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  • af James (James Allen ) Allen
    62,95 kr.

    Allen's practical philosophy of successful living has awakened millions to the discovery and perception of the truth that "they themselves are makers of themselves". Building on the Bible verse. "As a man thinketh, so he is", Allen insists that it is within the power of each person to form his own character and create his own happiness.

  • af Sri Ramana Maharshi
    105,95 kr.

    Ramana Maharshi was one of the most significant spiritual teachers to emerge from India. This title presents a collection of conversations between him and the many seekers who came to his ashram for guidance. It contains the essence of his teaching.

  • - Find livet i dig selv
    af Nina Bentzon-Ehlers
    231,95 kr.

    Tænd lyset! Der er intet vigtigere, vi kan gøre som mennesker end at tænde lyset. I vores eget liv og i andre menneskers liv. At tænde lys og udvide sin bevidsthed er tvungent pensum for alle sjæle. I denne bog får du praktiske redskaber til selvudvikling, der virker. Og masser af inspiration fra andres personlige beretninger. Lær om mindfulness, meditation og spirituel astrologi. Og lær om børneopdragelse med sund fornuft og holistiske redskaber.”Jeg elsker at høre eller at læse andre menneskers livshistorie. Især hvis den er fortalt på en sådan måde, at den har noget at sige os alle på et højere spirituelt plan. Det har Nina Bentzon-Ehlers livskloge bog, der udover at indeholde et væld af visdom også er velskrevet og spændende. Jeg anbefaler den hermed på det varmeste.”- Lars Muhl, forfatter til bl.a. "Seeren fra Andalusien" og "Maria Magdalena".

  • - At virkeliggøre bevidsthedens væsen gennem ordløs bøn og meditativ fordybelse
    af Jes Bertelsen
    207,95 kr.

    Alle kender det at ligge en sommerdag ved stranden uden at tænke, stille krav, nære forventninger, gøre sig bekymringer eller lægge planer. Man sover ikke – man er vågen i de korte, livsalige øjeblikke. Faktisk er ens jeg midlertidigt suspenderet.Tilstanden er meget lig det, man kan opnå ved ordløs bøn og meditativ bevidsthedsfordybelse. Forskellen er, at den første oplevelse er glimtvis, mens den sidste er en vedvarende tilstand.NUETS HIMMEL er en vejledning i opnåelsen af denne gyldne tilstand. Processen er tidskrævende, men kan læres af alle.

  • - Kickstart din strandform på 28 dage
    af Anne Bech
    43,95 - 164,95 kr.

    Bliv bikiniklar på 28 dage!Vi vil alle gerne være den bedste udgave af os selv, ikke mindst når sommeren nærmer sig, og det snart er bikinitid igen. I BIKINI BOOTCAMP får du en komplet 28-dages træningsplan, der gør vinterkroppen sommerklar på rekordtid.Planen er baseret på Anne Bechs helt egen FIT-metode med enkle, men effektive øvelser, der kan laves på stuegulvet, hotellet eller stranden, og med masser af gode kostråd og lækre opskrifter på velsmagende og slankende bikinimad.I forhold til Annes tidligere bog, Guide til gudindekrop, er skruen strammet en smule, for det kræver en ekstra indsats at komme i bikiniform på 28 dage. Men når du først har fået kickstartet strandformen, vil det være det hele værd. Og forhåbentlig vil dine nye, sunde vaner sidde fast – de kan nemlig sagtens fungere side om side med et glas koldt vin på terrassen eller en dejlig is på ferien.

  • af Julia Cameron
    165,95 kr.

    'Without The Artist's Way, there would be no Eat, Pray, Love' - ELIZABETH GILBERTWATKINS TOP 100 MOST SPIRITUALLY INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE OF 2023How can we tap into the wisdom inside ourselves?LIVING THE ARTIST'S WAY is a Six-Week Artist's Way Program that explores the fourth essential Artist's Way tool of guidance. Bestselling author Julia Cameron has inspired millions through creative recovery with her essential tools including Morning Pages, Artist Dates, Walks, and now, Writing for Guidance. Through the practice of morning rituals and the faith of listening, Julia takes us further and shows how we can set the stage to receive guidance in both our lives and creative art. Writing about how she uses these tools to handle doubts in her life, Living the Artist's Way reveals a personal side and shares her pathway toward a happier, lighter life. Grounding and reassuring, guidance can quell our doubts and fears, and lead us to our inner wisdom and authentic selves. Living the Artist's Way is an invitation to seek the answers to navigate all areas of our lives, by tapping into our own wisdom and ultimately, guiding ourselves back to creativity.

