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  • Spar 15%
    af Yotam Ottolenghi & Sami Tamimi
    119,95 - 312,95 kr.

    I "Jerusalem" får du et glimt ind i et skatkammer af opskrifter - både det helt traditionelle middelhavskøkken og moderne versioner af kendte klassiskere, lokale specialiteter og nye retter inspireret af byens alsidighed. Fx opskrifter på falafel, tabouleh, risotto og shawarma, men du finder også et hav af spændende, eksostiske salater, lam i mange versioner, brød og desserter. I alt over 100 opskrifter. Bogen er smukt illustreret med fotos, både af den delikate og indbydende mad samt stemninger fra det farverige Jerusalem. Vennerne - den jødiske Ottolenghi og den palæstinensiske Tamimi - skriver med stor passion og kærlighed om begges hjemby: det spraglede, mangfoldige og internationale Jerusalem. Bogen er en rejse ind i byen og dens rige og varierede køkken, dens smage og dufte. Yotam Ottolenghi: Kok og madskribent for bl.a. The Guardian. Flyttede i 1997 til London, arbejdede på forsk. toprestauranter og ejer i dag en kæde af restauranter og butikker under eget navn.Sami Tamimi: Kok og inspirator og højre hånd i Ottolenghis firma. Denne e-bog er udgivet i fixed layout. Læs mere på

  • Spar 15%
    af Yotam Ottolenghi
    119,95 - 312,95 kr.

    Med sine meget succesfulde restauranter og bestselleren Ottolenghi: The Cookbook har Yotam Ottolenghi etableret sig som et af de mest interessante talenter i verden inden for madlavning og som madskribent. Denne eksklusive samling af vegetaropskrifter indeholder 120 originale retter, hvoraf mange i første omgang blev udviklet til New Vegetarian-klummen i magasinet The Guardian Weekend.Yotams madinspiration stammer fra hans middelhavsbaggrund og hans kompromisløse kærlighed til ingredienserne. Selv om han ikke selv er vegetar, er hans tilgang til vegetarkøkkenet aldeles original og innovativ og baseret på stærke og friske smagskombinationer. Bogen er inddelt i afsnit tilegnet grønt, auberginer, kål, ris og kornprodukter, pasta og bælgfrugter, rodfrugter, squash, løg, frugt, svampe og tomater, og bredden i farver, smagsvarianter og teksturer er usædvanlig.Fuld af inspirerende opskrifter og illustrereret af Jonathan Lovekins farverige madfotos er Plenty et must-have hos såvel kødspisere og vegetarer.Denne e-bog er udgivet i fixed layout. Læs mere på

  • Spar 11%
    af Siri Ranva Hjelm Jacobsen
    45,95 - 132,95 kr.

    Kære søster Snart vil store skove igen vokse frem i os, tykke og sorte af næring. Tænk på dét. Tænk på at vi bliver den eneste lyd i verden. Din, A I Havbrevene skriver de to søstre Atlanterhavet og Middelhavet til hinanden om universet, livet på landjorden, klimaforandringerne og verdenshavenes store plan. Teksten er en alternativ skabelsesberetning, en utopi set fra havenes perspektiv, skrevet i et stærkt poetisk sprog af den anmelderroste forfatter Siri Ranva Hjelm Jacobsen og illustreret med originale grafiske tryk af billedkunstneren Dorte Naomi.

  • af Clare Bailey
    185,95 kr.

    Introducing 'The Fast 800 Keto Recipe Book' by the talented Kathryn Bruton. This recent addition to the culinary literature genre, published in late 2022, is a must-have for all health-conscious food lovers. The book is a treasure trove of Keto-friendly recipes, designed to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle without compromising on taste. Kathryn Bruton's expertise shines through each page, ensuring that even the most novice of cooks can whip up a Keto storm in the kitchen. Published by Short Books Ltd, this book is an excellent testament to their commitment to providing readers with quality content. If you're on the lookout for a comprehensive guide to Keto cooking, 'The Fast 800 Keto Recipe Book' is your perfect companion.

  • Spar 25%
    af Herman Melville
    119,95 - 223,95 kr.

    Den dramatiske fortælling om drengen Ismael og den hvide dræberhval ’Moby Dick’ er en af verdenslitteraturens helt store klassikere. Ismael drømmer om at blive hvalfanger og får arbejde på kaptajn Akabs skib The Pequod. Akab har mistet sit ene ben i kamp med den hvide hval og er nu besat af tanken om hævn. Hans vanvittige jagt på det farlige dyr bliver en kamp på liv og død, der bringer hele besætningen i fare.Herman Melville (1819-1891) var en amerikansk forfatter, hvis bøger bygger på hans egne erfaringer som sømand. I dag er Herman Melville verdensberømt for sin roman "Moby Dick", men i sin samtid blev romanen dårligt modtaget og hurtigt glemt igen. Først mange år efter Herman Melvilles død blev "Moby Dick" genopdaget og regnes i dag i blandt de allerstørste klassikere i den amerikanske litteratur.

