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Bøger om Kenya

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  • af Timothy Mugo
    521,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2014 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: Development Politics, grade: 7, University of Aarhus (Institute of Culture and Society), course: International Relations, language: English, abstract: Scholars agree that modern political democracies are almost impossible without vibrant, free and activist civil societies. In Africa, as in many other parts of the developing world, civil societies have arisen as a response to the dysfunction and despotism of the postcolonial state.Given the current political developments in Kenya, including a new constitution promulgated in August 2010 that has been applauded as being very progressive and with an elaborate chapter on Bills of Rights, and its continuing implementation, the relatively peaceful, largely ¿free and fair¿ general elections of March 2013 that KHRC monitored, it can be said that the organization has positively played a positive role in the last quarter of a century but there is still a long way to go for real democratic principles to be permanently enshrined among the Kenyan political elites and state institutions and as such KHRC must continue on its struggle to keep the various regimes that come into power on their toes and engage them on the way towards ensuring a strong and stable Kenyan state that is deeply rooted in democratic governance and that has accountability, transparency and respect for human rights. This thesis there seeks to examine how civil society, represented in this case study by KHRC have contributed to the increased democratic space in Kenya, and therefore be able to conclude whether civil society and NGOs contribute to democratization and democratic governance within the state.Scholars agree that modern political democracies are almost impossible without vibrant, free and activist civil societies. In Africa, as in many other parts of the developing world, civil societies have arisen as a response to the dysfunction and despotism of the postcolonial state.

  • af Leo & Rodolphe
    266,95 kr.

    En amerikansk forfatter og hans følge forsvinder under en safari i Kenya. Senere dukker Katherine Austin op, hun er blevet ansat som lærer men har tydeligvis en anden agenda. Det lykkedes hende at komme på sporet af hvad der skete med den forsvundne forfatter. Men der sker mange underlige ting i det afrikanske land ….

  • af Alex Mulembo
    521,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2019 in the subject Business economics - Economic Policy, Kenyatta University, course: MASTERS OF ECONOMICS (POLICY & MANAGEMENT), language: English, abstract: This study seeks to determine the relationship between economic growth and child labour in Kenya. This was first undertaken by determining the causality between economic growth and child labour in Kenya.In 2017, the International Labour Organization reiterated that elimination of worst forms of child labour has been recognized to be critical pertaining to social and economic development sustainability. Child labour will continue to persist from now on and several decades to come in the Kenyan economy if not curbed. Kenyäs Gross Domestic Product increased rapidly from 18.7 billion US $ in 2005, to 63.8 billion US $ in 2015. Child labour rose steadily from 2.4 million child labourers in 2005 to 3.7 million child labourers in 2015, despite positive increment in Kenyäs Gross Domestic Product in Kenya from 2005 to 2015. From trends discussed in chapter one, it appears that positive increases in economic growth levels alone cannot be the only means to help in reducing or eliminating child labour in Kenya. Kenyäs Gross Development Product has been increasing since 1980 to 2017 amidst fluctuations. Despite positive growth in Kenyäs Gross Domestic Product, there is still an increase in child labour. The Toda-Yamamoto modified Granger causality (non-causality) model was fitted with time series data for the period 1980 to 2017. The estimated results revealed that there was no causality running from child labour to GDP in Kenya. Furthermore, there was causality running from GDP to child labour in Kenya. To establish the existence of a long run relationship between economic growth and child labour in Kenya, the unrestricted conditional error correction model was used in which economic growth was the dependent variable. The explanatory variables were child labour, investment in human capital, international trade openness, population growth and foreign direct investment. The estimation results revealed that a long run relationship existed between economic growth and child labour in Kenya. To determine the short run effects of child labour to economic growth in Kenya, the restricted error correction model was used in which economic growth was the dependent variable.The estimation results revealed that the coefficient of child labour was statistically significant in affecting economic growth of Kenya in the short run. From the empirical results, it was concluded that there was no causality running from child labour to GDP in Kenya where GDP was the dependent.

  • af Christina Kenny
    1.216,95 kr.

    Explores the complex and intersecting dimensions of gender, ethnicity, and culture on women in the Global South, as well as the central roles of women in resisting colonial rule, and their foundational contributions to post-independence constitutional reform and nation building.

