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  • af Doctor Joe
    193,95 kr.

    It's Fun to See What Is So Silly About That will bring a smile and a giggle to preschool children, and at the same time, will instill a positive attitude. In the latest book in Doctor Joe's continuing series "It's Fun to," a teacher reads a story to her four- and five-year-old students, saying, "Let's look at each picture. It's fun to see what is so silly about that." In one picture, a girl is coloring with her eyes closed. What Is So Silly About That?A student says, "You can't color with your eyes closed. You can't see what you are doing. That is so silly." Another picture shows a girl trying to smell a flower by holding it up to her ear. What Is So Silly About That? Another student replies, "That's her ear! We use our ears for hearing. Your ear can't smell anything. You must hold the flower to your nose to smell it. That picture is so silly." There are plenty of other humorous examples in It's Fun to See What Is So Silly About That. About The Author: Doctor Joe (Joseph N. DeLuca, MD, PhD) is a retired board-certified clinical psychologist and general practice primary care physician. He has written seven books for adults that enhance psychological health and wellness, and has also published numerous studies in professional journals. The other books in Doctor Joe's children's series are It's Fun to Be Kind, It's Fun to Never Give Up, and It's Fun to Use Your Imagination.

  • af Jr. Kenneth Rogers
    168,95 kr.

    Kenneth Rogers, Jr. combines psychology, the Green Lantern comics characters, and his own personal journey to help survivors of childhood sexual abuse move through the healing process. Using the specific therapy theories of Internal Family Systems and Dialectical Behavior, the author hopes to assist others who suffered abuse in reconnecting with their suppressed emotions, so they can achieve balance in their lives. Rogers uses superheroes to help survivors understand complex psychological theories through his How to Heal Your Inner Superhero series. This is his thirteenth book and the sixth in the series. How to Unite Your Inner Lanterns uses the stories and characters of Green Lantern to help abused survivors gain access to their full spectrum of emotions, and to achieve the balance and introspection needed to become a White Lantern. "In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power, Green Lantern's light." - Green Lantern Oath(About the Author) A native of Peoria, Illinois, award-winning author Kenneth Rogers, Jr. is a secondary English teacher who currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland. "After writing my self-help book, Heroes, Villains, and Healing, I realized there was still more that could be written to help other male survivors. Each comic character (whether hero or villain) could be used to focus on a specific trauma to help other survivors." His next book will be a guide that uses Marvel superheroes, rather than DC, to help survivors heal. Author's website:

  • af Denise Marshall
    133,95 kr.

    The Adventures of Hip Hop is the story of a family of wild bunnies who live in a hole in the woods. The family includes Mommy and Daddy, Grandpa and Grandma, Brothers Edward and Bob, Sisters Alice and Penelope, and Hip Hop, who is the youngest bunny in the family. Hip Hop loves to go on adventures with Grandpa and he is always willing to tag along. One day Hip Hop wakes up and decides she wants a yellow hat with flowers on it. So she and Grandpa set off on a quest in search of flowers for her yellow hat. A heartwarming story about family relationships and a baby bunny who loves life and her family, Hip Hop and the Yellow Hat is the first in the Hip Hop series. Denise Marshall is a 56-year-old mother of three beautiful daughters and the grandmother of three grandsons and a granddaughter. She has worked as a professional dog groomer for 35 years and has owned her own grooming business for 12 years. Denise has participated in wildlife rescue for 5 years. Hip Hop was one of the baby bunnies she received from a rescue. And she was unusual because she refused to eat unless Denise was talking to her. Therefore, she made up the stories of Hip Hop's adventures to share with the real Hip Hop to get her to eat. Publisher's website:

  • af Green
    298,95 kr.