  • af Diane Kochilas
    387,95 kr.

    Diane Kochilas' new cookbook that brings the plant-based cuisine of Ikaria to your dinner table.Ikaria is an island in Greece where people live to a ripe old age, sometimes living well past 100. Diane Kochilas, host of the television series My Greek Table, is a daughter of Ikaria. The Ikaria Way is her latest cookbook and is filled with easy, contemporary recipes rooted in her background and steeped in the ancient Greek traditions of plant-based cuisine.As Diane says, Greeks are almost vegan, but they'd never call themselves that. The array of plant-based dishes in the Greek diet is unsurpassed anywhere else in the Mediterranean. Diane's pantry, and the one she suggests for readers, is culled from the traditions of the Mediterranean and is full of ingredients that have long given food its flavor: herbs, olive oil, nuts, and more. The recipes in The Ikaria Way are simple, almost entirely plant-based, prepared with real food and almost nothing processed, save for the occasional can of tomatoes. Readers will love meze like smoked eggplant with tahini and walnuts or baked chickpeas and pumpkin patties. There are wonderful salads combining strawberries and asparagus and robust mains like white bean stew with eggplant.The Ikaria Way brings the healthy-eating recipes of an ancient island to readers everywhere. It is destined to take its place alongside Diane's other books on the shelves of all good home cooks who want healthy eating and robust, delicious flavors on the same plate.

  • af Simon Bajada
    255,95 kr.

    Malta, penned by the renowned author Simon Bajada, is an enchanting journey into the heart of the Mediterranean. Published recently in 2023 by Hardie Grant Books, this masterpiece intricately weaves a tale that can only be classified as an immersive dive into the genre of travel and culture. Simon Bajada, with his eloquent and captivating writing style, takes us on a voyage to Malta, a land steeped in history and rich in culture. This book is not just a narration; it's an experience, a journey, a revelation that unfolds the beauty and enigma of Malta. Published by Hardie Grant Books, known for their collection of thought-provoking and enlightening books, Malta is another feather in their cap. Dive into the pages of Malta, and embark on an unforgettable journey.

  • af Lori Miranda
    222,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af Rosa Jackson
    417,95 kr.

    At the foot of the French Alps, on the Mediterranean coastline, the city of Nice is sun-drenched, bursting with colour, and replete with vibrant, full-flavoured food. In Niçoise, Rosa Jackson, founder of the popular cooking school Les Petits Farcis and a resident of the city since 2004, invites home cooks to discover much more than salade Niçoise and ratatouille. With its reliance on olive oil, fresh produce, fish, whole grains and chickpeas, the Italian-influenced Niçoise cuisine includes panisses (chickpea fries), daube (orange-scented beef stew) and a sweet Swiss chard pie. Encouraging readers to follow the seasons, Jackson structures her delicious and easy-to-master dishes around the freshest ingredients and celebrates casual street food like the tuna, egg and vegetable sandwich known as pan bagnat. Beautiful photography, visits to local shops and restaurants, and conversations with the mamies who keep traditions alive further transport readers to the hidden corners of this tourist mecca.

  • af The Coastal Kitchen
    245,95 kr.

    Capture the spirit of Mediterranean cuisine with over 200 appetizing and heart-healthy recipes in The Complete Mediterranean Cookbook.

  • af Edward M. Young
    167,95 kr.

    An exciting account of the aerial battles fought by the USAAF's P38 Lightnings and the Jagdflieger's Bf 109Gs for dominance over North Africa and the Mediterranean.USAAF fighter pilots experienced a baptism of fire when flying the technically advanced but fragile P-38 Lightning over North Africa in the wake of 1942's Operation Torch. Their opponents were battle-hardened jagdflieger of the Jadgwaffe, flying the tried and tested Bf 109 in its very lastest Gustav iteration. Responsible primarily for escorting USAAF bombers attacking Afrika Korps installations in Tunisia, the P-38 units in North Africa had to develop effective tactics to defend the bombers against Luftwaffe fighter attacks. For several months the Lightning squadrons had to also cope with shortages of aircraft and spare parts, steady losses and a lack of replacement pilots. To survive, American aviators had to learn quickly. While it is difficult to definitively attribute victories in air combat, in the air battles over Tunisia and later over Sicily and Italy, the claims made by Lightning pilots were comparable to Luftwaffe claims for P-38s destroyed. Edward M. Young turns his attention to the bitterly fought air war in North Africa and the Mediterranean in 1942-43. Using original archival sources, official records and first-hand accounts from both USAAF and Luftwaffe veterans, as well as newly commissioned artwork and 50 carefully selected photographs from official and personal archives, this book sees two of the most iconic piston-engined fighters of their era pitted head-to-head for control of the skies in a key theatre of World War II.

  • af Jeff Koehler
    393,95 kr.

