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London, 1813. Daphne Bridgerton er både intelligent og smuk – alligevel modtager hun kun ægteskabstilbud fra bejlere, hun ikke synes om. Men da hendes storebrors bedste ven, Simon Bassett, kommer til byen, forandres alt. Sammen kommer Daphne og den unge hertug på en snedig plan: Hvis de indgår en falsk forlovelse, vil den rette type friere måske endelig få øjnene op for Daphne, og samtidig vil de ægteskabsgale mødre fra byens øverste kredse forhåbentlig holde sig langt væk fra Simon, som ingen intentioner har om at gifte sig. Nogensinde. Men efterhånden som dagene går, bliver det sværere og sværere at holde styr på, hvad der er sandt og falsk. Otte søskende med fornavne i alfabetisk orden. Julia Quinns romantiske serie om Familien Bridgerton er verdenskendt og udkommer nu endelig i Danmark. Den ugifte hertug er første bind i serien.
LONDON, 1814. Den unge greve Anthony Bridgerton er en af de mest eftertragtede ungkarle i byen, men han er også berygtet for sin noget løsslupne livsstil og sin hang til fester og smukke kvinder. Derfor kommer det bag på alle, da han noget uventet beslutter sig for at gifte sig. Hans udkårnes storesøster, Kate, har imidlertid i sinde at gøre alt, hun kan, for at forhindre forlovelsen - og snart må Anthony sande, at det er Kate og ikke hans udkårne, der fylder hans drømme om natten. En uventet forelskelse er andet fritstående bind ud af otte i den verdenskendte romantiske serie om Familien Bridgerton. Den verdenskendte romantiske serie om Familien Bridgerton udkommer nu endelig på dansk. En uventet forelskelse er andet bind ud af otte. En uventet forelskelse findes også i en lydbogsversion, som er beriget med musik og lydeffekter. Versionen her er uden musik og lydeffekter.Familien Bridgerton får premiere som tv-serie hos Netflix i 2020.
London, 1815. Selvom Sophie Beckett er datter af en jarl, er hun blevet degraderet til tjenestepige af sin stedmor. Derfor er hendes chancer for at snige sig ind til Lady Bridgertons maskebal minimale. Men gemt bag en maske kan ingen genkende hende, og da det lykkes, og hun møder den unge, flotte Benedict Bridgerton, føler hun sig som prinsesse for en aften. Desværre ved hun, at enhver fortryllelse ophører ved midnat … Benedict derimod kan ikke slippe tanken om den smukke, mystiske kvinde i den sølvfarvede kjole. Hvem var hun, og hvordan finder han hende igen? En fortryllende hemmelighed er tredje fritstående bind ud af otte i den verdenskendte romantiske serie om Familien Bridgerton. En tv-serie baseret på bøgerne har premiere på Netflix i 2020.
Netflix har i 2020 premiere på en tv-serie baseret på bøgerne. Penelope Featherington har altid været hemmeligt forelsket i sin bedste vens storebror, Colin Bridgerton. En dag opdager hun, hans allerstørste hemmelighed. En hemmelighed, der får hende til at tvivle på, om hun overhovedet kender ham.Colin selv er træt af kun at blive betragtet som en charmør – og træt af folks besættelse af sladderskribenten lady Whistledown, der tilsyneladende ikke kan udgive et eneste nummer af sit blad, uden at det indeholder sladder om ham. Men da han vender hjem til London efter en længere rejse, opdager han, at flere ting har forandret sig. Ikke mindst Penelope Featherington. En uundgåelig længsel er fjerde fritstående bind ud af otte i den verdenskendte romantiske serie om Familien Bridgerton.