    In the infinite voids of space, time had no meaning. No today. No yesterday. Suddenly, a gargantuan explosion tore through this nothingness. This caused the universe to be conceived and it spawned Leaffe, a supernatural being. She oversaw the creation of the universe and the creation of planets. On one planet, Zula, the people had advanced to such an extent that they overpopulated the planet by banning religions and the concomitant wars. This increased greenhouse gasses through the overuse of industry and the planet was heading for self-destruction. A space station, Haven, was built to house a select group, so their race would survive. When aliens, led by Shaitan, attacked the space station, Leaffe intervened. She helped a group of children to escape in the newly built spaceship Ark, which had been built on Haven using green technology. The crew on Ark travelled in D-stasis cocoons and did not age. This allowed Leaffe to take the Ark to a solar system many light-years away. Using the Ark's advanced technology, Leaffe subtly persuaded them to change the orbit of a planet closer to the sun, creating planet Earth. By leaving their cocoons only for short periods, they were able to observe and take part in the evolution of Earth from the dawn of the dinosaurs to Homo sapiens. Three of them stayed with the sapiens, but Shaitan arrived, with devastating consequences. The Ark returned thousands of years later, finding some frightening facts about Shaitan and that there was more than one Mitochondrial Eve.

  • af Ajc Green
    398,95 kr.

    In the infinite voids of space, time had no meaning. No today. No yesterday. Suddenly, a gargantuan explosion tore through this nothingness. This caused the universe to be conceived and it spawned Leaffe, a supernatural being. She oversaw the creation of the universe and the creation of planets. On one planet, Zula, the people had advanced to such an extent that they overpopulated the planet by banning religions and the concomitant wars. This increased greenhouse gasses through the overuse of industry and the planet was heading for self-destruction. A space station, Haven, was built to house a select group, so their race would survive. When aliens, led by Shaitan, attacked the space station, Leaffe intervened. She helped a group of children to escape in the newly built spaceship Ark, which had been built on Haven using green technology. The crew on Ark travelled in D-stasis cocoons and did not age. This allowed Leaffe to take the Ark to a solar system many light-years away. Using the Ark's advanced technology, Leaffe subtly persuaded them to change the orbit of a planet closer to the sun, creating planet Earth. By leaving their cocoons only for short periods, they were able to observe and take part in the evolution of Earth from the dawn of the dinosaurs to Homo sapiens. Three of them stayed with the sapiens, but Shaitan arrived, with devastating consequences. The Ark returned thousands of years later, finding some frightening facts about Shaitan and that there was more than one Mitochondrial Eve.

  • af M. A. Schueler
    198,95 kr.

    Penny loves visiting the beach with her owner. Actually, this little West Highland Terrier loves going on all kinds of adventures. At the beach, she meets three new friends and this strange friendship leads to some unexpected consequences.Join Penny on her adventure as she learns that straying too far from home, even with friends, can be frightening.M.A. Schueler is a retired school nurse who currently works as a licensed real estate agent in South Carolina. Penny the Beach Westie is based on the adventures of her own Westie.

  • af Ignacio L. Gotz
    323,95 kr.

    The Law As Pedagogue: Second Edition presents a view of the law as a dimension of human becoming. It is a sustained argument for legal practitioners to model the beauty of the law. Rather than emphasize the law as the rules and regulations of society, or even as the sphere of the judiciary, the goal is to understand the law as essential to a fully human life. An effort is also made to show how this view can be fostered by the law itself and all its practitioners. The obstacles to this view are: A romantic vision of a mythic past without law.The lure of anarchism.The positivism prevalent among practicing attorneys and jurists.The view that the most important thing is not to be lawful but moral.Fundamentalists striving to re-sacralize the law. Against these views, the book argues that there is a deeply spiritual dimension of even secular law, which we must appropriate to ourselves. Given the social upheavals of the past few years, this book carries an important message of reform as well as an encouragement to lead fully human lives within the law. (About the Author) Ignacio L. Götz was born in Caracas, Venezuela, where he lived until he was fifteen years old. "Then I traveled to Spain, lived in India for thirteen years, and have resided in the United States since 1964. Currently I live in Point Harbor, North Carolina." The author was ordained a priest in 1962 and taught at Hofstra University for thirty-five years. Now retired, he spends his time writing and traveling. This is his twenty-fourth book.

  • af Ben Clement
    308,95 kr.

