Bag om The Egyptian Cinderella
The Egyptian Cinderella is a captivating tale by renowned author Shirley Climo. Published by HARPERCOLLINS in 1989, this book offers a unique spin on the classic Cinderella story. Set in the heart of Egypt, the narrative unfolds with a rich blend of history and folklore, making it a compelling read for anyone interested in both fairy tales and ancient cultures. Shirley Climo masterfully weaves this tale, incorporating authentic Egyptian culture and details that transport readers to a time and place far removed from their own. This book is a testament to Climo's storytelling prowess and her ability to adapt a familiar story into a new and exciting context. Published by the esteemed HARPERCOLLINS, The Egyptian Cinderella is a book that will enchant readers of all ages with its blend of history, culture, and magic.
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