    A collection of 445 exciting and accessible recipes that celebrate North Africa's vibrant and diverse food culture Life in North Africa heavily revolves around that most important of passions, food. Drawing on Berber, Arabic, and Ottoman influences as well as French, Spanish, and Italian ones, this gorgeous cookbook explores the culinary diversity of the Maghreb, a region that spans Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya. With 445 delicious and authentic North African dishes that can easily be recreated at home, this treasure trove of a book reveals an exciting cuisine that is as varied and fascinating as the countries it covers. Irresistible recipes and stunning photography bring the region to life, from the Atlantic and Mediterranean coast in the west and the north, across farmland, orchards, plateaus carpeted in wheat, and mountain peaks, to the great Sahara in the south and east. A series of essays scattered throughout the book introduce key ingredients and cultural traditions, adding extra depth to Jeff Koehler's compelling introduction, which celebrates food culture in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya, as well as providing a brief history of North Africa itself.  From griddled flatbreads and zesty salads to aromatic tagines, grilled meat and fish, and honey-rich pastries,  The North African Cookboo k showcases an unprecedented and authoritative collection of traditional and contemporary recipes for the home cook from this most intriguing and varied of regions.

  • Spar 17%
    af Peter Harmsen
    138,95 - 371,95 kr.

    Historien om Anden Verdenskrig i Asien begynder længe før angrebet på Pearl Harbor i 1941 og kan kun forstås, hvis man kender forhistorien om regionens konflikter. Det ældgamle fjendskab mellem Japan og Kina førte til øgede spændinger og kampe i 1930?erne, som kulminerede i udbredelsen af verdenskrigen til Asien. Storm over Stillehavet samler de mange tråde i en medrivende fortælling med facetter og detaljer, som ofte overses. Peter Harmsen beskriver krigen, som den udfoldede sig fra den øverste general til den menige soldat og civilbefolkningen; under subarktiske forhold i øgruppen Aleuterne; under hungersnød i Kina, Indokina og Indien; fra Det Hvide Hus i Washington til marineinfanteristerne på tropeøen Peleliu. Vi møder en række overraskende aktører: russere i japansk uniform i det nordøstlige Kina, mexicanske piloter i amerikanske maskiner over Filippinerne og de forbavsende mange danskere, der befandt sig i regionen i krigsårene. Og vi hører om alle de berømte slag - fra Guadalcanal til Iwo Jima - der har skrevet sig ind i historien som milepæle på vejen mod Japans kapitulation i august 1945.

  • af Morris West
    74,95 - 119,95 kr.

    "Håbets grønne ø" er den fantastiske fortælling om en mands evindelige jagt på en sagnomspunden ø. En jagt, som eftersigende skulle være årsag til adskillige eventyrers tidlige død. Men disse rygter og fortællinger gør kun rejsen så meget desto mere eventyrlig – og søfareren begiver sig beslutsomt ud på en rejse, der skal vise sig at indeholde ikke kun eventyr, men også venskaber og kærlighed.Den australske forfatter Morris L. West (1916-1999) voksede op i Melbourne som den yngste af seks børn. Som 14-årig blev han en del af en munkeorden. Her blev han i knap 12 år, men aftenen før han skulle afgive sine sidste løfter, besluttede han sig for, at han havde brug for at opleve resten af verden – og han forlod munkeordenens trygge rammer. Han blev gift i 1941 og påbegyndte herefter så småt sin forfatterkarriere. Hans første værk, "Moon in My Pocket" (1942) udgav han under pseudonymet Julian Morris. I 1953 forlod han sin familie og påbegyndte en nomadetilværelse som forfatter i et nyt kærlighedsforhold. West begyndte for alvor at fokusere på forfattergerningen og af hans mest bemærkelsesværdige romaner bør nævnes "The Devil‘s Advocate" (1959) og "The Shoes of the Fisherman" (1963). Wests romaner var kendt for at beskæftige sig med international politik og den katolske kirkes rolle i internationale forhold.

  • af Klaus Wivel
    88,95 - 237,95 kr.

    I DEN SIDSTE NADVER fortæller journalist for Weekendavisen Klaus Wivel historien om vor tids paria, de kristne i den arabiske verden. Her betyder tiltagende islamisme, gamle stridigheder, religiøse uenigheder, territoriale konflikter og stædig mistro, at hundredtusindvis af mennesker over de seneste årtier er blevet underkuet, chikaneret, forfulgt og fordrevet. DEN SIDSTE NADVER er deres historie.Rejsen begyndte, da Klaus Wivel i Weekendavisen i et åbent brev til udenrigsministeren spurgte, hvad regeringen ville gøre ved fordrivelsen af de kristne i den arabiske verden. Han fik intet svar. Med spørgsmålet dirrende i luften tog han derfor af sted til Vestbredden, Gaza, Egypten, Libanon og Irak for ved selvsyn at forstå, hvad en af vor tids store menneskerettighedskrænkelser handler om. Her mødte han forkuede mennesker under stort pres fra muslimske omgivelser. Præster, hvis kirker er blevet brændt, og som nægter at lade sig knægte. Forældre, der har mistet deres børn. Borgere, der er blevet kidnappet eller smidt ud af deres huse. Indbyggere, der føler sig som fremmede i deres egne lande og længes væk. Og dertil en række velmenende vesterlændinge, der med lige dele dårlig samvittighed over kolonitidens forsyndelser og store forhåbninger til arabiske forårsfornemmelser benægter ethvert problem.Men problemerne forsvinder ikke, fordi man lukker øjnene eller fokuserer på andre marginaliserede grupper. DEN SIDSTE NADVER viser os det, vi ønskede ikke fandtes.5 stjerner - BERLINGSKE