  • - Et nyt syn på præstation
    af doubleyou
    117,95 kr.

    Ordet præstation splitter folk. Nogle taler om ’high performance’ som om præstationer og resultater er meningen med livet. For andre er præstation et fyord associeret med forestillinger om folk der bevidstløst spæner rundt i en trædemølle. Begge opfattelser er forfejlede og udtjente. At præstere kan aldrig være et mål i sig selv. Men uden præstationer kommer vi ingen vegne. De udfordringer menneskeheden står over for, kræver at vi præsterer på et ekstraordinært niveau. Derfor må vi nytænke præstation og præstationsledelse og se det i en mere nutidig og menings-fuld kontekst.For at kunne præstere på et ekstraordinært niveau er vi nødt til at slippe mageligheden og træde ind i ubehaget. Vi skal blive bedre til at møde den usikkerhed og sårbarhed som præstation og ledelse af præstation indebærer, og være villige til at gå ad veje vi endnu ikke kender for at aktivere nye lag af vores ydeevne.Bogen fordyber sig i de psykologiske og filosofiske aspekter ved ubehag i en præstationskontekst, og udforsker hvad det vil sige at være et præste-rende menneske i vores tid. En tid, som kalder på en mere meningsfuld forbindelse mellem den ydre kompleksitet og den indre verden vi også besidder.

  • af My Self-Love Supply
    176,95 kr.

    Title: A Hug in a Book, Author: My Self-Love Supply, Publication Year: 2022-08-18, Publisher: Ebury Publishing, Language: eng

  • af Stanislav Grof
    262,95 kr.

    The first book of a two-volume set, The Way of the Psychonaut, Volume 1 is one of the most important books ever written about the human psyche and the spiritual quest. The new understandings were made possible thanks to Albert Hofmann's discovery of LSD―the microscope and telescope of the human psyche―as well as other psychedelic substances. This comprehensive work is a tour de force through the worlds of psychology and psychotherapy, Holotropic Breathwork, maps of the psyche, birth, sex, and death, psychospiritual rebirth, the roots of trauma, spiritual emergency and transpersonal experiences, karma and reincarnation, higher creativity, great art, and archetypes. Written in his late eighties, at the height of his magnificent career, The Way of the Psychonaut is possibly Grof's greatest contribution. The commanding breadth and depth of his knowledge is astounding, the tone of his writing easy and accessible, and his narratives brightened with amusing anecdotes, intriguing personal accounts, and brilliant case studies. Grof reviews the history of depth psychotherapy, the important revisions that are needed to make it more effective, and why the inner quest is such an essential pursuit. As one of the fathers of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, its most experienced practitioner, and deeply deserving of a Nobel Prize in medicine, in these two volumes Grof has successfully unveiled a new and sweeping paradigm in self-exploration and healing. The vast and practical knowledge in this book is sure to be an invaluable and treasured resource for all serious seekers.

  • - Tebrygning og kunsten af fordybe sig
    af Marcus Udsen Grandjean
    164,95 kr.