Gareth St. Clair er i vanskeligheder. Hans far, som afskyr ham, er i færd med at formøble St. Clair-formuen,og den eneste arv, der venter, er en familiedagbog, som måske, måske ikke indeholder nøglen til hans fremtid. Problemet er, at den er skrevet på italiensk, et sprog Gareth ikke behersker.Hyacinth Bridgerton er djævelsk godt begavet og kvik i replikken – og ifølge Gareth bedst i små doser. Men der er alligevel noget over hende, noget charmerende og forstyrrende, der har fået tag i ham og ikke vil slippe igen.De to unge mødes under den årlige Smythe-Smith-koncert. Hyacinth, der tager alt, hvad Gareth siger, som en udfordring, tilbyder at oversætte hans dagbog, selvom hendes italiensk lader noget tilbage at ønske. Efterhånden som de to fordyber sig i den hemmelighedsfulde tekst, opdager de, at svarene, de søger, ikke ligger i dagbogen, men snarere hos hinanden,og at intet er så ligetil – eller så kompliceret – som det perfekte kys. Et fængslende kys er 7. bind i Julia Quinns populære Bridgerton-serie og fortæller Hyacinths medrivende historie.
Bøgerne bag Netflix-serien BRIDGERTON Da sir Phillip og Eloise Bridgerton har skrevet sammen i lidt over et år, beslutter han sig for ganske enkelt at fri per brev. Eloise er ugift og hele 28 år, så han går ud fra, at hun må være temmelig desperat efter et ægteskabstilbud. Men … det er hun bare ikke, hvilket han erfarer, da hun dukker hun op på hans gods. Særdeles smuk, men alt andet end eftergivende og sagtmodig. For Eloises vedkommende tror hun ikke sine egne øjne, da hun modtager brevet med frieriet. Tror han, hun er skør? Man kan da ikke gifte sig med en mand, man aldrig har mødt før? Men før hun ved af det, er hun på vej for at møde den mand, der måske kunne være helt perfekt for hende. Men … det er han bare ikke. Humørsvingende og med dårlige manerer, og slet ikke som de belevne gentlemen, hun er vant til i London. Ikke desto mindre er der noget, som får gnisterne til at springe. Hvordan ville det mon være at lukke Eloises mund med et kys … og kunne det tænkes, at den gnavne godsejer alligevel er den perfekte ægtemand? Et uforglemmeligt frieri er femte bind i serien om familien Bridgerton.
Gregory Bridgerton er romantiker. Han ved dybt i sin sjæl, at lynet en dag vil slå ned, og hans livs udkårne vil vise sig. Ganske rigtigt: Et enkelt glimt af den vidunderlige Hermione, og hans hjerte tilhører kun hende. Hermione har det på præcis samme måde, blot er genstanden for hendes kærlighed ikke Gregory, men en anden mand.Hermiones veninde Lucy sætter sig for at hjælpe Gregory med at vinde Hermiones hjerte. Gregory er viljestærk, modig, flot og ekstremt vittig, så det er måske ikke så underligt, at Lucy selv falder for ham. Men det er til gengæld højest ubelejligt, eftersom hun er forlovet med Lord Haselby.Da Gregory alt for sent opdager, at det er Lucy, der får hans hjerte til at slå hurtigere, bringer det hele Bridgertonklanen i en slem knibe.Et afgørende øjeblik er ottende og sidste bind i serien om familien Bridgerton.
Sommerskandalen er første bind i Meredith Durans succeserie Letsindighedens love om skæbner i regencytidens England. Kvindeforførerren lord Michael de Grey er havnet i en prekær situation og kan kun redde skindet, hvis han indgår ægteskab med en kvinde, som hans bror udpeger. Elizabeth Chudderley er indtagende, dejlig og foruroligende, men mod sådan en fascinerende modstander er Michael ikke ganske sikker på, hvem der vil ende som vinder. Kan to så passionerede gamblere forhandle pligtægteskab, når deres hjerter har andre fordringer?