  • af Andrew Mukaria
    493,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2019 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: Public International Law and Human Rights, , language: English, abstract: This research explores cases of police brutality in Kenya during the election period. The study explores police brutality in post-police reform period from 2010-2018. It is a qualitatively done study through content analysis, mainly a review of the newspapers and articles detailing cases of police brutality in Kenya. These data are analysed thematically regarding the research question.The findings of the research concerning the research question found that the police brutality is still happening in Kenya, mostly during the elections period. The study further found that there is an ingrained culture of police brutality, which is influenced by historical, contemporary social-cultural and structural dimensions.I concluded the study with implications of the findings, for the theory and the research. Further, the study suggests the reform policies within the context and adherence to the constitution. The proposal offers two approaches, from below and from above. The research suggests, one, an establishment of grassroots and, encourages community policing: two, review of the police recruitment and police training curriculum. Three, an increase of financial and human resources support to the Independent Policing Oversight Kenya (IPOA). Four, laying down proper parameter which will separate Police from executive authorities, and firth, addressing the socioeconomic status of the police officers.

  • af Michael Fretter
    278,95 kr.

    The topic of this book as a result of a master's thesis has three main objectives. The first objective is to examine and analyze the causes, patterns, and structures that lead to conflicts between citizens and states. The development of peace mediation processes requires an analysis of the conflict history as well as of the conflict-triggering events in order for a sustainable peace to be realized in the post-conflict period.Therefore, this book describes the general structures and causes that lead to violent conflicts and also considers the conflict history in order to develop a theoretical model as a useful tool for improving the mediation process (the second objective).The final objective of this book is to apply the theoretical model to a specific violent conflict. The violent conflict in Kenya after the elections of 2007 is very well documented. This conflict was mediated successfully under the leadership of former Secretary of the United Nations Kofi Annan along with other members of the African Union. By refining and applying the theoretical model including the mathematical simulations, it was possible to draw attention to the enormous impact of long-term causes, the origins of which are attributable to the phase preceding the concrete conflict. Changes in citizens' trust in their political leaders harbor an enormous risk of conflict escalation, including violence. The theoretical model can also depict the significant impact of trust on citizen-state conflicts. By using simulations, it could be shown that the theoretical model is stable enough to accept different assessments in the input parameters and that these differences do not relevantly affect the main results based on those parameters in the analysis of the conflict escalation potential. When using the tool in the post-conflict period, it was demonstrated that if the long-term causes of the conflict history are not part of the political changes in the years after the peace agreements, the sustainability of peace is not maintainable and new violent conflicts can occur at any time due to unexpected and specific triggering events.

  • af Otoniya J. Okot Bitek
    193,95 kr.

  • af Eric Walters
    158,95 kr.

    East Africa, village life, Kamba, folktale, matatus, animals, grandfather, grandson, family

  • af Katharina Wilhelm
    439,95 kr.

    Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich Ethnologie / Volkskunde, Note: 1,0, Universität Hamburg (Institut für Ethnologie), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Es gibt wenige Bereiche, in denen Medizinethnologen so praktisch gefordert und eingesetzt werden wie in der medizinischen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und humanitären Hilfe. Die Arbeit der Medizinethnologen in der jüngsten Ebola-Krise in Westafrika schaffte es sogar bis in die deutschen Leitmedien. Inhorn und Wentzell erklären die verstärkte Neigung der Ethnologen zu dieser Art des Feldeinsatzes durch ¿[...]the dire need for both compassion and humanitarian activism regarding global health inequalities and the numerous sources of disease and suffering around the globe.¿ (2012). Gleichzeitig gehören Entwicklungs- und humanitäre Zusammenarbeit bzw. der Umgang und die Arbeit mit ihnen nach wie vor zu den am meisten diskutierten Themenfeldern in der Ethnologie. So konstatiert etwa Calhoun: ¿Too often, the story seems to be: Moral white people come from the rich world to care for those in backward, remote places.¿ (2010), während Lachenmann behauptet: ¿Die Medizin kann geradezu als Inbegriff oder Metapher für das in Kolonialismus und Neokolonialismus charakteristische patriarchalische System der systematischen Entmündigung der Eroberten oder Kolonisierten aufgefasst werden [...]¿ (1982).Diese und weitere Standpunkte, die die medizinethnologische Literatur liefern, werfen für mich einige Fragen auf. Kann man - angesichts der vielfach aufkommenden ¿Vorwürfe post- und neokolonialistischer Strukturen - überhaupt wie einer meiner Informanten von Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zwischen ausländischem und einheimischem medizinischem Personal sprechen? Wieso gelingt es den an solchen Projekten beteiligten Seiten anscheinend nach wie vor nicht, ein produktives und gleichberechtigtes Verhältnis zueinander aufzubauen? Oder kann man diese Vorwürfe als nicht mehr zeitgemäße Thesen einstufen, die nur noch laut werden, weil es, so könnte man fast vermuten, schon zum ¿ethnologisch guten Ton¿ gehört, der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit kritisch gegenüber zu stehen? Um diese Fragen anhand des Verlaufs einer aktuellen, exemplarischen medizinischen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit im Jahr 2015 zu beantworten, untersuche ich ein Projekt in der kenianischen Hauptstadt Nairobi und beleuchtete dieses empirisch während einer zweiwöchigen Feldforschung.