    Synopsis: Oliver dreams of being a superhero, but fears it's utterly impossible because he's shy, small, and basically afraid of his own shadow. To make matters worse, he is bullied relentlessly by Devonte, a boy in his fourth grade class who is much bigger. Thankfully, his teacher finds a way to end the bullying once and for all. The role-playing exercise she creates transforms the classroom into a world of make-believe, where the bullies are sheep and kids like Oliver are wolves. Lessons are learned when the tables are turned, and Oliver becomes the biggest, baddest wolf of them all. About The Author: Ben Clement is retired and lives in Gary, Indiana. "This is my fifth book with two more already in progress. My next book will be another children's book titled Walking 'The Talk.' It's a critical primer for parents and teachers who have to give lifesaving advice for Black kids to survive police encounters." That will be followed by the urban romance novel Milo Brown Slept Here. "I am attempting my second retirement and enjoy writing full-time now. That's fortunate, because I've got about a billion screenplay, stage play, novel, and children's book ideas."

  • af Gary J. Spack
    178,95 - 298,95 kr.

    313,95 kr.

    أهنئ عندى برهان ولدى قرقيس على كتابه عالي الجودة والغني بالمعلومات الذي لديه ليسر فقط ميزة تحديث معلومات الوضع السياسي في إرتريا، وانما ايضاً كونه يطرح الأسئلة ذات الصلة بمستقبل بلده الرائع. وهو يفعل ذلك بلباقة وبأسلوب موفق، يساعده على ذلك خبرته الطويلة كمناضل من أجل الحرية كموظف حكومي كبير، وكسفير، فضلاً عن خبرته الغنية بأفريقيا. من حق كل دولة في إفريقيا ان تكون قادرة على تحديد مستقبلها بنفسها. ومسائل الحرية والمسؤولية وحق تقرير المصير والتضامن تشكل الأفكار الرئيسية للرؤية الجديدة للتعاون الدولي الذي سيساعد على ضمان استدامة عملية التنمية. الحاجة الآنية العاجلة لإنشاء حكومة ديمقراطية تتكرر كثيراً في جميع أجزاء الكتاب. الحكم الرشيد واحترام حقوق الإنسان ومبادئ الديمقراطية وسيادة القانون هي قيم عالمية أساسية تدعمها. عندبرهان وأحد من هؤلاء الرجال من أصحاب الرؤى المنفتحين على الحوار والإصلاح والتغيير. وكتاب إرتريا على مفترق الطرق هو المفتاح لفهم التحديات التي تواجه إرتريا وأفريقيا. إنه يفتح العيون على أزمة معقدة وغير مفهومة تتفاقم في قارة إفريقيا وتمسك بتلابيبها. يوفر الكتاب أساسًا فكريًا متينًا لفهم المنطقة ويمنح نقطة بداية رائعة لأي شخص يريد بناء مستقبل أفضل لأفريقيا. أهنئه على هذا الكتاب الأكثر قيمة، والذي يجد مكانه بين جميع عشاق أفريقيا.لويس ميشيلعضو البرلمان الأوروبي، المفوض الأوروبي للتنمية والمساعدات الإنسانية (2004-2009) ووزير خارجية بلجيكا (1999-2004( مقاتل من أجل الحرية وأكاديمي ومحافظ البنك المركزي ودبلوماسي، والآن يعيش غير سعيد في المنفى، لا يمكن لأحد أن يكون في وضع أفضل من عندبرهان ولد قرقيس لتتبع انزلاق إرتريا المؤلم من الانتصار إلى مأساة تراجيدية. إنها قصة مروعة لكن المؤلف يرويها في هذه الدراسة الممتازة بشكل شامل وموضوعي وبوضوح. صحيح انه يمكن إنقاذ المستقبل، كما يوضح عندبرهان ولكن فقط إذا تم فهم الماضي ومواجهة الحاضر من خلال تصرف إرتري لائق ومهتم مع توفر الدعم المعنوي والسياسي والاقتصادي من المجتمع الدولي الأوسع. آمل أن يسمع صوته.غاريث إيفانزمستشار الجامعة الوطنية الأسترالية؛ رئيس، مجموعة الأزمات الدولية (2009-2000) ووزير خارجية أستراليا (1988-1996)

  • af Arnold De Vos
    123,95 kr.

