烧烤。对木烤架的需求仍然很 高 所有这些不同的方法都可以创造不同的品尝体验,为晚餐时间增添更 多不同的元素。一种常见的烹饪方式是使用烤架,更具体地说是用于 烧烤。以下是这种烹饪方式如何流行起来的。多年来,人们烹饪食物 的方式发生了许多变化,尤其是人们烧烤肉类的方式。烧烤已经从低 效和凌乱变成了当今世界流行和放松的烹饪方法。最初所有的烧烤和 烧烤都是以原木作为唯一的燃料来源。燃烧产生的能量将肉煮熟,木 头冒出的烟和滴落的汁液散发出一种独特的诱人香味,这是烧烤的精 髓。但是用原木做饭很难控制能量和味道,所以今天,
Do You Communicate Well? Only If You Are Speaking Harmoneutically. In an Harmoneutic Culture, members understand the value of camaraderie, that micromanagement is obsolete, that there is a climate of respect and trust, and everyone knows the vision and works to produce and give their best. How is this culture created? It's simple; everyone learns to communicate harmoneutically. In The Harmoneutic Culture, Montage Pheloan equips pastors and musicians with the knowledge and tools necessary to communicate harmoneutically. The Harmoneutic Culture is a MUST read for pastors and musicians. "When pastors and musicians select wisely, miscommunication, micromanagement, and misunderstandings are virtually obsolete and replaced by a well-organized culture of communication, camaraderie and collaboration. 0 - Montage Pheloan
Why do so many people on this planet believe in a divine being? Is it even sensible to believe in one? With increasing progression in human knowledge of the natural world around, there seems little reason to believe in a divine being. With this, the pressure increases on both the agnostic and Christian to abandon their search for the answer. Yet on the other front, the Christian also begins to face the rise of old enemies that once plagued Christian orthodoxy. Similar to its predecessor, this book and its compilation of themed articles addresses the issues in the logic, philosophy and thoughts of Christianity from an analytical point of view. Some of these articles serve to expand and clarify the points raised in its predecessor, and some on completely new topics. Yet unlike the predecessor, this book focuses more on the doctrine and basis of Orthodox Christian beliefs, and how Christians can apply them to everyday life through articles that academic, reflective, and argumentative. Just like 'A Practical Guide to the Logic, Philosophy, and Thoughts of Christianity', this book is the result of a single individual's search for God. It promises to be challenging and thought provoking for the genuinely open-minded and interested. Even so, the articles are meant to be understood by any interested agnostic and Christian with a slow yet provocative push into the basis of Christianity and her doctrines.
準備好使用 食谱 改變您的飲食方式!這本食譜非常適合那些正在尋找富含風味和營養的健康植物食譜的人。通過 100 種原始美味食譜,您會發現一個全新的美食世界,一定能滿足您的味蕾並滋養您的身體。無論您是經驗豐富的生食愛好者還是生活方式的新手,這本食譜都能滿足每個人的需求。從清爽的冰沙和果汁到豐盛的沙拉、美味的湯和令人滿意的主菜,每份食譜都經過精心製作,以展示水果、蔬菜、堅果和種子的天然風味。除了食譜之外,生食革命還包括準備生食的提示和技巧,以及有關生食飲食對健康益處的信息。您將學習如何製作自己的堅果奶和奶酪,讓自己的種子發芽,以及製作無負罪感且令人滿意的美味生甜點。那為什麼還要等?立即購買《生食革命》,開始享受生食生活方式的好處!