Mere af Bridgertons og Rokesbys forførende aristokratiske verden i slutningen af 1700-tallets London.På en udflugt til kysten finder den eventyrlystne Poppy Bridgerton et skjulested med tyvekoster, og før hun ved af det, er hun blevet kidnappet og ført ombord på et skib.Kaptajn Andrew Rokesby er kendt som en hensynsløs kaprer. Men han er egentlig søn af en jarl, og han fragter vigtige dokumenter for den britiske regering på sit skib. Efter at have sat sejl mod Portugal opdager han til sin overraskelse en kvinde i sin kahyt … Mens bølgerne slår hårdt mod skibet, bliver skarpe ord til glohedt begær mellem Poppy Bridgerton og kaptajn Andrew Rokesby. Men bliver romance til skandale, når de to finder ud af, hvem hinanden i virkeligheden er?
Mere af Bridgertons og Rokesbys forførende aristokratiske verden i slutningen af 1700-tallets London.Georginas Bridgertons rygte hænger i en tynd tråd, da hun mister sin medgift. Nu er hun tvunget til at vælge mellem at tilbringe resten af sine dage alene eller gifte sig med sin ham, der ødelagde hendes liv.Georginas indflydelsesrige barndomsven hører om den knibe, Georgina står i. Han er egentlig i gang med medicinstudiet og bor ikke i byen længere, men han føler, han bør gøre noget. Kan de to udvikle sig til mere end barndomsvenner?En uhørt skandale er fjerde bind i serien om familien Rokesby. Serien kan læses uafhængigt af den højtelskede Bridgerton-serie.
Da den forældreløse Cecilia Harcourts bror kommer til skade ved fronten, er hun pludselig alene og står over for et umuligt valg: Enten skal hun flytte ind hos en ugift tante eller gifte sig med en hæslig fætter. Cecilia nægter begge dele og rejser i stedet over Atlanten, fast besluttet på at finde og pleje sin bror, indtil han er på fode igen.Men efter at have ledt forgæves efter sin bror, finder hun i stedet hans bedste ven– den smukke officer Edward Rokesby. Han er bevidstløs og har brug for hendes hjælp...
George er den ældste af brødrene i Rokesby-familien og kommende jarl. Alle forventer, at Billie Bridgerton gifter sig med ham. Familierne har trods alt været naboer i århundreder. Men Billie leder ikke efter en mand. I hvert fald ikke, hvis det er George – den Rokesby hun mindst kan lide. Men da Billie og George næsten bliver kastet i hinandens favne, begynder en ny slags gnister at opstå. Og da deres læber mødes for første gang, opdager de hurtigt, at den person, de troede, de ikke kunne udstå, simpelthen er den, de ikke kan leve uden.
A beautiful collectible edition containing the fifth and sixth novels of the beloved Bridgerton series by New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn. To Sir Phillip, With LoveSir Phillip knew that Eloise Bridgerton was a spinster, and so he'd proposed, figuring that she'd be homely and unassuming, and more than a little desperate for an offer of marriage. Except . . . she wasn't. The beautiful woman on his doorstep was anything but quiet, and when she stopped talking long enough to close her mouth, all he wanted to do was kiss her . . . and more.When He Was WickedIn every life there is a turning point. For Michael Stirling, London's most infamous rake, that moment came the first time he laid eyes on Francesca Bridgerton. But that was then...Now Michael is the earl and Francesca thinks of him as nothing other than her dear friend and confidant. Michael dares not speak to her of his love, until one dangerous night, when she steps innocently into his arms, and passion proves stronger than even the most wicked of secrets . . .A stunning collectible edition containing the 5th and 6th novels in #1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn's beloved Bridgerton series. This edition features: - gorgeous sprayed edges- intricate foil iconography- ribbon bookmark- beautiful endpapersSee these beloved stories come to life on screen in Bridgerton, now a series created by Shondaland for Netflix.