    This collection of contemporary verse by Arnold de Vos reflects on his experiences as an international migrant poet. Deeply moving, the poems reflect on the human experience and the relationship of man with his environment and with God.In the author's own words:The virtually conflicting rapport with the reader often causes me to escape into remote ages and cultures, in which the poets dealt with issues that are consonant with mine: the homoerotic relation, the transposition of the bipolar tension in the man-God relationship.Particularly fascinated by the Sufi poetry of Arabian-Persian derivation, I have attained an understanding of the Middle-Eastern world by assimilating the writings of Annemarie Schimmel, the refined Islamologist departed in 2003. Years spent in Tunisia have contributed to my cultural enrichment as a poet who wholeheartedly prizes poverty in all of its forms as the only means for sublimating the ills of the individual and of the world.Born in Holland, Arnold de Vos lived for many years in Tunisia and currently resides in Italy. He has written in Dutch, English and French, and now his poems spring forth in Italian. Nakedness Is Your Priestly Robe is a prolific and almost automatic outpouring from his soul.

  • af Bud Seligson
    213,95 kr.

    Nostradamus, the popular name for Michel de Nostradame, was a 16th-century physician, astronomer, and astrologer. He is best remembered as the prophetic writer of predictions of the future that quite often came to pass. Nostradamus: Time Traveler takes us back in time to meet some of history's most famous and influential figures. Encounter Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Genghis Khan, and Alexander the Great, as they negotiate bloodthirsty battles, sexual affairs, and the ultimate power struggles. For every famous name in the book, readers will witness the event or challenge they had to overcome in order to be solidified in history. Nostradamus becomes an eyewitness to these historical events, both past and future, and then travels back to his own time in 16th-century France, where he pens his accurate predictions. With one foot planted in history and the other in science fiction, Bud Seligson writes an entertaining tale that will captivate both history buffs and those fascinated with time travel. Discover how one action can affect so much more with truly rippling effects.

  • af Bronwyn Heeney
    168,95 kr.

    There is a farm way out in the countryside that has all the normal things a farm has -- land, trees, fields, a family and an assortment of animals. But what's unusual about one of these animals -- a goat named Nibbles -- is that he'll eat anything! Goats are known for chewing this and chewing that, but Nibbles devours everything -- from grass to car parts! Nibbles' best friend is a young boy who loves the fact that his goat will eat anything, but his Mom and Dad aren't too keen on the fact. Mom and Dad are determined to make sure Nibbles stops eating the things he shouldn't. How will they keep Nibbles from nibbling everything in sight? Bronwyn Heeney writes a delightful story filled with colorful, charismatic characters and whimsical narration that is certain to be a favorite among toddlers. Bronwyn Heeney has been a writer for over 30 years. Ms. Heeney is currently working on her second children's book and lives with her family in Australia. Publisher's website:

  • af Steven Herzman
    308,95 kr.

    In book two of this enthralling science fiction series, the Thalin brothers and their families must survive battles raging around their walled city. Their continuing family saga began in book one, To Rule a World. This story begins as the brothers have just settled into a peaceful period when a new threat arises, and the search for a culprit is unsuccessful. In a lesson for the young, these are the words of wisdom: "Druids and wizards are different as night and day in philosophy but are similar in abilities. One is really no different than the other in battle, but in healing and life in other times the druid has the advantage." In a twist of fate, a Thalin grandchild named Christof is able to wield a sword that could not be held by anyone else. Does this mean that peace can be restored in their world of Dracos? (About the Author) Born in New York City, Steven Herzman moved to Florida when he was young, and now resides in Spring Hill, Florida. A bladesmith by trade, the author makes tools and products from steel and iron. "This is the second book of the first series. The Saga of Dracos is from the viewpoint of the Thalin family. There will also be spinoffs from the first book to give the tales of the other races." He hopes to write a total of twelve volumes.

  • af G. V. Loewen
    183,95 kr.

