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  • af Francisco Pascual Gonzalez
    477,95 kr.

  • af Juan Antonio Gómez Gutiérrez
    477,95 kr.

  • af Otr/L Ileana S. McCaigue
    452,95 kr.

    A Non-Invasive, Efficient and Effective Sensory Treatment Strategy for Children and Adolescents that Display Atypical Toe Walking. 'Taming Idiopathic Toe Walking: A Treatment Guide for Parents and Therapists' serves as a definitive manual for children and adolescents that display atypical toe walking behaviors. Inspired by the overcoming of toe walking by numerous children during her years of practice, McCaigue's professional expertise and experiences are fused into a vitally powerful resource. TAMING IDIOPATHIC TOE WALKING... is an easy-to-read guide for parents and pediatric, rehabilitation therapists with information on the categories and treatment of atypical toe walking behaviors. This manual explains when toe walking is considered developmentally unusual for a child's age, and idiopathic or done for no known reason. Idiopathic toe walking is often associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, Specific Learning Disabilities, Developmental Delays and other disabilities with sensory processing difficulties, but can occur with typical children, as well. This book serves as a thorough resource for use of an alternative treatment strategy to "calm" the toes, and enable a typical walking pattern in those challenged with this problem behavior. The ultimate goal is the prevention of tendon shortening and resultant limited motions of the ankles and feet from prolonged toe walking that can ultimately lead to the need for injections, bracing or at worst, surgery, to repair the muscular imbalance. TAMING IDIOPATHIC TOE WALKING... provides step-by-step instruction of how to make "Toe Tamers", a unique remediation tool that provides the sensory input that a child or adolescent with idiopathic toe walking needs to overcome this potentially serious problem behavior. A protocol and usage guide is available for: 1) How heavy to make the Toe Tamers, 2) How to apply them, 3) How often they should be worn, and 4) How long to use them to calm the toes. This would enable relaxation of the feet to stand with full weight bearing on the floor with or without socks and shoes. In addition... a HOME Program sheet is included in English and Spanish to instruct parents on the rationale for applying the Toe Tamers, as well as when and how to effectively use them. Additionally, forms are available for logging the impact of the Toe Tamers. A record and graphs are included to track progress on the length of time, as well as the reduction of heel height, as the Toe Tamers effectively help the toes to lower the entire foot onto a flat surface. As the author explains, her book introduces a sensory treatment strategy for idiopathic toe walking that all should consider exploring. "Children with idiopathic toe walking whose feet are always bouncing on their toes, seem to calm their bodies down after their feet are relaxed. If you think about it, when your feet hurt or figuratively scream at you internally, you cannot relax your body. So, it would make sense that by calming the toes and relaxing the feet, that these children's bodies would relax overall, as well! It is by providing the sensory input needed by these children's feet, that their toes can lower and enable a typical pattern of walking. Using a holistic, sensory strategy in lieu of more traditional interventions will give their feet the input needed to help them overcome this problem behavior," says McCaigue. The book is unique in the marketplace due to the author's own successful use of its methods over a lifetime of experience. "I personally implemented the strategies outlined in this book over the past 27 of my 40 years as an Occupational Therapist working with children. I hope this easy-to-make, therapeutic, sensory strategy will help many children with idiopathic toe walking, and prevent the need for surgery or other more invasive treatment techniques. My goal is to help children with the least restrictive, most effective and efficient way to remediate atypical toe walking," McCaig

    452,95 kr.

    This Function Analysis Guide will give you a greater understanding of Function Analysis to the extent that it becomes second nature to those using the Value Methodology to improve their projects, products, and processes. Application of the techniques covered herein will result in better studies and, most importantly, better results.Lawrence D. Miles, the "Father of Value Analysis," stated "the customer wants a function." People want functions, not things. Function Analysis is considered the heart of the Value Methodology (VM), yet many people have difficulty applying its concepts and techniques to their projects, products, and processes. This document provides guidance on the process and application of function analysis, including Function Analysis System Technique (FAST) for practitioners and those who are preparing to become certified through SAVE International(R).

  • af Angela Connelly, Megan McDaniel & Manola Secaira
    277,95 - 357,95 kr.

  • af Sabelo Sam Gasela Mhlanga
    157,95 kr.

  • af F. Maradei
    187,95 kr.

