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Bøger af Matthew McKay

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  • - Skab et bedre liv med ACT
    af Georg H. Eifert, Matthew McKay & John P. Forsyth
    197,95 kr.

    Har du problemer med vrede? Har du tidligere forsøgt at kontrollere din vrede uden held?Hvis du svarer ja ti de to spørgsmål, kan denne bog give dig en helt ny tilgang til vreden - og et nyt håb. Du skal ikke længere bruge energi på at beherske eller fjerne din vrede. I stedet skal du sætte en stopper for, at vrede følelser dikterer, hvem du er, og hvordan du lever dit liv.Denne selvhjælpsbog er baseret på behandlingsformen ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), og den kan hjælpe dig til at slippe vreden og begynde at leve livet fuldt ud. For at nå dertil må du lære at acceptere dine vrede følelser uden at dømme dem eller prøve at beherske dem.Med teknikker, der er baseret på øvelser i mindfulness, lærer du at betragte dine vrede følelser, og øvelser i at 'definere dine værdier' hjælper dig til at finde frem til, hvad der virkelig betyder noget for dig. Dermed kan du engagere dig i kort- og langsigtede mål. der realiserer dine værdier. Undervejs i processen forsvinder den magt, vreden har haft over dit liv.

  • - Practical DBT Exercises for Learning Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation and Distress Tolerance
    af Matthew McKay, Jeffrey, MD Brantley & mfl.
    187,95 kr.

    A Clear and Effective Approach to Learning DBT Skills.

  • - A Proven Program of Cognitive Techniques for Assessing, Improving, and Maintaining your Self-Esteem
    af Matthew McKay
    207,95 kr.

    The much-anticipated fourth edition of the best-selling classic by Matthew McKay, Self-Esteem is the go-to guide for those seeking to increase their sense of self-worth. This fully revised new edition features an innovative application of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to self-esteem and utilizes updated cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help readers create positive change and thrive.

  • - ACT to End Painful Relationship Patterns
    af Matthew McKay & Patrick Fanning
    232,95 kr.

    The Interpersonal Problems Workbook combines research and evidence-based techniques for strengthening relationships in all areas in life-whether it's at home , at work, with a significant other, a parent, or a child.

  • af Matthew McKay
    499,95 kr.

    The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook broke new ground in self-help resources when it was released more than ten years ago, offering readers unprecedented access to the core skills of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Now fully revised and updated, this second edition continues to offer straightforward, step-by-step exercises that will bring core DBT skills to thousands who need it.

  • af Matthew McKay
    340,95 kr.

    For readers struggling with painful and overwhelming emotions such as anxiety, depression, shame, anger, and self-blame, Healing Emotional Pain Workbook offers powerful and customizable tools grounded in process-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for finding balance and improving well-being. With this proven-effective workbook, readers will learn to target the root cause of their emotional pain, and discover personalized skills for living a vital and values-based life.

  • af Matthew McKay
    256,95 kr.

    Since its publication in 1987, Self-Esteem by Matthew McKay and Patrick Fanning has set the standard for self-help books that seek to improve self-esteem. With more than 600,000 copies sold through its three editions, Self-Esteem has helped hundreds of thousands of readers learn to think more positively about themselves, bringing them greater happiness, success, and peace of mind. But Self-Esteem is more than just one book. The Self-Esteem Companion, published in 1999, distilled the best techniques of the original book into sixty simple exercises that readers could learn and use when and wherever they went. Now, the people who brought you Self-Esteem and The Self-Esteem Companion have once again adapted the inspiring techniques from the original book into a new and exciting project. This book uses a technique known as guided journaling to help readers teach themselves to vocalize their feelings, conquer self-doubt, discover their strengths-and generally change the way they think and feel about themselves for the better. The Self-Esteem Guided Journal offers you a ten-week program of writing exercises that will help you shift your focus from the things wrong with your life to the things that are right. The book begins with a week of journaling about non-judgment-regarding everything from people in the news to your own behavior. Weeks two and three guide you to discover your strengths and redefine your weaknesses. The exercises in weeks five and six help you review your past to see how formative events have affected your self-esteem. Week seven focuses on the impact of thoughts, while week eight works to help you learn how to hold to your own truths and stand up for yourself. In week nine, you'll directly explore your experiences with your own self-esteem Achilles heel, and finally, week ten helps you create daily opportunities to experience your personal worth and serves as a launching pad for future journaling activities.