    Philosophy/Ethics The 'sacrifice of the intellect' is today mostly either a convenience or a contrivance. The marketeer assuages the consumer by her own feigned idiocy, the parish pirate invites the listless into his own fraudulent faith. It is exceedingly rare, in my estimation, to discover an authentically latter-day saint. But the ignominious fate of faith in our own time is mimicked by the corresponding downfall of reason, which in its turn is mostly used to calculate social control, warfare, or at best, economic trends. Could it be, for the first time in the history of human consciousness, that both reason and faith, in the face of their respective sacrifices, need one another more than ever, the separated siblings and estranged lovers that they are? That we live inside the question of our own existence should not be seen as a too-cunning conundrum, generating only misery and angst, pathos and melancholy. Rather it is the very thrownness of being which we are; resolute in our being-ahead, caring in our anxiety, concernful in our running along. Who better to respond to such a question that, though it bears the historicity of existence alone, marks us in our essence with a history of ontology that is shared and which constitutes our specific nature? (From the book) "Though it is not directly a part of my job as a critical philosopher, offending as many people as possible as succinctly as possible is a commonplace effect of my work." So Loewen opens 'The Return of the Martyr,' a wickedly funny and equally perceptive critique of the moral panics surrounding the issue of gender identity and other fashionable faux pas. And this is merely one of the over twenty singularly insightful essays collected here for the first time. Nothing is beyond a reasoned and rational reproach, and each piece serves as a role model for the rest of us to take up the torch of a truly transformative ethics." (From the publisher)

  • af Dennis Knotts
    208,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Brenda Stubbs Lawrence
    298,95 kr.

    Bitter/Sweet: Surviving the Struggle Within describes my efforts to face the fears and pain of love and self-love, sickness and health, death and spirituality, and forgiveness. It also expresses my hope to find the answers to life's questions. First I had to acknowledge self, because without self-acknowledgement, every obstacle will magnify. In understanding what makes me tick and how my past could hold me back, I learned to love myself, which allowed me to find true love. Bitter poisons that once flowed through my veins, are now replaced with the sweet taste of honey. My agonies, frustrations, and pain took me on one excursion after another. The only true journey toward growth and fulfillment is tunneling through the many avenues of self. I had to go within before I could move forward. I had to master this expedition. No matter what I seek, everything I need is already inside me. Am I important enough to myself to go within and search for what I want and need? It is what I choose to accept about my life that will make it "Bitter" or "Sweet." And I realize that I am not alone. Everyone experiences pain and discord. I hope my words reach others so they too can rejoice. I have learned to celebrate the child within to overcome past hurts and all the old "Bitter/Sweet" experiences. This chronicles where I have been, where I am today, and what I have accomplished. (About the Author) First-time author Brenda Stubbs grew up in Ohio, as one of eight children in a home with no running hot water, an outhouse, and a potbelly coal stove. She is now a life coach.

  • af Chad Lynch
    348,95 kr.

    Enter the land of Sarvania, where all is well until a great earthquake unleashes from an underground tomb the ancient evil of a vampire emperor. Sworn to take revenge against those responsible for his imprisonment, the emperor unleashes his army of demons and vampires against the people of Sarvania, covering the land in darkness. But with his return, a prophecy is being fulfilled. Thorn, a child born with the mark of the mighty dragon, will one day grow up and learn to wield the mighty Blade of Shovac. Thorn will lead the Sarvanian army against the vampire emperor and his demons. Thus the fantasy adventure Thorn and the Blade of Shovac takes flight. Along with his companions and other mystical creatures from across the land, Thorn must find the strength to wield the mighty sword and destroy the evil of the vampire threat.Author Bio : Inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien, Chad Lynch's next book is a sequel titled Thorn and the Eye of Shadizar. He lives in Oakland City, Indiana.

  • af Monika Rossa Wheatley
    208,95 kr.