    Desde las sombras más profundas del tiempo antes del tiempo, F. Maradei nos trae una nueva historia, un nuevo mundo, una nueva narrativa al mejor estilo post apocalíptico, pero no al fin de los tiempos sino al inicio de este. Antes de que la historia comenzara a escribirse, deidades antiguas y sus guerreros luchaban por el control y el poder en la tierra. Xaruk, la deidad protagónica de esta nueva historia nos presenta algo nunca visto en la escritura mítica, fantástica y épica de F. Maradei. Más allá del terror, ella nos lleva de la mano por una senda siniestra de horrores inconcebibles por nuestras mentes. Este maravilloso libro está lleno de tanta fantasía y suspenso que te atrapará desde el primer momento en que empieces a leerlo. Es una historia mítica donde te enamorarás de cada personaje y su vida.

  • af Marc St-Germain
    167,95 kr.

    En décembre 1950, un ingénieur canadien du nom de Wilbert Smith, met sur pied un projet d'étude scientifique pour étudier les liens possibles entre le géomagnétisme et la technologie des soucoupes volantes, qui ont été observées par de nombreuses personnes durant ces années-là. Après quatre ans d'étude, Wilbert Smith a été en mesure de découvrir de nombreuses choses grâce aux rapports d'observation et aux témoignages qu'il a obtenus grâce à sa position au sein du ministère des Transports du Canada. En 1960, Smith fait la déclaration suivante au cour d'une émission télévisée: Il y a des évidences à l'effet que les personnes qui ont construit et qui pilotent les soucoupes sont des personnes nous ressemblant. EIles ont été vues à de nombreuses occasions et il y a plusieurs témoins prétendant avoir été en contact avec elles. Des communications avec ces personnes nous apprennent qu'elles sont nos parents éloignés; que nous sommes les descendants de leur colonie sur cette planète et qu'elles nous voient encore comme des frères même si nous n'agissons pas souvent comme tel.Vous retrouverez dans ce livre des documents d'archives démontrant comment les officiels du gouvernement canadien ont traité la problématique posée par les ovnis et la présence extraterrestre depuis le début des années 1950.

  • af Lucie Morin
    197,95 kr.

  • af Carole Lombart
    107,95 kr.

  • af Jeanne Sélène
    92,95 kr.

    A first-read novel for young nature lovers. A tender story of rescue. Written by a speech therapist and validated by a veterinarian.

  • af Luis M Martínez
    397,95 kr.

  • af The Poetry Society of Virginia
    462,95 kr.

  • af Mady Colin-Flohr
    192,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Kim Dare
    252,95 kr.

  • af &1497, &1500, &14, mfl.
    338,95 kr.

    לסיכום, ספר הבישול של הלחם הספרדי הוא חובה לכל חובב לחם שמעונייןלחקור טעמים וטכניקות חדשות. עם 100 מתכונים לבחירה, יש משהו לכלאירוע והעדפת טעם. ספר הבישול שלנו נועד להיות נגיש לאופים בכל רמותהמיומנות, אז אל תיבהל אם אתה חדש בהכנת לחם. עם ההוראות המפורטותוהתמונות המועילות שלנו, אתה תחולל סערה תוך זמן קצר.אז למה שלא תוסיפו קצת ספרד לרפרטואר האפייה שלכם ותגלו את העולםהטעים של הלחמים הספרדיים? בין אם אתם נהנים מפרוסת פאן קון טומטלארוחת בוקר או מתפנקים עם צ'ורוס לקינוח, ספר הבישול שלנו יהיה המשאבהרצוי שלכם לכל מה שקשור ללחם ספרדי

  • af &363, &3621, &3609, mfl.
    361,95 kr.

    สตูว์เป็นอาหารที่อร่อยและปลอบประโลมใจซึ่งเป็นที่นิยมมานานหลายศตวรรษในหลายวัฒนธรรมทั่วโลก โดยทั่วไปจะทำโดยการเคี่ยวเนื้อสัตว์ ผัก และธัญพืชในน้ำซุปหรือซอสที่มีรสชาติ สตูว์เป็นอาหารอเนกประสงค์ที่สามารถปรับแต่งให้เหมาะกับรสนิยมของแต่ละคน โดยมีรูปแบบที่ประกอบด้วยเนื้อสัตว์หรือผักประเภทต่างๆ หรือแม้แต่อาหารทะเล ไม่ว่าคุณจะชอบพริกเผ็ดหรือสตูว์เนื้อแบบคลาสสิก สตูว์เป็นอาหารที่เติมเต็มและอิ่มเอมใจซึ่งเหมาะสำหรับสภาพอากาศหนาวเย็นหรือทุกเวลาที่คุณมีอารมณ์อยากหาอะไรอุ่นๆ ทาน

  • af &1610, &15, &1606, mfl.
    334,95 kr.

