Bag om Dediu Newsletter Vol. 3, N. 8 (32), 6 July 2019
June 2019 started with cold meteorological conditions, and some other cold news, but, fortunately, there are still plenty of better news: now there is an anti-aging treatment, which helps the elderly to have healthier muscles; a robotic hummingbird is using machine learning to go where drones cannot; Amazon drones will be making deliveries in months; NASA is developing a way to continuously measure medical analytes without having to take blood or tissue samples; artificial intelligence is more frequently applied in oncology; on the 4th of July everybody celebrates America the Beautiful.In this 8th newsletter of the third volume, the 32nd in total, we included the most relevant news, in a balanced approach, usually directly from the source, to help the general public better understand the realities around us. We included also several nice photos - I thank my wife for her photo assistance. Being well and correctly informed is a sine qua non requirement for everybody, in order to make the right decisions for the future, which future begins to take shape in our new chapter "The Future of People on Earth".This newsletter provides the information needed for making the best-informed decisions.Enjoy this newsletter and be optimist!
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