    Denne bog tager sit udspring i et personligt og dybdegående møde med den ældgamle tradition, der i østen kaldes chadao, ’teens vej’. Bogen er et stort skridt ind i den bredtfavnende verden af te og den tætte forbindelse, denne kultur har med meditation. Du vil blive guidet i nogle af de traditionelle tebrygningsmetoder på en jordnær og poetisk facon.Foruden at få en praktisk fornemmelse for tebrygning og værktøjerne til at navigere i denne komplekse proces, giver bogen også refleksioner omkring, hvordan te kan bruges som element til at udvikle og forfine et roligt og oprigtigt sindelag. Te har sine filosofiske rødder i zen-buddhismen og taoismen, og det vil være dette udgangspunkt, der ligger til grundlag for forbindelsen mellem meditation og te.Det personlige islæt har stor betydning, da te kan akkompagnere ethvert individ og tilpasses alles dagligdag. Det vigtigste er den interne rejse, man begiver sig ud på, når man vælger at åbne for sine sanseindtryk og lader sig dykke ind i den nærværende og fleksible te-verden. Her er der plads til, at alt, hvad vi er, bliver omfavnet, og her kan vi kultivere et sind, der uforstyrret ser den verden, vi lever i.Om forfatterenMarcus Udsen Grandjean er uddannet human fysiolog og har beskæftiget sig med zen-buddhisme og praktiseret te-kulturens storslåede filosofi igennem mere end 12 år. Marcus har afholdt workshops, retreats og foredrag om te og meditation. Marcus har valgt en egenhændig og indsigtsfuld tilgang til at lære om te, meditation og alle de aspekter, der følger med. Derfor var rejsen mod at skrive en bog om netop dette emne en naturlig forlængelse af de mange timers fordybelse i denne nærværende og poetiske praksis.

  • - The Smart Way to Reboot Your Body and Get in Shape (with a foreword by Daniel Craig)
    af Simon Waterson
    145,95 - 185,95 kr.

    Drawing on his vast experience as the elite trainer who transformed Daniel Craig's physique for five James Bond films, Simon Waterson reveals how to enhance your energy, sleep and confidence with his intelligent approach to fitness.

  • - How Four Questions Can Change Your Life
    af Stephen Mitchell & Byron Katie
    133,95 kr.

    Bryon Katie found herself at a complete dead end in her life, she felt increasingly depressed and over a ten-year period had sunk into an existence of depression, despair and rage. Then one morning she woke up in a state of absolute joy, filled with the freedom of knowing her suffering had ended. Determined to give people a way to discover for themselves what she had experienced, Katie has developed a simple method of self-enquiry that she calls The Work, four simple questions that allow you to see the problems that are troubling you in a whole new light. The Work is a life-transforming system for discarding the stories we tell ourselves, which are the source of our suffering, and replacing them with the truth and a life of joy and peace.

  • - 23 Techniques to Relieve Stress, Stop Negative Spirals, Declutter Your Mind, and Focus on the Present
    af Nick Trenton
    197,95 - 237,95 kr.

  • - Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have
    af Mark (Mark Nepo) Nepo
    207,95 kr.

    "Philosopher-poet and cancer survivor Mark Nepo opens a new season of freedom and joy--an escape from deadening, asleep-at-the wheel sameness--that is both profound and clarifying. His spiritual daybook is a summons to reclaim aliveness, liberate the self, take each day one at a time, and savor the beauty offered by life's unfolding. Reading his poetic prose is like being given second sight, exposing the reader to life's multiple dimensions, each one drawn with awe and affection. The Book of Awakening is the result of Nepo's journey of the soul and will inspire others to embark on their own. He speaks of spirit and friendship, urging readers to stay vital and in love with this life, no matter the hardships. Encompassing many traditions and voices, Nepo's words offer insight on pain, wonder, and love. Each entry is accompanied by an exercise that will surprise and delight the reader in its mind-waking ability."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Brad J. Schoenfeld
    253,95 kr.

    Leading fitness expert Brad Schoenfeld shows how to complete a total-body transformation with six months of targeted, periodized routines. The M.A.X. Muscle Plan 2.0 presents scientifically proven plans to help you increase lean body mass, build muscle, and achieve your best body ever.

  • af Richard Rudd
    202,95 - 277,95 kr.

  • - Wisdom to Transcend the Mind and Realize the Self
    af David R. Hawkins
    152,95 kr.

    Key teachings from Dr David R. Hawkins' extensive body of work will guide you in the process of realization, surrender and transformation, and help you transform you consciousness and let go of false beliefs. When we let go of the old ways of thinking, our attachments and also promises of the ego, we discover the truth that we are one with All.

  • - Forflytnings- og arbejdsteknik
    af Marianne Mogensen & Maiken Böcher
    487,95 kr.