A stunning collectible edition containing the third and fourth novels in #1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn's beloved Bridgerton series. This edition features: gorgeous sprayed edgesintricate foil iconographyribbon bookmarkbeautiful endpapersBENEDICT'S STORYSophie Beckett never dreamed she'd be able to sneak into Lady Bridgerton's famed masquerade ball--or that she would be spinning in the arms of her "Prince Charming"--the debonair and devastatingly handsome Benedict Bridgerton. But when the clock strikes midnight, Sophie's enchanting evening ends. Since that night Benedict has been able to think of nothing but the bewitching young woman, and he's sworn to find and wed his mystery miss. Yet will another unexpectedly steal his heart--and his chance for a fairy tale love?COLIN AND PENELOPE'S STORYPenelope Featherington has secretly adored her best friend's brother for . . . well, it feels like forever. After half a lifetime of watching Colin Bridgerton from afar, she thinks she knows everything about him, until she stumbles across his deepest secret . . . and fears she doesn't know him at all.Colin Bridgerton is tired of being thought of as nothing but an empty-headed charmer, tired of the notorious gossip columnist Lady Whistledown, who can't seem to publish an edition without mentioning him. But when Colin returns to London from a trip abroad, he discovers nothing in his life is quite the same--especially Penelope Featherington! The girl who was always simply there is suddenly the girl haunting his dreams. When he discovers that Penelope has secrets of her own, this elusive bachelor must decide . . . is she his biggest threat-- or his promise of a happy ending?
A stunning collectible edition containing the first two novels in #1New York Timesbestselling author Julia Quinns belovedBridgerton series. This edition features:gorgeous sprayed edgesintricate foil iconographyribbon bookmarkbeautiful endpapersSee these beloved stories come to life on screen in Bridgerton, now a series created by Shondaland for Netflix.The Duke and IWhen Daphne Bridgerton and Simon Basset, Duke of Hastings, agree to a fake courtship, they think theyve found the perfect solution to their problems. Romantically associated with one of Londons most desirable catches, Daphnes prospects among the ton will soar. For avowed bachelor Simon, an attachment to Daphne will deter would-be brides and their ambitious mamas. Their plan works like a charmat first. But amid the glittering, gossipy, cut-throat world of Londons elite, there is only one certainty: love ignores every rule. . .The Viscount Who Loved MeLondon's most elusive bachelor, Anthony Bridgerton is determined to wed. But one obstacle stands in his wayhis intended's older sister, Kate Sheffield, who is driving Anthony mad with her determination to stop the betrothal. Kate is quite sure that reformed rakes do not make the best husbands, and Anthony Bridgerton is the most wicked rogue of them all. Shes determined to protect her sistereven as she fears she may not be able to resist the reprehensible and oh so desirable rake herself . . .
A high society amateur detective at the heart of Regency London uses her wits and invisibility as an 'old maid' to protect other women in a new and fiercely feminist historical mystery series. Lady Augusta Colebrook, 'Gus, ' is determinedly unmarried, bored by society life, and tired of being dismissed at the age of forty-two. She and her twin sister, Julia, who is grieving her dead betrothed, need a distraction. One soon presents itself: to rescue their friend's goddaughter, Caroline, from her violent husband. The sisters set out to Caroline's country estate with a plan, but their carriage is accosted by a highwayman. What follows is a high adventure full of danger, clever improvisation, and heart-racing near misses. Back in London, Gus persuades Julia to join her in a quest to help others in need--society be damned! And so begins the beguiling secret life and adventures of the Colebrook twins.--
Honoria Smythe-Smith spiller violin i familiens strygekvartet og er helt klar over, at det lyder skrækkeligt. Hendes bror Daniel lever i eksil i udlandet, men hans bedste ven Marcus Holroyd har lovet at holde øje med Honoria. Han får hænderne fulde, da Honoria tager til Cambridge med ét mål for øje: at blive gift inden sæsonens afslutning. Hun har udset sig den eneste ugifte i familien Bridgterton, men hendes tilnærmelser afvises og spørgsmålet er nu, om Marcus kan nå at stjæle Honorias hjerte i tide til familiens årlige musikaften?