    الطبخ الجن8وبي ه8و أس8لوب مطبخ نش8أ في جن8وب الوالي8ات المتح8دة. يتم8يز باس8تخدام مكون8ات مث8ل ال8ذرة والفاص8وليا والبامي8ة والبطاط8ا الحل8وة والك8رنب األخض8ر ، وك8ذلك ً اللحوم مثل لحم الخنزير والدجاج ولحم البقر. يشمل الطبخ الجنوبي أيضا استخدام التوابل واألعشاب ، مثل الكمون والزعتر والمريمية ، إلضافة نكهة إلى األطباق. واحدة من السمات المميزة للطبخ الجنوبي هو تركيزه على الطعام المريح. تعتبر األطباق مثل الدجاج المقلي والبس8كويت والم8رق والمعكرون8ة والجبن من العناص8ر األساس8ية في المائدة الجنوبية ، وغالبًا ما يتم االستمتاع بها كجزء من التجمعات العائلية الكبيرة. ً يتمتع الطهي الجنوبي أيضا بتاريخ طويل من الش8واء ، وال8ذي يتض8من طهي اللحم ببطء على نار الحطب لساعات للحصول على نكه8ة مدخن8ة ولذي8ذة. الش8واء ه8و تقلي8د جن8وبي شهير يختلف حسب المنطقة ، م8ع أنم8اط تش8مل أس8لوب ممفيس وط8راز مدين8ة كانس8اس وأسلوب تكساس. بشكل عام ، يعد الطبخ الجن8وبي احتف8ااًل بالنكه8ات والتقالي8د اإلقليمي8ة ، ال8تي تنتق8ل ع8بر ً أجيال من العائالت والمجتمعات. إنه مطبخ يستمر في التطور ، بينما يظل متجذرا بعم88ق في تاريخه وثقافته.

  • af &1085, &1077, &1083, mfl.
    339,95 - 356,95 kr.

  • af &12540, &12539, &12531, mfl.
    357,95 kr.

    シチューは、世界中の多くの文化で何世紀にもわたって 楽しまれてきた、心のこもった心地よい料理です。それ らは通常、肉、野菜、時には穀物を風味豊かなスープま たはソースで煮ることによって作られます.シチューは、 さまざまな種類の肉や野菜、さらにはシーフードを組み 合わせたバリエーションで、個々の好みに合わせてカス タマイズできる万能な料理です。スパイシーなチリやク ラシックなビーフ シチューのどちらを好む場合でも、 シチューは、寒い季節や、温かくて心のこもった何かを 食べたい気分のときに最適な、満腹感のある満足のいく 食事です。

  • af &940, &957, &924, mfl.
    314,95 - 353,95 kr.

  • af David Treharne
    1.035,95 kr.

    The book seeks to examine why, when other Clubs previously in fan ownership have failed, or changed their ownership/management methods, Exeter City Trust has achieved its relative longevity.

  • af Se Wilson
    102,95 kr.

    TO PLAY IS A PRICE MORE PRECIOUS THAN RUBIESUnlock the Conspiracy of The Eternal Game. The deadly blood and ideological war between Traders and Collectors who aim to harvest children who have God's Grace or known as Nephilem. Learn how a powerful organisation was formed from the ashes of Franco-era Spain, shaping the mysteries of missing children the world over during the 20th Century. Revealed to you pictorially via A6 card illustrations, The Eternal Game introduces you to the magic realism world of S.E. Wilson's series of books.

  • af Ronald Knox
    397,95 kr.

  • af Eugene S. Hunn
    547,95 kr.