    Eight-year-old Jason isn't happy at all with his birthday present from his aunt.Why would she give him an old, ugly stuffed animal? Jason is very disappointed and later that day, he finds an old mysterious coin wedged in a crack of his bedroom floor. On the coin, is a figure that begins to speak to Jason. Czar is a wise man who regales Jason with fascinating stories of historical significance, including ones of his family from several generations past, as well as a very important family secret.What connection does the coin have to his aunt's gift and what lessons does Jason learn about the true value of giving?This charming tale, based loosely on real-life events, expertly captures the importance of valuing friendship and family above the temporal and tangible. Wheatley's Jason and the Golden Coin incorporates exciting stories about past wars and revolutions with important concepts about gratitude, respect, and forgiveness. Young readers will eagerly anticipate the next sequel to Jason's adventures.Monika Rossa Wheatley is a writer and artist. Ms. Wheatley is currently writing a series of Jason books and lives in Tucson,

  • af Charles Kisembo
    148,95 kr.

    Political upheaval in Munuka degenerates into a gruesome insurgency between the People's Revolutionary Army (PRA) and the government forces. The loss of lives and countless attempts on the lives of survivors define the daring novel, The Seeming End of Hope. Some things in life are hard to imagine. None of the survivors of this conflict ever imagined that victory would come their way. The story intertwines life and death in a balance where the emphasis is more on the side of death, hence the title of the book. (About the Author) Charles Kisembo was born in 1959 at Kahunge, Tooro Kingdom, presently the Kamwenge District in western Uganda. He attended primary at Bishop Balya School Kyabenda. In 1974, he joined Nyakasura School. He obtained bachelor's and master's degrees in history at Makerere University. In 2007, he earned a master's degree in defence studies at Kings College London (KCL). He has 38 years of military experience and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Warnborough College, Ireland.

  • af Laura Ann
    393,95 kr.

    Math teacher Michael Carter is not a happy man. His daughter, Jessica, has gone missing. Then his wife dies from Hodgkin's Disease. Alone and depressed, he doesn't believe he can ever love another woman. Michael must overcome obstacles if he is ever to find happiness again. At the beginning of the new school year at Primrose Junior Secondary School in Halifax, Nova Scotia, a girl named Elizabeth is in Michael's math class. She can't get along with anyone. Like Michael, she is also unhappy and seems troubled. Teased by other students, Elizabeth has a poor home life. She is removed from her family and placed in a foster home. Michael's life is starting to take a turn for the better. He meets a woman named Alison at a local coffee shop and they share some fun adventures. But she has troubles of her own, suffering in an abusive marriage. The two fall in love, and then something strange happens ...Author Bio : First-time author Laura Ann lives in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada. When not spending time with her family and enjoying music, she is working on her second novel, The Perfect Sister.

  • af Mel Stave
    183,95 kr.

    What do you get when an inquisitive and trusting brown field mouse meets a small, brash green caterpillar eating machine? An unlikely but lasting friendship! How Harry Found the Meaning of Friendship is a sweet children's book with creative illustrations that tells the tale of two active and energetic creatures, each with their daily agendas to gather food and survive. What will they learn from each other-from life-from friendship?There's Harry, the mouse whose daily routine includes collecting seeds and berries. On his outing to collect his fill, he accidentally discovers Fluffy-one hungry and busy caterpillar whose sole function is to eat and grow, until morphing into a butterfly.The story takes the reader through the happiness of discovering and forming a new friendship, to the sadness and desperation of losing that friend, and finally to the joyous reuniting of friends with the realization of finding the true meaning of friendship.Author Mel Stave was born in Kansas City, Missouri and moved to Southern California in 1960. He has been a teacher and educator since 1975. He is currently the coordinator for the Communications Technology Magnet Center at Ulysses S. Grant High School in the Los Angeles Unified School District. He resides in Calabasas, California with his wife, Karen, and their dog, Sparkie.

  • af Victoria Meye
    183,95 kr.