  • af Matthew McKay
    152,95 kr.

    A guided journey to discover your soul’s answers to life’s great questions

  • af Matthew McKay
    224,95 kr.

    Written by a dream team of mental health experts and grounded in the most effective evidence-based therapies, The Anger Toolkit offers powerful tools for managing anger in the moment, when readers need it most. With this quick-relief guide, readers will find fast-acting tips, tricks, and skills to cool their temper, find calm in triggering situations, and stop letting anger run their lives.

  • af Matthew McKay
    204,95 kr.

    In today's increasingly uncertain and difficult world, it's natural to feel anxious, scared, sad, lonely, angry, worried, or hopeless. Based on the self-help classic, Thoughts and Feelings, this take-anywhere guide offers proven-effective cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) skills to help readers challenge the negative thinking that leads to anxiety and depression, balance their emotions, and start engaging in activities that bring them meaning and purpose.

  • af Matthew McKay
    194,95 kr.

    In Pocket Therapy for Emotional Balance, three clinical psychologists and authors of The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook offer quick, evidence-based tips and tools for managing intense emotions in the moment. Using this handy, take-anywhere guide, readers will find freedom from overwhelming thoughts and feelings, find a sense of calm, and live a more balanced life.

  • af Matthew McKay
    152,95 kr.

    From balancing work and relationships to navigating financial challenges and health issues--in our hectic and busy lives, stress is simply unavoidable. The Stress Relief Guided Journal offers readers powerful writing practices to help combat the negative effects of stress and integrate healthy relaxation habits into their lives. With this soothing journal, readers will create their own calming space to let go of tension and feel more peaceful in body and mind--in just minutes a day.

  • af Matthew McKay, Patrick Fanning & Michael Jason Greenberg
    302,95 kr.

  • af Matthew McKay
    326,95 kr.

    You are stronger than your anxiety! That's the message best-selling authors Matthew McKay, Michelle Skeen, and Patrick Fanning tell readers in this evidence-based guide for moving past anxiety. Based in proven-effective cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), this practical workbook offers a breakthrough exposure-based approach to help readers understand and overcome fears and worries-rather than avoid them.

  • af Matthew McKay
    262,95 kr.

    The Self-Esteem Guided Journal offers a ten-week program of writing exercises that will help you shift your focus from the things wrong with your life to the things that are right. The book begins with a week of journaling about non-judgment--regarding everything from people in the news to your own behavior. Weeks two and three help you discover your strengths and redefine your weaknesses. The exercises in weeks five and six help you review your pasts to see how formative events have affected your self-esteem. Week seven focuses on the impact of thoughts, while week eight works to help you learn how to hold to your own truths and stand up for yourself. In week nine, you'll directly explore your experiences with your own self-esteem Achilles heel, and finally, week ten helps you create daily opportunities to experience your personal worth and serves as a launching pad for future journaling activities.

  • af Matthew McKay
    207,95 kr.

  • af Matthew McKay
    125,95 kr.

    How to continue to love in the face of pain and loss

  • af Matthew McKay
    431,95 - 434,95 kr.

  • - Jordan's Message to the Living on What to Expect after Death
    af Matthew McKay
    162,95 kr.

    A channeled guide to the life-death transition experience and how to prepare for the wonders of the afterlife

  • af Matthew McKay, Martha Davis & Elizabeth Robbins Eshelman
    455,95 kr.

