Bag om Marine Corps Vision & Strategy 2025
We are a nation at war, and our Marines and Sailors in combat remain our number one priority. We will continue our focus on the following: Achieve victory in the Long War; Right-size our Corps to achieve a 1:2 deployment-to-dwell ratio in the Active Component; Provide our Nation a naval force that is fully prepared for employment as a MAGTF across the spectrum of conflict; Reset and modernize to "be most ready when the Nation is least ready"; Improve the quality of life for our Marines and our families; Rededicate ourselves to our Core Values and warrior ethos; Posture the Marine Corps for the future Marine Corps Vision and Strategy 2025 established the direction of the Corps for the uncertainties ahead. It confirmed our core beliefs as an institution and the warfighting concepts we have validated in the crucible of war - from the sands of Iraq to the mountains of Afghanistan. To continue to fulfill our legislated role as an expeditionary force in readiness, we must remain agile, multicapable, and lethal. We must always be prepared to respond when our nation calls.
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