  • af Finn Carstensen
    37,95 - 137,95 kr.

    Vovehalsen Lucas Beck levede et udsvævende liv med kvinder og sprut. Han havde brug for at komme videre med sit liv og var taget på kursus på Skopelos i Grækenland. Dagene gik med yndige øvelser mellem drinks og badeture på stranden. Så gjorde Lucas et uhyggeligt fund, som brød idyllen på denne dejlige ferieø. Da Lucas var tilbage i København åbner han et bureau. En undersøgelse for en klient ledte Lucas på sporet af en ring af narkotikahandlere. Lucas var ikke populær i disse kredse og hans liv blev udsat for farer, som skulle overvindes ...

  • af John Dias Smith
    271,95 kr.

    Do you like new culinary experiences?Get ready to embark on a unique and thrilling culinary journey that will transport you to the depths of the fascinating world of Portuguese cuisine."Portuguese Cookbook" is a treasure trove of 40 recipes that unveil the well-guarded secrets of Portuguese cooking. From the iconic "Bacalhau à Brás" to the succulent "Cozido à Portuguesa", each dish is a masterpiece of vibrant flavors and irresistible aromas.Feel the excitement bubbling as you dive into the pages of this book. Learn to master the art of cooking both traditional and contemporary Portuguese dishes. Impress your family and friends with stunning meals that incorporate the authentic flavors.Don't miss the opportunity to bring home your copy of "Portuguese Cookbook". Start creating incredible dishes today!Structure:Brief explanation of the origin of the dishPreparation and Cooking Time: To help you plan your meals efficiently, each recipe comes with an estimated preparation and cooking time.Ingredient List: Ingredients are listed in the order of use, with clear measurements and possible substitutions to accommodate different dietary needs or preferences.Step-by-Step Instructions: The recipe directions are written in a straightforward, easy-to-follow manner.Nutritional Information: For those who are health-conscious or have specific dietary requirements, each recipe includes a nutritional breakdown.Chef Tips: Where applicable, recipes are followed by additional tips, serving suggestions, or variations.Appetizers and Snacks, Traditional Dishes, Soups and Salads and much more...Features:Full-ColorHardcoverPhoto/illustration of each recipeAll the steps of the recipe separated by topics so you don't forget anything.Chef's Special TipNow the success of your recipes depends only on you, take this book it will be your best kitchen tool.

  • af Mercedes Montoro Araque
    337,95 kr.

    Toute perception paysagère a tendance à dissocier les composantes physiques de ses résonances existentielles et symboliques. Nonobstant, peut-on penser autrement les paysages méditerranéens¿et s¿affranchir de ce dualisme omniprésent dans la pensée occidentale¿? Autrement dit, peut-on considérer quelques paysages de l¿eau qualifiés de méditerranéens comme un objet global¿? En interrogeant de façon holistique ces quelques espaces «¿en trompe l¿¿il¿», ce volume étudie les manières dont ces lieux hydriques sont conditionnés par leur environnement culturel et symbolique. Dès lors, c¿est grâce au rôle joué par la mémoire et par l¿invariance thématique que la réalité paysagère ici analysée peut être singularisée en géographie affective, en matrice archétypale, en «¿pensée-paysage méditerranéenne¿».

  • af Elliot Hemen
    242,95 kr.