    The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook broke new ground when it was first published forty years ago, detailing easy, step-by-step techniques for calming the body and mind in an increasingly overstimulated world. Now in its seventh edition and with more than one million copies sold, this fully revised and updated workbook-highly regarded by therapists and their clients-remains the go-to resource for stress reduction strategies that can be incorporated into even the busiest lives.

  • af Matthew McKay
    152,95 kr.

  • af Matthew McKay & Jeffrey C. Wood
    222,95 kr.

  • - Overcome Thoughts of Defectiveness and Increase Well-Being Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
    af Matthew McKay
    227,95 kr.

    Many people with depression believe they are defective, unwanted, or inferior, and this feeling of being flawed and inadequate often leads to a strong sense of shame. Written by experienced clinicians, this workbook provides readers with practical, proven-effective skills based in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), so they can identify and alleviate shame-based, self-defeating beliefs, and learn to create a more fulfilling life.Do you feel like you're broken? Are you depressed because you believe that you're somehow defective, unwanted, orinferior? Do you feel self-conscious and insecure, constantly comparing yourself to others? Are you sensitive to criticism, or terrified of rejection?Feeling flawed and inadequate often stems from negative childhood experiences. If you grew up in a highly criticalenvironment, you might feel unworthy of being loved, or have a deep sense of shame about your perceived defects. Youmay tell yourself there is something inherently wrong with you that prevents you from forming satisfying relationships,finding happiness, and succeeding in life. So, how can free yourself from the self-defeating beliefs that keep you trappedin the depths of depression?Grounded in evidence-based acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), this workbook will give you the tools toidentify and dismiss your core beliefs of personal defectiveness, and build a life based on positive choices and values thatbring vitality and a sense of personal fulfillment. You'll discover ways to develop psychological flexibility, freeing yourselffrom old habits and unhealthy coping mechanisms, and alleviating symptoms of depression. Finally, you'll learn to seeyourself in all your wonderful complexity, with kindness and compassion.The truth is you are not broken, and painful memories of the past do not have to dictate your future. If you're ready toheal and treat yourself to the care and compassion you deserve, this book will show you how.

  • - The Communications Skills Book (16pt Large Print Edition)
    af Matthew McKay
    367,95 kr.

    This classic, best-selling communication skills book has already helped thousands of people cultivate better relationships with friends, family members, coworkers, and partners. Now fully revised and updated, this long-awaited fourth edition of Messages teaches readers to become active listeners, read body language, identify communication styles, practice conflict resolution, improve public speaking skills, and much more. In addition, the book features a new, crucial chapter on digital communication to help readers thrive in the modern world.

  • af Matthew McKay
    254,95 kr.

    Since its publication in 1987, Self-Esteem by Matthew McKay and Patrick Fanning has set the standard for self-help books that seek to improve self-esteem. With more than 600,000 copies sold through its three editions, Self-Esteem has helped hundreds of thousands of readers learn to think more positively about themselves, bringing them greater happiness, success, and peace of mind. But Self-Esteem is more than just one book. The Self-Esteem Companion, published in 1999, distilled the best techniques of the original book into sixty simple exercises that readers could learn and use when and wherever they went. Now, the people who brought you Self-Esteem and The Self-Esteem Companion have once again adapted the inspiring techniques from the original book into a new and exciting project. This book uses a technique known as guided journaling to help readers teach themselves to vocalize their feelings, conquer self-doubt, discover their strengths-and generally change the way they think and feel about themselves for the better. The Self-Esteem Guided Journal offers you a ten-week program of writing exercises that will help you shift your focus from the things wrong with your life to the things that are right. The book begins with a week of journaling about non-judgment-regarding everything from people in the news to your own behavior. Weeks two and three guide you to discover your strengths and redefine your weaknesses. The exercises in weeks five and six help you review your past to see how formative events have affected your self-esteem. Week seven focuses on the impact of thoughts, while week eight works to help you learn how to hold to your own truths and stand up for yourself. In week nine, you'll directly explore your experiences with your own self-esteem Achilles heel, and finally, week ten helps you create daily opportunities to experience your personal worth and serves as a launching pad for future journaling activities.

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