A beautiful collectible edition containing the seventh and eighth novels of the beloved Bridgerton series by New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn. Its in His Kiss Gareth St. Clair is in a bind, and at risk of losing his inheritance. His only hope lies in an old family diary written in Italian and the fiendishly smart, devilishly outspoken Hyacinth Bridgerton, who offers to help translate. But as the two delve into the mysterious text, they discover that the answers they seek lie not in the diary, but in each other and that there is nothing as simpleor as complicatedas a single, perfect kiss.On the Way to the Wedding Unlike most men of his acquaintance, Gregory Bridgerton believes in true love. And he is convinced that when he finds the woman of his dreams, he will know in an instant that she is the one. But when Gregory realizes his true love is not the person he expected, he must risk everything to ensure that when it comes time to kiss the bride, he is the only man standing at the altar
'Gives us all the top tier wit, spice, and swoons.... One to watch!' Evie Dunmore-----Love is more than just a game for two.It's 1857, and anxious debutante Beth has just one season to snag a wealthy husband, or she and her mother will be out on the street.Gwen, on the other hand, is on her fourth season and counting, with absolutely no intention of finding a husband, possibly ever. She has plenty of security as the only daughter of a rakish earl, from whom she's inherited her penchant for drinking too much and dancing 'til dawn.Beth and Gwen are enchanted with each other on sight. And it doesn't take long for Gwen to hatch her latest scheme: rather than join the husband hunt, they should set up Gwen's father and Beth's newly-widowed mother.They had a fling years ago, after all...Can Beth and Gwen find a way to defy convention and be together? And will their parents find love along the way too?A swoon-worthy debut queer Victorian romance in which two debutantes distract themselves from having to seek husbands by setting up their widowed parents, and instead find their perfect match in each other-the lesbian Bridgerton you never knew you needed!
From Sunday Times bestselling author Julia Quinn and television pioneer Shonda Rhimes comes a powerful and romantic novel, inspired by the original series Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, created by Shondaland for Netflix.'We are one crown. His weight is mine, and mine is his . . .'In 1761, on a sunny day in September, a King and Queen meet for the first time. They are married within hours. Charlotte is beautiful, headstrong, and fiercely intelligent - George is instantly captivated. But as Charlotte falls in love, the King starts to push her away. Because George has secrets . . . secrets with the potential to shake the foundations of the monarchy.Thrust into her new role, scared and alone, Charlotte must learn to navigate the intricate politics of the court, and to understand that she has been given the power to remake society. She must fight - for herself, for her husband, and for all her new subjects. For she will never be just Charlotte again. It's time for her to fulfil her destiny . . . as Queen....................Readers have fallen head over heels for Queen Charlotte!'A great story about how love overcomes all. Incredibly touching to read''A beautiful story of not just love, but strength and character. This novel was just as good as the show''To truly understand the series, you have to read this book. It's even better reading it''George and Charlotte will make you laugh, cry, give you hope, and break your heart'
Collin Morgan, Earl of Penderdale, has discovered that someone is committing crimes in his name, leaving him suspended from his work in the war office. Elizabeth Essex is the daughter of a well-respected professor at Cambridge University and longs to be recognized for her own scholarship, which could ruin her family's good name. Morgan tracks his impersonator to Cambridge, leading him to an old friend, Elizabeth's father. The pair is forced into close proximity, with Elizabeth's secret threatened and Morgan's confrontation with his adversaries at a fever pitch.
"When Cecile Tremblay lost everyone and everything in the French Revolution, she never imagined that she'd earn her living as a markswoman in a London circus. But Farnham's Fantastical Female Fayre has become her home, her family, and her future. Another thing Cecile never imagined was becoming entangled with the man gossip columns call The Darling of the Ton. But mere weeks after her rejection of his insulting carte blanche--and his infuriating engagement to an heiress--Darlington is back, this time to beg Cecile for help. And help him she will, by teaching him about honest work--and the right way to treat a woman. Gaius Darlington has always led a charmed life. Until now. Suddenly, a long-lost heir has appeared to claim his title, possessions, and property, Not only that, but Guy's fianéce has jilted him to marry the usurper! Yet there is a silver lining: it's no longer Guy's duty to marry an heiress to save the dukedom. He's free to wed the woman he loves--if only he can earn her forgiveness. They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. But fury is just a step away from passion, and Guy knows just how to arouse Cecile's. . ."--Publisher marketing.