    Embark on a flavorful journey with the "Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Beginners," your ultimate guide to embracing a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle. This comprehensive cookbook is not just a collection of recipes; it's a transformative experience designed to introduce you to the heart-healthy and delicious world of the Mediterranean diet. With 150 expertly curated recipes, the "Mediterranean Diet Cookbook" allows you to explore a rich tapestry of tastes that range from simple, wholesome breakfasts to sumptuous dinners. Adhering to the principles of one of the world's most beneficial diets, each recipe in this Mediterranean cookbook is crafted to be easy to follow, making it perfect for beginners or those looking to refine their culinary skills. But this book, the "Complete Mediterranean Cookbook," is more than just recipes. It includes a carefully structured 28-Day Mediterranean Diet Plan, meticulously designed to ease you into the Mediterranean lifestyle. This plan not only provides a roadmap for your meals but also integrates snack ideas and nutritional tips, ensuring a seamless transition to healthier eating habits with the Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan. Additionally, the "Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Beginners" is packed with proven tips and insights to enhance your journey. Discover the secrets of the Mediterranean diet, from its heart-healthy benefits to its positive impact on longevity and mental clarity. Learn how to source the freshest ingredients, how to stock your pantry Mediterranean-style, and how to incorporate these practices into your daily life for lasting health benefits. "The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Beginners" is more than a cookbook-it's a gateway to a brighter, healthier life. Embrace the joy of Mediterranean cooking, the pleasure of eating well, and the rewards of a balanced diet. Whether you're interested in the "Mind Diet Cookbook," the "Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Two," or the "Vegetarian Mediterranean Cookbook," this guide has something for everyone. Ready to transform your life with tantalizing flavors and wholesome meals she eats cookbook style?

  • af Coledown Kitchen
    112,95 kr.

    Embark on a gastronomic journey to the heart of the Mediterranean with A Kitchen in Malta. This captivating cookbook invites you into the vibrant world of Maltese cuisine, where each page is a doorway to centuries-old traditions, bold flavors, and cherished family recipes.Unearth the secrets of Maltese culinary heritage as you explore the influences of Phoenician, Arab, Norman, and British cultures. From the sun-kissed shores to cozy family kitchens, delve into the rich tapestry of Maltese food culture, where every dish tells a story.Whether you're a seasoned chef or a kitchen novice, this cookbook is a gift of Maltese flavors waiting to be unwrapped.

  • af Martín Sánchez
    417,95 kr.

    Bienvenidos a "Sabores del Mediterráneo: El Arte Culinario que Inspira", una obra maestra gastronómica presentada por el autor Martín Sánchez. Este libro no es solo un recetario, es una puerta abierta a un viaje culinario inolvidable a través de las costas bañadas por el cálido sol del Mediterráneo.Las delicias de la cocina mediterránea son una fuente inagotable de inspiración, y Martín Sánchez le guiará a través de un mundo de sabores auténticos y contemporáneos que harán que su paladar se emocione. Con recetas tradicionales y modernas, este libro celebra la riqueza de la cultura culinaria mediterránea y le invita a explorar una amplia variedad de ingredientes frescos y saludables.Las páginas de "Sabores del Mediterráneo" son una ventana a la historia y la pasión que se encuentra detrás de cada plato. Descubra cómo la mezcla de ingredientes simples se convierte en una experiencia gastronómica excepcional que puede disfrutarse en cualquier ocasión.Ya sea que sea un principiante curioso o un cocinero experimentado en busca de nuevas ideas, este libro le ofrece una fuente inagotable de inspiración culinaria. Martín Sánchez le guía con maestría a través de las recetas, compartiendo su amor por la cocina mediterránea y brindándole las herramientas para crear platos que deleitarán a sus seres queridos.Si está listo para embarcarse en un viaje culinario por el Mediterráneo y llenar su vida de sabor y satisfacción, "Sabores del Mediterráneo" es su compañero ideal. Deje que Martín Sánchez le inspire a descubrir el arte culinario que ha cautivado a generaciones y que seguirá inspirando el paladar de aquellos que aman la buena comida. Su aventura mediterránea comienza aquí.

  • af Karolina Nowak
    412,95 kr.

    Witajcie w s¿öcem nas¿czonej krainie kulinarnych przygód z Karolin¿ Nowak, autork¿ ksi¿¿ki "Kuchnia ¿ródziemnomorska: Smaki S¿öca i Morza". Ta ksi¿¿ka to nie tylko zbiór przepisów; to podró¿ przez smaki, aromaty i histori¿ jedzenia znad Morza ¿ródziemnego."Kuchnia ¿ródziemnomorska" to höd oddany kulinarnemu dziedzictwu regionu, od tradycyjnych przepisów po nowoczesne kompozycje smaków. Karolina Nowak podzieli si¿ z Tob¿ pasj¿ do pysznej i zdrowej kuchni, która opiera si¿ na ¿wie¿ych, naturalnych sk¿adnikach i wype¿niona jest s¿öcem.Ta ksi¿¿ka to nie tylko zbiór przepisów; to prawdziwe kulinarne odkrywanie. Poznasz tajemnice diety ¿ródziemnomorskiej, która jest uwäana za jedn¿ z najzdrowszych na ¿wiecie. Karolina zdradzi sekrety przygotowywania potraw, które przypominaj¿ smaki urlopu nad morzem, a jednocze¿nie wspieraj¿ Twoje zdrowie i dobre samopoczucie.Czy jeste¿ pocz¿tkuj¿cym kucharzem, który chce odkry¿ tajniki kuchni ¿ródziemnomorskiej, czy te¿ döwiadczonym smakoszem w poszukiwaniu nowych inspiracji, "Kuchnia ¿ródziemnomorska" dostarczy Ci niezapomnianych chwil kulinarnej rozkoszy.Je¿li pragniesz degustowä smaki s¿öca i morza, oraz cieszysz si¿ zdrowym stylem ¿ycia, to "Kuchnia ¿ródziemnomorska" stanie si¿ Twoim niezast¿pionym przewodnikiem. Pozwól Karolinie Nowak wprowadzi¿ Ci¿ w fascynuj¿cy ¿wiat kuchni ¿ródziemnomorskiej i odkryj, jak jedzenie möe by¿ prawdziw¿ uczt¿ dla zmys¿ów. Twoja kulinarna podró¿ rozpoczyna si¿ tutaj.

