Bag om Sacraments and the Mystery of Christ
THE SACRAMENTS are part of everyday Christian life, and
in this book Fr Francis Selman looks beyond the signs
and symbols to reveal the underlying theology of the
sacraments as an encounter with Christ. He shows how
the sacraments are the means by which a Christian is
incorporated into the life of the Church and ultimately
into the life of the Trinity itself. Fully up to date with
recent insights, it is nonetheless rooted in the thought of
St Thomas Aquinas and the Fathers of the Church.
'The Church receives and at the same time expresses
what she herself is in the seven sacraments, thanks to
which God's grace concretely influences the lives of the
faithful, so that their whole existence, redeemed by
Christ, can become an act of worship pleasing to God.'
- Pope Benedict XVI, Sacramentum Caritatis
Fr Francis Selman is a lecturer, course book writer and
tutor at Maryvale Institute in Birmingham. He is also Dean
of Philosophy at Allen Hall Seminary, and Director of
Studies at the School of Evangelisation at St Patrick's,
Soho Square in London. Fr Selman has published widely
on subjects in theology and philosophy, including
A Guide to the Eucharist also available from Gracewing.
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