"In 1761, on a sunny day in September, a King and Queen met for the very first time. They were married within hours. Born a German Princess, Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz was beautiful, headstrong, and fiercely intelligent--not precisely the attributes the British Court had been seeking in a spouse for the young King George III. But her fire and independence were exactly what she needed because George had secrets-- secrets with the potential to shake the very foundations of the monarchy. Thrust into her new role as a royal, Charlotte must learn to navigate the intricate politics of the court, all the while guarding her heart, because she is falling in love with the King, even as he pushes her away"--Dust jacket flap.
“Smart and witty . . . the perfect historical read.” —Julia Quinn, #1 New York Times bestselling authorNew York Public Library, Bookriot, Vulture, Time Out, and Overdrive Featured Book to Read After Bridgerton!Featured in Entertainment Weekly, O Magazine, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Bustle, and Bookish! An Amazon Best of the Month SelectionA Publishers Weekly Summer Reads 2020 Editors’ PickA ground-breaking, empowering, and sexy story from acclaimed author Vanessa Riley that fans of Beverly Jenkins, Evie Dunmore, and Alyssa Cole won’t be able to put down. Join these Rogues & Remarkable Women as they fight for their status, their families…and true love.When headstrong West Indian heiress Patience Jordan questioned her English husband's mysterious suicide, she lost everything: her newborn son, Lionel, her fortune—and her freedom. Falsely imprisoned, she risks her life to be near her child—until The Widow's Grace gets her hired as her own son’s nanny. But working for his unsuspecting new guardian, Busick Strathmore, Duke of Repington, has perils of its own. Especially when Patience discovers his military strictness belies an ex-rake of unswerving honor—and unexpected passion . . .A wounded military hero, Busick is determined to resolve his dead cousin’s dangerous financial dealings for Lionel’s sake. But his investigation is a minor skirmish compared to dealing with the forthright, courageous, and alluring Patience. Somehow, she's breaking his rules, and sweeping past his defenses. Soon, between formidable enemies and obstacles, they form a fragile trust—but will it be enough to save the future they long to dare together?“Vanessa Riley at her finest.” —Sarah MacLean, New York Times bestselling author “I was delighted. Readers on the lookout for Black or disabled characters in historical romance will not want to miss this." —New York Times Book Review “One of the best historicals I’ve read in years.” —Kristan Higgins, New York Times bestselling author “Expertly crafted romance.” —Publishers Weekly, STARRED review
The rules of marriage . . . according to Miss Annabel EssexA husband must be:Rich.Make that very rich. She's had enough of leaky roofs and thread-worn clothing.English.London is the center of the civilized world, and Annabel has a passion for silk and hot water.Amiable.Good-looking would be nice, but not necessary. Same for intelligent.Isn't she lucky? She's found just the man! And her chosen spouse is nothing like the impoverished Scottish Earl of Ardmore, who has nothing but his gorgeous eyes, his brainand his kissesto recommend him.So what cruel twist of fate put her in a carriage on her way to Scotland with just that impoverished earl and all the world thinking they're man and wife? Sleeping in the same bed? Not to mention the game of words started by the earlin which the prize is a kiss. And the forfeit . . . Well. They are almost married, after all!
When you're the oldest daughter, you don't get to have any fun! Witty, orphaned Tess Essex faces her duty: marry well and marry quickly, so she can arrange matches for her three sisters -- beautiful Annabel, romantic Imogen and practical Josie. After all, right now they're under the rather awkward guardianship of the perpetually tipsy Duke of Holbrook. But just when she begins to think that all might end well, one of her sisters bolts with a horse-mad young lord, and her own fianc just plain runs away.Which leaves Tess contemplating marriage to the sort of man she wishes to avoid -- one of London's most infamous rakes. Lucius Felton is a rogue whose own mother considers him irredeemable! He's delicious, Annabel points out. And he's rich, Josie notes. But although Tess finally consents to marry him, it may be for the worst reason of all. Absurd as she knows it to be, she may have fallen utterly in love . . .
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