    The Aztec empire was established in the Valley of Mexico in the 14th century, eventually dominating a vast region from a base on their island capital city, Tenochtitlán. Hernán Cortés sacked Tenochtitlán for Spain in 1521. Missionary friars arrived soon after to begin the Christianization of the Mesoamerican population. To facilitate their conversion, Franciscan scholars trained the descendants of the Aztec nobility in alphabetic writing. Indigenous students/colleagues soon mastered written Latin and learned to write their native Náhuatl. Fray Bernardino de Sahagún organized a complex ethnographic enterprise employing Indigenous colleagues to compile an encyclopedia of Indigenous Aztec knowledge. This work survived in Spanish translation as the Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva España and was subsequently published with parallel Náhuatl and English texts as the Florentine Codex. Book 11 of the Codex is devoted to "Earthly Things" of which the "Second Chapter, ...telleth of all the different kinds of birds." Over 130 are named and described and illustrated in varying detail. However, establishing the correspondence of these birds with our contemporary ornithological inventory of Mexican birds has been a challenge. The Mexican biologist Martín del Campo published an analysis based on the Spanish version in 1940, and his suggested identifications have been treated as definitive. I have reviewed the evidence in light of contemporary knowledge and offer here a refined analysis of the probable identities of the birds named in the Codex with a detailed rationale. This material offers rich insights into a Mesoamerican traditional natural history.

  • af Olivia Waite
    87,95 kr.

    *This book previously appeared under the title Color Me Bad.*It's been ten years since Hecuba Jones last burgled her way into a darkened house, but how else can she recover the lost paintings of her artist mother? She manages to find the Earl of Underwood's study and the four paintings she's searching for-but just when she is about to make off with her prizes, she is discovered by the earl's sardonic younger brother. John Rushmore has all but given up on his talents as a painter, unable to recapture the passion of earlier days. He is thrilled to have his boredom leavened by the appearance of a redheaded thief-and even more delighted to be introduced to her the following night in an elegant Society ballroom. Miss Hecuba Jones is prickly and suspicious and absolutely irresistible. She's also an inspiration. Before long John finds himself working deep into the night to try and capture the feverish, erotic visions she provokes. Soon, they reach an agreement. John will trade the four paintings she attempted to steal for four portraits of Hecuba herself. Intimate nights and candlelight soon transform artistic pleasures into physical ecstasy-but old family secrets and a blossoming scandal threaten to shatter their fragile liaison.

  • af Joe Apollo
    347,95 kr.

    Mentally Ill, Homeless, Broke and Abandoned.Those were the circumstances facing many of those who found their way to Housing With Help. Memories of Endearing Personalities -- An Illustrated MemoirJoe Apollo is a real estate broker who turned entrepreneur when he accepted a 94-room boarding home in lieu of a real estate commission. The agreement launched him on a twenty year odyssey that would define and give purpose to his life, while affecting the lives of hundreds of low-income, indigent, elderly and handicapped individuals who had fallen between the cracks. And it introduced him to a very special segment of our population that our middle and upper class rarely get to know beyond passing them on the street, much less becoming their friend.Laugh on one page, cry on the next. Be amazed on another. And feel your heart melt when you turn the page again, as you meet Joe's friends with their irresistibly endearing personalities. Follow his journey through twenty years of catching those too-often helpless, ignored and forgotten people who fell through the cracks.Known as Housing With Help, Inc., Richardson House and East Samaria provided a home to 180 of them. Most were living with mental illness, while all were living with life-altering afflictions that challenged their independence. You will get to know them well, and love them as Joe did when you read the 40 vignettes of his fondest and most unforgettable memories of these remarkable individuals, along with his story and philosophy.You will discover a whole new category of friends. The kind of friends who will never be able to get you tickets to the next big game, co-sign a loan for you, or come with you to your next gala.But who will have you discover a corner of your heart you didn't know you had.

  • af Paul Boakye
    87,95 kr.

    No Mean Street is a powerful, physical drama set in the heart of urban street culture. Using explicit language, rap music and dance, and populated with the familiar faces of Raggas, drug dealers, junkies, homeboys and single parents, No Mean Street explodes in enough violence and sexuality to grip the attention of any teenager. Staged close to the audience with graphic and fast-paced direction, using writer Paul Boakye's characters to cleverly explore and destroy the popular prejudices and stereotypes which prevent many teenagers taking the dangers of drugs, unsafe sex, and HIV/AIDS seriously. By following Arlington's fall from arrogant homeboy to abandoned outcast, the audience is made to question their own preconceptions. Was Arlington so cool? ls safe sex such a bad idea? Wasn't he a better father and boyfriend after he accepted his status? If he can get a serious and life-threatening STD, perhaps?

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