  • af Kuki Gallmann
    168,95 kr.

    Lyrical, beautifully written tales of life in AfricaAfrica evokes a deep sense of mystery. It is a place that retains what most of the world has lost: space, roots, traditions, awesome beauty, true wilderness, rare animals, and extraordinary people. In this wonderful and haunting collection of stories, Kuki Gallmann writes of her life in Africa, where every day brings challenge and adventure. African Nights is a treasury of memories, in which fascinating people and places are brought to life. The healing powers Africa can have on those who embrace the land as a place of mystery, superstition, danger, and beauty.

  • af Reinhard Klein
    508,95 kr.

  • af René Valdemar Jespersgaard
    148,95 - 214,95 kr.

    Sofie må igennem en helt nødvendig retssag efter sin ugerning. En retssag, som bringer hendes nærmeste endnu tættere sammen, bortset fra hendes mormor, som tager afstand fra det hele. I retten kommer det også frem, hvorfor hendes far har gjort og handlet, som han har.Sofies mor og storebror må gøre alt for at gemme sig for pressen, og samtidig opstår der en stor og ægte kærlighed imellem Sofies storebror, Victor, og bedste veninde, Maria.Efter udstået straf løslades Sofie, men hun trives ikke rigtig i friheden igen. Alt omkring hende minder om hendes far. Så Sofie og hendes mor beslutter sig for at tage på ferie i Kenya, hvor der bor et par af de kvinder, som Sofie lærte at kende under hendes tilfangetagen på Malta. Et ferieophold, som udvikler sig til meget mere end bare ferie, og de ender med at få opbygget noget forretning sammen med deres lokale venner og ønsker derfor at forblive i landet.Samtidig er kærligheden imellem Victor og Maria blevet så stærk, at Victor beslutter sig for at flytte over til hende og hendes forældre i Japan.Alt synes skønt og herligt, men inden i Sofie sidder hele tiden en dæmon fra fortiden.Denne bog bygger, lige som forgængeren, på ”virkelighedens Sofie”. Men hvor forgængeren, Når troen vinder, kikker bagud og delvis bygger på hendes frygtelige fortid, så er Kærlighed og dæmoner skrevet med kikkerten rettet fremad og udelukkende ud fra hendes tanker, drømme og frygt for fremtiden. Begge bøger er skrevet efter utallige interviews og med hendes fulde accept.Desværre nåede hun ikke selv at se det færdige resultat af denne bog, da hun besluttede, at hendes liv skulle ende primo 2022.

  • af Claudia Hemp
    563,95 kr.

    This field guide covers northern to central Tanzania, southern Kenya and parts of central Kenya. Most species are illustrated by live specimens; generally, adult males and females are depicted, along with selected nymphal stages. For species-rich genera, morphological details are provided, together with keys to genera and species as well as distribution maps for most taxa. The enclosed DVD features the songs of 185 species. More than 270 bushcricket species are treated, including raspy crickets (7 genera) and wetas (2 genera). The majority of the species shown are from the family Tettigoniidae, particularly from the subfamily Conocephalinae (including the tribes Agraeciini, Conocephalini and Copiphorini); in addition, the subfamilies Hetrodinae, Hexacentrinae, Meconematinae, Saginae, and Mecopodinae are represented as well. The subfamily Phaneropterinae is the most diverse in the area, with six genera in the tribe Acrometopini, plus representatives of the tribes Amblycoryphini, Catoptropterigini, Ducetiini, Holochlorini, Odonturini, Otiaphysini, Pardalotini, Phaneropterini, Terpnistrini and Tylopsidini. Genera of ungrouped Phaneropterinae in the area include Ectomoptera, Eulioptera, Euryastes, Lunidia, Materuana, Meruterrana, Oxyecous, Pseudopreussia, Sentia and Tropidonotacris. The subfamily Pseudophyllinae is also present with six genera (Acauloplax, Cymatomera, Cymatomerella, Pseudotomias, Stenampyx and Zabalius).

  • af Lilian Welter
    183,95 kr.

    This book focuses on African culture represented by Kenya and European culture represented by Germany. Africa is very rich in culture.

  • af Blake Whitaker
    648,95 kr.