    Synopsis:Jaws of Death is as profoundly enthralling as it is nerve-racking. While a piece of literary ingenuity, it draws from the ossified facts of the history of the aggrieved people of former British Southern Cameroons through the lens of a returning academician. The brilliance of the novel shines from the author's ability to feed the mind with uncanny palpability; the ABCs of the historical aberration that led to the conflict in Cameroon as she faces the destiny of identifying the soul of the nation. The novel is an 'unputdownable' piece, and reads like a beautiful symphony; the gory details notwithstanding. This is a must-read piece." - Lambert Mbom, critical thinker and professional journalist Jaws of Death is a dramatic narrative sodden with suspense, the family saga of an expectant husband with his young son, waiting for his wife to arrive from abroad just to receive her call from jail. The emotional and psychological trauma so devastating, that, if literary writing was to address topicality, this would be it. A great narrative, really great, heart-throbbing, powerfully engaging, deeply enthralling and exhilarating." - JK Bannavti, author of Leopard Watch, Rock of God, and The Reapers & Freed into Jail (About the Author) Born in Cameroon, Victoria Meye holds bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D. degrees in African literature from the University of Yaoundé I, and a diploma in education from Higher Teachers' Training College Yaoundé, Cameroon. An educator, literary critic, and child advocate, Meye taught African Oral Literature, Literature of the African Diaspora, and African Literature of the Postcolonial Society in the Department of African Literature and Civilizations at the same university. Her areas of interest include African Oral Traditions, Gender and Feminist Literature, Cultural Studies, Eco-culture, and Multidisciplinary Studies.

  • af L C J Emery
    158,95 kr.

    A novel for our times: Fax and His Adventures to Prevent Climate Change. The world needs a hero ... The world needed someone that is strong. Someone that is assassination proof. Someone to tell the leaders of the world the truth and wouldn't lie or be manipulated. The world needed someone to take what it was causing the climate to change and stop it before it got out of control. The world needs Fax. Helped by an assistant professor named Kyle, Geology Professor Woodrow Malarky, and Methie, a conscious being who lives at the heart of the Earth, Fax determines that intelligence shouldn't be allowed to destroy intelligence. After all, that wouldn't be very intelligent, would it? (About the Author) A native of Bristol, England, L C J Emery has ideas to help the world. "What inspired me to write this book is my frustration with the world's attempt to combat climate change. I said to my daughter what is needed is a modern-day avenger to fight climate change. So, I thought Fax could do it."

  • af Monika Rossa Wheatley
    138,95 kr.

    Jason and the Poetry Contest is the second children's book in a series. The first story was Jason and the Golden Coin. Eight-year-old Jason and his friends are excited about a poetry contest at their school. Two of Jason's friends, Alice and Diana, enter the contest. But Diana cheats by stealing an idea, and wins the big prize, which is a trip to Disneyland. Jason is a close observer and discovers with help from the Czar, his friend and mentor from the first book, that a lie took place during the contest. Partly due to Jason, the truth comes out that Alice would have won the trip if the competition was fair. Diana confesses to cheating, and realizes that her first choice between right and wrong was the wrong choice. It turns out both girls get to go to Disneyland, because Jason and the Poetry Contest is also about forgiveness. Author Bio:Monika Rossa Wheatley is a fine artist, writer, and a mother of five grown children. She lives with her husband in Tucson, Arizona. Publisher's website:

  • af Toni Allen
    148,95 kr.

    Let's boldly approach the Throne Room and talk to God about what He loves to hear . . . His Word! This 32-day book of prayers will get you on the path of speaking Heaven's language. Once you learn and understand how to pray the Word of God, you will never again get tired, bored, or not have enough to talk to God about. The book will change your mindset on how you relate to your Heavenly Father. It will expand and deepen your spiritual intimacy with Jesus through praying His Word. As believers, we are God's legal representatives on Earth; therefore, it is our heavenly duty to speak and release some of heaven's goodness into history. This means that our language must not be the same as the world if we desire to make an impactful difference in the world! The Word of God is powerful, and it will penetrate and pierce every force of darkness. The Lord's Word is forever established in Heaven; it is up to believers to establish it on Earth! Let's partner with God and put our voice to the Word of God and watch Him come for His Word! (About the Author) Toni Allen is a servant of the Most High God, an Evangelist, a radio and TV host, founder and CEO of Lord, Make Me a House of Prayer Ministries, and the author of Lord, I Shall be a House of Prayer! She is also an administrative manager for the City of Cleveland, Ohio.