家庭廚師都知道,荷蘭烤箱是最原始的慢燉鍋,也是廚房裡最萬能的鍋!從鹹味餐點到甜點,從湯到燉菜,再到完美的燉肉,荷蘭烤箱是您廚房必備的一鍋飯菜。在這本最暢銷的鑄鐵煎鍋食譜的姊妹篇中,作者提供了 100 多種適合各種場合的易於準備的食譜,以及有關如何選擇和保養荷蘭烤箱的完整信息。這個新版本在整本書中都配有全彩照片以及各種美味一鍋飯的美味食譜 通過經典和創意食譜充分利用您的荷蘭烤箱 忘記多餘的鍋子,探索用一個荷蘭烤箱可以製作的所有不同菜餚。這本綜合指南涵蓋了所有基礎知識,從重要的清潔技巧到大量令人垂涎的食譜。 通過以下方式最大化您的荷蘭烤箱:100 種美味食譜--探索簡單的周末晚餐、速食麵包和甜點的多功能係列。綜合指南--了解購買、使用和清潔荷蘭烤箱的細節,以便您在未來的歲月裡享受它。 簡單的原料--享受簡單的荷蘭烤箱食譜和易於找到的原料。
Why do so many people on this planet believe in a divine being? Is it logical to believe in one? There are so many claims by so many religions, so which is real and logical? Religious sects cannot even agree amongst themselves on doctrines, how can there be a One true divine being then? Why do Christians believe this? Can 'evolution' and 'God' co-exist? This book uses logic and modern day examples to explain the numerous questions that may flood atheists, agnostics and Christians alike. As society progresses in the direction of science and technology, logic and scientific validation plays an increasing role in everyday thought processes. In the scientific and logical world, religion, faith, and beliefs get continuously challenged. Many once-faithful Christians may begin to question their Christian beliefs, or get confused on the validity of the numerous doctrines and teachings of various Christian sects. Similarly, the agnostic is thrown into confusion amongst the claims of the many Christian sects on the 'Truth'. On the other end of the spectrum, the hard-core atheist begins to increasingly question the intelligence of these individuals that still believe in some sort of divine being(s). To address these, this book utilizes logical arguments, and expositions of modern day examples in hopes to bring a clearer picture to issues dealing with a divine creator, the search for the truth, and certain issues in Christianity.
What does it really cost to follow Christ? What does it take to Live a successful faith, filled life ? What sacrifice is required to be a doer of the Word? Within these anointed pages, Pastor Nichols answers These very questions by sharing the incredible journey that God brought her through to become one of today's most profound and indomitable Women of faith. Known as Powerful Intercessor, God has shaped and forged Pastor Nichols into one of the fierces prayer warriors in the earth realm.
彈性素食廚房是任何想要探索彈性素食生活方式好處的人的終極食譜。無論您是全職素食者還是只是想減少肉類攝入量,這本食譜都包含適合各種場合的美味且營養豐富的植物性食譜。這本食譜包含 100 種美味食譜,涵蓋了從早餐和早午餐到開胃菜、主菜和甜點的所有內容。每個食譜都經過精心製作,以提供均衡且營養豐富的膳食,同時還提供美味和風味。但這本食譜不僅僅是食譜的集合。它是一種更健康、更可持續的生活方式的指南,這種生活方式優先考慮植物性食物,同時仍允許偶爾放縱一下。從膳食計劃和食物準備技巧到採購可持續食材的建議,彈性廚房 擁有您接受更多植物性飲食所需的一切。無論您是經驗豐富的素食者,還是剛剛開始探索彈性素食生活方式的好處,彈性素食廚房都是您食譜收藏中不可或缺的補充。準備好探索美味又營養的植物性膳食的世界
Maitre de conférences honoraire en sciences de l'éducation de l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, l'auteur met dans ces 385 fiches tout son savoir et savoir-faire expérientiel en ingénierie de formation et ingénierie pédagogique, acquis en plus de trente cinq ans d'activités multiples comme formateur de formateurs.Résolument pratique, ce manuel discourt aussi des savoirs théoriques fondamentaux.Le volume 1, 458 pages, traite de l'ingénierie de formation.Le volume 2, 622 pages, traite de l'ingénierie pédagogique.
Discover the truth about spirituality... In modern society, spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives, and it has many meanings. Spirituality may include a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves (a greater power), and it typically involves a search for meaning to life. Some people describe a spiritual experience as sacred or transcendent or simply a deep sense of interconnectedness. All world religions are fully accepted and integrated into today's politically correct society. Yet, none of them can claim to be truly spiritual. This book aims to bring clarity and define what it means to be spiritual.
RADIAZIONI. FISICA DELLE PARTICELLE: Un libro come biglietto, per un eccitante viaggio nel ventaglio delle radiazioni: elettromagnetiche, corpuscolari, direttamente e indirettamente ionizzanti, percorso nella profondità più ignota della materia, tramite la fisica delle particelle, la chiave per accedere all'arcano scrigno della natura dove risiede la manifestazione invisibile più segreta e divina della creazione. Recito una frase di Enrico Fermi, definito l'architetto dell'era atomica: "Qualunque cosa la natura ha in sé, sia buona o cattiva, gli uomini devono accettarla perché l'ignoranza non è stata mai migliore della conoscenza." POLVERE DI STELLE. RELATIVITà Il libro dei sogni...Da dove veniamo e dove andremo. Cosa esisteva prima dello spazio del tempo e della luce? La nostra mente può "comprendere" un Universo vuoto, buio e illimitato? Come può materializzarsi tutto dal nulla? Ma perché esiste l'universo? Siamo polvere di stelle del Big Bang. Dedicato ai grandi pionieri della relatività .
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