  • af Sandra H. Herrington
    177,95 kr.

    Ignite Your Health and Palate with 2000 Days of Tantalizing and Effortless Recipes with a 28-Day Meal Plan Are you ready to embark on a culinary journey through the sun-soaked lands of the Mediterranean? Look no further!Our Mediterranean Cuisine Cookbook is your ticket to a world of delightful dishes that will tantalize your taste buds and promote a healthier, happier you. In this beautifully crafted cookbook, we've gathered an appealing collection of authentic Mediterranean recipes that showcase the region's rich culinary heritage. From the fresh and vibrant flavors of Greece to the rustic charm of Italy, and the exotic delights of Morocco, you'll find a diverse array of recipes that will make mealtime a true celebration. What makes the Mediterranean diet so special? It's not just about delicious food; it's about a lifestyle that emphasizes fresh, whole ingredients, heart-healthy fats, and a balance of flavors that is simply unparalleled. With our cookbook, you can easily incorporate this life-enriching diet into your daily routine, all while enjoying a variety of delectable dishes that are as good for your body as they are for your taste buds. In this cookbook, you will find:Cultural Insights---Explore the culinary and cultural aspects of the Mediterranean with fascinating insights and background information on each recipe's origin.Diverse and Delicious Recipes--- With plenty of authentic recipes from various Mediterranean regions, you'll enjoy a wide range of flavors and ingredients, from Greek salads to Italian pasta dishes and Moroccan tagines.Easy-to-Follow Instructions---Whether you're a novice or an experienced chef, our cookbook offers clear, step-by-step instructions that make cooking Mediterranean dishes a breeze.Fresh and Wholesome Ingredients---Learn to use fresh, whole ingredients like fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and lean proteins to create mouthwatering, nutrition-packed meals. Elevate Your Plate, Embrace the Mediterranean Way Starting Today!¿

  • af Coledown Kitchen
    112,95 kr.

    Immerse yourself in the vibrant and rich gastronomic heritage of Croatia, where the azure waters of the Adriatic and the sun-soaked landscapes of Dubrovnik converge to create a tapestry of flavors.A Kitchen in Dubrovnik brings to life the authentic essence of Croatian cuisine, preserving time-honored recipes while infusing them with contemporary flair. From the aromatic notes of truffle-infused dishes to the sweet embrace of honey gingerbread cookies, each page invites you into the heart of Dubrovnik's kitchen.Whether you're a seasoned chef seeking new inspiration or a home cook eager to explore global flavors, this cookbook is your invitation to savor the extraordinary tastes of Dubrovnik in the comfort of your own kitchen.Embrace the flavors, savor the moments, and let the culinary magic of Dubrovnik unfold in your own kitchen.

  • af Lauren A. Williams
    247,95 kr.

    Nourish Your Body with 2000 Days of Tantalizing and Nutrient-Rich Meals with a 28-Day Meal Plan Are you ready to embark on a delectable journey to better health and a more vibrant lifestyle?Look no further! "The Ultimate Mediterranean Diet Cookbook" is your passport to the renowned Mediterranean way of eating, a time-tested dietary approach that not only tantalizes your taste buds but also promotes well-being like no other.Discover the culinary secrets of the Mediterranean region, where the sun-kissed shores and lush landscapes have given birth to a unique way of eating that has been celebrated for centuries. This cookbook is your comprehensive guide to embracing this lifestyle, making it not just a diet but a delightful and sustainable way of life. Inside the pages of this cookbook, you'll find:A Feast for the Senses---Explore plenty of mouthwatering recipes that showcase the rich flavors and ingredients of the Mediterranean, from crisp Greek salads to hearty Italian pastas, succulent Spanish seafood dishes to wholesome Middle Eastern mezze. Each recipe is crafted to bring the essence of the Mediterranean to your kitchen.Practical Guidance---This cookbook doesn't just provide recipes; it equips you with practical tips and tricks for adopting the Mediterranean diet as a sustainable lifestyle. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a kitchen novice, you'll find easy-to-follow instructions to ensure your culinary success.Meal Planning Made Easy---Create weekly meal plans that cater to your taste and dietary preferences. With a diverse array of recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snacks, you'll have a varied and exciting menu at your fingertips.The Mediterranean Way of Life---Immerse yourself in the Mediterranean culture with insights into the region's lifestyle, traditions, and the joy of savoring meals with loved ones. Find out why this diet isn't just about what you eat but how you eat. Embrace a lifestyle that celebrates wholesome, delicious food and the well-being it brings. Start your journey to optimal health today!