  • af Steve Moultrie
    148,95 kr.

    Some lessons can only be learned in a storm! Under the conviction of the Holy Spirit, author Steve Moultrie shares in intimate detail the collapse of his family automobile dealership and the painful broken relationships that ensue. He vividly details the depth of his pain so that readers can fully appreciate the sustaining nature of God's grace and hope available through a relationship with Jesus Christ. All of us are either in the midst of a storm or very close to someone who is. This book provides practical measures to survive a storm and grow! (About the Author) Steve Moultrie was born and raised in Albertville, Alabama, and now lives in nearby Guntersville. His inspiration for writing this book: "As Christians, we are called to use our pains to further the Kingdom, no matter how difficult it is to share."

  • af G. V. Loewen
    168,95 kr.

    Education, Philosophy This is a book very much of the moment. It presents a third way of teaching ethics for a modern world rife with the forces of suppression. Critiquing both neo-conservative and "neo-liberal" fashions, it puts forward in their place a pedagogy inspired by art and based on interpretation theory, dialogue, and dialectic. A Pedagogy for the Suppressed encompasses the broadest and deepest issues of our times, linking them to an authenticity that includes a basic understanding of the historical mutability of human "nature." "Written as if the author were addressing the reader in an intimate series of five dialogues, the book reads as a discussion. References are kept to a minimum and philosophical distinctions are explained in plain language. No person with a high school education would be puzzled by the literacy level. Examples are taken from the author's extensive and varied fieldwork amongst historical reenactors, the dying or death-defying, UFO believers and cult members, and his three-year work with families and teens as an ethics consultant. In short, philosophy engages reality in the context of a more authentic experience of both teaching and learning." - Lynn Eddy, VP of Acquisitions, Strategic Book Publishing

  • af Maureen Julie McGrath
    158,95 kr.

    Baxter Bunny's Special Pie is a charming tale of honesty and of learning lessons from your mistakes.The book begins: Mama Bunny had been baking all day. The fair was tomorrow, and her pies were always winners. This year she was entering her famous strawberry pie. All the bunnies in the land agreed. Mama's pie would win again.But there was someone who didn't want Mama to win. Down the road lived Baxter Bunny.He was always trying to beat Mama in the baking contest but never could. His pies could never come close to Mama Bunny's pie. This is going to be the year I am going to find a way to beat Mama in the contest, no matter what I have to do, thought Baxter.Since Baxter's pies can't compete with Mama Bunny's pies, how can he possibly win? He decides to steal hers and submit it at the fair as his own. Baxter is in for a surprise! He learns the hard way not to take what's isn't yours. About The Author: This is the fourth book by Maureen Julie McGrath and her third book for children. She grew up in Granada Hills, California, and now resides in Ventura, California. She says, "I'm passionate about anti-bullying and writing books with wonderful moral messages, which children need now more than ever."

  • af Steve Rogers
    213,95 kr.

    Tom Ryan Jr. is locked up in the Alzheimer's Unit of Peaceful Harbor Nursing Home. His father, Tom Ryan Sr., died on the 8-by-10-foot Astro Turf in the recreation room of the same nursing home. Sadly, Tom Sr. passed along the Alzheimer's gene to his son, who also wheels himself to that very same plastic green turf every day, as he goes through the identical transformation his father did. Tom Jr. believes his only lucid thoughts about people, places, and stories are about his life on the golf course. Still Lost is a story filled with sarcasm, yet at the same time it is tragic, dark, and redemptive. It tells of the lonely ride taken by the Alzheimer's-afflicted narrator. The author wrote this novel as a sequel to Lost in Love Grass, published in 2010. He has also written a trilogy of children's books: Bogey the Wonder Squirrel, Dogs Can Fly, and The Miracle of Helen the Rabbit. (About the Author) Retired from the insurance industry, Steve Rogers grew up in the small coastal town of Tiverton, Rhode Island. He now resides in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts. "I use both locations in my book, but not the actual names of the towns. It is my fifth book published by Strategic."

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