    During the Cold War the British government oversaw the transition to independence of dozens of colonies. Often the most challenging aspect of this transition was the creation of a national army from colonial forces. In Built on the Ruins of Empire, Blake Whitaker examines this process in Kenya and Zambia and how it set the course for the creation of the army in Zimbabwe. He also looks at three themes as they intersect in African military history: British decolonization, race relations, and the Cold War.While the transition to independence was a difficult process in places such as Ghana and Nigeria, it was compounded by the racial tensions in Kenya, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. All three were settler colonies home to a sizable community of white Europeans who controlled the levers of power and economic prosperity. Built on the Ruins of Empire focuses on the difficulties that arose in creating a cohesive and apolitical military force in these racially charged Cold War environments and demonstrates that the challenges faced by the British training missions in Kenya and Zambia taught London important lessons about the emerging postcolonial world.Whitaker uniquely analyzes the successes and failures of the British military assistance programs and their quest to solidify British influence while examining how Britains position and influence in the wider world was fading just as Zimbabwe was achieving independence.

  • af Jan Christensen
    148,95 - 188,95 kr.

    Michael Brenners tilfældige møde med ghettoen bliver startskuddet på den til dato mest komplicerede mission med tråde tilbage til brændpunkter fra hans professionelle militærkarriere. Hans seneste efterretningsmission i Kenya blev måske kompromitteret – og et politisk magtspil havde vist sig i skyggerne. De kenyanske medier fremhævede, at moderens død blev politisk dysset ned. Dette forhold og mødet med den mørke erotiske ulandsfrivillige læge Karen hvirvler Michael ind i en følelsesmæssig og eftertænksom odysse, da han drager tilbage til familiens kenyanske kolonihistorie og landsted i Nairobi. Faderen er tidligere britisk general og er nu rådgiver for Natos militære ledelse. Faderens højteknologiske firma, Compita, arbejder på en banebrydende opfindelse, der vil revolutionere menneskeheden og tilbyde et digitalt liv efter døden. Fundet af et ukendt grundstof i Kenyas højland fører til et dramatisk opgør mellem fortidens magtfulde adelsslægter i landet og en involvering fra de herskende techgiganter fra Silicon Valley. Uddrag af bogen Spyfluerne var kommet i position og observerede Aalim Obama, mens han stod fastspændt mellem to svære jerndragere. Hans hænder var bundet til jerndragerne med blå faldskærmsliner og stillingen fik Brenner til at tænke på Den Vitruvianske Mand tegnet af Leonardo da Vinci. En af spyfluerne havde sat sig på Aalims skulder. Gulvet i hallen var af beton og den varme fugtige luft drev ned af væggene. Der var en ildevarslende lugt af kød i forrådnelse og kadaveret, som lå tæt på Aalim, var levende af maddiker. Aalims T-shirt og hår var gennemvædet af sved efter at have kæmpet med rotterne hele natten. Hans øjne var opspilede, hans blik flaksede rundt og hver en muskel i hans senede krop var i alarmberedskab. Om forfatterenJan Christensen (født 1963) har i tre årtier arbejdet i teleindustrien med roller i samspillet mellem ledelse, forretning og teknologi. Han bor i Roskilde, hvor livet som globetrotter og familiefar får næring gennem hans nysgerrighed på mennesker, kultur, naturen og videnskab. Som forfatter er hans store inspirationskilder Haruki Murakami og Harlan Coben.

  • af Jacinta Mwende Maweu
    1.053,95 kr.

    Media, Ethnicity, and Electoral Conflicts in Kenya critically examines the interplay between the media, ethnicity, and electoral conflicts in Kenya. Jacinta Mwende Maweu analyzes the place of ethnicity in Kenyan politics and the key drivers of electoral conflicts, as well as how ethnicity influences media framing of these conflicts in the Kenyan context. Maweu argues that, although there are many factors that can affect an electoral process and result in conflict and violence, the role that the mainstream media and new media play is central. As Maweu illustrates through various arguments, politicians in Kenya and other deeply divided societies in Africa have continued to use mainstream and digital media to weaponize ethnicity as they invoke issues of belonging, inclusion, and exclusion. By examining the role of both traditional and digital media in electoral conflicts, Media, Ethnicity, and Electoral Conflicts in Kenya makes a significant contribution to the ongoing academic debate on the role of media in elections and electoral conflicts in Kenya and Africa.

  • - A British Vet in Africa
    af Hugh Cran
    233,95 kr.