  • af Robert Zorko
    437,95 kr.

    Dobrodöli na kulinari¿ni odisejadi Sredozemlja s petimi sestavinami Pojedina, a kuharska knjiga to presega the vsakdanji in vabi ti do izkünje the bistvo od Sredozemlje kuhinja v njegov naj¿istej¿i oblika. notri the kraljestvo od gastronomija, the Sredozemlje je a svetilnik od okus, znani za njegov ¿ivahno jedi, robusten arome, in a kulinariko filozofija, ki slavi preprostost sestavin.Ta kuharska knjiga je ne le zbirka receptov; je potopitev v ¿ivljenjski slog, kjer vsak obrok pripoveduje zgodbo o s soncem obsijani pokrajini, skupnih trenutkih, in the bogata tapiserija iz razli¿ne kulture. Ko se odpravite na to potovanje, si zamislite kuhinjo, ki se kopa v zlatu sij olj¿nega olja, ki odmeva z melodijo aromati¿na zeli¿¿a in okräena z bogastvom sve¿ih pridelkov. Sredozemlje ni zgolj a regija; to je a dr¿ava od um-eno to objemi the veselje od nezapleteno kuhanje, kjer je v sredi¿¿u celovitost sestavin stopnja. Sredozemska pojedina s petimi sestavinami zajema ta duh, ki vam ponuja potni list za raziskovanje ¿arovnije te priznane kulinarike pokrajina z recepti to prinesi the s soncem prepojeno okusi do tvoje tabela.Od the obale od Gr¿ija do the obale od Italija, vsak recept je a refleksija od the kulinariko dedi¿¿ina to ima öaran hrano entuziasti za generacije. ali ti si an izküena domov kuhar oz a novincu v kuhinji, ta kuharska knjiga slüi kot obetaven vodnik kulinari¿na avantura, ki je hkrati dostopna in neustavljivo okusna. Na teh straneh slavimo sredozemsko umetnost preoblikovanja a prgi¿¿e sestavin v pojedino, kjer je vsaka jed simfonija okusi, teksture, in kulturno vplivi. Pridrüite se mi pri odkrivanju skrivnosti sredozemske kuhinje, kjer lepota je v harmoniji nekaj bistvenih elementov.Poglobimo se v the srce od to kulinariko tradicija, odkrivanje ne samo the umetnost od kuhanje, ampak tudi veselje ob üivanju najpreprostej¿ega in najbolj ¿udovitega v ¿ivljenju üitki. The Pet sestavin Sredozemlje Pojedina je ve¿ kot a kuharska knjiga; to je an vabilo do objem a ¿ivljenjski slog kje the dejanje od priprava in delitev a obrok postane a praznovanje od the Sredozemlje duh - eno to je oboje brez¿asen in globoko zadovoljivo. dobrodöli do a svetu kje vsak ugriz je a potovanje, in vsak jed je a pojedina za the ob¿utki.

  • af Katherine Miller
    192,95 kr.

    Embark on a 30-Day Mediterranean Diet Journey: Transform Your Health and Savor Life!Why Choose Our 30-Day Mediterranean Diet Plan?A Health Revolution: This isn't just a diet; it's a vibrant journey towards a healthier you. Our 30-day plan is expertly crafted to build healthy eating habits that last a lifetime.Delectable Diversity: Over 200 mouth-watering recipes await you, each packed with nutritious ingredients and easy-to-follow instructions, complete with nutritional information.Seamless Integration: With ingredients easily found at your local market, this diet plan is as practical as it is healthy, ensuring you can maintain this lifestyle effortlessly.Effortless Planning: Enjoy a comprehensive guide with cooking times, grocery lists, and step-by-step instructions, making your culinary journey enjoyable and stress-free.A Sustainable Lifestyle: Embrace a diet that's more than just a meal plan. It's a sustainable approach to eating and living, benefiting you and your family for years to come.Get ready to indulge in deliciously healthy meals like Avocado Breakfast Scramble, Mediterranean Breakfast Board, and Blueberry Mango Smoothie Bowl. Many of our recipes are quick and easy, perfect for busy lifestyles, and can be prepared in 45 minutes or less.

  • af Jázmin Takács
    437,95 kr.