    Ergonomi - Forflytnings- og arbejdsteknik handler om, hvor vigtigt det er at hjælpe patienter med at flytte og bevæge sig. Der er samtidig fokus på, hvilke teknikker der skal bruges i arbejdet for at undgå arbejdsskader. Denne bog indeholder viden, løsningsforslag og forflytningsteknikker, der hjælper sundhedspersonalet, men i sidste ende også patienten og borgeren.Forfatterne Maiken Böcher og Marianne Mogensen er begge fysioterapeuter og har mange års erfaring som undervisere. Ergonomi - Forflytnings- og arbejdsteknik er derfor en lærebog henvendt til bl.a. sygeplejestuderende og studerende på andre sundhedsfaglige uddannelser. Bogen egner sig som opslagsværk, da den indeholder et omfangsrigt stikordsregister, og dens mange illustrationer gør den indbydende for læseren.

  • af Paramahansa Yogananda
    132,95 kr.

  • - Long term, simple habits for lasting and sustainable weight loss
    af Dr Rangan Chatterjee
    165,95 kr.

    THE LATEST BOOK FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE SUNDAY TIMES #1 BESTSELLER FEEL BETTER IN 5'This is not a diet book. This is a whole new way of looking at what, why and how we eat and helps you design your own plan to build a better, healthier relationship with food' Fearne Cotton'A book with practical simple tips for everyone!' Tim Spector'It is a beautiful book and has so much in it to help us feel good and prioritise our happiness and health' Dr Gemma Newman'One of the most influential doctors in the country' Chris Evans _________________________________________________________________________It's more important than ever before that we get in shape, stay healthy and live well - Dr Chatterjee is back to show you how.Weight loss isn't a race. It isn't one size fits all. Drawing on twenty years of experience as a GP, Dr Rangan Chatterjee has created a conscious, long-lasting approach to weight loss that goes far beyond fad diets and helps to find the best solutions that work for you. Packed with quick and easy interventions this book will help you: 1. Understand the effects of what, why, when, where and how we eat2. Discover the root cause of your weight gain3. Nourish your body without any crash diets or gruelling workouts 4. Build a toolbox of techniques to help you lose weight, for goodWith Feel Great, Lose Weight you can make sustainable, medically-approved lifestyle changes and become a more energised, confident and healthy you. _________________________________________________________________________ 'A blame-free book' Telegraph'This book is extremely practical, insightful and easy-to-follow' The Happy Pears

    562,95 kr.

    Looking for a vacation that leaves you relaxed and uplifted? Find soul-soothing inspiration in this updated collection of yoga retreats. Angelika Taschen showcases the world's most exquisite restorative spots, from the Parmarth Niketan Ashram in Rishikesh, the place of origin of yoga, to Santani, a 48-acre former tea plantation in Sri Lanka...

  • - 366 Prompts to Help Nurture and Recharge Your Body & Soul
    af Mary Flannery
    197,95 kr.

    With 366 days of inspiring prompts, exercises and tips on self-care, this journal can help you focus on your journey to become the best you.

  • af Ellen Meredith
    72,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • - A Practical Guide to Finding Happiness and Purpose the Japanese Way
    af Francesc Miralles & Hector Garcia
    162,95 kr.

  • - The most comprehensive and accessible guide to Pilates ever
    af Lynne Robinson, Lisa Bradshaw & Nathan Gardner
    195,95 kr.

    The most authoritative and comprehensive book on Pilates matwork ever written, drawing on the latest medical research, from the world's best-known Pilates author.

  • af The School of Life
    115,95 kr.

  • - Unlock Your Full Potential for Pleasure, Power, and Fulfillment
    af Michaela Boehm
    115,95 kr.

  • - containing Special Teachings from the Spirits on Manifestation, means to communicate with the Invisible World, Development of Mediumnity, Difficulties & Obstacles that can be encountered in Spiritism - with an alphabetical index
    af Allan Kardec
    217,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • - Living better together, the African way
    af Nompumelelo Mungi Ngomane
    145,95 kr.

    A guide to Ubuntu - the South African philosophy that emphasises the common humanity and interconnectedness of all people.

  • - Self-cultivation for a healthier, happier and balanced life
    af Mimi Kuo-Deemer
    145,95 kr.

    Beautiful lifestyle guide teaching the ancient chinese art of 'self-cultivation'

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