    After three years working as a young vet in rural Aberdeenshire, Hugh Cran decided that it was time for a change. He got it. He took a post in Kenya and, forty years later, he's still there, still working, still loving every exasperating, challenging, unexpected moment.This is a page-turning account of working as a vet at the sharp end.Cattle owned by the Maasai herdsmen or the white settlers might take up most of Hugh's time, but these cattle are assailed by lightning strike, snake bites, disease passed on by zebra and wildebeest. He's up against sun cancer, witch doctors - who knows what to expect next?Travelling miles on rough roads, Hugh never knows if he will be performing surgery on dirty sacks, besieged by every species of Kenyan insect, by the light of a failing car-headlamp!But the colourful people who frequent Hugh's Nukuru practice, the sheer vitality of the Kenyan scene and the rewarding nature of the grinding task in hand, keep him answering that persistent phone, day and night, and heading off into the unknown.

  • af Rough Guides
    218,95 kr.

    Features of this travel guide to Kenya:- Detailed regional coverage: provides practical information for every kind of trip, from off-the-beaten-track adventures to chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas- Honest and independent reviews: written with Rough Guides' trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, our writers will help you make the most from your trip to Kenya- Meticulous mapping: practical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys. Find your way around Nairobi, the Rift Valley and many more locations without needing to get online- Fabulous full-colour photography: features inspirational colour photography, including capturing the inhabitants of Kenya's wildlife-filled national parks and vibrant Nairobi- Time-saving itineraries: carefully planned routes will help inspire and inform your on-the-road experiences- Things not to miss: Rough Guides' rundown of the best sights and top experiences to be found in Nairobi, the Central Highlands and the national parks and Mombasa highway- Travel tips and info: packed with essential pre-departure information including getting around, accommodation, food and drink, health, the media, festivals, sports and outdoor activities, culture and etiquette, shopping and more- Background information: comprehensive 'Contexts' chapter provides fascinating insights into Scotland with coverage of history, religion, ethnic groups, environment, wildlife and books, plus a handy language section and glossary- The ultimate travel tool: download the free eBook to access all this from your phone or tablet- Covers: Nairobi and around; the Central Highlands; the Rift Valley; Western Kenya; The national parks and Mombasa highway; The coast; The north

  • af Reise Know-How
    118,95 kr.

    Falset landkort trykt på vejrbestandigt plastpapir (PolyArt - miljøvenligt) med papomslag. Brugervenligt og fuldt opdateret kort, ideelt for planlægning og rejsebrug. Kortet indeholder en del af det nordlige Tanzania med Kilimanjaro, Arusha og Moshi.- GPS-egnet - Udførligt register- Højdekurver med angivelse i meter- Seværdigheder- Afstande i km- Campingpladser- 80 gram- DobbeltsidetMålestok 1:950.000.

  • af Freytag & Berndt
    132,95 kr.

    Falset landkort i målestokken 1:1 mio. med turistinformationer, nationalparker samt register.

  • af Jackson Biko
    198,95 kr.

  • af Diana Walters
    898,95 kr.

    Case-studies of whether and how heritage can be used to bring about reconciliation.This volume explores one of the most critical issues of our time: whether heritage can contribute to a more peaceful society and future. It reflects a core belief that heritage can provide solutions to reconciling peoples and demonstrates the amount of significant work being carried out internationally. Based round the core themes of new and emerging ideas around heritage and peace, heritage and peace-building in practice, and heritage, peace-building andsites, the twenty contributions seek to raise perceptions and understanding of heritage-based peace-building practices. Responding to the emphasis placed on conflict, war and memorialization, they reflect exploratory yet significant steps towards reclaiming the history, theory, and practice of peacebuilding as serious issues for heritage in contemporary society. The geographical scope of the book includes contributions from Europe, notably the Balkans andNorthern Ireland, the Middle East, and Kenya. Diana Walters is an International Heritage Consultant and Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Exeter; Daniel Laven is Associate Professor of Human Geography, Department of Tourism Studies and Geography/European Tourism Research Institute (ETOUR), Mid Sweden University; Peter Davis is Emeritus Professor of Museology, Newcastle University. Contributors: Tatjana Cvjeticanin, PeterDavis, Jonathan Eaton, David Fleming, Seth Frankel, Timothy Gachanga, Alon Gelbman, Felicity Gibling, Will Glendinning, Elaine Heumann Gurian, Lejla Hadzic, Feras Hammami, Lotte Hughes, Bosse Lagerqvist, Daniel Laven, Bernadette Lynch, Elena Monicelli, Yongtanit Pimonsathean, Saleem H. Ali, Sultan Somjee, Peter Stone, Michele Taylor, Peter van den Dungen, Alda Vezic, Jasper Visser, Diana Walters.

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