    Üdvözöljük az Öt összetev¿b¿l álló mediterrán kulináris odüsszeájában Ünnep, a szakácskönyv hogy túllép a rendes és meghívja te nak nek tapasztalat a lényeg nak,-nek mediterrán konyha ban ben annak legtisztább forma. Ban bena birodalom nak,-nek gasztronómia, a mediterrán van a jeladó nak,-nek aroma, híres számára annak élénk edények, er¿s aromák, és a konyhai- filozófia, amely az összetev¿k egyszer¿ségét ünnepli. Ez a szakácskönyv az nem csak receptgy¿jtemény; ez egy olyan életstílusba való belemerülés, ahol minden étkezés napsütötte tájak, közös pillanatok történetét meséli el, és a gazdag kárpitja változatos kultúrák. Amikor elindul ezen az úton, képzeljen el egy aranyban fürd¿ konyhát világít olívaolaj, rezonáló dallamával aromás f¿szernövények, és friss termékek b¿ségével díszítve. A Földközi-tenger nem csupán a vidék; ez van a állapot nak,-nek elme - egy hogy átölel a öröm nak,-nekegyszer¿ f¿zés, ahol az összetev¿k integritása áll a középpontban színpad. Az öt összetev¿b¿l álló mediterrán lakoma ezt a szellemet foglalja magában, útlevelet kínálunk Önnek, amellyel felfedezheti ennek a híres kulináris mesterségnek a varázsát tájkép val vel receptek hogy hozza a napsütötte ízek nak nek a te asztal. Tól t¿l a partok nak,-nek Görögország nak nek a partok nak,-nek Olaszország, minden egyes recept van a visszaver¿dés nak,-nek a konyhai- örökség hogy van rabul ejtett étel rajongók számára generációk. Akár te vagy an tapasztalt itthon séf vagy a újonc a konyhában, ez a szakácskönyv útmutatóul szolgál, ígéretes egy kulináris kaland, amely egyszerre megközelíthet¿ és ellenállhatatlanul finom.

  • af Ovidiu Petrescu
    437,95 kr.

    Bine äi venit la odiseea culinar¿ din DIETA MEDITERANEAN¿ CU CINCI INGREDIENTE, A carte de bucate acea transcende cel comun ¿i invit¿ tu la experien¿¿ cel esen¿¿ de Mediterana bucatarie în este cel mai pur form¿. În cel t¿râm de gastronomie, cel Mediterana este A far de arom¿, renumit pentru este vibrant bucate, robust arome, ¿i A culinar filozofie care celebreaz¿ simplitatea ingredientelor. Aceast¿ carte de bucate este nu doar o colec¿ie de re¿ete; este o cufundare într-un stil de viä¿ în care fiecare mas¿ spune o poveste despre peisaje însorite, momente împ¿rt¿¿ite, ¿i cel bogat tapiserie de culturi diverse.Pe m¿sur¿ ce porni¿i în aceast¿ c¿l¿torie, imaginäi-v¿ o buc¿t¿rie sc¿ldat¿ în aur str¿lucire de ulei de m¿sline, rezonând cu melodia lui ierburi aromatice ¿i împodobit¿ cu generozitatea produselor proaspete.Mediterana nu este doar A regiune; este A stat de mintea - una acea îmbr¿¿i¿eaz¿ cel bucurie de g¿tit necomplicat, unde integritatea ingredientelor este central¿ etap¿.S¿rb¿toarea mediteranean¿ cu cinci ingrediente încapsuleaz¿ acest spirit, oferindu-¿i un päaport pentru a explora magia acestui renumit culinar peisaj cu Re¿ete acea aduce cel îmbibat de soare arome la ta masa.Din cel malurile de Grecia la cel coastele de Italia, fiecare re¿et¿ este A reflec¿ie de cel culinar mötenire acea are captivat alimente entuziäti pentru generatii.Dac¿ tu esti un cu experienta Acas¿ buc¿tar sau A nou venit în buc¿t¿rie, aceast¿ carte de bucate v¿ serve¿te drept ghid, promi¿¿tor o aventur¿ culinar¿ care este atât accesibil¿, cât ¿i irezistibil de delicioas¿. În aceste pagini, celebr¿m arta Mediteranei de a transforma a o mân¿ de ingrediente într-un festin, în care fiecare fel de mâncare este o simfonie arome, texturi, ¿i cultural influen¿e. Al¿turäi-v¿ mie pentru a debloca secretele buc¿t¿riei mediteraneene, unde frumuse¿ea const¿ în armonia câtorva elemente esen¿iale.S¿ ne adâncim cel inima de acest culinar tradi¿ie, descoperind nu numai cel art¿ de g¿tit, dar ¿i bucuria de a savura cele mai simple ¿i mai încânt¿toare din viä¿ pl¿ceri. Cinci ingrediente Mediterana S¿rb¿toare este Mai mult decât A carte de bucate; este un invitäie la îmbr¿¿i¿are A mod de viata Unde cel act de preg¿tirea ¿i partajarea A mas¿ devine A celebrare de cel Mediterana spirit - unul acea este ambii atemporal ¿i profund satisf¿c¿tor. Bine ati venit la A lume Unde fiecare müc¿ este A c¿l¿torie, ¿i fiecare farfurie este A s¿rb¿toare pentru cel sim¿urile.

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