Bag om The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1907 edition. Excerpt: ..."The Past Definite." "Send out and order it to the front--with chickens. And let them understand that we don't want any more of this cold indilference." He gave the order to an aide, adding, with a haunting tenderness in his tone and a watering mouth in his aspect: "Convey to them the conception that these are unprotected chickens." He turned to me, saluting with his hand to his temple, and explained, "It will inflame their interest in the poultry, sire." A few minutes elapsed. Then the squad marched in and formed up, their faces glowing with enthusiasm, and the file-leader shouted: "Ebbi polli, I had chickens!" "Good!" I said. "Go on, the next." "Arms11' polli, thou hadst chickens!" "Fine! Next!" "Eebe polli, he had chickens!" "'M0ltimoltissimo! Go on, the next!" "Avemmo polli, we had chickens!" "Basta-basta aspettatto avanti--last man--charge./" "Efibero polli, they had chickens!" Then they formed in echelon, by column of fours, refusing the left, and retired in great style on the double quick. I was enchanted, and said: "Now, doctor, that is something like! Chickens are the ticket, there is no doubt about it. What is the next squad?" "The Imperfect." "How does it go?" "Io aveva, I had: 14 avevi, thou hadst, egli aveva, he had, noi av--" "Wait--we've just had the hads. What are you giving me?" "But this is another breed." "What do we want of another breed? Isn't one breed enough? Had is HAD, and your tricking it out in a fresh way of spelling isn't going to make...
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